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How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids

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I really enjoyed this book. Carla Naumburg does a great job of talking to parents like they are good friends. The book focuses on the parent and how we are triggered and how we can change. This is not a shaming book, but it definitely doesn’t let parents off the hook. It is a good balance of tough love, great advice, and empathy since she has been there, and still is there, and so is everyone else. There is good parenting advice and just good life advice in general about taking care of ourselves so we can take care of others. This book provided some good steps for moving forward without losing it.
Thank you, Netgalley, for my digital copy of How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids in exchange for my honest-to-goodness review of this novel by Carla Naumburg.

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Fantastic book! My second one from the author, having read Ready, Set, Breathe! I knew this will not disappoint.

Funny, relatable, non-judgemental and full of mindfulness tips!

Read it!

Thank you NetGalley and Carla Naumburg for my copy!

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A lot of useful advice. I actually really liked the way the author wrote so that probably made it more enjoyable. Took me forever to read because I always take long with nonfiction. It was a lot to process and take in while also trying to put it into practice.

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Such a helpful book for raising children. As a mom of three young boys I was encouraged when reading this book. It gives practical tools to stop losing it towards the people you love most. Highly recommend.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my opinions.

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There is a lot of repetition and not needed information in this book, but there is also a very good summary on less than 10 pages in the end, which I wish I read instead of the whole book, as there was little to no new information for me there.
In a nutshell, you should make sure you have enough sleep, exercise, manage stress, and notice when you lose it - that's basically all.

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This book is everything you already know you should be doing but dang, being a good parent is hard work. Ha ha. Just kidding. The author goes out of her way to assure us that we don’t need to be perfect; we just need to be more introspective and address our own issues. It does help a lot to stop and say, “wait a minute, where is this coming from?” This is a book that I would probably refer back to again, and I wish I had some kind of parenting book club to go along with this book. Four stars because the writing style is a little off-putting— very “hey, guys, I’m just like you!”

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This book made me feel better about myself as a parent, gave me real tips I can use, and made me laugh! One of the better parenting books that I have read!

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It's probably bad to say that a 200 page book felt way too long, but that's how I felt while reading this book. At times it felt like there was just filler and could have easily been cut down. The reason this bothers me is that as a parent, when I'm reading a parenting book, I don't want the filler like I might in a novel for entertainment. I just want the information to improve my parenting and move on to actually implementing that information.

Despite being longer than needed, I felt like the author did have some good points. Everything she said to help with "losing your shit" seemed like common sense, but was a good reminder. Especially since when you are in the middle of losing your temper you can often forget simple things like breathing or noticing you're exhausted. I also liked how she was very personable in her writing and didn't make me feel bad as a parent because I can lose my temper with my kids. She affirms the parent while still saying that something needs to be done to do better in the future. I did get a couple good ideas out of this book, but it definitely wasn't the best parenting book I've read. It falls somewhere in the middle.

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This book is great for parents who lose their wits with their kids sometimes. I love that it gave practical advise and as I was reading it, I didn't feel judged at all. The author speaks on the importance of self-care and how you can identify what triggers your negative reactions to how you handle a difficult child. She gives practical tips that can help preventing meltdowns from your littles.

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Loved loved loved this book! For every busy mom this book gave you bite sized chapters filled with practical knowledge and tips to implement in those moments when parenting gets crazy. I underlined and wrote down so many things and will be recommending this book to all my mom friends!

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This is frank and practical advice for parenting in a culture of extreme pressure and critique. I identifying triggers especially goes a long way toward staying calm.

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This book is everything I have wanted in a parenting book since I realized that my children can be annoying. I didn’t understand WHY I was so mad anyhow to avoid the adult meltdown. But, most books are prescriptive and holier than thou OR tells you to pay for a massage which is not a common option for middle class families. THIS BOOK IS NOT THOSE THINGS. It’s honest, raw, and boils down all the data and strategies for peaceful parenting in a digestible and approachable manner. I will read this book over and over. (ARC via Netgalley/opinions are mine).

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Lots of good info about why parents lose it with our kids, what is triggering us, and practical steps to take to decrease our frequency of losing it. There are ideas of how to get out of a moment when you're in it, and what to do to afterwords if you can't stop. I liked this and feel like it had a bunch of tips and ideas I can implement.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Parenting has evolved so much in these recent years. I've read my fair share of parenting books because who doesn't want to raise a well behaved angel?? I love this one because it's not just about what causes the tantrums in your child; it's about recognizing your own triggers so you don't lose your cool. I love the honesty in the experiences shared in the writing and I especially love the witty prose!

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There are so many books out there on how to parent better and with less stress but finally a simple and to the point method that actually works and does not take long to read and digest. A perfect blend of personal narrative and approachable guidance backed by clear logic that gets results. I feel calmer already and in reality if my stress is reduced, so is everyone else’s and there is a lot less shit to lose!

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I swear this book was written just for me. I thought I was going to be this cool, calm, fun loving, go with the flow mom and boy did that turn out to be further from the truth. I yell, a lot. I've officially turned into my mother. I am still go with the flow, but man do I ever lose my shit. This book gives real tangible advice and it was enjoyable to read. That is rare for a parenting book from my prospective. Thank you, NetGalley, for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I like how Carla explains that being a good parent doesn't mean you don't ever lose it with your kids. And she explains how we're actually wired as humans to lose it every once in a while. She goes into depth about identifying triggers and the importance of self-care, and uses her own experiences as a mom to connect with readers and let them know they're not alone. While I enjoyed the casual, conversational tone of the book, the constant use of the word sh*t and other acronyms (e.g. burp and fart) were a bit off-putting to me. Carla weaves mindfulness practices throughout the book and emphasizes the importance of being accepting and present in the moment. Although it sometimes feels like she's trying to cover every possible scenario and solution, there's a lot of good information in the book that will be helpful to parents looking for support.

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Loved the no-nonsense language of the book, as well as the advice itself. As a mom, I loved the book, and as a librarian and friend, I'll be recommending it to every parent I know!

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Review 2 for #reviewathon. This book wasn't bad. It just wasn't anything ground breaking or original. Same old advice I've read in dozens of parenting books: Sleep More, use your phone less, find support. Just with some humor thrown in, and lots of swears. I am quite weary of the word "trigger/triggered" lately and this book uses it right about to death. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of research to backup this advice either, mostly it seems to be what the author thinks worked for her. I was hoping for something a bit more researched and original.

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As a grandparent, I wish there had been this commonsense book when I was a parent. It would have helped tremendously to know I was not alone in my dealings with losing my shit. In the 80’s no one talked openly about the grind that accompanied the joy of parenting.

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