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No Judgments

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I loved Meg Cabot's stories a a young adult, so getting to read her adult romcoms has been so fun! I love that this one is set in Florida, and set in a fictionalized town that I can absolutely imagine as I have lived here my entire life. Its full of hurricane shenanigans, adorable animals, and a hot heartthrob, making this the perfect summer read!

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Sweet romance in small town during hurricane.
Sabrina "Bree" moved to Little Bridge Island, Fl to start over and find herself. Working in a diner is keeping her busy and time to enjoy.
Whole town is facing hurricane of century and everybody wants her to leave. She decide to stay back and take care of her aging cat. When she finds out her apartment will be flooded, her diner's owner offers her home as a shelter for her and she is faced with handsome nephew Drew. There are so many rumors about hime and also known as town's playboy. Whenever she is facing him, she can't control her body and she kisses him.
Drew decides to spend hurricane at his home and everyone is worried. After hurricane was over, Bree goes to find Drew at his house.
Bree kept her mother a secret from everyone until her mother makes calls to her boss's home and governor. Their dynamics change and they go on a animal rescue.
It's cute and slow building. Bree is funny and quirky and Drew was perfect for her.
Thanks to Netgalley and AVON for ARC.

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Was not able to finish. Though I appreciated the opportunity to read this novel, it no longer held my interest.

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Overall, I enjoyed this story, well everything except the hurricane preparedness. Seriously! This is not a guide for hurricane readiness. Do everything opposite of what is in this book. Other than that, Bree stays when she should have evacuated with most of the island, but at least she did stay with her boss who has a house that has withstood weather before. The morning after the hurricane everyone is worried about Drew and she takes off to find him where he stayed in his beach house on the other side of the island. Hmm, his home is still standing and he is fine. They have been circling each other for a while and something about working together brings them closer. Working together is what they do. They bond by saving and rescuing the stranded pets on the island. Will they still be together when everything gets back to normal? I see there is more in this series and I do think I will have to check them out.

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This book was an interesting mix, because I thourougly loved the story, but I felt like there were things that should have been addressed more. Things like, processing Bree's assult, the fact that both her bio mom and birth mom showed up at the end... I guess I wanted more from the story. It was a romantic comedy...ish, but some of the topics touched on seemed to need more.

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This book really had a little bit of everything category 5 hurricanes, sexual assault, gun violence, an unrealistic and unlikable main character...

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I am absolutely overjoyed to have more Meg Cabot in my life. Her young adult novels were (and some still are) staples in my life as I've grown up, and her adult novels never cease to entertain. If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be "adorable" - everyone just... felt so cute and adorable, and then double so when the hero and heroine got together. This book runs along the line of being chick-lit and romance, but I would still eagerly give it to romance readers, and I'm hoping that this book will encourage a whole new group of people to love this superb author, as she belongs on everyone's auto-buy list.

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Thank you so much to @WilliamMorrowBooks & @NetGalley for giving me this eARC in exchange for my honest and unbiased review (Release Date | 24 September 2019)

SYNOPSIS | Bree is returning to Little Bridge Island off the Florida Keys as she has recently lost her father & broken up with her emotionally abusive ex boyfriend. The only problem is that a category 5 hurricane is heading directly for her new home.

- lots of animals

- we only get Bree's POV
- so many underdeveloped topics (e.g. sexual assault, having a celebrity parent, parental death, understanding biological parentage after a DNA test, aftermath of a severe hurricane, healing from trauma etc)
- I felt like this story still managed to minimize the devastation of a category 5 hurricane
- the entire scene where Bree confronts her assaulter & shoots a bottle of tequila

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Bree is about to face her first storm on her new island home and has no idea what to expect. Some people say it will be an end of the world storm, others think it will be perfectly fine. Bree could never have expected what the storm actually brings with it.

This was very much a fluffy, light romance read to veg out listening to on a lazy summer day. The story takes place over the course of a super short time frame, basically the duration of a hurricane storm. I will say that the romance was not super deep, the characters knew each other for the three months that Bree has lived on the island but never interacted and now over a day-ish for a storm they decided they have feelings for each other and a whirlwind romance. As we all learned from the movie Speed, relationships made in extreme situations never last- but maybe that is my cynacism talking. Overall this was a very fast and easy, perfect escapism read that has a HEA and a dollop of heat.

As someone who has never experienced a hurricane let alone a storm that would warrant any kind of warning, this setting and intensity seemed pretty legit.

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Full disclosure, Meg Cabot is one of my favorite authors. The Princess Diaries and The Mediator series were my childhood. I also adore her adult novels, and No Judgements lived up to my expectations. In the aftermath of a hurricane Bree and Drew travel around Little Bridge Island, one of the smallest islands in the Florida Keys, rescuing list and abandoned pets. The perfect book to restore your faith in humanity, with a side of romance.

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A solid start to Cabot's newest contemporary romance series. Bree finds herself on Little Bridge Island after fleeing her family, job, and an ex, and soon herself stuck on the island during a "storm of the century". In it's aftermath, Bree learns that many residents left their pets home alone during the evacuation, and can't make it back home to them in a timely manner. She soon makes it her mission to save as many of the animals as possible.

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Bree has tried to put her mother's expectations and her boyfriend's betrayal behind her. She has started over in the Florida Keys. Little Bridge Island is the place her deceased father loved to vacation and Bree loves it too. She is now a waitress at a local diner with pink hair and far away from her mother's fame as a reality TV judge and law school.

