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State of Lies

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Wow! Another fantastic book by Siri Mitchell! This book is full of action and suspense and mystery, along with lies, love, family, & political intrigue. The book keeps you guessing until the end. It also pulls you in from page one. GREAT READ!

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State of Lies was amazing. I wasn't sure when I started the book, as the first chapter was a bit different from other Christian Fiction books (intimacy between a married couple), but it was tastefully written and the suspense got intense right after that!

I wasn't completely shocked by the villain and what was going on (I pretty much saw it coming right away), but even still I was hooked and couldn't read fast enough. I just HAD to know if I was right and how things were all going to end. It was an awesome ending and I loved how things turned out.

All in all, I loved State of Lies and recommend it.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*

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Excellent political thriller with a protagonist caught in the middle of so many threads that it would be impossible to navigate the story but for the able hands of a talented author. Clandestine services, the military, and foreign powers are all juggled successfully by a very strong female character. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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State of Lies by author Siri Mitchell is a fast paced crime thriller that flows beautifully, easy to follow! Releases in August 2019!

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Georgia Ann Brennan’s husband had died in a horrendous hit-and-run car wreck six months ago, now her father had been nominated for the position of Secretary of Defense by the President - he only had to be approved by the Senate. And then her world turned upside down.

This political thriller held this reader’s attention from page one to the very end. Though we meet no politicians in this 350+ page book, the events described have the potential of disrupting the very core of the American government. In the course of telling the story, we examine the nature of grief, the cost of integrity, and the result of honesty. Georgie, as she was known to her friends, would experience a very difficult ride as she interacted with the CIA, FBI, and other government agencies. Into the midst of this mess stepped a Russian spy network that had roots into the deepest parts of the US government. Georgia Ann, her son Sam, and Alice, the family dog, would have to dig themselves out of the hole in which they found themselves.

Though published by Thomas Nelson, “a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christian Publishing”, I would have a difficult time calling this a faith-based book. There is nothing offensive within the story, but also little about faith. Would it appeal to Christian readers? Definitely, but because it is a well-written thriller with a story that, sadly, could be torn from the pages of today’s newspaper. For the same reason, it would appeal to any reader interested in finding a captivating thriller rooted in the world of 21st-century politics.
This review is based on a free electronic copy provided by the publisher for the purpose of creating this review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Having been a longtime fan of author Mitchell, I was delighted to see a new book from her, as well as one that was in a modern (and somewhat unusual for her) setting. Who writes fiction suspense about a quantum physicist (who is a woman, no less?) with political and government overtones? Siri Mitchell, that's who.

When Georgie's husband Sean goes out 'for a part to fix the sink', he never returns. She is heartbroken to learn he was killed in a hit-and-run. With the support of her parents (father is a four star General currently nominated for Secretary of Defense; mother, a former beauty queen and purveyor of all things proper) and some dear friends and neighbors, George and their young son Sam try to move on with their lives. But when odd and unnerving things begin to happen, Georgie starts to connect some dots...but she can't wrap her brilliant mind around what these things could possibly add up to.

With a number of plot twists, only everyone is suspect (ok, everyone but Sam). I found myself thinking about the ending for days. I am still not sure if I liked how things wrapped up, but I am certain I am glad I read this book. Read it for yourself and write your own review!

This book was provided to me by Thomas Nelson Publishers in exchange for my honest review.

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The main character is Georgie, a physicist who seems surprised to find herself married to a good looking, if enigmatic man, Sean. They have a son, Sam.

Georgie's father, a four star general is in the process of being nominated for Secretary of Defense. Her mother is a perfect former beauty queen, who flits in and out of her life giving unwelcome and often trite advice.

Sean goes out on an ordinary errand and is killed in an accident. The novel then moves between Georgie's personal life, trying to handle her grief at losing Sean, manage her son's problems at school, trying to keep focused at work, and her growing suspicion that all is not what it seems. She loses almost everything in the process of unraveling the mysterious events that precipitate after Sean's death.

The novel is well written, although sometimes there is too much detail which slows the pace of the narrative. The characters, especially Georgie and Sam are likeable. Georgie is a strong female character, who is intelligent, accomplished and competent (she even has her own tool box!) and well developed. The male characters seem less developed; as a result, there is less insight into the motivation for the significant actions they undertake and their apparent lack of concern over the impact their decisions may make on those closest to them. However, it is a decent read with lots of plot twists that will keep you reading to the end.

