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Love and Other Mistakes

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This book is described as romantic comedy. There is some good humor from time to time but the majority of the book deals with some very heavy issues. There are several dysfunctional people and relationships in it. I think it would be a hard novel for a reader who had a childhood where the parents argued a great deal and you hoped your good behavior would fix the situation. Issues of infidelity and pregnancy outside of marriage are also prominent in this book. The novel is not escape literature by any means as there is almost constant stress on at least one of the main characters.

Kate includes several subtle lessons in the plot such as dealing with difficult or hurtful situations. There is also a very good explanation of the gospel message in the book. While the romance aspect of the novel resolves nicely, I felt there were some issues from the dysfunctional people and relationships left hanging. Kate's writing style is good. I just found the subject matter too intense for my “romantic comedy” taste.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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A debut that will leave readers content and smiling throughout.
Natalie Groves thought she had her life all set until her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, breaks her heart and leaves town with no explanation and not even a glance back. Shortly thereafter, her father gets diagnosed with cancer and she has to drop everything to help her family. Feeling lost and alone with no way out or up, she lets the next seven years go by without pursuing her dreams. Now, Jeremy has returned to Charlottesville and he is not alone. He has brought his infant son with him along with all the regrets he has lived with for the past seven years. Natalie is working towards an internship at her dream job but must find a way to make money in the meantime. Together, the two must find a way to put aside their differences and help each other. The more time they spend together, the more feelings from the past collide with feelings from the present and they must decide if staying together or staying apart is the bigger mistake.
Jessica Kate has poured her bubbly Aussie personality into every page of her debut novel. Lots of charm, romance and sass to be found throughout every page. Both Natalie and Jeremy are very well written and the chemistry between the two is undeniable. At times, the relationship teeters on the edge of unbelievable but does work itself out pretty well. The story line of how Jeremy became a single dad needed a little work for me. As a mom, I find it hard to just want to give up a child, it would take a lot for me to not want to be with my kids. I did enjoy the storyline of Jeremy helping with his niece to get the of the whole family involved without that feeling forced. For me, the writing is well done but that of a first-time author, well written but not as fully polished as a seasoned writer. I am sure that will come with time. For a debut author, I can’t say with certainty that she put in her time and effort and really made this story what it should be even if at times I thought the storyline didn’t flow as smoothly as it could. Overall this was an enjoyable read leaving me looking forward to more from Jessica Kate. I recommend this book to readers that enjoy a clean romantic comedy with a little bit of sass and a lot of heart.
I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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This story was cute. However, it was just not for me. There was too much going on and honestly I just didn't care.

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The book was full of emotions. If anything could go wrong to the cast of characters, it would. The story was a series of up and downs. At times I was laughing out loud, at others I was near tears. The lead characters felt very real to me. The issues that they encountered in the book are very relatable since they are things we each experience. I would recommend this book as it reminds us that we are all human and everyone makes mistakes. I received a copy of the book from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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I have conflicted feelings about this book. It is listed as a christian romance so, that will either be appealing to you or not. For me it didn't really matter either way, as I read across a broad spectrum of romance. I had bigger issues with this book. To start, I really didn't find the book romantic or even really a romance. The supposedly main couple is just two of many, many characters. Without giving away spoilers, some mistakes can't be taken back and for me that was the case in this book. Add to that, the unlikableness of the large ensemble cast of characters and the almost watching at trainwreck feel to it all and this book just didn't work for me. I felt for Natalie and I wish she had thought more of herself. She seemed like a genuinely good person and I thought she deserved so much more than she got from both Jeremy and this book. As for Jeremy....Seriously?!! Dude, what is wrong with you?!! Clueless, careless and unrepentant is not a good look on anyone, let alone the hero from what you are supposed to believe is a romantic story.

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Great read. The author wrote a story that was interesting and moved at a pace that kept me engaged. The characters were easy to invest in.

