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The Princess Plan

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I don’t feel like Julia London’s writing is for me. I really enjoy reading the hero’s POV and didn’t feel like there was much of that in here. And I’m not into the hero being with someone else after he’s met the heroine at all.

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A promising start, but swiftly veered off-course. I wasn’t sufficiently drawn in to suspend disbelief as far as was necessary for this book’s conceit. (I also have no idea what’s going on with that prom dress on the cover, but if it’s meant to sell “Hallmark special” more than “1840s”, well, it’s at least representing the book adequately).

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Unfortunately I was not taken by this historical romance about a prince looking for an English bride. Julie is spunky and surprised to find herself within royal circles. Despite her quirky and curious personality it wasn't enough to hold my interest. this novel dragged with flowerly language and a boring prince. Just not my cup of tea.

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It has been a while since I’ve read a Regency romance, so i decided to request this one to see if I still enjoy them. I’d read a few reviews on Netgalley, and there were many that found it lacklustre. I’m happy to report that I really enjoyed it. The mystery was just enough to keep me interested, without rolling my eyes. I enjoyed Eliza quite a bit; she was refreshing and funny. I also liked Sebastian, and found that his storyline of being bound by traditions was believable. 4 stars.

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The Princess Plan is a historical romance. I started out devouring this book. By 50% in I had to force myself to continue. The middle got a little boring. The prince lost his one and only best friend and all he can think about is some girl. This dude barely grieved. I give this book a sold 3 stars. The characters had some good moments in the beginning but by the middle it was boring.

Thank you to NetGalley for the free copy. This is an honest review.

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So, where to begin? Oh yes, I received this title in exchange for an honest review. I read and reviewed this title voluntarily.

Now, I think the biggest problem with this novel is the page count. It was just too much for the story and because of that it dragged in many places. It took me forever to get through this book for that reason.

I love the characters and romance! Best part of the story and the only reason I kept reading. They just really saved this for me.

The writing, sometimes it flowed so perfectly but other times... it confused me? I would have to re-read a part a few times to understand it. To be fair, I've been out of sorts recently and that could be the reason.

Overall, this is just an average romance. Nothing to write home about but if you like long drawn out romances, this might be for you!

Will go live on my blog: 11/06/2019

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Catching the beginning of a series by an author I have previously enjoyed is a great find. I love series, especially historical romance. I had high hopes for this book. The premise was promising - a commoner/spinster and a prince and a mystery. But the reading of this book was not quite what I expected. Though the plot kept me interests, the romance didn't make me wish for their happily ever after and the secondary characters weren't developed enough to anticipate the remainder of the series. Bummer-- The book, overall, was good, but I wanted great - my own issue.

Thanks to NetGalley and HQN for the ARC of this book.

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When the personal secretary and friend to visiting Prince Sebastian of Alucia is found murdered, it is all anyone can talk about including Eliza Tricklebeck. She and her sister publish an unapologetic gossip gazette. When her father, a local judge, receives an anonymous tip about the crime, they rush to publish it in their gazette.

Prince Sebastian is devastated at the loss of his friend and when he sees the only possible lead printed in a local gazette he rushes over to see what else the publishers know. This starts a relationship between the Prince and Eliza as they rush to solve the murder before the pending trade deal closes and the Prince is forces to pick an English bride.

I am a huge fan of Julia London’s regency romance novels. This is a fun, quick read but not necessarily one of her best.

* Thank you to NetGalley and HQN Books for my kindle copy in exchange for a honest and unbiased review. *

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Title: The Princess Plan
Author: Julia London
Series: A Royal Marriage #1
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Harlequin
Pub Date: November 26, 2019
Pages: 384
My Copy: Courtesy of Harlequin and NetGalley

Book Summary:

Princes have pomp and glory—not crushes on commoners.

Nothing gets the tongues of London’s high society wagging like a good scandal. And when the personal secretary of the visiting Prince Sebastian of Alucia is found murdered, it’s all anyone can talk about, including Eliza Tricklebank. Her unapologetic gossip gazette has benefited from an anonymous tip about the crime, prompting Sebastian to take an interest in playing detective—and an even greater interest in Eliza.

With a trade deal on the line and mounting pressure to secure a noble bride, there’s nothing more salacious than a prince dallying with a commoner. Sebastian finds Eliza’s contrary manner as frustrating as it is seductive, but they’ll have to work together if they’re going to catch the culprit. And when things heat up behind closed doors, it’s the prince who’ll have to decide what comes first—his country or his heart.

Book Review:

A great start to a new series. I love how these two people who come from two different backgrounds find each other thru some unusual means. One is a prince. The other is a lady who helps her father, a judge and also runs a ladies gazette and things get much more interesting than either of them ever thought possible.

