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The Wives

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When I saw how successful Tarryn Fisher is I couldn't wait to read one of her books. I struggled through the entire story, never liking or connecting with any of them. If given the chance to read something else by this author would I? ABSOLUTELY! This book just didn't click for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review an advanced copy of this book.

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Every time I read a Tarryn Fisher book I'm left stunned. Her words and storylines are unlike anything else, and no matter what it is I devour every word. The Wives is no exception.

This book is, as per her usual, a once in a lifetime experience. It's a book that you need to go into with no preconceived notions because, trust me, everything you believe will go out the window immediately. And with that recommendation, I'm going to stay tight-lipped on this story, and highly recommend diving in right away.

What I do want to talk about is the writing. Whether her books are your cup of tea or not there is no denying how extremely talented Tarryn Fisher is. She has an uncanny ability to not only lure you in with every word but to get into your head and force you to rethink everything you believe about yourself and your existence. I'm not sure if I would love or fear a day in her mind, but if it keeps rolling out stories like this I hope it never stops.

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This is, hands down, my favorite read in 2019.

The Wives by Tarryn Fisher is a full length, stand alone, not a romance novel. The Wives is a daring read, the story consumed me, put me through a rollercoaster of emotions, gutted me to the core and did not put me back together. TF is a master at writing gripping stories with a never ever expected twist. Take Mud Vein or The Assistant - The Wives tops them both, and that I never had believed to be possible.
I will not spoiler here, only so much, Thursday is one of Seth's three wivies it seems. Her and the other two never met each other. But when she can't let it rest, fate takes charge.
The author kept me in suspense from chapter one til the end. I started reading and then simply couldn't put it down anymore. I read the whole book, cover to cover in one sitting, strongly rooting for the heroine and now I'm sitting here and simply don't know. I'm empty, out and the only thing that I know is this book will stay with me for a long time. I highly recommend The Wives, 5++ Stars.

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4/5 stars

This book BLEW ME AWAY. I read it in one sitting and could not put it down. HIGHLY recommend reading this where you will have ZERO distractions or interruptions because it is IMPOSSIBLE to put down!

I have only previously read one book by Tarryn Fisher and knew going into this it would be a twisted crazy work of literature and let me tell you it definitely was!

Seth is married to three women, but legally only actually married to the one who narrates the book. She lives in Seattle, Washington and is a busy nurse and Seth only sees her on Thursdays. She calls the other two wives, Monday and Tuesday since she doesn’t know their names. Seth comes from a family of polygamists, but chooses to have three wives live in separate places and leads completely separate lives with each of them. The wives all know about each other but not their names or where they live. Thursday has always accepted the relationship the way it is and would cherish the time she had with Seth, but she decides this isn't enough for her any longer and starts to dig up clues on how she can figure out more information on the other wives. To avoid spoilers this is all I will say about the plot. The rest you must to find out for yourself!

Tarryn Fisher is an incredibly unique and talented writer. She is a master of twisty story lines and the way she writes these flawed intriguing characters is just so different than any other author I have ever read.

The Wives is a story full of manipulation and unpredictable characters with so many twists and turns you will never see coming! The first half of the book is completely different then the second half with an ending that will shock you to your core and will leave you questionning what you just read long after you finish.

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Tarryn Fisher's, The Wives, taps into society's curiosity about polygamy and the challenges of a plural marriage. In this page-turner, Fisher crafts a plural marriage with a twist: the wifes are forbidden to interact. All is well until the second wife, Thursday, begins to feel restless in her relationship. She becomes curious and crosses a line into the lives of those she has come to view as her competition. As one can imagine, the situation quickly spins out of control. Keep in mind that things are not always as they seem. Often, perception becomes reality. Fisher takes the reader on a wild ride with all the requisite twists and turns. A fast-paced domestic thriller, The Wives will keep you guessing to the very last page!

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Let me preface this review by saying that I am sorry for any cursing that may occur in this review. I have honestly no other words to explain this book but with the use of curse words. This is my first read by Tarryn Fisher and I am so happy that I was finally able to read one of her books. I’ve had her on my list of authors to read for a while now and I’m so glad that this one was my first. I swear to you, I think this is the fastest I’ve ever read a book before.