Bree has been warned off local heartthrob Drew, nephew of the diner owners, but he is a total babe with gorgeous eyes that make her heart flutter and he loves animals. Bree rescued a special needs cat and when a hurricane hits Little Bridge there are pets in need. Bree recruits Drew to help her get to the animals in need and if they can't help falling in love along the way, that is all the better.

A feel good story that will warm your heart and make you want to adopt a rescue pet.

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Meg Cabot is the queen of Rom-Com (in my opinion, anyway) and this new series is just proving my theory correct!

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This books brings the delightful town of Little Bridge Island in Florida to life with engaging characters in a smal community. Bree flees her city life and isn’t in town very long before a hurricane is on the way. Her passion for and determination to save the animals entwines her life with a very handsome local. Light romantic comedy that will make you smile.

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Meh. This was my first Meg Cabot book and it was ok? I did enjoy the small town setting and the conclusion, but I also felt like the characters were all a bit surface level, ya know? I just needed more in depth descriptions about Bri and the male lead (whose name I can't even remember now): more about their backgrounds, inner thoughts and motivations, even more about their appearance. I do want to read the next book in the series because I enjoyed the setting of the little island, but I don't think I see myself investing time into any of her other series or backlist. 3 out of 5 wine glasses.

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3.5/5 stars

It’s been a while since I’ve read anything by Meg Cabot, and this was pretty much pure nostalgia for me. There were so many familiar language ticks that just had me grinning – I would know a Meg Cabot book anywhere. Though I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how much I would love it if I wasn’t already a Meg Cabot fan. There are just so many quality contemporary romances out there right now that I’m not sure I’d choose this over something with a bit more meat to it.

I liked Drew a lot, but I found Bree to be really clueless and irresponsible, especially re: hurricane preparedness. I enjoyed the banter between the two of them, but I would have loved more tension – both with their relationship and with the hurricane – it all just felt way too easy. The hurricane bit especially was completely unrealistic, but I didn’t find it as problematic as some did (I know what I’m getting into when I pick up a Meg Cabot book and this was never going to be anything other than the frothiest of romances – realistic consequences of a hurricane be damned).

As expected, it was super light on the drama, just ridiculous, fluffy fun. All the “conflict” was resolved in an instant at the very end in a series of ridiculous scenes (one of which felt totally out of place and caught me completely off guard - I’m honestly surprised it made it into the final version).

Overall though, this was an entertaining, enjoyable read that definitely didn’t take itself too seriously. It would be perfect for the beach or if you’re just in the mood for a simple, uncomplicated romance.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a good start to the series. I loved the love story and being able to see what happened during the hurricane. There was some interesting insight into what the people on this island may do when a hurricane comes. Having gone through 2 hurricanes myself it was interesting to see what some of there feel going through this. I enjoyed some of the suspense that happens throughout the book.

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E this was just ok. As someone who lives in the Florida Keys and has been through something very similar to this, I just can't give it a great review. A lot of this is unrealistic and just plain wrong. Plus the main character is kind of dumb. She should have evacuated and saved us all from this story.

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This was a fun, cute, and relaxing getaway from everyday life. I loved the little town of Little Bridge and the characters there. I'm glad that Ms. Cabot has written more books that take place there and I plan to read them soon. I have been a Meg Cabot fan for a long time, so I might be a bit prejudicial toward her and her writing, but I will say I don't understand some of the negative reviews this book has gotten. If you are looking for something more than a little brain candy to pass the time or distract you from your worries, Cabot's books are probably not what you are looking for. However, I consider her the queen of the rom-com and I appreciate her efforts to give me a little happy distraction from the hellhole that is the year 2020. I thought this book was great fun and I'm really looking forward to reading the other Little Bridge Island books.

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Content Warnings: Descriptions that can be perceived as fatphobic, minor animal abuse (a man kicks a dog, but the dog is taken away from him), sexual assault, hurricane, a couple of scenes with guns

Bree moved to Little Bridge Island to start over after an incident involving her ex-boyfriend's friend. Unfortunately, the hurricane of the century is heading straight toward the island and Bree doesn't want to evacuate. Her reason? Her cat Gary just had oral surgery and he doesn't travel well. So she stays on the island and weathers the storm, despite having no real knowledge of how to survive major hurricanes. This was the first major problem with the book.

After the storm passes and Bree learns that the bridge leading to the island was destroyed, Bree realizes that pet owners who left their pets will not be able to reach them. She takes it upon herself to check in on the animals and make sure they are okay. This is noted as a significant part of the plot, but it doesn't take up as much of the book as I expected.

Over the course of a few days, Bree begins to fall for her boss's nephew, Drew, who is known for being a heartbreaker. Despite only hearing rumors about Drew's reputation, Bree is equally attracted to and disgusted by him. It is meant to be an enemies-to-lovers romance, but I would argue that they are not truly enemies. Bree seems to dislike Drew because of his reputation and Drew seems completely neutral toward Bree.

As someone who grew up reading different Meg Cabot books, this was disappointing. I expected Bree to be witty and fun, but she was bland. None of the drama in her life felt interesting to me, even though some of it should have been intriguing. Bree's constant refusal to leave the island made zero sense. She had plenty of opportunities to do so! The romance also felt rushed and out of place. I like the enemies-to-lovers trope, but it could have been executed in a more effective way.

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