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The Second Chance Supper Club

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I enjoyed this feel good sister story very much! As one who has three sisters, and also happens to be a foodie, this was a really fun read. Thank you Net Galley!

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really enjoyed this book. great story line and great characters. look forward to reading more from this author.

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Julia Frank has reached a level of success she's always dreamed about in broadcast journalism.  The problem is she didn't realize there would be so much pressure to maintain it.  
After a risky on-air claim against the mayor, Julia finds her reputation in ruins and she's forced off the air while the station does damage control.  Too embarrassed to stick around the city, she hastily boards a plane for Arizona to visit her sister, leaving her fiancee James to figure out what's going on.

Ginny Frank was once a successful chef in NYC, working in the most elite restaurants and earning a Michelin star.  That all came to a grinding halt when her parents died suddenly in a car accident.  Her sister Julia couldn't be bothered to leave the city and fly back to Arizona to tie up all the loose ends.  Ginny and her daughter Olive stayed in Arizona after taking care of the estate and started their own secret supper club, Mesquite, around their dining room table.

The sisters haven't spoken in three years when Julia shows up on Ginny's doorstep.  Ginny holds a lot of unresolved hurt and resentment against Julia and would love to shut the door in her face but with her underground business barely able to make ends meet, she puts Julia to work.

Together the sisters start over in their relationship and in their careers proving it's never too late to start over.

The Second Chance Supper Club is a heart warming story about sisters, second chances, and some amazing food served around a table in the Arizona desert.  The story unfolds at a fast pace with everything falling into place for a happy ending.  This is a quick and cozy read- a perfect palate cleanser between heavy reads.

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.  The Second Chance Supper Club is scheduled for release on September 10, 2019.

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Lovely feel good story. It was well written and flowed well. Easy to read and hard to put down. Perfect on these summer nights

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“The Second Chance Supper Club” by Nicole Meier is an amazingly delightful novel about sisterhood, forgiveness and food.

Julia is a broadcast journalist with a dashing fiancé, but is worried about being replaced by the next best thing. When she takes a risk and accuses the New York mayor of committing tax fraud, she loses her job and flees to her sister Ginny’s home in Arizona. Unfortunately, the two sisters have been estranged since the death of their parents several years ago, and as a result, Julia is not a welcome guest. Older sister Ginny owns a secret supper club in Arizona, which she runs with the grudging assistance of her daughter, Olive. Once a well-respected chef in New York, Ginny currently struggles to make ends-meet and suffers a strained relationship with her daughter. As a result, Ginny is not too pleased to see her estranged sister, but allows Julia to stay if Julia promises to work.

“The Second Chance Supper Club” is an enjoyable novel with quick and lively prose. While I have read many novels on this subject of family dysfunction, I love novels on the topic, and the author’s detailed description of cooking and food and thorough character development make what could be a trite story, instead, a delicious treat.

This was the first novel I have read by Nicole Meier, but it certainly won’t be the last. I'd like to thank NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and the author for providing me a copy of this novel.

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I absolutely loved this book!! It was light and refreshing; no bad language or sex (I’m not a prude) but I feel this opens it up to another demographic of readers who otherwise would not read it. It is a beautiful story of a very fractured family reconnecting with one another. Moreover, it was about forgiveness, honesty, compromise and love. I don’t want to mention anything that could spoil such an amazing story; instead I can say it has re-ignited my faith in the affirmation that “love really can conquer all”.

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Enjoyable read well written. Thank you to both NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest unbiased review

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Thanks to netgalley for an early copy in return for an honest review
First time reading this Author and really enjoyed the experience
A story of sisters of love and loss can recommend.

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Julia loses her job so runs home to Arizona which she left many years ago. She left her sister to deal with their parent's death and all that went with it. The two sisters don't see eye to eye - but come to terms with each other. . Julia stays and helps her sister run her "illegal" restaurant and eventually they mend fences and all is right with the world. I now I have an unsophisticated palette, but wow, those meals were beyond belief.

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I like books about sisters and family so this book appealed to me. This concept isn't really new, but it's a sweet story without any surprises. It could've used a bit more excitement, but if you just want a nice read, this is it.

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Thank you, Netgalley, for the opportunity to read this feel good story. Ginny and Julia are sister, estranged over the handling of events after the sudden death of their parents. After three years, Julia goes home to Arizona after an incident at work leaves her at loose ends. Ginny is also going through some tough times, including her strained relationship with her daughter Olive. I liked the writing, the story and the characters. I recommend for readers like me who love books about sisters and reconciliations.

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The Second Chance Supper Club by Nicole Meier is a very good book. It is about two sisters, Ginny and Julia, who were close when they were younger, but now have issues dating back three years to their parents’ death. In addition, Ginny has a young adult daughter, Olive, with whom there are also issues. This book deals with solving those issues and regaining family. I enjoyed reading it and definitely recommend it to others. Thank you to #Netgalley and #Lake Union Publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

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Ginny is a chef that gave up her career in NYC to go home to Arizona when her parents died to settle up the estate. Julia is a big time reporter in NYC and makes a big mistake and gets in trouble at work. Ginny decides to stay in Arizona and opens up a little restaurant in her house. After Julia gets in trouble at work she flees to her sisters house in Arizona. The two sisters have been at odds since their parents died. When Julia shows up at Ginny's doorstep unannounced. What follows is a story of sisterhood and forgiveness.