I definitely don’t want to go into any detail on this book because I don’t want to give anything away. But let me just tell you this book had me going in one direction and then by the second half of the book I was going in a completely different one. I truly don’t know what the fuck I just read. This book is absolutely insane. I like that I don’t, I didn’t have any words to put in this review to tell you what I just read because I honestly don’t know.

Really all I can say is that you have no idea of what you’re getting yourself into when you read this book. You really think that it’s going to go in one direction and then it just goes in a completely different one. Hands-down this is the best book I’ve read all year. I saw absolutely nothing coming. Most of the time when you read stuff you can have sort of an idea of where the book is going to go but with this one you would think you would and then you just didn’t.

This book is unlike anything I’ve ever read before. No doubt about it. I am honestly still confused and literally don’t know what to think. The book is beautifully written and a totally messes with your mind. I’m not joking with you if you like thrillers or psychological thrillers you need to fucking pick up this book right now or on December 30th when it comes out and read it because it’s so fucking good!

I cannot wait to own a copy of this book. This is going to be the first book I purchase in the new year!! 😍😱

I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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Oh wow. This book is choice. I wasn't sold on the plot from the blurb, but once I saw it was a BOTM pick I decided to give it a try and I'm so glad I did. A+ unreliable narrator, A+ ending. I'm still debating what I think really happened. This is a phenomenal thriller and I expect it will get lots of traction in 2020.

Thanks to Netgalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC through netgalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

I don’t normally read thrillers, and I’m not sure if that hampered my enjoyment of this one. I found it really hard to get behind the mindset of someone choosing to be in a polygamist marriage. So kudos to the author for tackling this subject.

Without putting in spoilers, I just wasn’t satisfied with the ending. I still have questions... which maybe is a good thing.

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So this book...

I was very intrigued at first. The first half of the book was wonderful - what would it be like to share your husband with two other wives? Thursday (I can't believe that was her real name in the end) was happy with their arrangement, but then her curiosity got the better of her and she grew discontent. But then the "psychological thriller" part of the book takes over. Seriously, it's like the same story told as two different genres mashed together. What is the truth about Seth and his wives? Is Thursday a reliable narrator?

In the end, it was an entertaining read, if a bit of a mindf***. I'm still not 100% clear on who the actual villain was in the situation, but pretty certain there are several. But the ending seemed a bit too convenient - give the main character an undefined mental illness, change the narrative of all the information we've been given to exist within that narrative, et voila, c'est finit. The end... sort of. Thursday goes from a likeable, sympathetic character to something totally different, and the way the book ends is so out of character from the person we got to know throughout the entire book.

But I didn't hate it. The book did it's job, it was entertaining and twisty and a good way to spend a post-holiday afternoon.

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For the first half of this book I was really into the storyline, I wanted our main character to find out more about her husband’s other wives, to solve the mysteries that were being presented. But then the book took a turn. It’s hard for me to talk about what I didn’t like without spoiling it for you, so I’ll just say that while the second half of the book took a very unexpected turn I didn’t find this new direction as interesting, suspenseful or well-written as the first half. I did still enjoy the book, and if you like psychological thrillers you’ll want to give this a read, I just think I would have been much more into the book if it had continued in the same vein as the first half.

Trigger warnings for miscarriage, domestic abuse (physical and emotional), stalking, and mental illness.

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I feel like the older I get the more gullible I get. I didn't see any of these twists coming. This was my first Tarryn Fisher book and I know this is her first dabble with thriller writing and I am hooked!! I hope this is a route she continues to take cause she is great at it.

I just couldn't fathom how these women were ok with this set up and had so many questions starting out. Thursday quickly became a favorite character of mine. Unreliable main characters always make for the best thrillers. Throughout a majority of the book I was left wondering what was real and what wasn't.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (5 out of 5 stars) Some parts felt like it was dragging on a bit but I did read the book in one day so that could have been more my fault trying to bang it out in a day. Any time an author can throw me off and keep me guessing I will give them all the stars. I had this book listed as one of my most anticipated for 2020 and it did not disappoint.

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4.5 Stars

When you desperately love your man, wouldn't you do just about anything to make him happy? Cook elaborate meals, never raise your voice or instigate a fight... or share him with two other women? You see, Thursday loves her husband, and even if she isn't the only woman in his life, she is happy with having just one small piece of him... or is she...


