Member Reviews

First off, I would love to thank netgally and the publisher for give me the opportunity of reading this extended preview. After seeing this book all over social media I wanted to see what the buzz was all about and decided to request this short preview and she if I would like it. After reading chapters 1-5 I’m hooked and will buy the book as soon as I can.

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I just had the pleasure of reading a different kind of book, a book where a woman’s health condition is front and center in the plot of the story. Kristen suffers from uterine fibroids and has had a bad time of it. Very long and painful periods, anemia caused by the excessive flow, loss of social life due to the condition, difficulty in sustaining a sexual relation with a boyfriend, and most probably infertility. I had never read a woman condition portrayed in such a compassionate and realistic manner, a condition that is more common than we realize.

Josh moved from South Dakota to California to get away from a nuclear girlfriend he broke up with. He moved to be near his best friend Brandon who is about to marry the love of his life, Sloan. On his arrival day, he has a rear bender and the woman whose car he hit was very snarky and strange. He liked her on the spot. Later they meet again, as best man and maid of honor of their best friends, Brandon and Sloan. The snark, the witty repartee, the joking start immediately, with Kristen scowling and Josh enjoying himself immensely.

Kristen is immediately very off-putting with Josh, but since he has six sisters, he’s an expert managing snarky females so he’s at home managing her. He’s so great at it that they form a friendship and get along extremely well. Kristen recognized in Josh a perfect partner, but she has a boyfriend who’s deployed and arriving soon to move in with her. She’s torn because Josh is so much more compatible with her, he understands her because he observes her so closely as if she’s very important to him. She’s finding she feels for him more than for her actual boyfriend. Her problem: Josh wants kids in a future relation and she has none to offer due to her defective uterus.

Here we have the situation of a woman who feels defective because she doesn’t have healthy uterus. She settles for what she can have instead of what she wants and refuses to see any other alternative. Even though Josh is falling for her, she is extremely obstinate and will not compromise on her position.

There were many funny moments and other heartbreaking ones. Kristen is a very creative prankster and Josh is an exceptional accomplice. Fun times! The author draws you into the life of these characters and you’re delighted and irritated and angered at the many human situations portrayed. I was specially irritated by Kristen’s stubbornness in not having an open mind and frequently wanted to hit her on the head. I felt that the situation was stringed on a little longer than was necessary but maybe that was my impatience to get them to communicate. I felt for Josh who was the perfect boyfriend and didn’t seem to get a chance.

I loved this author’s writing, I found it refreshing and human and loved that she approached a sensitive subject matter with accuracy and sensitivity. I think any woman who has ever had a painful period sympathized and identified with Kristen’s disorder. Great reading!

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The first five chapters of this book are captivating.
Both Josh and Kristen are very interesting characters.
Josh escaped a relationship that wasn't going anywhere and moved to a new job in a new firehouse where he felt he might be a little busier.
Kristen is an entrepreneur who sells items for small dogs. But she has some serious health issues and a long-distance boyfriend she has only spent 14 weeks with over the span of 2 years.
Josh and Kristen meet when Josh accidentally rear-ends her when she slams on her breaks. Josh is interested in this fireball of a woman instantly.

The book seems like a quick fun read. I can't wait to read the rest.

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I read the first five chapters through NetGalley and I am very, very interested to see where this goes. I already love the characters - both the main two and the two side characters - and the dynamic between them. I can't wait to get my copy to see what happens!

As for now I am going to give this four stars because I am just so excited to read more!

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I really want to read the rest of the story, this was a very good teaser and it will be an amazing book

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The Friend Zone opens on a weird note - I think you're supposed to see that Josh is a good guy coming out of a rough breakup, but instead it made me wonder about him. Maybe I'm too familiar with men villainizing their exes to interpret it as a vote in his favor.

The meet-cute between the two romantic leads happens almost immediately, and includes Josh checking (Kristen) out more than once. I appreciated her calling him out on staring at her ass! It wasn't my favorite meeting - she's upset, and instead of him actually helping or voicing concern, his internal dialogue makes it clear he doesn't respect her all that much. (The vibe I got was that he thought she was a hot piece, not a person.)

But then he grew on me! And so did she. I'll definitely be continuing on with the rest of the book - probably in one sitting, right now.