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In the acknowledgements section of this book, the author states that the “book stems from my love of sister stories.” I, too, love sister stories, probably because I don’t have a sister so I like to witness them as others live their stories. I’m giving The Second Chance Supper Club 3.5 Stars because I wanted more of this relationship. I never felt any intimacy or vulnerability from either of these sisters. At the end, they agree to live and work near each other, but I don’t feel like they really discussed or resolved the issues that drove them apart in the first place. Part of that, for me, came from the lack of dialogue in this story. There are a lot of times when the sisters are looking at each other and the reader is being told what the character is thinking, but they don’t open up to each other. Julia has just been suspended from her high visibility anchor job in New York. GInny is floundering in her pop up restaurant she runs with the help of her daughter, Olive. These women need each other, but they never really reach for each other. Likewise, Olive, The now grown daughter of Ginny never had a derp conversation with her aunt regarding their lives or how the absence of each other has impacted the other. Maybe I just really had high expectations but this story just left me wanting. That being said, with some editing and revision, this could have been really good, so I look forward to Ms. Meier’s future work.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced e-copy of this book for an honest review. #thesecondchancesupperclub #netgalley

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I really enjoyed this book. The author did such a good job with creating a story of real life events and forgiveness and second chances. I love stories about sister relationships. I sure do hope there will be a 2nd book as there is so much I want to know.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC. This review is in my own words.

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⭐️Book Review ⭐️
The Second Chance Supper Club by Nicole Meier
4/5 Stars

**I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.** Pub Date 9/10/2019

Julia and Ginny are sisters living worlds apart. They lost their parents and their relationship is strained. This story is about sisters, family and the power of family.

Julia is the host of a network morning TV Show in New York. Ginny runs an underground supper club. After Julia commits career suicide and flees New York , she returns home to Arizona where she has been estranged from Ginny for three years.

Julia doesn’t get the warm reception from Ginny. Ginny struggles financially running a supper club and managing a relationship with her 21 yr old daughter, Olive. Both sisters lives are in shambles and drama ensues.

Can they work together to heal from past tragedies? Can they become true sisters again?

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This book was a bit of a disappointment to me, mostly because I felt to connection at all with the two sisters. I think there could have been more to develop the characters. i don't need them to be likable, I just need to find some kind of connection and unfortunate I didn't at all.
I thought there were a lot of lose ends as well that made me confused - I wasn't sure if I had missed something or if it was being set up for another book? Hmm.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley and I enjoy reading books about sisters. Julia, a broadcast journalist, made a huge mistake while doing an interview and was asked to stay away from work. She like so many of us would drive herself crazy searching for comments and updates on her mistake until she decided to leave town and go somewhere else. She ended up in Arizona on her sister's doorstep. Her sister, Ginny was running an underground supper club trying to help make ends meet. Julia's daughter, Olive, was supposed to be helping her but was a no show and she and her mother don't get along. As time goes on they each realize things about themselves and start to make positive changes in their life. Julia realized that city life and her boyfriend didn't fit who she was now anymore. Ginny didn't want to continue with the underground supper club because she had to always look over her shoulder and it was draining her savings. It was nice to see something like their relationship that was so bad turn into the three of them reaching out to one another and working toward building a better relationship.
The one thing that stood out the most for me was when Ginny aid to Julia, you could have gone anywhere in the world but you chose to come home.

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This book was a disappointment for me. I never really connected with sisters Ginny and Julia. I enjoyed the premise of the 'underground supper club', but for me, so many more things were wrong with this book than were right. The characters all seemed extreme when it came to emotions - either incredibly angry or incredibly sad - no in-between. And why was this woman running a supper club that was making no profit from it's guests? I still don't understand why Ginny was so broke - even after settling her parent's estates? It was drilled into us that she was broke, again and again.

I am going to assume that plans are in place for a sequel as so many loose ends were left. What was the point of the Julia/Shane meet if they are not getting together by the end of the book? Bravo for Julia not seeking love after calling off her engagement to James, but Shane seemed such a moot point in the story, why include him at all?

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This book is so easy to read and enjoy and would make a wonderful story to sit and relax with on a beach.
It tells the tale of two sisters filled with anger at each other and estranged for years.
An act of fate will have them meet again, still unreconciled.
The struggle to accept each other continues until ultimately family love and loyalty bring them together.
There are some lessons that we can all learn from this story.
1) Family love and loyalty is an undeniable fact which somehow always emerges.
2) Compromise is a wonderful middle ground rather than walking away, which solves nothing and leads to hard feelings.
Open minds and open hearts can really do so much to bring peace and harmony into our lives.
It was a pleasure to open this novel and read it!

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