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No Judgments

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This was a fun summer read! Sabrina, or Bree has come to the island she used to visit as a child. It turns out the island has everything she needs, including romance. The thing that she was not expecting was a huge hurricane that is headed right for the island. Fun, full of girl power and moments of self-discovery, and if you like animals, you will love this book.

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Meg Cabot's latest has a unique setting: a small island in the Florida Keys that is in the unwavering path of a Category 5 hurricane. Cue up the action as the residents who have refused to flee the island survive the storm and begin the rescue and recovery processes. As an added bonus for Sabrina ("Bree"), as she is thrown into the arms of Drew, whom she has been crushing on since her move to the island. As she becomes involved with rescuing pets who have been left behind in the storm, the reasons for Sabrina's move to the island becomes apparent: a perceived betrayal from her famous mother, her father's death and the sexual assault from her former fiancé's bet friend.

I always love a Meg Cabot book, but this does not have the investment or humor as her "Queen of Babble,' "Heather Wells" series. Fun, quick read for those who want a summer "happily-ever-after" book.

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Meg Cabot hits it out of the park again with her signature light and witty writing. I'm happy she's come out with a new series.

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No Judgments is a sweet romance.

Bree is determined to stay on Little Bridge Island even if there’s a possible record breaking hurricane on the way. She’s not going to let anything or anyone get in her way, especially Drew the nephew of her employer who keeps telling her she won’t survive the storm. She didn’t leave her mentally abusive ex to be told what to do by this infuriating yet sexy man. She keeps telling herself that he’s no good but the more time she spends around him the more their mutual love of animals seems to bring them together.

The tension between Bree and Drew was pretty entertaining and I love how feisty and determined Bree is. However, there were some parts that felt like Bree was more defensive with Drew than was necessary so it took away from their interactions a little bit. Overall, this was a fun book and I flew through it!

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After a bad year where her father died, her mother turns out not to be her mother, and her boyfriend's best friend tried to assault her, Bree Beckham has decided to take a break from her life. She stops going to law school and moves from New York to Little Bridge, Florida. And she actually seems to be doing pretty well for herself until the hurricane comes.

Now Bree has to first survive the hurricane with her newly adopted shelter cat and also try to keep the other animals on the island alive, as well.

She is helped by Drew, the annoyingly handsome and charming nephew of her employer and his family. But when her past comes to Little Bridge, can she find a way to stay in her present?

Final thoughts: I've been a Cabot fan for years, but this one just didn't do it for me. This felt like the set up for a new TV show or a disaster/romance movie. Bree's character was a little off the entire time. Staying for the hurricane? Actually going out during the early storm for her scooter? Spending half the book looking for animals? It just didn't read realistic and she was inconsistent throughout. Additionally, the storm itself is made out to be a huge part of the book, when it really isn't. It's actually treated as more of a convenience or even an afterthought. Just not a fan of this one.

NOTE: This is a New Adult book, NOT a Young Adult book. Not appropriate for most teens.

Rating: 2/5

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Meg Cabot's realistic fiction are always such fun to read. I need a palette cleanser after a few heavier reads and this one did the trick! The depictions of island life had me craving margaritas while reading this one!

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Fun if predictable. The book was made more enjoyable because I happened to be visiting the Keys when I read the book. Enjoyably quirky minor characters.

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This was an entertaining, light beach read. As in, I literally read it while on the beach. As someone who lives on an island, the portrayal of islanders was pretty accurate. This was a nice lighthearted story, despite the hurricane throwing wrenches into the plot.

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While I don't believe this was Meg Cabot at her finest, this book was cute and if you are looking for a light read and a little romance. While it was fairly predictable, it still produced a smile.

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This novel gave me "Harlequin Romance" vibes. I really need to see the Lifetime Movie version with Drew strutting around shirtless!
Mostly romance, part family drama, plus some animal activism made this a fun read. When Bree decides to ride out a hurricane on Little Bridge Island in the Florida Keys, she isn't really prepared for the storm of concern from her mother and her ex who want to use their considerable connections to help her evacuate. But Bree is determined to make it on her own and finds a purpose--and a use for those family resources and connections-- as she learns that many of the evacuees left pets behind who need care. And did I mention the shirtless hottie? Of course, Bree must accept help from the island's notorious shirtless bad boy and, well, fireworks in the pants ensue. Pick this up for a fun "beach read."

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I like every Meg Cabot book I've read (with the exception of the "Boy" series). This wasn't my absolute favorite, but it was a fun and quick read. Plus, it touched on #MeToo themes and consent, which made it a little more substantial. Overall, happy to have a new Meg Cabot book in the world!

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This was a sweet quick read! It was pretty predictable but what romcom isn’t! Enjoyed the feisty main character. I’ve never read a Meg Cabot book but I’d be willing to try another one in the future!

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Sabrina is trying to start over, she's trying to figure out what she wants because she knows it's not law school or her ex Caleb who chose his friend over her - making her feel like what Kyle did was acceptable. Her mom isn't any better, she just doesn't get it. So she left New York and went to Little Bridge Island to start over. She never expected to find Gary, her cat, and Drew Hartwell, a local, so inciting.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for the advanced copy of this book!
I read this book in one sitting. I totally loved it.
I am a native Floridian so it was really interesting to read about the hurricane prep and aftermath. I think Meg nailed it with the details. I found the romance aspect of this book pretty relatable, and not far fetched at all so it made it easier to enjoy. I think this is the perfect summer read and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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As a fan of Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries series and all of her adult books, her new book No Judgments did not disappoint. This story is a fun, lighthearted and engaging read, with some emotional pain the main character Bree is both fleeing from and will eventually have to face moving the plot along. Loved the setting in the Florida Keys.

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This was a fun, frothy read. It was not as entertaining or well-written as Meg Cabot's Heather Wells mystery series, however. I read this to see if it would be appropriate for our middle school library. I look forward more of Cabot's YA novels in the future. Our kids still love Teen Idol!

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I loved the fact that I can relate to what is going on in the start of this book as I live in Florida and know the plight of hurricanes. As always I love anything written by Meg Cabot and this book is no exception, enjoyed it thoroughly from beginning to end.

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Another enjoyable book by Meg Cabot. She’s one of my favorites. I like the characters and plot. Well done again!

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Never read a Meg Cabot book. Tried something new. Not a flat out regret, but it wasn’t very good. Bad writing. Straight up. I’d like to say it was innocuous but it wasn’t. Serious stuff was dealt with too lightly, and the characters were like wood.

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Cute and classic romantic comedy. "No Judgements" is an entertaining heartfelt read about a young woman Bree, fleeing from the loss of her father and difficult circumstances to a little island in the Florida Keys, called Little Bridge Keys. After settling, Bree finds herself faced with a category 5 hurricane. Should she stay or should she go? Bree stays and with the storm comes something unexpected. Love.
This is a cute and classic romantic comedy. that is highly entertaining. The storyline and characters will hold your interested with ease. A culmination of loss, love, animals, and romance there is much to admire about this book. Meg Cabot does what she does best, again.

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