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The Wives

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In the words of Samuel L Jackson, “ Hold on to your butts.” It’s no secret that I am a fanatic when it comes to Fishers words. Her books are thought provoking, inspiring, empowering and in this case completely mind fucking.

It took me a few days to put my thought and emotions together, and to be quite honest I’m still not quite so sure what happened. I was put inside of Thursday’s head, which at first seems pretty straightforward. Jealousy and loneliness come with being the second wife of three, right? Curiosity gets the better of sweet, Thursday and in an effort to get ahead of the other wives, she decides she must learn more about the strangers married to her husband. So that’s where straightforward ends with this story. Lies, secrecy, hurt, and that’s just by 55%.

I felt like I was spiraling while reading, and just when I thought I had it all figured out, Tarryn throws a twist so delicious, I felt like I should have broken out some toast points and wine to help me digest it all.

I devoured this book in one sitting and after I felt like that little gif of Oliver Twist with his bowl out asking for more.

I was expecting a 5 star read and that’s exactly what I got. 5 mind fucking stars. Not only will I be recommending this to all of my friends, I’ll be re reading this one. After regain the scattered bits of my mind that is. Bravo.

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**** This book had many trigger topics that I will outline at the end of my review. ****

This book threw me for a loop! Which way is up? Am I really here? What just happened? That’s how I felt when I finished this book.

So much deception and layers upon layers of drama. I thought the story was going one way and then a bomb drops and it takes a total 180. This read kept me guessing and speculating right up to the last sentence.

I really enjoyed Thursday’s POV and how she did a lot of self reflection during the story, always second guessing her thoughts and feelings. She was more human that way. Flawed but knowingly so. I honestly felt bad for her. Clearly she was a little off but to what level was so hard to predict.

I despised Seth from beginning to end. A master manipulator and unfaithful partner. He did zero good in my eyes. There was no pity party hosted by me for him! I honestly felt like he got what he deserved in the end.

Poor Monday/Hannah. My heart hurt for her. Young, naive, easily persuaded. She was the only character in the entire book that I truly felt sorry for. Kept in the dark and strung along.

Tarryn did an incredible job of weaving an insanely intricate tale. It held my attention from beginning to end. I was constantly second guessing what I thought I knew about the story line and the characters. Each chapter revealed a little more but never enough to draw a concrete conclusion about what as really taking place. I loved the ending. I felt like it wrapped up the story very well and answered many of my burning questions.

*** Trigger warnings in this book: Mental illness, self harm, sexual and physical abuse, infidelity, infertility and pregnancy loss, suicide. ***

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This is the story of Seth and his three wives. The story is told in the voice of (legally married) wife #2; sometimes amorous, sometimes regretful. Seth explains his polygamy with the explanation that he grew up in Utah and with the sentence I love you all differently but equally. One day wife #2 discovers a piece of paper in Seth’s coat and discovers information about wife #3, named Hannah. Wife #2 snoops some more and tracks her down, eventually, ironically, becoming friends with her. They share breakfasts and family stories without discovering they have a husband in common. However, Hannah starts showing up to their meetings with visible bruises, and wife #2 has questions. Lots of them. Seth has never been violent with her before, and she starts wondering more about the man she married. She also continues to snoop, finding wife #1 on Facebook and other social media sites. It’s like she’s addicted to hurting herself with this information.

The author paints a perfect picture of a woman with a polygamous man; insecure one moment and in love the next. Wife #2’s internal monologues are spot-on, just another woman wondering about what her husband is thinking and what he’s doing when he is away from her. The twist here is that none of the narrators are reliable, and you don’t know what is going to happen next. I thought I had the story straight, then suddenly there was a plot twist and it changed EVERYTHING. After that some things made more sense, while others didn’t make sense at all. I was torn between feeling sorry for wife #2 or thinking about her scornfully. Seth is no gem either, despite the fact that wife #2 keeps hanging on to him even though she is crazy jealous of his other two wives.

This book lived up to all the hype – there is drama and psychological suspense galore. Towards the end, all the characters start to decompensate, which provides for an amazing and shocking ending. I literally spent the entire day reading this book, which is something that I don’t normally do. I’m eagerly awaiting Ms. Fisher’s next work.

