Member Reviews

Looooved the premise, and the fact that neither Jo, nor Corrado, believed in love when they met. It was so clever to create a connection that forced proximity between these two characters. I absolutely love what they brought out in each other, and how no matter how hard they fought it, they couldn’t resist falling for each other.

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I actually read this some time ago, on my way to Italy actually (not Rome!), and was drawn into the story of Joanna, a doctor of science, and Corrado, who is something of a womaniser. As always the descriptions of settings and scenery in Italy wowed me, not least as I was living the journey (somewhat!) and I found the take on the scientific manners of attraction interesting. I’m always one for seeing whether a leopard can change its spots, and watching Joanna and Corrado was no exception. Very much recommended. Thanks so much to the publisher for the book in return for an honest review.
Rating 4.5/5

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Dr. Joanna Brown works for a conservation charity, she wants to rid the planet of plastic and especially from the oceans. Jo dated a handsome model for four years, after having her heart broken she’s decided to stay away from good looking men and she's better off being single. Her sister Angie is engaged to Mario, his family own a hotel and restaurant in Rome.

While on a business trip to Rome, Jo catches up with her sister and future brother-in-law and she meets his brother Corrado. He’s a chemist, the known womanizer tells Jo he doesn't believe in love and it’s just a biochemical reaction. Jo loves Rome, the old buildings, walking the ancient streets, eating the delicious food and drinking wine. Corrado is happy to show her the sights, he takes his dog Daisy with them, they lookout for butterflies and try to stop the Labrador from jumping into any water she can find.

Jo knows she's falling in love with the charming Corrado, due to her sister marrying his brother and she doesn’t want to take their relationship to the next level. Jo’s worried it will cause tension between the two families, she doesn’t want to ruin her sister’s wedding and have her heart broken again.

I received a copy of Dreaming of Rome by T. A. Williams from NetGalley and Canelo in exchange for an honest review. The story is set in a beautiful place, you wish you’re the person walking the streets of Rome with Corrado, sailing the Mediterranean and stopping at a small island for a swim and lunch. Jo and Corrado are two highly intelligent people, they have so much in common and all they need is for Corrado to believe in love and stop being so cynical. Four stars from me, a romance set in a picturesque place and I’m looking forward to reading, Dreaming of Verona.

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T.A. Williams really knows how to write a captivating romance book. I always enjoy reading his books.

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And with that, I have completed the set!

I make no secret of the fact that I love the ‘Dreaming Of…’ series by T. A. Williams but, up until now, I have read all but one. I corrected that this week by reading Dreaming of Rome.

Once again we travel to gorgeous Italy and are treated to a warm, romantic story and descriptions of the country that will make you wish we were still able to travel at the moment!

I don’t know how he does it, but T. A. Williams is a master at packing his books full of historical information, Italian culture, science and – on this occasion – lepidopterology but it never overwhelms the central story. In this case, in fact, it only proves that that couple in question are made for each other if only they could see it as clearly as we can.

I find myself more and more drawn to nice, romantic stories at the moment, and the ‘Dreaming Of…’ books are among the best around. I’ve already embarked on the first two of T. A. Williams’ next series (Escape to Tuscany) and I can’t wait to see which star-crossed couple he comes up with next!

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Rome is definitely where the heart is. What a warm story.

Dreaming of Rome was so vivid it felt as if I was right there. Quite enjoyable read. Highly recommend.

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This book wasn’t what I hoped. It seems altogether written by someone completely different to the author of Dreaming Of Venice.

I gave it a chance but couldn’t continue: it was engaging enough but the dialogue was not worth reading and there was no wit or a meaningful nature to the book.

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When Jo goes to Rome to see her sister who is getting married she is definitely off men but then she meets the groom's brother Corrado and the sparks fly but she will soon be returning home and she won't see him again. Fate gets in the way though and she is soon back in Rome for work.... will she see Corrado again and will she still feel the same?

Another lovely book by this author with great descriptions of Rome and of course the obligatory labrador to steal the show. A light warm summer read perfect for the beach

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I really wanted to enjoy this book, but I found it slow. Maybe it’s me and living with covid, but I just couldn’t get into it. I’m sure it’ll be a great read for some people, especially as a holiday, but it wasn’t for me.