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I actually had to own this beautiful book. I started reading it and I loved it. I ordered it so fast. This story is one of a kind and the author took her time and no rush. I love that we got to know the characters

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After reading the first five chapters, I'm so excited to read the whole book in its entirety. I will definitely be buying this book!

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I don't read romance books very often. As I find them too predictable and boring
However I really enjoyed the first five chapters and I was gutted I couldn't carry on.

Josh and Kristen met when Josh accidentally went into the back of Kristen. They exchanged non friendly words and went separate ways. Little did they know they were heading to the same place.

When Kristen's carpenter quits, Brandon, Josh friend was quick to recommend Josh
As Josh sets to work and spends more time with Kristen. Chemistry rears its ugly head but Kristen as a boyfriend...

I love the banter with Josh and Kristen. They clearly have a lot in common. I'm hoping the author was release the rest of the book soon as I can't wait to finish it!

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I received and only read a 5 chapter excerpt of this from Netgalley complimentary and I wouldn't go forward to read more. I mostly liked the characters but just too much and why is she flirting so hard with Josh when she HAS a boyfriend? I just couldn't get past that. Whether he was "the one" or not, don't disrespect another human for NO reason. It just was totally unnecessary.

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While The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez starts out as a fun story with witty banter and great chemistry between Kristen and Josh, (love them!) this is an amazing story that deals with infertility issues, strong friendships, family drama, loss, the most romantic love and self worth. I was crying tears of joy and laughter in the end, giving it 5 happy stars. I couldn’t stop reading it. And when I had to, I came back to it as soon as I could. I finished it in two days. I highly recommend this story. It’s told from both Kristen and Josh’s points of view. Loved it!

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WOW!! That all I can say about this book. I heard about this book on the Wicked Wallflower Podcast. This podcast interviewed Abby Jimenez. I was really intrigued about the plot of the book. As a woman, that has experience hormonal issues and family member whom had hysterectomy,

I wanted to read about these women experiences. Josh and Kristen a start as Enemies to Friends to Lovers. If you like The Hating Game, it kind of start like that however, you can see that Josh and Kristen has chemistry and spark fly off the page. However, Kristen has a boyfriend and fertility issues. It really amazing how these two get together.

There is a sudden tragedy that hits both of these characters. It was heartbreaking. You will cry and you will laugh. Please do not read at night right before bed, I couldn't put this book down. I didn't go to bed until 6am. I can't wait for the next book.

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The first five chapters of this book were just a tease!! They characters were instantly likeable and the book was so well written that I needed more. As soon as this book was available for purchase, I had to know what happened. Looking forwarded to getting to know Kirsten and Josh further in this romantic comedy -The Friend Zone.

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LOVE this book. So many deep topics (fertility issues) within the steamy chemistry. Can’t wait for next book to come out.

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I absolutely loved this book! I love a good rom com, but this one was so much more. The character development was great, really invested in all of them. Don't normally give 5 stars, but this book deserves it!!!!

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Wow this preview of The Friend Zone has left me wanting more! I can't wait to find out what happens with Kristen and Josh! Will they continue to be in -the friend zone or will something else materialize? This little sneak peek left me hanging.

I loved their playful banter and couldn't help but think what a great couple they might make. Although of course there is the boyfriend..hmmm guess I will need to pick up a copy and find out how this pans out.

Great pace, funny, witting and really got my interest from the first page.

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I was lucky enough to get a preview of this book and it wan't enough. I was in dire need of the entire book. I can't wait to get my hands on the entire book.

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I loved this extended preview. So much that I purchased the book to finish on vacation. Can’t wait to see how it all ends!

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I kept seeing this book everywhere and was excited to be given the chance to preview the first five chapters to see if this is a good one for me. I enjoyed the main characters and their banter. I think it will be great to see how their friendship develops and how they get to know one another. Will she, won't she fall for him? Will he stay as a friend. It is a cute romance and I am looking forward to finishing it.

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This is an extended preview (5 chapters) of the book and I cannot wait to go and buy this book. It had me hooked from the first chapter. I really enjoy the development of the two characters and their chemistry together. So far it is a 5 star from me.
Thank you to Netgalley for the extended preview copy of the book.

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