The way this book starts is with Sebastian, who happens to be a prince. He is the crowned prince of Alucia and needs to marry an English Women of some social standing with connections to help secure a trade agreement. This would make him more secure and the Alucian crown help avoid a war with another kingdom. They need the alliance with England.
So it’s a matter of necessity to do what is in the best interest of his kingdom. Eliza on the other hand has a bit of a different situation. She is a spinister, someone who never married and takes care of her father, who happens to be blind and has a sister and a housekeeper, Poppy. Plus she is visited by her friend (RN: This person has been in another Julia London series), who has a lot of connections. So we learn that things are not always what things seem. Plus she was burned once before in a relationship and that makes her quite hesitant to start things. Not to mention she writes a gazette that talks about women’s fashions for the most part and then sometimes gossip.

Of course, at a party to find a suitable bride and meet some of the most elite ladies with great social connections, things get very interesting. Eliza gets lost and ends up meeting the prince who is in a mask at the party along with the other Alucians. She is drinking some rum punch and he partakes of the rum punch. Somehow Eliza ends up on a line to meet him and realizes that the man she met is the prince.

So then things become even more twisty as there are tons of people and something very bad happens to someone who is close to the prince. This person is murdered and is/was a close personal friend to Sebastian (the prince) and therefore begins an investigation. Somehow Eliza and the gazette get a hold of this information and put it in their gazette which leads Sebastian and Eliza to but some heads. During this course of butting heads Sebastian is stunned that anyone would talk to him the way this woman has talked to him. He is surprised and a little bit baffled by this development.

Him and Eliza somehow get involved in a murder investigation. This ends up getting them even closer and developing at first a weird kind of friendship that is different from any other relationship he has ever had with a woman. This ends up getting much more intense as both Eliza and Sebastian realize their were things they didn’t know and realize that they need each other. Sebastian also realizes that people have kept secrets from him and that’s not a good thing as it can affect the safety of his people. He also is having to deal with the trade agreement and marriage proposal.

Yet he has to wrestle with the fact that both him and Eliza would make a good match love wise, but the fact that she doesn’t have a title makes it hard. Somehow an idea comes to him that will give Eliza the title after a long thinking over the situation. Plus he realizes that life and the crown isn’t worth all the frustration and broken hearted his life would be without the woman he loves. So he manages to find a solution to their problem and Eliza’s father gets a title and this will enable him to marry the woman he loves and Eliza the man she loves he hopes.

So when he proposes to Eliza she is stunned, but he tells her that being his wife will not be easy, but together they can overcome the challenges. She accepts the proposal and is very happy in a way she never expected. Sebastian and Eliza do get their happily ever after, but it was a lot of work to get the happy ending that both of them needed and wanted.

I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next one in the series.


Four Hearts

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There is not much I love more than a gorgeous ball gown, and the one the fmc is wearing on the cover of this book is a stunner. Needless to say, the cinderella-like dress is what grabbed my attention and convinced me to read a regency novel despite not having read one in months. The fact the word "princess" is in the title also helped, as I am a sucker for all things royal.

However, I found the basic premise of the plot rather difficult to believe. While a prince and a "commoner" meeting at a ball and deciding to solve a crime together is an interesting way to throw two unlikely people together, it didn't feel like a good fit. Despite this, I adored the tension between Eliza and Sebastian. She is delightful, stubborn, irreverent, smart, and perfect for the lonely prince. I wondered how the pair would go from the antagonistic initial meetings to becoming lovers by the end with no notion how and HEA would actually come about. 

While I enjoyed the book well enough to keep reading, I cannot say I would ever read it again. I will probably try out the rest of the Royal Wedding series, I am curious enough for that, but if I had the choice I would rather read my favourite regency authors than add this author to the mix.

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This book was a fun read. I really enjoyed the character Eliza Tricklebank and seeing how she as a 'spinster' interacted with the prince and how it was completely differently than how everyone else interacted with him.

It was fun to see the relationship grow and change between Eliza and Sebastian.

Most historical romances I've read the main female character was actively trying to find a husband. This one was different since Eliza seemed quite content being a spinster, repairing clocks and taking care of her blind father. I had a hard time putting this book down. I look forward to reading more books in this series when they come out.

#ThePrincessPlan #NetGalley

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Eliza is a sweet women who has been hurt in her life. But has a wonderful outlook about her future. Sebastian is a prince that’s trying to help his country. Eliza and Sebastian meet during a dance. Sebastian is intrigued with Eliza by the way she treats him. She helps him solve the mysteries but Sebastian isn’t ready to say goodbye! Loved this story.

