Member Reviews

This middle grade mystery thriller gave me "My Babysitter's A Vampire" meets Percy Jackson, which I was obviously into. I read middle grade frequently, so I'm accustomed to running into unrealistically mature middle graders, but although our MC was intelligent, he displayed realistic flaws (i.e.: anger issues).

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Danny Zelko, 13 going on 14, needs to get rid of his mom’s boyfriend, Harry. The guy is a creep. Drinks too much lock Danny out of the house, gets in Danny’s face and calls him Danielle.

Of course, everyone blames Danny. It’s his fault he gets into fights at school. It’s his fault he can’t control his anger. It’s his fault Harry is such a jerk. Danny isn’t such a bad kid—he has his own lawn business, makes his own dinner, even takes out the garbage and closes up the house without being asked. All he wants is for his mom to be like she used to be—a real mother who acted like one. Because Harry makes her stupid. When she gets around him, she forgets about her kids. Disappears with him, doesn’t stick up for her own son. And the prospect of spending another day with this man makes Danny feel helpless and broken.

So when Danny’s sister, Lisa, reveals that Harry and their mom are getting married, Danny, never the one to cower, decides to do something. That’s right, one way or another, he will get rid of Harry.

Set in 1983, New Jersey, Seven Ways to Get Rid of Harry is packed with Danny’s friends and enemies, a few fist fights, heartbreak and fury, and a little humor too.

Harry is a bully and goes out of his way to Danny. It is sometimes humorous, sometimes sad. A young teen trying to get a break while making list to get rid of the family's problem...Harry. He writes lists on how he should do this, not intending to follow through them.
A good book for YA, teens.
Thank you, NetGalley for the advance copy .

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Thanks to NetGalley and Down and Out Books for the ARC. I see that it is classified in the Teens and YA category. I am decades beyond those targeted readers, but I enjoyed it. I found the young teenagers' problems, dialogue and behaviour very realistic. It was written in a way that Daniel's home life immediately engaged my sympathy.

Daniel is a responsible thirteen-year-old boy. He has his own snow removal and lawnmowing business. He also displays a lot of anger. He is getting in trouble at school for fights, some which he instigates, and others for which he is blamed unfairly. This behaviour is getting worse because he is under much stress at home. His mother's boyfriend, Harry, is a mean drunk and even when sober he picks on Daniel. Daniel is afraid that it will escalate to physical abuse. His mother is no help, always taking Harry's side, and she accompanies Harry in his heavy drinking, often passing out drunk. Both Daniel and his sister feel neglected, and resent and fear the day of their mother's upcoming wedding to this vile man. To add to Daniel's distress, Harry is taking money which Daniel has earned mowing lawns.

Daniel fears the day that Harry moves in for good. He makes a list of 7 ways to get rid of Harry with some suggestions and encouragement from his sister and a couple of friends. He is having little success with attempts to carry out plans from his list, as most everything in his life is fouled up. The outcome is not what Daniel was hoping for, but probably the most rational and mature solution for a boy in his predicament.
Recommended for its realistic, and thought-provoking insight into the life and mind of an unhappy teenager

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