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Sky is every bit of a MC Princess. She loves the Knights of Fury MC and is torn apart when at 16 years old, her mother takes her away from the only family she has ever known. She misses her stepfather, Hammer, and all of the men. Years later, she receives a letter from her childhood crush, Saint, from prison. This leaves Sky questioning what really happened that night when her mother ran away.

The relationship between Sky and her mother is very tense. Her mother dislikes her and Sky doesn’t know why. She has been isolated from her brothers and all of the MC. She finally decides to move back to the city and she reconnects with her brothers. They all encourage her to reach out to Hammer and find out the truth. It is there that she learns that Saint is released from prison. He is all grown up and wants a relationship with her.

Sky jumps on the opportunity with Saint but she is skeptical about having a relationship with a member of the club. Things get rocky as she finds out a few things about Saint that she is not sure she can handle. Then her mother resurfaces and the ugly truth about that night is brought up. Her mother is such an evil woman. I wanted something bad to happen to her.

Ms. Fernando delivers a great start to her new series. While I tend to like grittier MC romances, Ms. Fernando did a great job of spreading out the sweetness but it was almost too neat. After each issue is presented, the characters smoothed it out immediately. Nothing ever lingered so there is no real angst. For a reader who grows wary of overly angsty books, I found it to be a bit relieving but at the same time frustrating.

Overall, I am excited to get a brand new MC series and look forward to the next book.

~ Samantha

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This book was by far my favorite book by Chantal Fernando. I highly suggest that everyone who loves MC romances pick this book up.

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4 stars

I love Ms. Fernando's writing style and her previous series', so I was super stoked to get my grabby hands on the start of a new series. I'm happy to say she did not disappoint!

Skylar fell in love with Saint before she knew what love was. While time and distance might have affected their love story, it was more her crazy ass mother that caused problems for them both. Years later they reconnect as pen pals while Saint is in prison and they develop a deep relationship and connection through their letters. What follows is the normal MC drama and the adorable growth of their relationship. Highly recommend this great story which begins an exciting new series by Ms. Fernando!

AnnMarie - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

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This was my first Chantal Fernando's book, and won't be my last! This is one of my favorite MC stories! Skylar and Saint's story is beautifully written, fast-paced and action packed. Their chemistry is strong. I love it all: the characters, the world building, the storyline. I love the happy ending and the Epilogues! Now, I'm looking forward for more books written by Chantal Fernando. If you like MC stories, and audiobooks, Saint is now available in audiobook. You don't want to miss it! I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

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Décidément, Chantal Fernando fait partie de mes auteurs en anglais fétiches et une fois de plus, j'ai dévoré son dernier roman, paru ce jour en VO chez Carina Press : il s'agit du tome 1 d'une nouvelle série de "Bikers" (après les Wind Dragons et les Cursed Ravens) les "Knights of Fury" dont le premier tome s'intitule "Saint", du nom d'un des bikers du club. Comme le précédent, je l'ai reçu en ARC via "Give Me Promotion Books " et "NetGalley" : je les remercie.
"Saint" sort ce jour en VO et je sais que c'est déjà un succès. Les avis sont très positifs et le mien ne sera pas différent : je vous le dis, je l'ai attaqué hier soir (et j'ai arrêté tard alors que je me levais tôt ce matin) et l'ai terminé ce comme à chaque fois, c'est un roman prenant, on s'attache très vite aux personnages, on a de l'action et bien sûr, on est content ou l'on souffre pour les personnages. Quant à la romance, elle est belle, tout simplement. Deux autres sont déjà annoncés et j'ai déjà hâte.

Mon avis : Vous l'avez compris, j'ai adoré! Bien que je regrette qu'elle n'ait pas continué sa série précédente, les "Cursed Ravens" attachants aussi (je ne désespère pas), j'ai vraiment ce nouveau club et ces nouveaux bikers. C'est à la fois une romance touchante de deuxième chance puisque nos héros sont séparés 5 ans mais aussi de famille, de bikers et qui vous arrachera, j'en suis sûre quelques larmes, vu ce qui va se passer.

