Member Reviews

Interesting set up for a story. Not sure about the lack of TW for some of the conception stuff.. Curious to see what else Abby writes. She has a really great voice and writing style.

I do not rate/fully review any chapter previews. Though this was a nice length preview overall.

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I don’t really know what to say about this book. It was one of my favorite books of the year. The beginning hooked me and I
Couldn’t put it down. The relationship between Josh and Kristen took readers on a roller coaster of emotions. The event towards the end had me in tears but made me love it even more.

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Thank to the publisher and Netgalley for a fabulous ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Witty and hilarious. The first 5 chapters will hook you in and I've already bought the book to see how this story play out.

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A great romantic read with such endearing characters. I'm looking forward to picking up a full copy.

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It seems like a cute story, but I hear it's heartbreaking as well. I was only able to preview 5 chapters on NetGalley, which wasn't quite enough. I'd like to read more before I form my opinion.

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I didn't really like this one like I expected I would. I am not sure I will be picking up the book to read more of it.

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Fun read and I did purchase the whole book when it came out! I enjoyed the characters, especially Kristen's tough facade. I laughed my way through most of the book but I also found it very sweet.

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I’ve been provided this book by Net Galley. All opinions are my own.

Sadly,i didn’t enjoy this preview as much as i hoped I would. It was very small and very character focused, even though we didn’t’ have time to get to know them, which unsettled me.

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Super excited to read the whole story now that I have read this extended preview. I had to get in paperback which I now have and will continue the story on shortly.
Super cute cover and so far so good

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4.5 Stars
I loved this slow-burn romance. It's hard to believe it is this authors debut. THE FRIEND ZONE had great character development and a great storyline. I was invested from the start! I laughed at the delicious banter between the main characters and cried when things didn’t turn out as I expected.

I had only one quibble; the heroine's conflict in the story was dragged out a little too long for me. I became frustrated with it and wished the issue would have been addressed sooner, letting us enjoy the romance between these characters. This is a personal preference, I think I like less drama and more togetherness.

I highly recommend this story, if you've not already read it!

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I can’t wait for the whole book, just preordered it. The preview was everything—it’s got me hankering for more, so job well done!

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I am really looking forward to reading the rest of The Friend Zone! I lost myself and flew through these chapters and now cannot wait to read more!

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I love that there was a free sample provided. I keep seeing all the hype about it and wanted to test it out before buying. It was super cute for the first pages that I was able to read. You can see the budding relationship between the two main characters, which I love about rom coms. I also liked how Kristen was a relatable female character. A very cute story so far. Can't wait to read further.

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A great preview and fun beginning to the story. I look forward to reading the rest! Great chemistry between the characters.

My only complaint came with formatting, a paragraph would end mid-sentence. It took away from the flow a little but it in no way will stop me from investing in this book for the rest of the story.

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I loved the idea of this book, and couldn't help downloading the extended preview from Netgalley, but was rather disappointed when I started reading it. The book was riddled with mistakes, which made it quite hard to read at times. For a book that was published in several weeks before I read the preview, I thought there would be zero mistakes. However, I think it would be interesting to read the actual published version to compare the two, as I would hope that this would be something that was amended before publication.

Despite this, I did get slightly into the story and as stated I enjoyed the premise. Although I opted not to read the full book after the extract, I would have liked to see how exactly Jimenez approaches the medical condition mentioned in the blurb, and how it effects the character's relationships.

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This is by far one of my favorite books that I have read so far of 2019. I could not put it down and I read it so quickly. This book was so well written. It was the perfect rom-com book for me and it needs to be for everyone else out there who hasn't read this yet. It had so many different emotions throughout the entire story. Happiness, Sadness, everything. I loved the characters and their relationship. I wanted so badly for them to just be together! I was getting so frustrated with Kristen a few times because she just wouldn't take the chance with Josh even though they were both so crazy in love with each other.
So excited to read more by Abby.

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I did not expect to love this book. I ideally thought it might be a slow and boring read, but I was wrong. This is a fast romantic and soft novel. I loved this one. Now I have to wait till 2020 for Jimenez next read (SIGH!!).
I fell in love with both the characters. especially Kristen. I would love to thank net galley for this extended preview. I ended up purchasing the book after reading this one. :) Also the blue cover of the book was definitely "LOVE at FIRST SIGHT" for me.

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Loved this extended preview of The Friend Zone! It was the perfect amount of fun and dripping sarcasm. The author jumps right into the story which I think is good and needed. You don’t want to be halfway through the book before anything interesting actually happens.

An accidental meeting with someone you are on the way to meet, that doesn’t start well, is always a fun way to meet the characters. Knowing something that has happened without anyone else knowing can be dangerous but enticing.

I enjoyed the connections between the two main characters a lot. Not fall in love at first sight. More realistically- meet, argue, be friends, then maybe something happens.

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I received the extended preview (the first 5 chapters) and just those few chapters alone have sold me on the book! I have to buy this book right away!!

I don’t know what I love more about this book so far. The fact that they are Marines? The fact that they are also fire fighters? Or both? All I know is that those first 5 chapters really have captured my attention and I cannot wait to finish this book!

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I read the extended preview of this book, which only contained the first few chapters. It was enough to hook me and convince me to buy the full version on Amazon as soon as my preview had run out. It definitely had laugh out loud moments and it was a book that I couldn't put down (literally, as evidenced by me immediately purchasing the full copy)!

Highly suggest this book for anyone looking for a fun, summer, romance read!

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