Member Reviews

This book tugged on my emotions and was a great read

beautifully written and the author has some good characters. Essentiallly a heartwarming story-family, second chances, love and forgiveness.

Two sisters who have lost touch their lives a bit tangled but When they come together in an unlikely circumstance, they find that love will heal.

I have not come across this author before so will be looking out for other works by this author

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A low key novel about two estranged sisters, their reconciliation and food. It's not dramatic, it's not melodramatic, it's just abut family and second chances. A good read.

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This was just the wrong book for me as a reader I think. I was turned off from the very beginning when the main character made several decisions that made absolutely no sense (particularly as a journalist). It felt like the author was just painting her characters into corners to fit the plot, not what was actually realistic. Too schmaltzy for my taste and not something I’d recommend to people with my similar preferences.

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This book is gorgeous and emotional and I loved it. We start with two sisters who eventually reunite and create a new relationship in life together. There’s a lot of food in this book as well as A deeper message in regards to food and meals and how we use those things as bonding between humans. I loved the descriptions in this book and I love the cover art with its individual ingredients and plants, it gives it a very rustic and homey feel!

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Thank you @suzyapprovedbooktours and @getredpr for my stop on the tour for #TheSecondChanceSupperClub by @nicolemeierwrites (out NOW) this was such a light and fun hearted read and just what I needed in terms of a reading pallet cleanser between all the thrillers I’ve been reading. A tale of the power of sisterhood when two estranged sisters Ginny and Julia are forced back into each other’s lives, this book gave me a bunch of feels. I won’t give anything further away in plot (see synopsis below). Another appeal for me in this one was all the FOOD references! Being a bit of a foodie this book definitely held my interest and had me salivating at times with all the food and I also really enjoyed Ginny’s secret supper club - how cool would that be?! A heartwarming read that I recommend to fans of Women’s fiction or anyone looking for a quick change of pace between reads

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A book about family, healing, and second chances, It took me a while to get into the story but it was well worth it. I would love to read more books by the author.

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I was hoping there would be more to this story. I really liked the characters and the storyline, but kept waiting for the *moment.* I felt like something was missing.

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This book about second chances was very moving. I generally like when characters and relationships develop over time and a book represents aspects of life that might not be perfect, but we all have to live with. I got all of this in „the second chance supper club“, plus a great atmosphere! The story is set in Arizona and even though I have never been there, I could imagine it perfectly, just like all the delicious food described in the book.
Yet, the characters were my favorite part about the book – it felt like I knew them personally. What drew me to this book was the cover though. I never read anything by Nicole Meier before, but I will definitely watch out for more!

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The Second Chance Supper Club is all about, you guessed it, second chances. The focus on family and forgiveness are compelling topics and you want to root for Julia and Ginny. It's a cute book and now I definitely want to join a secret supper club!

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The Second Chance Supper Club is about second chances and it is well written. Enjoyed the characters and how they come together. Great read from a new author to me. Can't wait to read more in the future.

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Julia Frank is a journalist and a presenter on a morning TV show called Daybreak. She lives in Manhattan with her fiancée James and he's keen to set a date for the wedding. Julia hasn’t had a holiday in years, her co-host is an arrogant man and she’s really struggling to cope. One morning at work, she ignores the teleprompter and asks a guest on the show a question of her own and she gets into big trouble with her boss. Julia's sent home, she's put everything she's worked hard for at risk, and her reputation and she decides to visit her sister Ginny in Arizona.

Ginny Frank was once a successful award wining chef in New York, now she’s running an underground dining venue from her house in the Arizona desert, she’s busy and shocked when Julia arrives expectantly one night. The sisters haven’t seen each other in three years, they had a huge fall out when their parents died and Ginny felt that Julia didn’t help her. The last thing Ginny needs is more drama, her teenage daughter Olive creates enough and she’s too busy trying to keep her business afloat.

Ginny needs help, so she lets Julia stay as long as she’s prepared to help with the supper club and she agrees. With Ginny, Julia and Olive all working together, things do get tense and they also start to work as a united team. During the time Julia and Ginny spend together, it makes them both think about what they want out of life, they both decided to makes changes, and sisters become closer, they forgive each other and gives Olive a chance to following her own dreams.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, I really enjoyed it and The Second Chance Supper Club is a story about family, forgiveness, second chances and four stars from me.