Le roman commence par nous présenter Slylar, notre héroïne, à l'âge de 10 ans : elle vit au sein des Knights of fury avec sa mère, Georgia, (une garce) et est élevée par le président des bikers, Hammer qu'elle appelle "Papa" (elle ne sait pas qui est son père, sa mère refuse de lui dire) : elle est la seule fille d'une fratrie de 6 et est la petite dernière. Ses frères sont plus grands et vivent plus ou moins leur vie loin d'elle. Le deuxième chapitre nous la montre à 15 ans et l'on apprend aussi qu'elle est très proche d'un novice "Saint", un peu plus âgé qu'elle pour lequel elle craque mais qui la considère plus comme sa petite soeur ; en plus, il est hors de question qu'il transgresse les lois du club, elle est la fille du président mais l'on remarque qu'il y a déjà une alchimie entre eux. En revanche, l'on voit qu'il y a déjà des tensions dans le couple Hammer/Georgia et cela va se confirmer dans le chapitre 3 où celle-ci va exploser de colère car il rompt avec elle (il y a des problèmes avec un gang rival et le nom de Sky a été prononcé sans que l'on ne comprenne pourquoi) Georgia, furieuse d'être laissée par Hammer, se venge en lui prenant la seule personne qui compte pour lui, sa fille, lui rappelant qu'elle n'est pas sa fille biologique et que s' il (lui, ou ses bikers donc Saint) cherche à lui parler, elle dira tout à la police! Qu'est-ce cela veut dire? Evidemment, Sky ne veut pas partir, la supplie mais rien n'y fait. Elle est obligée de quitter tous ceux qu'elle aime et de suivre sa mère, qui s'occupe à peine d'elle.
Le chapitre 4 nous ramène à notre époque : Sky a arrêté l'école, travaille comme serveuse depuis qu'elle a 18 ans (sa mère lui a dit qu'elle n'avait pas d'argent pour elle) (elle en a aujourd'hui 21) et vit en collocation avec un homme qu'elle considère comme son frère, Max, un chanteur qui connaît un certain succès. Or, en rentrant chez elle, elle trouve une lettre de "Saint" qui lui écrit de prison, 5 ans après et à partir de là, tout va changer.
Comment à vous d'aller voir? Sachez simplement qu'elle va apprendre un certain nombre de choses, notamment par ses frères dont elle est toujours proches et qu'elle va retourner dans la ville de son père et reprendre contact avec lui et bien sûr, elle va retrouver Saint (euh j'ai pourtant dit qu'il était en prison, hein? pourquoi? et comment va-t-elle le retrouver?) . Est-ce que ce dernier va enfin la voir comme la femme qu'elle est devenue? Pourquoi Hammer, un homme puissant, ne s'est jamais battue pour la garder? Quel(s) secret(s) sa mère détenait-elle sur eux? sur elle? et pourquoi ne l'apprécie-t-elle pas plus que cela? Vous verrez que les révélations et les actions vont se succéder et quand d'anciens ennemis refont surface, le bonheur fragile de Sky se trouve déjà menacé... Bref, un roman touchant, sexy, passionnant et prenant, à ne pas manquer : j'espère vraiment qu'Eden le traduira un jour.

J'ai beaucoup aimé les deux héros : que ce soit Sky qui a une mère affreuse et égoïste : c'est quasiment la seule figure féminine dans son entourage (elle a perdu sa meilleure amie au lycée et heureusement, elle a une chouette belle-soeur mais celle-ci vit dans une autre ville au début de l'histoire actuelle) et le seul père qu'elle a connu et aimé lui est arraché sans qu'elle ne comprenne pourquoi. Elle lui en veut même de ne pas s'être battue pour elle et d'avoir préféré le club... mais c'est plus compliqué que cela et Hammer est vraiment le père parfait, je vous le dis, je l'ai aimé celui-ci...
Son attirance, au départ, pour Saint est touchante mais annonce déjà la suite : on pourrait croire que c'est une histoire interdite mais la séparation des 5 ans les fait se revoir adultes et tout a changé pour eux, tout est possible dorénavant et les sentiments sont là. Bon, elle a 21 ans et parfois se comporte un peu comme une gamine (même si elle est mature en général) et on a envie de la secouer un peu MAIS c'est une chouette fille et on lui pardonne bien vite. J'ai adoré ses relations avec son père, les bikers, ses 5 frères (il y a là aussi du potentiels pour des histoires) et bien sûr, la belle histoire (et sexy) qu'elle vit avec Saint.

