Member Reviews

I need the full book asap! Hello The Friend Zone...where have you been all my life.
I need more! Yes please!

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This was a preview to the book the Friend Zone. I can tell from the first few chapters that these characters have depth and will provide for a wonderful story. I can’t wait to finish to book.

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After hearing so many great reviews about this book, I had to read it. It was wonderful! I received an extended previous in exchange from my review. However, I immediately bought The Friend Zone and devoured the rest it. Kristen and Josh's story was one of illness, heartache, friendship, and devotion. I'm so looking forward to Jimenez's second book about Sloan.

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The premise is cute and has tons of potential, and the personalities of the characters easily shine through in just the first few chapters. The dialogue seems somewhat forced in some instances and there are a few problematic scenes but the set up is enough to make me want to find out how the book ends.

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This is so dang cute! I was hooked from the moment Stuntman Mike came onto the scene because really, who doesn't love a cute dog with an equally badass name? I'm really enjoying the ribbing back and forth between Kristen and Brandon, which seems to be an ongoing trend with romance books but hey, I'm not complaining. I did enjoy that the book started off from Brandon's POV because we don't really get that in romance books and that was a nice touch. I'm definitely going out to purchase this so I can find out how the rest of the book goes and hopefully see if Stuntman Mike gets over some of his issues!

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I’m intrigued enough to continue reading this book! There are a few problematic troupes in the first few chapters, but I’m hoping that intentional and resolved as the book progresses. I’m looking forward to reading the rest.

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After reading great reviews about this title I had to jump at the chance to preview this title.

The preview offers a solid start to what just might become one of my favorite books. I really enjoyed the pace and perspective changes to illustrate both sides of the budding friendship. I appreciate the window Kristen provides into what it's like to juggle running her own building and experiencing menstrual issues. I like Kristen's personality and how she tells it like it is. Josh is a very sweet character and I like the mystery behind his relationship, the fact that he's a Marine, and his current job as a fire engineer. I can't wait to learn more about them both, as well as see where their relationship goes.

In reading the first 5 chapters I liked the pacing. Each chapter was a good length and provided enough about both characters, either by Kristen and Josh spending time together, or through Josh or Kristen asking about the other character. It felt natural and I appreciated the slow build from strangers to acquaintances.

I was happy to receive a preview but now I can't wait to continue with this one!

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How fast can I buy this book????? This preview was awesome. It's funny, it's hilarious, it's so witty!!! From page 1 I was immediately drawn in. I have to know what happens with Kristen and Josh!!! This is the perfect summer read. And the author has put just the right amount of sass in her writing to make this a good potential romance novel (not knowing how the story ends) without it being sappy. Kristen is the type of character I would be friends with in real life!! Loved what I read so far!!

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Loved this preview and can’t wait to read the full story! Ready to dive into a full copy of this story! Just enough to tease and intrigue you!

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Thank you for this preview! I really enjoyed what I've read so far and have already purchased a finished copy!

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Greatly enjoyed it. Bought the rest of the book and read it in a day. A perfect beach read with a satisfying ending.

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With this preview of the book i'm definitely intrigued to keep reading and pick up the book for myself/my romance loving friends!

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This book is engaging and has me wanting to read more. Abby gives the characters depth and makes the reader want to know more. I only got to read the first few chapters but I can’t wait to read the rest of the book.

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Too Damn Sad!

Kristen meets her soulmate, Josh, but she has a secret that makes her a less than perfect match for him, so she does her best to keep him in “the friend zone.” Things don’t go as planned and she finds herself falling for the man she needs to keep at bay. She can either keep him as a friend or reveal her secret and risk losing him forever.

As a result of Kristen’s secret, there is a lot of back and forth/will they won’t they, which was fun for a while, but at a certain point, I couldn’t take it anymore! I was ready to give up but then the storyline had a major shift and I was happy for that, but then it was just sad and awful.

After seeing amazing reviews and ratings on my GR friends’ feeds, The Friend Zone became a must read. I read bits and pieces about the plot but went in mostly blind. I was thinking that this was going to be a typical, light-hearted chick-lit novel, so I wasn’t expecting to go on an emotional rollercoaster ride. I felt everything from wanting to throttle the main character (I just wanted her to tell him already!), to getting annoyed over some of the narrative tropes, to feeling happy, back to annoyed, to shifting to an intense level of sadness, back to happy sadness, to happiness, to annoyance. I am not sure I am over the sadness. I did not like the ending--the author’s note did help explain her choice for having THAT happen, but it took away from the message of what this book could have been about. I am spent. I need a nap.

While I didn’t wholly the love the plot or the ending and found parts of The Friend Zone to be problematic, I did love Abby Jimenez's writing style. She has created sharp, quick-witted characters with strong voices I do look forward to her next book featuring Kristen’s best friend, Sloan.

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Enjoyed the preview and looking forward to reading the full when it releases! I like that it seems like it will have a bit more emotional heft to it while also some good rom com flavor too.

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Ok I was drawn in by this preview and immediately iatly bought the book. Haven’t finished it yet but have a feeling I’m going to love this one!!!!

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This book y'all! I was legitimately worried that it would not live up to the hype, because there is SO MUCH hype over it in Romancelandia, but now I can honestly say that it is well deserved. While I can see why The Friend Zone moved droves of readers to tears, I only experienced that sting in the eye sensation a few times but that hint of visceral emotion was well earned. The characters that Abby Jimenez created are so real - you can't help but feel for them and that's what makes this book such an awesome experience. Josh Copeland is officially one of the best book boyfriends ever (one of these days I’ll have to compile a Top Ten list). From his meet cute intro to Kristen (and the Reader) to the epilogue he is just everything: masculine, considerate, sexy, sweet, intelligent, thoughtful, and not plagued with hyper-masculinity. He was my favorite part of this reading experience and that’s saying a lot because The Friend Zone is truly superb from beginning to end. And now I sort of need a book about Shawn - he deserves to get bowled over (HARD) by love. 5 out of 5 wine glasses.

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Well, based on the first five chapters of this book, I can already tell it's going to be amazing. It feels like a rom com mixed with more dramactic issues.

The main character, Kristin, is incredible. She seems very down to earth and funny. Josh is also a very nice guy and the cutest.

The narrative is very simple and the writing so light that I read it rather quickly.

I look forward to continue to reading this one.

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This book has been getting a lot of buzz on Instagram so I requested a copy through NetGalley. What I didn't realize is that this was only the first couple of chapters- the story seems very cute and quirky and I will most likely take it out from the library. I love a nice light read once in a while and I liked the direction this was going in the preview chapters. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the preview ARC. All Thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It started off a little rocky for me, choppy writing style. But then I found myself smiling or chuckling as I continued to read. Kristen and Josh first meet when they get into a minor fender bender. Snarky banter flies as neither think they will ever see each other again. Except it turns out that Josh is the guy Kristen's best couple friends wanted her to meet, the best man to her maid of honor. As the story unfolds (Kristen's boyfriend is returning from the marines after 2 years of long distance relationship, Josh just got out of a serious relationship), I found myself rooting for the spark to fly and the relationship to progress. It's so unusual for me to be affected this deeply by a seemingly typical romcom. Without giving away too much, this novel had everything u could've expected and everything u couldn't have.
Witty sarcastic banter ☑️
Sexual tension☑️
All the feels☑️
Was it a little repetitive at times? Sure, but that's pretty much the only reason it gets 4.5 stars out of 5.
You'll want to grab this one!

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