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I received a DIGITAL Advance Reader Copy of this book from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I couldn't put this book down.

Georgia finds that even the brightest minds can miss things going on around them.
So, when her husband dies while running an errand, she comes to find out that things are not as they seemed.
This novel provides mystery and intrigue. It is a thriller to the very end.

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What a compelling and fast paced book. Georgie is a physicist and Mother, not an operative. Sheltered by her ultra successful parents she has slowly grown more independent through her marriage to Sean. Sean is employed by the government, has a past he won't discuss, but all in all they have a great life. Until Sean is killed. Georgie is wracked with grief and confused by all the events around her. Are her parents supportive or manipulative? Siri Mitchell is wonderful at character and plot development. I immediately looked for another book by her after I finished reading..

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Not at all her normal style, but wow! I finished in two days because this story kept me engaged and intrigued. I waffled between four and five stars, but only because there were a few coincidences and it wrapped up just a little too quickly at the end. But I enjoyed it so much that I decided to go with five. The twists and turns intertwined with US military and Russian intelligence made for an enjoyable read. I hope there’s a book 2 in the series. Highly recommended.

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Eight months after Georgia Ann Brennan’s husband Sean dies in a horrific traffic accident, she’s still grieving. She struggles to keep her head in the game at work as a ‘fizziest’ (her six-year-old son Sam’s word for her work as a quantum physicist). Although Sean’s insurance money helped, Georgia feels on the edge of a breakdown. She does what any good scientist would do when confronted with the incomprehensible. She starts to investigate knowns and unknowns.

And she discovers that things don’t add up. The police report seems off. She realizes she never identified the body (her father offered to handle that burden for her). The coroner’s report listed a Leatherman tool that didn’t come back with Sean’s box of belongings. Her dog Alice keeps digging at the bedroom floor. And rows and rows of fall crocuses spring up—she hates fall crocuses.

The only constants in her life? Her love for Sam, her doting (and often overpowering) parents, her best friend Jenn, and the sweet neighbors across the street. Oh, and Chris, the nice guy with the maltipoo who shares a walking route with her after they walk their kids to school each morning.

But strange things keep happening. The gas company comes to install something she never asked for. Sam insists his dad is in a wormhole. Georgie wonders who she can trust—especially when she gets a message on her phone from her dead husband.

Once again, Mitchell weaves a tail of intrigue so taut that you won’t want to put the book down—even after the shocking conclusion. You’ll turn the final page wishing that you could have a cup of coffee with the quirky physicist and spend time baking a cake with June the neighbor lady.

Above all, you’ll come away with a clear picture of true love and how easy it is to do the slow fade. Fans of Carrie Stuart Parks, John Grisham, David Baldacci, and Nancy Mehl will love this book.

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Suspense is a wonderful genre to read in. I haven't read any of Siri Mitchell's historical fiction, but she started to write a suspense novel, and the synopsis sounded awesome, so I couldn't wait to read it. The story starts out pretty just like a suspense novel with a high tension moment setting the rest of the action for the story. Then about 42 percent into the novel, the plot turned toward a little different direction. I did have a hard time putting the novel down. I wanted to see what would happen to Glorie as she tried to figure out with her father when he was in Iraq and with Sean. The ending did take a turn I didn't see coming, so I was surprised that Mitchell went that way. I didn't see it coming that way. The writing was good. I could see the characters and the setting as they played across my imagination. Overall, State of Lies by Siri Mitchell is a captivating written suspense with plenty of action and an unique storyline. It was a wonderful story to pass a couple of hours.

I received a complimentary copy of State of Lies by Siri Mitchell from Thomas Nelson Publishing, but the opinions stated are all my own.

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In State of Lies Siri Mitchell has created a story that will suck you in and not let go. With twists and turns, international intrigue, and danger galore, this book reads like a psychological thriller mixed with healthy doses of suspense. It’s also wonderfully written with an attention to detail that had me seeing my former haunts in Arlington, Virginia.