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Was an enjoyable book and very believable. Second chance books are always great for I believe God does give second chances and it came through very well in the book

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Title: Love and Other Mistakes
Author: Jessica Kate
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Fiction
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Love and Other Mistakes" by Jessica Kate

My Rationalization:

This was quite an interesting story that is mainly about Natalie Groves, Jeremy Walters and several more characters [some flawed] that will tie this story all together giving the reader a good read. It was good in how this author was able to tie this story even into an intriguing Christian read in which we find the main character [heronine] will be forced to reevaluate her life as according to what was true for her in God's plan. The story will deal with some real-life issues as 'infidelity [love triangle], illness, secrets, debts, forgiveness, self -worth, insecurities' that were all intertwined in these families in this good read. With saying that be ready for a story where lots of drama, leaving one to see if this couple [Natalie & Jeremy] will get a second chance at love, also there will be a terminal illness, an ill baby named Oliver and a moody teenage girl Lili [with some dysfunctional parents and an unyielding patriarch] that will add the icing on the cake to this story as these side stories all come together. By the end of "Love and Other Mistakes", the reader will get a good satisfying end where there will be much love and care for one another as we see that Natalie learns about herself and how faith opened her eyes to a wonderful future. I will say the title: "Love and Other Mistakes" tells the whole story.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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What a sweet and wonderfully complicated story! The romance bits and cuteness convinced me to try this one, but I ended up feeling blown away by the depth of emotion that resonated so clearly. Ms. Kate is certainly an author to keep an eye on!

Firstly, let's talk Natalie and Jem. They have their super adorable moments, yes, but also have a super complicated relationship. The hurt and pain they're both struggling underneath are weights on their shoulders that they don't know how to handle. Watching as they breathe new life into each other while simultaneously balancing that chemistry between the two of makes for a good read, is what I'm saying. Both have made mistakes and have need of some growth when our story opens. But as the chapters flew by, I loved that they continued to push each other onward, even if unconsciously.

Secondly, I have to mention Lili because I loved her pretty much from the moment she showed up on the page! I wanted SO badly to give her a hug several times because the poor girl has a whole lot of yuck to deal with in her life. (I will also say that I am not a fan of her parents at all. *frowny face*) Still, she's got some awesome people around her, namely Nick, and I loved all their moments together. I think Lili's chapters were my favorite actually. Her uncertainty, her fears, trying to figure out her life...I just connected with all her emotional upheaval and was with her every step as she pushed towards a shaky but clearer future.

So! This is a pretty intriguing story that seems like a romcom only it chooses to go a lot deeper with the issues its characters are going through. But don't let that keep you away! There is a depth here that is very worth diving into, reader friends. And I hope you do so and soon. :)

**I received a complimentary copy via Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I really wanted to love Love and Other Mistakes, but I just couldn't. I was expecting a rom com and some humorous approaches to love.
However, there are a lot of deep issues in here that kept me from laughing or feeling like this was a light read. Plus, there was so much going on in this book that it became a little distracting. I didn't have a chance to fall in love with the characters, because they kept changing on me.
However, I did like the spiritual thread Natalie went through. And I adored the baby because babies!

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What a little jem!
I really enjoyed how the author Incorporated laugh out loud funny moments with examining hard real life issues!
The sparring and spark between Natalie and Jem was very entertaining. I really appreciate the message of what forgiveness is and how an attitude of unforgiveness can creep into so many areas of our life. I really took to heart the message of remembering that "we are not our job." This is something that I needed to hear!
Now I didn't like how this book made me crave unique m&m flavors! Seriously, I am trying to eat better!!
I normally don't get into a teenager's pov, but Lili's character really spoke to me and I needed to hear her message too.
I'd highly recommend this book to anyone who wants a rom-com that touches on tough topics, and had chraracters that are flawed, yet grow over the story.

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Natalie Groves once had big dreams. But soon after her fiancé, Jeremy Walters, inexplicably broke off their engagement and left town, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Now tasked with keeping her family afloat, Natalie’s grand plans have evaporated . . . and God feels very far away.
Fast-forward seven years, and Jeremy is back in Charlottesville with an infant son and years of regrets. When his niece, Lili, lands on his doorstep in need of a place to stay, Jeremy needs help—and fast.
An internship opening finally presents Natalie a chance at her dream job, but she needs a second income to work around it—and the only offer available is Jeremy’s. They could be the solutions to one another’s problems, provided they don’t kill each other in the process. When they join forces, sparks fly. But they both know there’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and that love will turn out to be the best decision—or the biggest mistake—of all.