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Eliza, the daughter of judge and loves to repair clocks, attends a masquerade ball at Kensington Palace in honor of a visiting Prince from another country. His goal is to attain trading rights and acquire an English bride to seal the deal. From their first encounter things are memorable for her, but for him, not so much, until they meet face to face and she becomes unforgettable. Murder, political negotiations and the pair trying to solve who done it, keep the book moving. But it is the sparks between Prince Sebastian and Eliza that set a faster pace.
Julia London has definitely scored extra points for this one.
A free copy from Netgalley for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. Eliza was a breath of fresh air, partially because she was older than the normal historical romance heroine but also because she so content in her spinster status that she didn't care at all about society. She had no problems speaking her mind, refusing to dance at balls.... I adored her. Watching Eliza and Sebastian fall for each other was a real treat.

I did find it a bit frustrating that they didn't spend a little more time trying to figure out how to be together rather than bemoaning the fact that they couldn't, but overall, the book is really good. When I wasn't ready, I was itching to get back to it, which is a mark of a great read for me.

Also, I feel like I could've used a bit more of the side characters. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm not terribly interested in what happens next to Hollis or Caroline (although I will probably change my mind when those books come out).

Thank you to Netgalley for a free review copy of this book.

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A fun, witty romance with a murder mystery plot at the centre of it. One of the things I really enjoyed was that, even though she is a spinster, Eliza is determined to enjoy her life. Her enthusiasm and intelligent is infectious, and I thought it made her a perfect match for the more formal Prince Sebastian. A great start to a new historical romance series!

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ALL THE STARS! Julia London launches her brand-new A Royal Wedding series with an incredibly charming historical romance. She even delivers a delicious cozy mystery! Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Books for the advance reader copy.

While visiting London, England, to secure a noble bride, Prince Sebastian of Allucia is shocked to discover his personal secretary has been murdered. Desperate to catch the culprit, Sebastian finds an unlikely ally in outspoken and magnetic commoner Eliza Tricklebank after her gossip gazette publishes an anonymous tip about the crime. When their detective work takes a romantic turn, Sebastian will have to decide whether his country or his heart comes first.

I loved Sebastian and Eliza together! From their unofficial meet-cute (and almost kiss) in the hidden passageway during the royal ball to their official meet-hate at Eliza's house, the chemistry jumped off the page. Their banter was so enjoyable and I loved how their personalities complimented each other.

Julia London is so skilled at writing historical romances with strong heroines. I used to only read contemporary romances before discovering her Highlander Grooms and getting hooked on her writing. Eliza, much like Maura in Seduced by a Scot (Highlander Grooms #6) is wonderfully outspoken and surprisingly (yet not unrealistic for the time) independent. They fight for what they want from life and take chances. Damsels in distress are nowhere to be found in Julia London's cannon. ;)

I don't think Julia London has written romantic suspense before but she delivers such an enjoyable cozy mystery with the murder of Sebastian's personal secretary. It was a really great way to naturally build the romance between Sebastian and Eliza.

I can't wait to read the next novel in A Royal Wedding! I highly recommend The Princess Plan to anyone who loves romances with strong, outspoken characters.

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I don’t read much historical fiction that is primarily about romance rather than history, so this book didn’t fit my needs for historical fiction personally or as a school librarian.

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This book was difficult to get into and did not hold my attention. I was surprised by this, Julia London is usually much more readable than this.

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First, the advanced reader copy I downloaded had formatting problems with the first 2 chapters being repeated 3 times. It was tempting not to even bother to read this book, but I did continue reading. I would hope that any and all glitches will be fixed by publication. In addition, the opening chapter about Eliza Tricklebank's father was not necessary in my opinion. All that info could have easily been teased out during the story. It felt like an info dump which is never a good thing to keep a reader engaged.

I found the story between Eliza and Prince Sebastian to be almost comical and not really romantic. For them to even have any interactions beyond the first ball seemed far-fetched, but with the murder of Sebastian's private secretary, Sebastian kept seeking Eliza's help. Evidently he felt she was the only one who would honestly express her opinions to him. I had figured out who the murderer was early on, but there was a bit of a twist at the end that was a little surprising. While this book was not my favorite, I will definitely pick up the next book in the series as I enjoy Ms. London's books.

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This one took a while for me to get in to. I don’t like that the love interest brushes off the main character to go have sex with another woman at the beginning of the book (after the meet-cute!). That is a trope I despise, especially in historical romance, because we see the man sleep with someone (usually a prostitute/mistress) while the main character remains virginal and chaste until he comes along with all his knowledge to initiate her into the sensuality club. Blech. I realize that historical romance novels use this trope to highlight characteristics of the time but it’s fiction. And as a historian, I can tell you that women were having sex too. Anyway, despite that scene almost turning me away, the book progresses as the characters work together to solve a murder and slowly fall in love.

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