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Thursday and Seth are married although Thursday only sees her husband on, well, Thursdays.

That is because Seth is also married to two other women. Thursday tries to be the best possible wife she can, hopefully "out wifing" the other ones. She is always waiting for him on Thursdays with a home cooked meal and a romp in bed. They even have nicknames for the other wives...Monday and Tuesday. But Thursday is beginning to get curious about Seth's other relationships. Is she the best wife?

Then one day Thursday accidentally finds a doctor's receipt for wife #3 in Seth's pants. She now has a name! And she decides to investigate the wife. But what starts out as inquisitiveness turns into an obsession.

Thursday decides to befriend the wife without Seth's knowledge, and then everything begins to blow up in her face!

And she learns not everything is as it seems.

This story is as psychologically thrilling as you can get. It will keep you on the edge of your seat and keep your mind twisting in every different direction. Don't even try to figure the story out...just wait!

Although this may look like an unfinished book review, trust me, giving anymore information would honestly put you at a disadvantage and genuinely ruin the story. Just know there are so many surprises and plot twists you won't want to put it down.

Thank you to #NetGalley #GraydonHouseBooks #TheWives #TarrynFisher for the advanced copy. The book will be out on December 30.

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I was totally blown away by this crazy, dark, mysterious tale. The twists and turns, the suspense, the mind-boggling moments had my head spinning and heart racing. This unique story was completely unexpected and mind-gripping.

Thursday was an interesting character with an unconventional marriage arrangement. I was so invested into her story and was riding along closely with her on her journey to discovery for the first half of the book. Things went crazy, or crazier, after 50%. I started questioning what I’ve read so far and doubting everyone. Every character in the book lied at some point. I got pulled deeper and deeper trying to decipher the truth. I was confused and my mind was churning. The truth of the story was not revealed until the end of the book and by that point I had no words.

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The Wives is the first Tarryn Fisher book that I’ve read and WOW! I am completely in awe of this author’s writing and of this story. I thought that I knew what I was going in to but I was so VERY wrong!

I was hooked from the first chapter and I never knew what hit me. The plot twists and turns make this story absolutely unforgettable. I was on the edge of my seat the entire book and enjoyed every minute of it! What a fantastic way to end 2019 with an amazing book!

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I am going to keep it simple. THIS BOOK IS EXCEPTIONAL. THIS BOOK IS SPECIAL. THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU FEEL EVERYTHING SO VIVIDLY LIKE IT'S A PHYSICAL REACTION. You will love and hate and then love the characters. Innumerable facets weave in and out of the plot. The intriguing, fascinating and sickening aspects of human psyche. The games of Id. The secrets after secrets bombarding your mind.I am still reeling and I am still not sure what is true and what is false. This is the very definition of emotional twilight zone. This book must be in your 2019 list. Tarryn Fisher has created a masterpiece.

This is categorically a psychological thriller but the range of emotions is ASTOUNDING ! The characters will do scandalous and unimaginable things. And those made the characters true , honest and relatable. There are only grey characters in the story. The husband and all three wives. I felt like I am going crazy half of the time. The illusions are deceiving. The truths are disbelieving. The emotions will scrape your heart raw. My jaw is hurting from dropping to the floor way too many times. My heart is all over the places and buzzing with crooked feelings.

The Wives by Tarryn Fisher is definitely one of the best thrillers I have read. The words are pure gems dripping in dark suspense and mysterious sensations.

Received ARC through Netgalley and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for honest review

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Tarryn Fisher is a very popular author with many of the bloggers I follow. Despite the overwhelming hype, this is only the second book I’ve read by her. While I can’t dispute that she is a good writer, I think I’ve come to the conclusion that her books just aren’t for me.

I find the idea of voluntary polygamy kind of fascinating. I would sometimes watch shows like Sister Wives and Big Love and never be able to understand why these women would agree to such an arrangement. I was hoping for some more insight into the whole thing, but the only answer the main character, Thursday, really gives is that she loves Seth and polygamy is the only way to be with him. I suppose worse things have been done in the name of love. We also don’t really get to see any of the sister wives dynamic I was hoping for since they are not supposed to interact.