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What would you do if your whole world was built on lies? Georgia's life was everything she dreamed of. A loving, handsome husband, Sean and their son Sam. But then one day Sean doesn't come home from the store. The next thing she knows is she is a widow! All over a leaking faucet! She does the best she can for eight months. Sam, of course, is hurt deeply that daddy isn't coming home. Then strange things start happening around her house. Things that don't add up. She decides to look into it and low and behold she finds Sean isn't dead....he is in hiding! He found something out he wasn't supposed to and it has something to do with her father's Department of Defense nomination!! What is going on? Georgia looks into things herself, the more dangerous things become for her and Sam. Sean is not able to help her. As she questions those who were in the war with her father, the war hero, they are killed. How and why is this happening? Her father isn't a traitor, he is an honorable man. You will be surprised how things come to a dangerous ending for Georgia, Sam and Alice the dog. Enjoy this thriller! I know I did!!!

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#StateOfLies #NetGalley

This book is like riding a roller coaster, you think you know what is coming and then the unexpected happens. When Georgie's husband is killed her world feels like a downward spiral, she is left to raise her son Sam all by herself. Her parents try to talk her into moving in with them, but with her dad trying to become Secretary of Defense and her mom's busy life; Georgie wants a slower pace for her son Sam. Georgie is a physicist and is one smart lady. I love how strong she is and that she believes that honesty is the best policy. This book was very hard to be put down and I read late into the night. Well done Siri Mitchell and Thomas Nelson publishing!

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I quite enjoyed this political action thriller. It’s got murder, , intrigue and family secrets and is sufficiently well written to maintain my interest, despite this not being the type of book I would normally read.

A happily married young couple with a child learn that the wife’s parents are moving to DC, where the father is to take up a senior political position, then there’s a sudden death and turmoil.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Well...this book certainly grabbed me and didn’t let go until the end! I’ve read this author before and this is not her normal genre. Given that, I think she did a good job keeping the reader involved with the storyline. It’s very suspenseful and I didn’t know for sure how it would turn out until the end.

I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher via Opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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A romantic mystery wirh implausible characters caught up in a conspiracy, this is a thin tissue of a novel. Georgie is the privileged daughter of a retired general about to be nominated for secretary of defense when her husband Sean is killed in an auto accident Georgie's no dummy, but when she starts noticing inconsistencies in what she was told - especially by her father - about her husband's death , the strange noises in her house and messages on her phone, and the "games" Sean taught their young son about hiding places she doesnt shrink from investigating. Chief among her questions is who her husband really was, but she's focusing on the wrong man

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Sean Brennan goes to pick up something for a household repair and is killed in a car accident. Georgie Brennan is devastated by Sean's death, grieving for her husband and for her young son Sam's loss of a father.

Georgie's overbearing parents pressure her to move in with them, but she knows this is not a good idea. Her father is up for confirmation as the next secretary of state. Her mother's interests lie in her husband's status and in impressing others. Georgie, a respected physicist, doesn't quite fit into their world.

After Georgie finds a notebook of Sean's, she realizes that Sean had been keeping a lot of secrets. The more she questions, the more unsure she becomes. She finds herself unable to trust even those closest to her--with good reason.

Read in April. Review scheduled for July 24.

NetGalley/Thomas Nelson
Political Intrigue/Suspense. Aug. 13, 2019. Print length: 352 pages

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When Georgia's husband Sean dies in an accident she and their young son Sam are devastated. Never did she think that there was anything unsettling about Sean's death. But when strange things start happening and she starts hearing noises in her home Georgia becomes nervous. Then when she finds out that Sean had lied to her the last night he was alive Georgia starts to investigate. It isn't long before Georgia realizes that her husband may not have been who she thought he was, and also that she may not be able to trust any of her friends around her. But Georgia is a truth-seeker and she refuses to be intimidated by danger as she searches to find out who wanted her husband dead and why.

Well this was a different turn for me with this author! I have read her historical novels before, but never a contemporary piece. I loved it! This fit perfectly into my favorite genre of romantic suspense reads. Heavier on the suspense, but still a bit of romance. I loved the characters, and the intrigue of the setting was exciting and kept the book moving at a fast pace. Politics, social-climbing, murder, intrigue and cover-ups all wrapped up into one exciting must-read page-turner! I highly recommend!

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