Cover Image: The Monarch Papers: Flora and Fauna

The Monarch Papers: Flora and Fauna

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Member Reviews

An unusual storyline written in an unusual way. I enjoyed it, mostly. I was a little confused or disconnected at time but for the most part, I can honestly say I've not read anything like it.

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This is what first caught my attention - - The Monarch Papers: Flora and Fauna is the first book in a contemporary, new adult fantasy series that first took shape as a groundbreaking online interactive experience. If you like dark magic, secret societies, and fast-paced twists and turns, then you'll love C.J. Bernstein's captivating series.

It sure did do exactly as stated. I really enjoyed this sci-fi from start to finish and can't wait to read more from this author!!

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Such an unusual story, not a science fiction story per say but definitely mysterious and magical. Told from two points of view that are parallel stories but with one that circles the other like a loose braid. The story draws you in with the idea that there is a set of books, magical books that only a few know about and that those same few know that reality is not what it should be. As a former journalistic reporter searches over decades for what happened to his son to make him forget that his Dad existed, a lost heir might just be the key to everything.

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I did not finish the book, it was a little too different for me.
I liked the initial stages when the narrator faces the 'magic problem' but was unable to keep up with the investigations that follow. It is a good book but suits people on the lookout for something different.

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Unique read, a lovely find!
I would like to thank the publisher and netgalley for giving me a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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An interesting book that also has an online element to it. The book is well written and full of intrigue and mystery that captivates the reader. The online element would probably appeal to the teenage market buy this is not needed for the enjoyment of the tale.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, the publishers and the author, C J Bernstein, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of The Monarch Paper: Flora and Fauna in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
The premise of the storyline certainly sounded highly intriguing. I certainly couldn't wait to see if it was as good as it sounded.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get into the weave of the story. Just not what I thought this book was going to be. Not for me.

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An absolutely remarkable piece of work! The whole idea was so unique and so entertaining that you cannot not love it! Recommend it!

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I promptly lost the interest in this book and didn’t finish, despite trying a few times. The beginning when someone says that “it was all true” didn’t help at all. Despite being a well use tool in literature how they made it make me feel disconnected with the book and not in the frame of mind to read the story, what I suppose is exactly the opposite effect that the author wanted.  In the end, I think that this book was not really my type.   It seems well written and I think it deserves a chance from someone who likes this kind of reading.

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When I saw a review that said the book was like a mix of Harry Potter and the Da Vinci code, two books I like, I knew I had to give this one a go!
But it didn't live up to that praise, at least not to me. The mystery wasn’t intriguing, the characters bleak and uninteresting, and the actual magic nothing special. I just found the story boring, and the way the clues and interactions were made in the book just took me out of the story instead of getting me pulled into it. I tried to keep going through the story, hoping it would become better but it didn't.

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I think that this book will appeal to teen readers more than anyone else due to the fact it has an online interactive element to it. That part is not essential to reading this book but it will add the subversive element deeper and bring the world further to life.
Fans of Alternative Reality Games will absolutely love this book and the online element, and even if you have never played or heard of Alternative Reality Games (like me!) it is worth going on line and taking a look for yourself.
A clever idea and a genius way of bringing reading for teenagers more appealing. I know i struggle getting my kids to read but even my teenage daughter gave this book a go!

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This book left me overwhelmed and a little confused and kind of unsatisfied. I’m not even sure how to write a review because the story is so complex, so much happens in it. It is mindblowing really.
So I’m just gonna say that you should read it and see for yourself.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy.

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I would like to thank the author/publisher/Netgalley the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. That being said, I honestly could NOT get into it. The genres were all mingled up and i couldn't seem to get into the grove of that book. It failed to grab my attention. I really really tried to get through out, but it was a struggle. I felt as if i failed.

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I may be being a tad stingy, but it is how it is.

I was really expectant with this book, as the beginning really grabbed me with both hands, I thought, here is the book to take me away places of my mind and loose myself within someone elses.
Sadly for me, when the plot was gathering pace and things were starting to happen and be explained, I started to wain in my interest.

This is a book about magic and the mystical, A washed out Journalist, whom own son, completely wiped him out of his memory in a blink of an eye suspects magic is playing a part in his amnesia towards him.
He is on the the hunt for a long lost and forgotton book and publsihing house and this over takes his concious mind.
I did read to the end, to see if I got the answers, but alas, thigs do not get wrapped up how i wished, as there is a part two andfor me, alas alack, I will have to remain wondering, because I am not going to follow this jounalist down his path any more, I wish him well, but this is where we part ways.

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Thank you for allowing me to preview this book. Sadly I couldn't finish it. It just didn't grab my attention and it was taking so long to really get going. I gave up around the 20% mark. Sorry, just not my cup of tea.

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An amazing book! I loved the style of writing, the well written cast of characters and the plot.
I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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The Monarch Papers is a unique fantastic book that is entertaining. I enjoyed the characters and the writing. I was pulled in from the first chapter.

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From the first page I knew this book would be phenomenal! And yes, it was! I loved everything in it : magic, suspense, realism. I read this within 72 hrs and I was mesmerized by its simplicity and beauty. I cant wait for book number 2. I am sure it will be phenomenal too!
Read it and you won"t regret it.
5 solid stars from me!

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I was blown away by The Monarch Papers! It is both an engrossing story in the traditional sense and an immersive interactive experience.

I found myself alternating between unable to put it down and diving headfirst into the warren of online rabbitholes including and the other sites mentioned throughout the book, various Google searches, and the forum posts; much like our protagonist Marty, I was constantly following the goings on from the outside.

The action really kicks up a notch in part two, Fauna. There was a lot to keep up with but at around the 70% mark I spent every spare moment throughout my day reading. I had to know if the Mountaineers were gonna figure everything out in time. And I really had to know more about the Cagliostro and his magic show.

CJ Bernstein has created something truly wonderful here. The Monarch Papers: Flora and Fauna proved to be quite an adventure; full of puzzles and mysteries and magic, like The Da Vinci Code meets Harry Potter. My only complaint is that I didn't find it sooner!

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Flora and Fauna is a book divided- from the very beginning I was intrigued by the tone, the rich descriptive setting and the mystery at the heart of it all. The story flows very naturally, and I wondered why I'd never heard of this great author before. Yet suddenly, all that whimsy and suspense comes to a screeching halt. As impressed as I initially was knowing that The Mountaineers, The Book Of Magiq and even a user forum exist, having been created in the real world in a clever Blair Witch kind of way, I was crestfallen that the writing style suddenly took a change for the worse. The book becomes a series of blog and forum posts, with entire chapters such as 'Alison did this, then Person did this. Mike realised he should do this and that Villain sure was getting on everyone's nerves grr.' It isn't very engaging. It's not a story, suddenly it's a list.

This odd choice, especially from such an obviously gifted writer, soured the whole book for me. At its core there is a good story. I just don't want to feel like I'm stuck endlessly scrolling through Reddit to get there.

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