Ce dernier est très respectueux, aussi bien quand elle est une gamine que quand il la retrouve adulte. Comme leur complicité et leur alchimie sont toujours là, ils peuvent passer à l'étape suivante avec la bénédiction de Hammer mais Saint a eu une vie pendant ces 5 ans de séparation et... C'est vraiment un type bien : il est patient avec elle mais ne perd pas de temps à lui dire qu'il la veut : il la protège mais ne la met pas sous cloche ou surveillance : il ne la contrôle pas et lui fait confiance. Comme Hammer, il l'encourage à suivre sa voie. Bref, une belle histoire d'amour qui a commencé sur une amitié et qui est toujours là quand ils se retrouvent : ils sont toujours complices, amoureux et c'est une base essentielle pour affronter ce qui les attend.

J'ai aussi adoré Hammer : c'est le père quasi idéal : j'adore sa relation avec Sky et tout ce qu'il fait, a fait ou fera pour elle, même si... bref, un type bien.

J'ai aussi aimé "Temper", le vice-président et la complicité qu'il a avec elle, enfant ou adulte : on sent qu'avec un surnom comme ça, il a un énorme potentiel et tant à nous faire découvrir. Mais ce sera le tome 3. Le deux sera consacré à Renegade, un autre des bikers, très sympa et qui a visiblement un "crush" pour sa voisine. Il y a aussi "Dee", le novice qui est prometteur et l'on nous dit à la fin que le club va se développer pour différentes raisons donc, cela laisse de l'espoir pour en découvrir d'autres.

J'ai aimé les frères de Sky, "Max" son colocataire chanteur qui n'hésite pas à la remettre dans le droit chemin mais aussi Logan celui qu'on voit le plus ici mais les autres sont proches d'elle et n'hésiteront pas à prendre faits et causes pour elle.

Enfin, il y a la garce de service, la mère de Sky, Georgia que vous allez détester du début à la fin. Je vous la laisse découvrir et les ennemis qui.. chut ;)

Une fois de plus, on rentre dans un club de bikers avec ses lois, le fait qu'on ne rigole pas et que ça peut mal finir.. mais c'est aussi ici, une belle vision de solidarité entre les "frères", où les femmes qui sont choisies sont bien traitées (même si dans ce tome, on ne voit quasi que Sky mais il y a eu Georgia au départ et il y en a d'autres) : peu importe le sang, c'est la famille qu'ils se sont choisis qui compte.

Je n'ai que deux choses à dire : je suis tellement triste pour... (j'ai eu les larmes aux yeux quand... ) mais ai aussi tellement hâte de lire la suite! Bref, encore un grand roman de Chantal Fernando et on aimerait tant avoir le tome 2 demain. Vivement ce tome !

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Skylar had a crush on Saint for a long time and then her mom took her away. Now, she is 21 and decided to come home. Now back in the MC family the sparks between her and Saint are flying. Will she finally get what she has dreamed of or will something else come between them? Fast-paced read with loads of drama and suspense. Great characters and an action packed steamy read. I really liked it.

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I did so adore getting into this one from the beginning. I like this author and the way the writing flows taking you along with the words as this one did also. Skylar and Saint give you the ups and downs with this one filling the craving for a good MC novel. You get everything you need in this with it being solid for more to come from this world. The drama and the steam will fuel it giving it the go to get to the end.

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Great start to an exciting new MC series from this author. Skylar and Saint are incredible characters and their journey to their HEA is a wild and emotional ride. When Skylar was sixteen and Saint was twenty one she was forbidden and completely off limits. Now five years later she is twenty one and the spark between them is still burning hot and undeniable. She's been away from the MC for five years and he's been in prison. Is this their time or will they be torn apart again? I definitely recommend you grab a copy of this one and find out. I can't wait for more from the Saints MC!

