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The Honeymoon

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Firstly thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this advanced copy , in exchange for an honest review.

I really immediately loved the cover , and also after reading the tagline , i already was so intrigued by the story and what could be to come. Also this is my first book by this author but after reading this i am excited to read others as i really enjoyed the writing style , i found it so easy to get stuck into and i didn't want to put it down!.

I am a big fan of the way it switched between past and present tense, it allowed us to get background on the characters and see what had happened before their big day, this was very interesting and i feel it added something really great to the story. I also liked the little sections of other narrative aside from the main character Chloe (not that i disliked her at all because i didn't).

The whole atmosphere comes across so well in this book, the whole feeling of tense relations and people being careful not to say the wrong thing had you feeling on edge for them!. Also the feeling of being trapped and boxed in , really came across so well too.. You wanted to reach in the book and save her yourself.

The characters are interesting and unpredictable , just like their backstories. I loved how many twists there were too, it made it so exciting to read and the whole book i was dying to know what was going to happen next and how things would end up. And i could never have guessed what would have happened, which i love in a good thriller, the last section of the book was such a rollercoaster ride of events!.

Also another thing i really did like was how grief was explored and manifested so differently for the characters and all the emotions and guilt it brought forward. And how consuming it was for them, that came across really well and was interesting to read about.

I would highly recommend this thriller to anyone who is looking for a quick to get into , exciting and twisty read.

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Special thanks to Netgalley and Bookoutre for another crowd pleaser, The Honeymoon by Rona Halsall.

After a whirlwind romance Chloe and Dan take the plunge and decide to get married. A small affair, nothing too flash. But a lovely wedding day nonetheless. So Dan and his mother were late to the ceremony and Dan seemed a bit flustered but all is right now. After all, Chloe is really excited to be going on a dream honeymoon in the Maldives. A week of pampering, alone time with her new husband oh and don’t forget the turquoise water and white sandy beaches.

But at the airport why does Dan have them in Menorca? Sure it’s pretty but it’s not what was planned. Why wasn’t Chloe consulted? Come to think of it, why is nothing going as planned?

Do we ever really truly know the person we’re married too? So many inconsistencies, so many unexplained questions arise with regard to Dan that have no easy answers. Chloe is going to have to meet each challenge she faces head on. Because if she doesn’t, well, that’s not going to bode well for her future.

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Sad to say, but this book fell short of my expectations. I really do feel bad when I don't like a book! The second half of the book was filled with unrealistic situations and behavior of the characters that was very hard to imagine could/would happen in real life.

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I received this book free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

This falls into the “just ok” category. The plot had potential, but dragged in some places or seemed a bit far-fetched in other spots. And I didn’t really like the characters. Feel like this gets more of a 2.5 but I rounded up to 3.

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I really enjoyed the first half of this book. I really did appreciate the way the author took us from the present to the past. That being said ,I did not find the plot believable. Nor did I find the characters believable. It seems a bit far-fetched for a reasonably intelligent well off woman to get married after only knowing someone for two months, and knowing little if anything about his past. The relationship between Chloe and her siblings felt theatrical and hokey. I gave this book 2 stars.

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Great premise, and a fantastic start, but this gets outlandish and goes a bit off the rails halfway through. I had a really hard time with willful suspension of disbelief when it came to the plot. It redeems itself a bit at the end, but I can’t get past the crazy plot twists.

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This is a book that hooks you in from the start so well done to the author on that front. Perhaps the latter half of the book loses pace a bit, it did feel as if it dragged at times. However, it is certainly what I would refer to as a good holiday read and would recommend for that.

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I found this really easy to read and couldn’t put this down actually. I really enjoyed the book for about the first half or just a little bit less but I feel like that’s where it lost me a little.

There was a lot of build up but i felt like the reveals didn’t do much to keep my interest like the first part of the book did.

Would I recommend this? Yup, absolutely, it was really easy to read, you want to keep turning the pages to find out what was going to happen but I had an issue with the protagonist and the reveals.

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Thanks so much to @Netgalley and @Bookouture for this advanced digital copy of The Honeymoon, by Rona Halsall

Chloe and Dan meet through his Mother Alma, and after a whirlwind courtship, (2 months) and they marry. Right after, they head to the Maldives for the Honeymoon of their dreams.
Soon into their honeymoon, Chloe wonders if this man is really who he says he is, and even more so, when he does not want to return home. He changes, and she wonders what he is hiding. Of course, they both have secrets and in the end, with a twist, we learn why Dan does not want to return.
And I will leave that for the other readers to find out.
***The book was well written, and sucked me right in from the beginning (And I loved the cover by the way) and it was full of twists and turns. I did feel like the ending of the book dragged a bit, but overall, it was a good book!!
I will leave my review on Twitter @StefaniReads (Booked-up22)
Goodreads @ Booked-up22
Instagram @Booked-up22
Amazon @Bookedup22

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Well the cover was definitely the initial draw to this book for me, along with the title, after all I do like a book featuring a holiday. I then read the blurb, and was so convinced I had an idea of what would happen before I even started reading, that surely it was a mere formality?

Well I couldn't have been more wrong, nor so delighted to admit it - this is a twisty book, full of surprises, and just when you think you know everything you need to know, something else happens and shakes up all your beliefs all over again.

I mean that whole last section of the book, I couldn't put down even if I tried, I was reading practically open mouthed at the way the finale picked up pace (well what I thought was the finale!). And still the shocks kept on coming, all the way to the last page.