The Wives is one of those stories... the kind where you feel like if you tried to shut your eyes while in the middle of reading it, it would be impossible to do so. With one twist after another, the feeling of standing on incredibly unstable ground never quite goes away... and keeps your brain working in overtime to try to figure out just WHAT. THE. HECK. IS. REALLY. GOING. ON.

Thursday was such a complex and intriguing character. With the issues that exist within a plural marriage and the sacrifices she makes to be with the man she loves, she starts to contemplate if her life is really what it seems, and she does the one thing she promised to never do... find out everything she can about the other wives and the life they share with her husband...

This story had a dark and convoluted plot that kept me completely engrossed and hanging on the edge of my seat. It was not only intriguing, but superbly written and a uniquely fresh read as well. And just when you think you have it all figured out... the story will once again prove you very, very, wrong...

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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I really enjoyed this twisty, crazy addictive read. A story about polygamy, would you be willing to share your spouse with two others? Thursday has never met the two other wives she shares her husband with, but when she does, she sets in motion a path that will destroy many lives. Thursday is more accepting than I would ever be. I would not be willing to share my husband with not one, but two other wives. Seth was raised in a polygamist group and even though he left the group, he seems to be moving forward in his life following in his parent’s footsteps. When Thursday gets a bit too curious, she sets out to meet and possibly destroy the other wive’s relationships with Seth. What follows is a twisty ride that I was totally not expecting. This was definitely a book with an unreliable narrator, but who was lying and who was telling the truth or was anyone? This was a well-written and plotted story that gripped me right from the beginning of the book and grabbed tighter as the story progressed. I didn’t know what to expect as I turned the pages. This is a psychological thriller with lots of twists, a bit of a mystery and suspense and a roller coaster of a story. I definitely recommend this one.

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It’s been a few weeks since I’d read the book blurb, so I was going in blind and that’s the best way to start this dark, fast-paced, psychological thriller.

The story begins with Thursday, as she calls herself since her husband was married previously to Tuesday and now also married to Monday. Confused? They use the days of the week as names since he’s with each woman at different times and in two different cities.

I found her acceptance of this situation quite odd but there are numerous types of relationships between couples. She didn’t know their names or anything about them and had never met his family. She seldom saw him due to his work and the other women, so she focused on her work as a nurse. She was lonely as she didn’t feel that she could talk to anyone about the polygamous relationship. I just can’t imagine why she would agree to this no matter how much she loved him.

As the story progresses, little details start to emerge as Thursday becomes more curious about the other wives and she’s quite clever in her furtive search for clues. I‘m a bigger fan of dialog than inner thoughts, but the story from Thursday’s POV proved to be a definite plus to gain insight to her thoughts and feelings.

I’m struggling with the appropriate words to use in a published review and can’t use the first phrases that comes to mind. This story is a complex puzzle and intricate enigma heading in one direction and then you find yourself thinking something else, with numerous twists and turns. The more I read, the more I didn’t understand and was questioning everything. My stomach started to tense up wondering about the next scenes and what would happen next. The whole story is like a crazy kaleidoscope of a dream or maybe I should call it a nightmare. I was glad I was home alone because if anyone had startled me, I would have jumped in the air!

It’s been a while that a book has kept me wondering long afterward about this person and that detail. I love a good epilogue but unfortunately, this ARC didn’t include one and I was left wanting to know more but it was a breathtaking roller coaster of a ride all the way to the startling end.

Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to read this new work.

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2.5 Stars

This was quite the unexpected surprise! However while I had very high hopes for this book, for me the plot did not quite live up to the fascinating synopsis. I devour lots of domestic thrillers and adore the genre. And the idea of a polygamous relationship was very intriguing. Unfortunately many things in this book just did not sit well with me.

"We have entire lives outside of our marriage. It’s the only way to stay sane."

The premise of the book started off strong. However I never quite connected with Thursday and failed to understand how Seth, a seemingly average man, had several woman completely devoted to him. I also couldn't connect to the way in which Thursday believed women were supposed to act. Her domestic life was just a puzzle to me. While this book is a very fast-paced read, the author made several comments that seemed downright misogynistic to me.

"He needs to know that there are no lies in a marriage—no matter how many women you’re married to—which makes the truth even more complicated."

I expected more twists and turns to this book based on the very promising beginning. However by the time I reached the end, there were simply too many unanswered questions and underdeveloped characters. This could have been a nuanced domestic thriller, but instead is a very simplistic story. I also loathe when authors make fun of women who use Botox or fillers. That is a cheap plot device and completely unnecessary.

