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Secrets of the Chocolate House

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The second in a series, SECRETS OF THE CHOCOLATE HOUSE, has a good plot and nice time travel elements but really stumbles with the heroine/protagonist. Xanthe, the protagonist of both books, has special skills that cause found objects to sing to her. Why author Paula Brackston decided to make her a doormat in this second book, I don’t know, but it really bothered me. If I missed her backstory in the first tale, it was offered up now: she has an awful ex-boyfriend. OK. She was really made a fool by him. Really. He reappears and she fails to fully dismiss him. She has many half-hearted reasons why she can’t fully push him away but, yuck. I prefer my protagonists not to be unbearably stupid. It really impacted my enjoyment of this book and whether or not I will read further. Brackston is an author I really enjoy but this is a character flaw too fatal for me to endure. I received my copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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I love time travel. It fascinates me!
This is the sequel to "The Little Shop of Found Things" and it is just as amazing as the first novel.
"And so you have started your travels, each journey a test not only of your courage and integrity, but of your suitability as a Spinner."
Spinners can freely move from century to century as Xanthe learns.
However, it is not something everyone is able to do and one must be careful.
Xanthe is learning to fine tune her "gift" of spinning in this story and to also be mindful of those she can trust with her secret. She travels back to the seventeenth century following the singing of and old chocolate kettle that she
has found.
Xanthe is hoping she will be able to help her friend and save him from torture and death, but can she?
What other knowledge will she learn of while back in time?
I hope there are more book in this series! It is so well written and so much wonderful detail shared!

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After finishing <i>The Little Shop of Found Things</i>, I was excited to pick up an ARC copy of its sequel, <i>Secrets of the Chocolate House</i>. The first installment was a fun, fast read, and while I didn't love the heroine, Xanthe, I enjoyed the story and Brackston's style. This one, though I enjoyed a bit less. It could be that the book, being an ARC, hasn't gone through its final edits, but I found it to be overly wordy - the reader doesn't need minute details about architecture that doesn't move the story forward - and inconsistent. There is a moment in the middle of the book, for example, when Xanthe is concerned that she has changed the past, and she visits a graveyard to check Samuel's death date. First, that she's able to clearly read a tombstone inscription that's 400 years old stretches the imagination a bit. But, upon reading it, she <spoiler> sees an earlier date than she expected and believes that she has altered the past, causing Samuel to die early. However, there was never any mention of her having checked the death date before that moment; how can she know that Samuel had died early due to her actions? In fact, if Samuel was so important, in the three months between the last time she said "goodbye" to him and the time she last saw him in this book, why didn't she check this particular graveyard or try to find out anything about him? Isn't there in England? Isn't there a British version of Find A Grave? </spoiler>

There's also the matter of Xanthe using overly-familiar manners with the people she meets in the 17th century, calling them by their first name, and them taking it in stride. Brackston has made a huge effort to portray 17th-century live as accurately as possible - her research was clearly very thorough - so why would she let Xanthe act so familiar without those actions being challenged?

That being said, the story, itself, was a lot of fun. There are plot points that come up that make me wonder why they're there (i.e. Xanthe's wardrobe choices and her father's actions, which still haven't been resolved at all), and Harley calling everyone "hen" worked my nerves after awhile, but these things didn't detract from a good story. I'm giving it 3.5 stars, rounded to 4.

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I volunteered to read and revu\iew this book. Thank you, NetGalley for this opportunity. I was not familiar with Paula Brackston's work prior to reading this book but I was pleasantly surprised. Such an interesting concept for a Historical Novel. I loved that Xanthe had the ability to travel between different centuries. I would say that this book will be loved by the readers that love Romance novels.

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This is the second book in this series of Xanthe and her ability to time travel. I very much enjoyed the first book, so I was looking forward to this follow up and it did not disappoint. There was some new characters like Lady Flyte who is still a mystery and of course, Fairfax who is trouble. The book ended on a cliffhanger, and I am not sure if this will be a triology, or multiple books to the story. I would recommend this book and wonder what will become of Xanthe and either Samuel of the past (is this storyline finished for good?) or Liam of the present.

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Richly atmospheric and captivating, Secrets of the Chocolate House is truly a bewitching sequel novel, brimming with secrets, history, and passion. A series not to be missed!

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What an enjoyable read! It was so mesmerizing. The storyline was captivating. I couldn’t put it down!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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As a big Paula Brackston fan, I loved The Little Shop of Found Things. I was pleased to hear that the next book in the series was available so soon, and was equally thrilled to read it early. Secrets of the Chocolate House had everything I loved about The Little Shop of Found Things, but it was an entire new story with new challenges for Xanthe. Definitely a must-read, and I can't wait for the next book!

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I read the 1st in the series and enjoyed it. I didn't realize this was the 2nd in the series. I will purchase it, but I'm not sure I will keep reading. I will recommend it to some of my patrons.

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I have not read the first book in this series. However, I could understand what is going on without reading the first book. I found Xanthe to be an interesting character. She is a time traveler who can go back in time. In this story, she goes back to the sixteenth century. The novel is beautifully written and the story flows at an even pace. I recommend this for fans of The Time Collector.