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Ginny and Julia are sisters who were once close, but they had a huge fight after their parents death. Julia is a broadcast journalist and whilst doing an interview things go very wrong and she is suspended. With nowhere else to go she reaches out to her estranged sister Ginny for a shoulder to cry on even though they have not seen or spoke to each other for a long while. Ginny runs an underground supper club in Arizona. She has her own problems, she barely makes ends meet. She tells Julia that she will need to work in the supper club and the sisters start their relationship over . Then there is Ginny’s daughter . This family saga was packed full of emotion and kept me enthralled all the way through.

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My mum always used to say ‘home is a place where, if you have to go there, they have to take you in.’ And that really resonated with me when I read this book. Sometimes we have to go home, re open old wounds, have uncomfortable conversations and face the past in order to move forward.
I loved the emotional nature of two sisters coming back together, the irritation and the familiarity of their long laid down relationship. I have definitely felt like Ginny at times; having a younger sister you love and are driven crazy by simultaneously.

A heartfelt read to get you right in the feels, recommended for anyone who loves a great, character driven narrative and thoughtful provocative writing style

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There's nothing better than a heart-warming, happy ending and The Second Chance Supper Club serves up just that. Add in amazing food descriptions and there is enough there for me to enjoy.
It's a quick read and, unfortunately, I think the book suffers a bit for that. I found I just didn't connect with Julia, Ginny and Olive enough to really feel for their individual (and group) predicament.
Not a groundbreaking read, but not a bad one either.

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Thank you to #NetGalley for this book.

I'm not sure if I'm getting tired of reading books about sisters or families, but this one just didn't do it for me at all. I plodded through it.

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The Second Chance Supper Club is a book about finding your way back after a tragedy. Two sisters become reunited and must confront their past in order to move on and find their futures.

Ginny and Julia are both characters that were just ok for me. Neither stuck out as a well-rounded character, but I did like reading about their lives. I found Ginny to be more interesting, and that's probably because I enjoy food. I felt like I could predict the outcome from the very beginning of the book, but that didn't deter me from reading it. I enjoyed watching Ginny and Julia overcome their grievances with one another.

This book was heartfelt and emotional, but not so emotional that it will leave you crying when you're finished. This would be a great bookclub read if you're looking for something lighter. I enjoyed all of the food descriptions and often had a grumbling stomach when I put the book down to take a break.

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This is quite lovely story about two estranged sisters and the way we evolve and mature.

Julia, her older sister Ginny and Ginny's daughter Olivia are in the state of fight. There are unsolved issues between them. Yet the time spent together can tear theie walls, open their gates and offer them fresh perspective and the look into the mirror to them selves, as well as renewing of their bonds.

I would not say that this is a masterpiece, yet it is nice piece of "feelgood" novels, where the relationships are valued and given a good chance to be renewed and bettered. The sister-sister, mother-daughter and aunt-niece relationships are all real and if given some appreciation, respect and goodwill they can blossom. Of course, those belong amongst the hardest kinds of relationships, too. But blood truly is thicker than water. And we should always could consider giving a second chance/s (some cases excluded, of course).

This is a pleasant read, recommmend for the rainy day, plus a cup of nice tea!

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Thank you for the early copy!

It took me quite a while to get into this book, but once I did I read a good amount of it quickly.
I was curious about aspects of the story so I wanted to keep reading, however I got about 40% In and lost the drive to continue.

I will put this on my TO finish shelf for a different time.

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3.5 stars. Things I enjoyed: the underground restaurant aspect and the second half of the book that shows the power of the bond between sisters, aunt/niece and mother/daughters. Things that could be better: the first half dragged on. It was not a very original story. City woman moves to AZ to stay with her estranged sister after a work mistake. City woman loves being in a deserted area. Sisters that do not communicate well and thus end up misunderstanding and resenting one another. Nothing riveting but fine as a book. Would recommend to those that love books about family relationships and want the inside scoop on the restaurant business.
Thank you NetGalley for the free digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this lovely story of family, two disconnected sisters and how they find their way back to each other in Arizona. It had a wonderful sense of place, an excellently detailed storyline and very well developed, complicated characters, Not to mention the gorgeous descriptions of food, flowers and more. Beautifully written. Highly recommended.

I would like to thank Nicole Meyer, Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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