Cover Image: A Highlander Walks into a Bar

A Highlander Walks into a Bar

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Member Reviews

Loved this book! Izzy was hilarious and I love the quick witted conversation between her & Alasdair! It was easy to see where the plot was headed but I loved it all the same! It’s rare that I laugh out loud at books and this one had me cackling!

I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love Laura's new series! Funny, heartfelt, and full of both southern charm and Scottish sexy. Can't wait for the next book!

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Laura is an amazing writer. Her descriptions make you feel like you're with the characters. Of course having a hot, sexy man involved is an added bonus.

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This was a charming romance novel which I strongly recommend as a summer beach read. I was expecting something set in Scotland, and the twist that the story takes place in a southern US town in rural Georgia that loves Scotland and is named Highland worked well. Cute story, appropriate amount of romance. Playing on the success of Outlander and the draw of Scotland and a Scottish accent, this was a fun read. Really enjoyed.

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**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
Although I really liked the premise of this book, it was not what I’d hoped. The characters felt half developed and the plot sort of drug along. It was not a terrible book but, after having finished the book last night, I can’t remember all of the names or plot points.

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This was just the most fun to read! Spicy, sexy without being too trashy, and laugh out loud, I mean, come on, he wears a kilt! I cannot wait for the next Highlander invasion of the Scots! I received a complimentary copy of this book from St Martin’s Press via Goodreads and NetGalley, and was under no obligation to post a review.

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Nice change of pace and easy to like characters. I did find the pace a little slow. Everything comes together at the end. Will definitely read the next in the series.

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Very cute! Nice easy read and some fun characters. Nothing too sinister in the big reveal. Very glad I was able to get a copy. Great book for the beach!

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This was a nice book. The characters were well developed and the relationships they formed felt authentic. The only downside I saw, was the obvious conflicts that were bound to happen. I liked the humor between Alasdair and Izzy, and how they were able to be themselves with each other.

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This book had me from the first page! The protagonist, Isabel, had a fleeting guilty thought about escaping into a book instead of getting needed work done. A thought I could all too easily relate to given that's exactly what I was doing! There were multiple one liners throughout the book that had me laughing out loud. It takes place in Highland GA, a town that has a Scottish festival every summer. Isabel and her mom run the festival on their land. And this year, they have two intriguing, attractive Scottish gentleman in the mix.

This was the perfect blend of romance, self-reflection, personal growth, and humor. Both Gareth and Isabel had to do some soul-searching about their lives as they wondered if they could have a happily ever after. This made them both relatable (who hasn't soul searched, right?) This was a perfect escape read that left me with a smile on my face I will be happy to return to Highland, Georgia.

Thanks to #NetGalley for an advance review copy of this story in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was so funny. I caught myself laughing out loud. I loved the characters and the plot. I was so excited to find out this was going to be a series. I can’t wait for the next one.

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Cute and fun

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Part of a series: Highland, Georgia

I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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This is new author to me. I enjoyed the story. I loved seeing how the daughter dealt with her mother's new relationship while she was secretly falling for someone too. There is drama about a white lie and someone being too protective by digging up information. It has sweet romance and happily ever afters. The author takes you on a great journey of two people who don't realize they are falling for each other.

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This wonderful romance story has two women finding two Scottish men. Mother and daughter find Uncle and nephew. But there are secrets being kept and loyalties at play. Fun read with lots of laughs.

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I loved this book! A Highlander Walks into a Bar is a lovely romance between Isabel and Alasdair. Both have family expectations they're dealing with--some external, and some self-inflicted. Both are smart, capable characters, so there's no unpleasant imbalance of power to contend with. They have the built-in conflict of having lives on two different continents, but the conflict is more complex than that. While it's handled well (for the most part), there is a piece of "just talk to each other already!" in the way that the conflict is introduced and dragged out. (This is a personal pet peeve of mine, so it may not bother you to have a conflict rest on something that could have been resolved by a brief conversation (and, indeed, it does, albeit at the end of the book.)

Tropes include:
Fish out of water
family loyalties
cross-cultural romance
secret identity
smart women
Beta male
family secrets

ARC provided by NetGalley and St Martins Press in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review.

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The community spirit in Highland, Georgia is quite impressive. The Scottish setting, even if it's a little over the top is quite charming.

It's in someway, two love stories running parallel even though the main characters are Alasdair and Izzy.

Izzy is dedicated to the Highland annual games and is protective of her mother. When Rosie, Izzy's mother returns to Georgia with Gareth, a brawny Scottish, Izzy is dubious about Garreth's motives. She doesn't trust him.

Alasdair is sent by his mother to investigate and bring Gareth back as soon as possible. He too has his doubts about Izzy's family in view of Garreth's true standing in Scotland. Izzy and Alasdair start off by being weary of each other, but soon find that they are drawn to each other. They start to get along well until Garreth's true identity is revealed. Is this going to be the end of their blossoming relationship?

Alasdair is hard working and always has a plan for his future, but realises what's more important in life during his visit to Highland. Izzy is dedicated to the Stonehaven Scottish tradition which was started by her late father. She is witty, but her mouth runs away with her, sometimes to the point of being embarrassing. Funnily enough, Alasdair finds this endearing.

This story is very well written despite its complexity. The banters are somewhat hilarious and the way that they navigate through what could have been a problem is logical and leads to a heartwarming conclusion.

I was kindly issued with an eARC from Netgalley and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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I received a free copy from Netgalley for an honest review.

So, I have a few things I didn’t expect to have on this book. I’m Scottish by ancestry, raised partly in the south, and my father also organizes the Highland games for our area. So, I empathized a LOT with Isabel for the stress level and speech. The romance was fun, the wordings weren’t too overdone, trying to use gaelic or scots where it didn’t make sense, and they read like the people they were meant to be. This story was a fun comedy of errors, and I’m really glad I got my HEA. I’m already looking forward to the next in this series, and hope it’s here soon!! Totally worth it.

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Ok- so this started a bit slow, but picked up fast and I ended up really loving it. The author had great bantering dialogue which I always appreciate. Alasdair was a hot hero and I loved Isabel. I hope this series continues! Thank you to netgalley for the ARC!

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I have loved every book by Trentham that I have read to date so I may have fallen victim to my own overly high expectations. This is a light-hearted story with a charming setting but I found myself bored with the lack of depth and think it will ultimately be forgettable.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What a cute story. I love Scottish romances, and this one was enjoyable. There was humor, drama, and insight. I recommend this one!

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