I am very greatful for receiving a copy of this one, but sadly it wasn't for me :(
There was a lot going on and the guy in this book wasn't my favorite character.
So sadly 2 stars for me.
I would gladly give this athour another try.

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<p>In this review I'll be taking a look at Love and Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate. I received this book as an eARC through NetGalley and its release date is July 30, 2019.</p>
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<p>This book focuses on the relationships of Natalie Groves--including family relationships, work relationships, friendships, and past love. It covers quite a few heart aches between all of those and looks at how Natalie will handle and get through each hurdle. Although she is the main protagonist, we also see the story through the eyes of Jeremy "Jem" Walters--the ex-fiance of Natalie. To complicate matters more we also meet his sixteen-year-old niece Lili and her family.</p>
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<p>Jem left Natalie months before their wedding was to take place and pursued a degree and his dream job. He arrives back home with a 9-month-old son in tow and runs into Natalie who just lost her job. She's trying to take care of her parents so she works as a nanny for Jem and all sorts of old drama comes out. As they work together closely and care for his son, sparks fly between the two. Will they come to terms with their past?</p>
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<p>One thing I liked about this books was that although Natalie was working an internship and chasing a dream career in ministry--the book didn't force it, and allows the reader to see that there may be a different plan laid out for you. There isn't just one path to success, and sometimes priorities change.</p>
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<p>I don't often read Christian Romance, so this was a nice change of pace for me to read. I usually don't like anything that gets too preachy about religion, and I think the author did a good job of including religious elements without trying to change the reader's views.</p>
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<p>I also liked that the book clearly demonstrated that Christians aren't perfect and that they lead real lives too. I often feel they are portrayed only in good light and this book highlights mistakes made and dealing with the consequences in the aftermath.</p>
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<p>I didn't really care for all of the teen drama with Lili's situation (I don't really want to spoil that here so go read the book for that plot line!). Although I understand her decisions, up to a point, I found her character completely self-absorbed and annoying.</p>
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Jessica Kate is a new author for me. She is described as sassy, witty, and gritty, and she fits all those descriptors. Her book, Love and Other Mistakes, is full of sass, wit, and grit.

Natalie has been helping her mother take care of her father since he has had a diagnosis of cancer. Her job is about to go down the drain, and she needs another job quickly.

A new job seems to land in her lap when her old flame lands back in town with an infant in tow. Sparks begin to fly between Natalie and Jeremy, but they weren't welcome sparks. In the midst of the negotiations, Jeremy's niece lands on his doorstep in need of a place to live.

This book handles (in some places, not very competently) marriage troubles, parent/child troubles, ex troubles, job troubles, and child health problems.

I think with time, Jessica will become a better writer. There seem to be gaps in the plot and it feels as though the ending came hurriedly. I give this three stars, but I would like to see more from Jessica.

I would like to thank for HarperCollins Publishing and for providing the galley I read.

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2.5 stars
Some parts of this book I really liked, and others fell a bit short for me.
What I liked: The soul searching and journey of her faith that Natalie goes through over the course of the novel is believable and touching. I felt for her--feeling stuck in her life, feeling like she needed to prove things to herself, and her up and down feelings for Jem were all meaningful to me as a reader.
What I didn't care for:
I really thought there were just too many things going on in this book. Natalie and Jem, Lili's issues/relationship, Mike and Steph's issues, Jem's issues with his dad, Ollie's issues, Jem and was all just too much to cram into one book. And because there were so many plot threads, most of them fell short of being as effective as they could have been, especially Mike and Steph's. I felt like that could have been an entire book unto itself, and I didn't like the way it was resolved and dealt with at all. It is such a deep issue and wasn't handled as thoroughly as it should have been considering the immense hurt and betrayal of the situation in more than one case.
Overall, this is a touching book on some fronts with flawed characters who do some learning about themselves and their relationships with God.