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I love biker books...and so I had to give this new MC series by Chantal a try. I am glad to say that I enjoyed it very much and I will definitely have my eye out for the second book.

Skylar is the youngest of 6 and also the only girl. She is also the only one from a different father, though her mother won't tell her who her real father is. That's okay though because she has an awesome stepfather. Hammer is the president of The Knights of Fury MC and a great father to Sky, and that's a good thing because her mother is pretty much the opposite of great...

Which she proves, when she takes Sky away from everything and everyone she has ever loved, when her relationship with Hammer does not work out.

Sky is devastated when she has to say goodbye to the only father she has ever known...and to Saint, the only guy she has ever loved. She has had a crush on Saint for as long as she can remember and even though she is 5 years younger than him...he never made her feel like she was unwanted or a burden. He didn't mind hanging with her.

After her mom took her away, she never heard from any of them though...It seems like they just forgot about her and didn't really care.

Now 5 years later, a letter from Saint is gonna show her that things aren't always as they seem...and her mom is a bigger bitch than she thought.

I really liked Saint and Sky together, they were pretty sweet and hot. That said...I could have done with a bit tougher and feistier heroine, but that is just my personal preference. Maybe the next book will give me my perfect never know ;)

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review

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This is a new series and I am already loving it! The story is action packed and fast paced. A great introduction of the characters to set up future books. This book centers on Sky and Saint. Sky grew up in Knights of Fury until at 16 her unstable mother broke it off with the only father figure Sky knew, Hammer. Sky has been in love with Saint from the beginning and when she is ripped away from him and the MC they lose touch until Saint writes her a letter from prison. There are plot twists that I didn’t see coming that kept me captivated. Sky’s mom, the raging b**ch, won’t get any mother of the year awards any time soon. I can’t wait for the next installment of this series!!

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Chantal has a brand new biker series and I'm so happy. This is an author who blends the drama of the MC with the emotions of a love story perfectly . As this is the first book in the series the author takes time to introduce us to all the guys in the MC so we get a good sense of who they are and the club dynamics.

I have to say Saint was everything in this story. He's the full package, protective, supportive and loving but still a total bad ass. Skylar is a sweet young woman brought up with the MC but ripped away from them by a character i thoroughly disliked. Skylar Is what I would call a battle no matter what life throws at her she makes the best of it. She's been independent for so long that accepting help from others isn't easy. I really admired her when she was trying to retain her sense of self.

Told mainly in Skylar's POV I would have liked to hear more from Saint but I'm sure as the series progresses we'll hear more from him.

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Chantal Fernando is a guaranteed MC Read for me - and this was no different.

I loved the two main characters - Skye & Saint. There was a genuine connection between them and their shared history made the romance that much sweeter. Plenty of obstacles get in their way but as they say - true love never runs smooth... Great supporting characters and plenty of action had me reading this one in one session.

Saint was a great MC character and I'm hoping the other guys in the charter get their stories told - Temper especially has me intrigued...

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**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Once again Chantal Fernando does an amazing job of telling Sky and Saint’s story. You are immediately drawn into their lives and feel as though you are right there with them. I love how she always has a different take with each book and they all have a strong leading woman and man who show what they can do by themselves and what they can do together. Sky and Saint will have a few obstacles to over come before they are able to have the life they deserve, but they show with each challenge how well they fit one another and how strong they are. Get ready for a new favorite MC series!

Sky has only know the Knight MC and her life there, but when she is taken from that life all changes for her. She leaves not only the man she has known as a father but as the man that she has had a crush on for years. Just when she thinks she has finally moved on, 5 years later Saint reaches out to her and everything she felt and knew comes rushing back to her. She makes the decision to fight for the family that she left all those years ago.

Saint had feelings for Sky years ago and he never forgot about them. And when she comes back into his life he will not give her up without a fight this time. They know one another in a way no one else does and they have a second chance at happiness.

But as they grow closer to one another, the reason why she had to leave all those years ago comes to light and they will have to face the decisions that were made. Will they be able to face the past together and what the present has for them? Or will the past come looking for them and carry out the threat it has always posed.