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I love Rome and loved that this book made me feel like I was there again. With a lovely romance and fun characters I enjoyed every minute of reading this.

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I have read and enjoyed some of T.A. Williams' previous books so was looking forward to reading this one. I wasn't disappointed. A charming tale of butterflies, delicious food, a gorgeous Labrador and all set in beautiful Rome. A lovely light hearted feel good romance - I was drawn in from the start. Well paced with characters who I liked and empathised with.

A perfect book for a summer holiday read or for a cold winter's afternoon on the sofa.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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DNF at 26%
I love the novels of T. A. Williams, but unfortunately, this was not for me. The storyline was remarkable but the narration was too dull.

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As romances go, this one was pretty predictable. The descriptions of Rome are beautiful, but the story lacked tension. It was also way too descriptive, down to even talking about how the female protagonist bought underwear. For a woman with a PhD who claimed to be off men after a painful break-up, she seemed awfully obsessed with the men she met, gauging each one by how attracted she was to them. The feminist in me also struggled with the notion that she’d give up a dream job to be with the man she loved, and she seemed to define herself by the men in her life rather than by her intellect and contributions to the environment. Not a terrible read, but not memorable either.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from Canelo through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Another delightful TA Williams novel and another delightful Labrador, Daisy! His books a re so fun and lighthearted and entertaining. You know exactly what you're going to get and it's like a nice book hug. TA is an auto read author for me and this is another great one!

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This book made me happy!

T.A. Williams has done it again...why am I surprised? #FavouriteAuthor

**OMG! I cannot believe that these reviews haven't been done! I am so sorry they are so late!!!**

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Thank you netgalley and the publishers for this book. It was a nice story but i lost interest 50% into the book. It was a nice book but may be not for me.

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Some say you should never judge a book by it’s cover but then, they also say never say never too, right?! The beautiful book cover for Dreaming of Rome gives a perfectly appropriate snapshot of the overall essence of the book. Of course, there’s more to this story than an attractive woman roaming the streets of Rome but it certainly gives you a good idea of what type of book you’re about to read… and read it, you must!

This book is for all the dreamers out there and anyone that’s looking for a fun, yet thoughtful read. In keeping with the theme of his other ‘Dreaming’ novels, this book is true romantic women’s fiction [without too much fuss in the bedroom scenes]. Filled with interesting characters and dynamic relationships, paired with the beautiful location, this book is sure to capture your attention in the best way possible.

I’ve always been a big fan of the small details that give meaning to a story and I truly loved the details peppered throughout. One such detail present in this book that I loved [and that’s a common theme in most of his books] was the presence of an energetic four-legged friend. The bond that forms between man and dog is such a beautiful thing to observe and I loved the way this furry friend was written alongside her favorite humans.

Whether you’ll be reading from the comfort of your home or while lounging in the sun on a beach chair, I highly recommend you add this novel to your Summer reading list!

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I really started dreaming of Rome while reading this book. The Eternal City is captured beautifully and makes me want to see all those sites that Jo and Corrado discovered together.

Unfortunately, these travel-guide-like descriptions were the parts I liked best. The blossoming romance was too technical & theoretical for me, lacking an emotional factor. Too much talk about love, lust and limbic systems - but no feeling. Not even in the final chapter - the 'showdown' - did I get butterflies (Jo's hobby, by the way) in my stomach. Thus I didn't really root for these two people that each repeated their views on love, relationships and how they are 'only very good friends' way too often for my liking. It got boring after a while. Additionally, this side-story about Markus was just weird.

Since I'm not a dog-person, not even Daisy could make me like the characters more. Only their jobs sounded very interesting. Saving the planet by reducing plastic waste! Sadly, we don't get to hear one single idea what could replace plastic packaging or disposable articles made out of plastic.

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wow i loved this book, great to read on a beach, i have not been to Italy but reading this it felt as if i was there with Jo and Corrado. Following both of them to see if they get together or not.

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This was a cute story. It was nice if you’ve been to Rome. It was fun readIng about the historical sites. Fun read.

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