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Love and Other Mistakes is not a romantic comedy. Granted, the story has a bit of romance and a bit of comedy, but the overall picture of the story is actually a downer. I found it depressing and too heavy for what it was trying to convey. Life is not a fairytale with happy endings. Life is not fair. These messages are loud and clear from the narrative. Natalie has many personal problems to deal with. Jem has many personal problems to deal with. The supporting characters have big personal problems. Like, serious stuff-cancer, infidelity, death, sick children, abandonment, etc. I found it just too much crammed into one book. It's like the author wanted to write this big tragedy but gloss over it with slight romance and humor so it's seen as a romcom when it's not even close to that. I wanted to like this book, but I didn't. This was a big miss for me. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Jessica Kate has written a novel that many teens can relate to. On one level it is about relationships and forgiveness. On another level it is about God’s love for us even when we think no one loves us and the people who should care the most about us fail.

All of the characters in this story are flawed – they are real people with real problems. Lying, marital infidelity, and anger as well as chronic health problems are just some of the issues the characters deal with. One by one the characters accept and give forgiveness. While most of the relationships are working toward restoration by the end of the story, not all are repaired.

There are several plot points that leave room for additional books should the author choose to make this a series.

I would not hesitate to add this to my K-12 Christian school library. It is appropriate for high school age and adults.

I want to thank Prism Book Tours for the complimentary e-copy of Love and Other Mistakes.

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I liked sooooo very much about this book. I found myself literally LOL-ing at times, to the startled reactions of those around me (on the train or at the nail salon). The author is downright hilarious, and I appreciated how she incorporated humor into some very serious topics.

The downside for me was that one storyline didn’t get nearly the resolution it needed, given how much plot time was spent on it. I would have liked to even see it addressed in an epilogue—but no dice. That’s unfortunate, because there are, I’m sure, some ramifications felt by the characters both in the story and on the fringe.

Still, quite the debut novel, and I look forward to reading more by the author.

I received a copy of the book from Prism Book Tours and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This book comes out July 30th!


Natalie and Jem were 19 years old when he broke off their engagement and ran away to Chicago, leaving her in the dust. 7 years later, he shows up back in their hometown, toting a baby behind him. Waltzing back into her life, employing her as a nanny, and potentially hoping to start their romance back up again. But can she forgive him?

First of all, this is Christian Fiction, which I didn’t completely realize going into it. Which is completely fine if that’s your cup of tea, but it’s not mine. Fair warning. That’s not why I rated this so low though.

There were many different plots going on in this book. There’s Natalie and Jem’s situation. There’s Jem & his dad having a strained relationship, there is Jem’s brother having an affair and his teenage niece being the only one who knows about it, and there’s Natalie’s dad dying of cancer. Just too many things going on. I think if the focus had been on just Jem and Natalie’s relationship then I could’ve been more on board as that was what this book was described as being about and what I was most interested in.

But let’s talk about them a little more too. He left her at the altar, basically, went out to go to college, have a career, drink and sow his seeds out in the wild. She stayed in their hometown, gave up college to help her sick dad, hasn’t been able to get a job, and has basically stayed in the same spot that she has been in since 19. Then he comes back asking for forgiveness and to have her nanny his baby and basically be like “oh I left you without warning because I wasn’t any good for you, I did it for you” and she okay with it???? Uh-uh, no thank you. He also basically says her career doesn’t matter at all??

The writing in this book wasn’t terrible but it also wasn’t great. I didn’t feel any reason to root for literally any of the characters except the baby. I felt like this had some potential but really fell flat for me personally.

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This was a sweet second chance romance with a lot of family drama in it as well, and the Christianity aspect was not too preachy. There was definitely a lot going on: deception, resentment, teenage angst, a sickly parent, and more. This book was enjoyable over all even though it felt like there was a bit too much going on in it at times. Overall I would say this book was just ok for me, but given that it’s a debut novel this one was decent and I would definitely give this author another chance.

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