This is so so much better than I could have imagined and although this is the first book I've read by the author, I have a very strong feeling I will be paying her new releases a lot closer attention in the future.

From the first few pages I was gripped, and it was a lovely easy writing style. I had read the first 20% in the bath and then in bed, before realising I'd better try to sleep or I'd be up all night. But given how little time I'd spent on the book, I knew for sure it was going to be a great and quick to read story.

This is a book that just shows how little you know anyone, and far more importantly that no matter how much you think you love someone, getting married within two months of meeting them, is potentially not the smartest move you will ever make - especially if you are the main characters of a psychological thriller!

If the blurb even slightly intrigues you for this book, I would definitely suggest giving it a read, I'm delighted that I did and I don't read the genre that much, but found it to be a fabulous book and one I'm overjoyed that I had the time to devour in one day.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the first 3/4 of this book— it was compulsive, fun, and kept me turning the pages and wanting to read more. I couldn't wait to get to the reveal and finally figure out why Dan did not want to go back home. But once I reached what I thought was the conclusion, the story just kept going on and on and on. I felt the final twist, more so the way Chloe found out, was a bit far-fetched. The final few chapters just seemed rather rushed and choppy, in my opinion.

Another thing that bothered me while reading this book was the main character, Chloe. I started off liking her, but almost immediately after leaving for the honeymoon, she starts to become a little dramatic, petulant, and whiney. I realize that this change in personality coincides with her making certain discoveries about her new husband, but it still bothered me nonetheless. By the final chapters, I found her to be extremely irritating. Throughout the story, Dan repeatedly asked Chloe to trust him and warned her that her life may be in danger. Multiple times, she refused to heed his warnings until she sneaks out of the house (not for the first time!) and ultimately finds herself in trouble, then becomes overly angry with him because he did not call the police sooner. I realize the circumstances and the trauma surrounding this scene in the hospital and I know she has reason to be upset, but certainly not for that. When I read a book, I hope to be able to root for the protagonist, but Chloe was just not someone I cared too much about.

This was my first Rona Halsall book and I’m definitely interested in reading some of her other titles. Although not perfect, I did enjoy the vast majority of The Honeymoon and would recommend it to anyone looking for a fast-paced, compelling thriller.

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I thought that this was a very compelling read

I found the book to be very well written and I thought that the author had created some really good characters and I enjoyed getting to know them.

The plot was excellent and I was kept in suspense right until the very end - 4 stars from me for this one!

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Loved loved loved this book! Rona Halsall is an excellent writer. I get so excited when one of her books come out. This one did NOT disappoint. Thank you Bookouture and Net Galley for an early release.

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Thank you Net Galley and Bookouture for an early copy of The Honeymoon. I was anticipating this book because I loved Rona’s other books. This one didn’t disappoint. What a great premise in the beginning. Towards the middle, it got to be a little too dramatic but then Wham, the ending was Awesome! Loved the book, can’t wait for another one from Rona Halsall!

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To be frank, I didn’t enjoy this book at all really. It had potential, and started off pretty strong. However, the interactions between Chloe and Dan were poorly written and didn’t reflect how real people who speak to each other. The story was told from Chloe’s perspective and I found her obnoxious. She couldn’t make a choice to save her life and her conclusions hardly ever made sense for the situation. I also don’t enjoy stories that feature a main character who has done something “bad” that really any normal person wouldn’t hold a grudge against them for and is otherwise a lovely person, but is subsequently treated horribly for the entire book for no true rhyme or reason by everyone around her for said dumb reason. It’s lazy writing and not believable. Overall, the book drug on until the last 15%, where so many plot twists were crammed in I don’t even know what happened honestly.

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Chloe had a dream wedding. Dan is her perfect man. They haven’t known each other for long, but as she walked down the aisle and saw him standing by the altar, tears glistening in his eyes, she knew this was forever.

Later, as they relax on a beautiful island, settling into their new married life together, they congratulate themselves on their lovely wedding day, and Dan jokes that he’d like them to stay there forever.

But as the honeymoon goes on, he becomes increasingly adamant. They shouldn’t leave. In fact, he won’t let her…

This was not a good book. Chloe just followed along as a domineering man she had known 2 months, It became far too hard to believe as it went downhill faster. Quite depressing to try to finish.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advance copy to review.

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I've not read anything by this author before but I would definitely be keen to read other books by her. I enjoyed the tension in this book and I didn't want to put it down.

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I wasn't able to leave this down until I was finished and woke up early to get to the end. It's a great read that kept me guessing right to the end and full of twists. I have read one other book by Rona and have just bought the other one. I would definitely recommend reading this as you won't be disappointed. I would like to thank the publishers and netgalley for letting me have the book to review and the opinions expressed are entirely my own views and are completely unbiased.

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This is the second book Ive read from this author and it didn’t disappoint again . I loved the characters and their backgrounds and couldn’t wait to get to the end to see what would happen. Lots of twists and turns just how I like it . I would definitely say , go and read this book

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While I was expecting more of a thriller, The Honeymoon was indeed a great mystery and a great read.

Chloe and Dan meet and marry very quickly. Each goes into the marriage with secrets that they are unwilling to share with the other.
When Dan secretly changes the destination of the honeymoon, Chloe starts to see that perhaps she really doesn't know Dan at all. As their week together comes to an end, Dan starts insisting that they stay permanently, and Chloe finds that he has forbidden her to go home.
Things go from bad to worse, and with each chapter brings a new and unexpected twist and turn to this book. I was kept guessing throughout. the story, right up to the very end.

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced copy of this book. My review was written independently and of my own opinion.

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