While the pacing of the first part of the book was very interesting, the last part of the book felt rushed and unsteady. I love Tarryn Fisher but for me, this was not my favorite book of hers. I am definitely in the minority with this one, so if you like a fact-paced thriller with a huge twist at the end, then you will probably like 'The Wives.' While I appreciated the premise, I did not enjoy how it was executed.

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Engaging story whose unreliable narrator leaves you guessing until the end.

I was pleasantly surprised by this story. I kept expecting the typical storyline that comes with stories of multiple women and a charming man. Very pleased that was not the case.

Honestly I don't want to say much because I feel it will ruin the story, so I'll just say that you need to be patient with it and let it develop.

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Wow, I don't even know where to start. I have loved and read Tarryn Fishers books for years. Her books are always so different and such a breath of fresh air. Her writing is very unique. I can't often predict what is going to happen in her books, but this one is a game changer.

I will say I don't usually read thrillers, but the second I read the blurb I was intrigued. Plus it's Tarryn, I knew it would be amazing. But not even I could guess what was coming in this book and how much I was going to enjoy it.

"It's all too perfect, I think. When things are that perfect, something is wrong."

This is hands down the craziest ride I have ever had while reading. I couldn't guess a thing! I can honestly say I have never read a book quite like The Wives.

It did take a couple of chapters for me to get into it, and I think that's just because this isn't the genre I usually read and am used to, but once I did, I couldn't put it down. The Wive will have you feeling absolutely insane while reading. You never know what to believe and whatever you think is going on, you're probably wrong.

"What has happened to me? How have I become this docile person, living for Thursdays and the love of a man who divides himself so thinly among two other women and me?"

This book will knock you off your feet and and keep you guessing until the very end. I have never wished so bad to be a speed reader than when reading this book. I just couldn't get to the answers fast enough. And that ending!?!? Bravo! 👏 I loved it!

I think that even the people who don't typically read thrillers will love and devour this book. It will 100% keep you on your toes the entire time. The storyline is so intriguing and gripping, and the characters have so much depth.

"I love my husband, but I'm not the only one. There are others."

Tarryn's writing is on another level with this one.

Just, do yourself a favor and pick this book up. This was a five star read for me and a favorite of the year.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Graydon House and Tarryn Fisher for the opportunity to read this thriller. 3.5 stars rounded up.

Thursday (yes, that's the character's name) is crazy about Seth - crazy enough that she went along with the fact that, even though he was married to her, he was still in a relationship with his ex-wife and also had another woman on the side who was expecting his child! Yes, you read all that right. What could possibly go wrong except everything. When Thursday starts investigating the other wives, it leads her down a dark road and shows her a different side of her husband.

Lots of twists but a lot of unbelievable scenes as well - of course, anything involving my husband having other wives is unbelievable to me! Still a good read.

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Prepare yourself for a thrilling, twisted ride you don’t see coming!
The blurb told me one thing but nothing prepared me to what unfolded and developed!
The build up, the intensity and suspense!
Nothing is what it appears.
What a story to pop my Tarryn Fisher cherry!
Thursday’s journey was truly thought provoking, insanely suspenseful and gut wrenching.
As the story unfolds there are subtle hints that things are not what they appear.
In fact, at times it was sad to read, because this plural relationship was not always pretty. The characters were not likable, which for me added to the complexity of the story.
Thursday had me enthralled by her passions and emotions. Her perception of things and what she does about it!
Of course she does what she does!
No matter how much you think you accept something, there’s always that curiosity, that nagging feeling...
Who are they, what are they like?
Except... there’s a twist!
The writing was smart, realistic and relatable.
This story really begs the question...can alternative relationships have a happily ever after.
Can they really work?
The ending felt rushed but I still enjoyed the story.
4.5 stars!

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The Wives by Tarryn Fisher has one of those unreliable narrators that you can't trust at all. Thursday is married to Seth. She's actually one of his three wives. They all live separately from each other and know nothing about each other. This is at the wish of Seth who likes to keep everyone separate. However, one day Thursday finds out the name of one of the other wives and from there she begins to delve deep into the relationships that all three women have with Seth. Lots of twists and turns with this novel. Read and enjoy!

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