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I have read the first book in the series called "The Little Shop of Fine Things" and I loved it.
The second book rekindled that love again!
Paula Brackston is a phenomenal author that has a capability of mixing paranormal and tike travel aspects like noone else. From the beginning she captivates you with her charismatic story line and imagination. Magic, suspense, ghosts, time travel, romance all mixed together in an extraordinary style. Reading her previous stand alone books were never dispoitmentment, but reading this new series is a hit in my eyes. I have loved everything in this book. I could not stop reading. I also can not wait for more! I wish her another book is published tomorrow, because I will be the first one to read it! The author is very talented with a huge imagination for writing fiction stories. I simply cant get enough!.... love Can't be and her title travel adventures so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Xanthe is a Spinner who travels back in time as items “Call to her” to set right some wrong in the past. When a chocolate pot calls her back to her beloved Samuel in the 1600s, she finds herself crossing paths with the evil Benedict Fairfax, who will determine the fate of Samuel and his family.

In order to save Samuel and his family, Xanthe must make a deal with Lord Fairfax. Even harder than making a deal with the devil is having to say goodbye to Samuel once and for all and allowing both of them to move on with their lives, though Xanthe hopes she will be able to strike a deal that will allow Samuel to live a long and happy life.

I have read The Witch’s Daughter by Paul Brackston and it was good, but this book? WOW! It has been awhile since I have read a book that COMPLETELY has me under it’s spell, and that is exactly what the author has done with this book. I could not put it down and was sad to have it end. Cannot wait for the next book in the series and am going to be reading the first book, The Little Shop of Found Things, this weekend!

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I loved this book! I hope we see more of Xanthe and her connection with her found treasures. Writing is easy to get wrapped up in and want to hideout and just keep saying one more chapter one more page. Thank you for this opportunity to read an advanced reader copy..

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Who does not like a good cup of chocolate? And who does not enjoy a good book while drinking a tasty hot chocolate?
In this second installment of the series Found Things Xanthe, our protagonist, finds a copper chocolate pot that "sings" to show her in an alarming vision that Samuel is in danger and that same chocolate pot will help her to travel back to the 17th century, this time to help our old acquaintance Samuel to get rid of the danger in which he finds himself accused of the crime of treason.
Like the first book, it is almost impossible to stop reading this new story, in which our traveler will discover some secrets and allies to help her travel in time, as well as meet a dangerous and powerful enemy.

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Secrets of the Chocolate House
By Paula Brackston
St Martin Press
Historical Fiction
Pub date: 22 Oct 2019

Historical Fiction -Mystical Realism

This book was received as an ARC from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own

Things waiting to be found, still injustices needing to be put right, still voices whispering to Xanthe from long ago about secrets wanting to be shared.

New York Times bestselling author Paula Brackston’s The Little Shop of Found Things second novel in this series .

This time she will discover her true destiny. Will that destiny allow her to return home? And will she be able to save Samuel when his own fate seems to be sealed?

Xanthe and her mother Flora have London behind .They now own antique shop in the historic town of Marlborough. Xanthe has always had an affinity with some of the antiques she finds. When she touches them, she can sense something of the past they come from and the stories they hold. This is the second installment in this series and it takes off right at the ending of Paula Brackston’s The Little Shop of Found Things. Xanthe does her best to settle back into the rhythm of life in Marlborough. She tells herself she must forget about Samuel and leave him in the past where he belongs. With the help of her new friends, she does her best to move on, focusing instead on the success of her and Flora’s antique shop.
This time it’s a Copper Chocolate Pot sings to her it was typical used in Chocolate Houses of the seventeen century. Where dissidents would meet to discuss politics of the day.
Xanthe’s character is developing more as she now excepts her gift of Time Travel. She discovers their is a name for travelers like herself. They are called,”Spinners”. Not all Spinners are honorable as Xanthe soon finds out. I tore through this novel as I do all of Paula Brackston’s books.
What really stood out for me and what I really loved about this story is the brilliant way Mrs Brackston uses Mystical Realism and and a creative storyline. Along with just enough romance and historical fiction to make this book an atmospheric, adventure. The Author masterly sets the characters and conflicts and plot, to keep the reader entertained and engaged. It's just the sort of magical fiction to form an escape we need from all the stresses of the real world.
Brackston’s enchanting way to weave
history with the time-travel makes for
A book that keeps you and hold captivated from start Finish.
I definitely would recommend this book, and I look forward to reading more of this series.

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I loved this. Back in her own time period, another object sings to Xanthe. It’s a chocolate pot used to mix drinks in chocolate houses where dissidents often met and discussed politics. It warns her that Samuel is in trouble and needs her help. With that in mind, she goes back to 1605 a few months after she left, to find Samuel and others in a dangerous situation. She learns that she is a spinner who can travel through time and that there are other spinners, too. She must deal with a man who is also a spinner but with less than honorable intentions and she must stop him before he destroys Samuel and his family. She also needs to learn to control her ability and she meets others that help her. I really like this story and I hope there are a lot of books to come in this series. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Secrets of the Chocolate House is even better than the first novel in this series, The Little Shop of Found Things. The whole time travel/spinning thing totally fascinates me. I love the characters, especially Xanthe. The ending blew me away and totally sets up the next installment of this series. Well done, Ms. Brackston.

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In this book Xanthe is growing into her role of time traveller, also known as a spinner. She proves that she truly has a gift and must use her gift responsibly. This time it is a copper chocolate pot that ‘sings’ to her. It tells her that Samuel, who we met in the first book, is in trouble and needs her help. Xanthe travels again back to the seventeenth century. She meets Benedict Fairfax, who proves a dangerous enemy. He is also a spinner, but lacks Xanthe’s expertise and is ruthless and power-driven. I anxiously await the third book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is an interesting and entertaining historical novel. The plot and characters were both interesting and entertaining. The storyline was easy to follow and I found myself finishing this novel in 2 days. I recommend both this series and author.

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