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I loved this book, this is the first book I’ve read by Chantal but I’ll definitely be checking out her others now ! It was a lovely story watching two people reconnect, the conflict isn’t overtaking the whole book, so we get plenty of Skylar and Saint’s relationship. Lovely story, great characters with real chemistry. A nice easy read with lots of drama and romance. Entertaining page turner

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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This is a new author to me and also the 1st in a new series. Sky grew up in the MC life, until her mother and stepdad separate, and she is taken away by her mother. Skye had a crush on Saint by never thought her feelings were unreciprocated. Now 5 years later Saint tracks her down, and life as she knows it changes. This is a well written story which has heartbreak, secrets, drama, sizzling chemistry, and is an entertaining read. I look forward to reading more from this author and recommend for all MC lovers.

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Saint is the first book I have read by this author and I really liked it. I loved Skylar and Saint. They had a sweet and beautiful relationship. I loved their chemistry, connection and scorching sexy scenes! They were perfect together! Loved loved them! Looking forward to reading more!

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This is a brand new series by this author, and I was beyond excited to begin. I mean, really? Who can get enough MC romance?!? Not me, that's for sure! And I've read MC romance by this author before, and thoroughly enjoyed it. So I was absolutely sure that this series was going to follow along the lines of the other series, with hot alpha male bikers, and exciting story lines. Boy, did I underestimate this book! Yes, the alpha bikers and crazy circumstances were all there, but there was also that insta-love element that I absolutely adore, and Saint is a whole different breed of biker. This story has gone to the top of my favorites by this author!

Skylar is one of the women who seem to always come out on top. No matter how bad life gets, she persists until things work out. After a childhood filled with an unknown father, a crazy inattentive mother, and brothers that aren't really in her life, things go from bad to worse. She looses the only bright spot in her life, her loving step-father and the MC that has always supported her. In the process, she is moved away from the only family she has ever known, including her teenage crush, Saint.

Saint is one of those guys. You know what I'm talking about. An alpha male biker who knows what he wants, and does whatever it takes to get it. He lives life to the fullest, loyal to his biker brothers. He also always has Skylar in the back of his mind, as the one that got away.

This book was emotional, and exciting, and had everything I look for in an MC romance. I enjoyed the lasting connection between Saint and Skyler, that wasn't even lessened by time, distance or interfering crazy folks. I couldn't help but fall in love with this couple, and I'm sure any other readers will feel the same way!

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2/5- two generous stars

For a MC Romance to stand out in this growing sub-genre it needs to have a compelling story. It needs to be dark and explicit. It’s a romance about motorcycle gang members, not weekend warriors. This book is not dark, explicit, or even romantic. It reads like a bunch of marshmallows that wear leather and ride motorcycles - maybe? - and live in drama that belongs in a YA story.

I don’t understand how such an established author (she has an extensive backlist) can write such a mediocre story with juvenile dialogue. The drama isn’t even angsty it’s just nonsensical and NOT appropriate for the age demo or culture of the characters.

This isn’t a long book but it was hard to read because it was boring. Even the sexual situations were boring. This story reads like a scratched up lens with vaseline smeared across. No clear images or anything. The book is jump scenes that don’t mesh together well.

I didn’t care about the characters. I didn’t care if they were actually going to hook up or if Skye was going to do something with her life. The “plot twist” isn’t ver twisty.

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

Release Date: July 1, 2019

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Things you can find in this story:

Worst parent ever!!
But also a pretty spectacular step dad.
A different, sweeter more mature side to an MC club.
A lot of love that has survived distance and time.
A few very sad moments that will pull at your heartstrings.
A strong, loyal and brave woman in Skylar.
An alpha protective man in Saint that would bend over backwards to keep Skylar happy and safe.
A very entertaining with drama and action story.

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Chantal Fernando knows how to write a MC story like no other!!
Sky grew up in the MC life as far as her father "Hammer" would allow a child to be involved. But it was the only life she knew. "Saint" was the guy she had a crush on but she thought he didn't feel the same. There was a five year age difference between them and she was only 16. So Saint wasn't about to mess with her. The chemistry between Sky and Saint has the potential of being off the charts, right now it just sizzles.

I can't wait to read more in this series and of course by this author!

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