The story mostly focuses on how Thursday has become unhappy with her one day a week arrangement. She decides to investigate the other wives behind Seth’s back. For about the first half of the book we just see Thursday being lonely and paranoid and obsessively investigating. I thought this part of the story drug out for way too long and it felt like just another domestic suspense story of a crazy woman and a lying man. It did start to shift into something else, though, and became more of a psychological suspense. Fisher did do a good job of making me question what was real and what was delusion, but at the end of the day, it left me pretty underwhelmed.

Overall, The Wives was just ok for me. Other than the plural marriage angle, there wasn’t much to set it apart from the same type of story I’ve read countless times before. While the book wasn’t really for me, I have seen many other favorable reviews for it and I’m sure Fisher’s fans will enjoy it.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 3 Stars

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A pretty good, middle-of-the-road thriller. I’m hesitant to say too much for fear of spoilers but this wasn’t my favorite use of the unreliable narrator device. I do think it would please Paula Hawkins and AJ Finn fans.

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This book proves that things are not always as they seem. In this circumstance, nothing is as it seems. I couldn't put this one down. I couldn't figure out what was going to happen next. Thursday is married to a polygamist, which in and of itself is something that's got its challenges, but she is not allowed to know her husbands other wives and she starts to realize how closed off she actually is in this relationship. I can't even say more without giving away any of this story, you have to read it to believe it! Definitely read it!

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If I made a list of books that I’ve read that messed my head up then this would be in the top five. This story had me glued. It had me thinking one thing and then seconds later I was thinking something else. The twists and turns kept on coming. I’m not gonna go into the storyline as I’m sure whatever I say could spoil it. As you can guess from the title there are wives. So jump on board this crazy read. You won’t regret it.

The ending kinda disappointed me yet I can’t see a other way of it to end.. see my heads still messed up lol

I don’t normally read a book that has so much hype on social media as I’m usually disappointed but not in this case. I really need to go read more of this authors books as I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

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3 Stars / 1 Steam Fans

I really wanted to enjoy this but it just didn't work for me. Thursday is married to Seth; however, there are issues with Monday and Tuesday. I liked the twisted storyline but this one had too many twists and not enough resolution to make all the craziness worth the read. This most definitely is not a romance in any way, so if you are looking for a romantic story with crazy twists this is NOT IT.

Video review available in Week 51 Dec 15 – 21 weekly book reviews.

For other video book reviews check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk

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Guys! Tarryn is supremely imaginative, positively cunning, crafty and insightful! I AM BLOWN AWAY! This definitely gives me The Opportunist, Marrow, MudVein mindf*ck feels! Fisher writes books that disturb and are meant for maximum impact. Tarryn is sharper than ever, not wasting a single word in executing this gripping story.

The thing I love most about Tarryn's books is that she's not just trying to stimulate your libido but stimulate your mind. I always ask myself in depth questions while reading her stories and no matter the circumstances she's in, I always find the heroine to be empowering in some form or another.

Once you dive into The Wives it's like you're instantly put into a trance that never lets you go and that ending!? True Fisher fashion.

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This is a well written novel with an excellent psychological twist, but absolutely was not my cup of tea.

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This is one crazy, psycho story! Loved the ending. This novel is not what I expected, but it was good. A truly bizarre ride.

Thanks, Netgalley, for this arc.

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I’m going to start by saying that The Wives is compellingly readable. It’s fast paced and filled with twists and turns throughout. I want to say I loved it, because it’s so rare to surprise me and this book did, but I didn’t. Once the plot starts to unravel it starts to get clunky and feels like it buys into itself a little too much. That’s not to say I disliked this book, I just wanted to like it more.

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I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I decided to read this book, it’s a curveball of a story compared to my usual fare of romance. I love romance-almost all kinds, but… to be very clear, The Wives is NOT, I repeat, NOT a romance. This is why it’s such a drastic change for me. I also haven’t read Tarryn Fisher before either, so I was going in totally blind.
In saying that, it hooked me from the opening pages. I wanted to know more about these ‘wives’ and throughout the story, I do find the truth. It’s unexpected and yet… not. I thought I had it all figured out, then, changed my mind only to discover I was on the right track after all.
This is a tense, suspenseful, twisty and at times emotionally vicious story. Thursday is laid bare and all her truths and fears are exposed. Is there a HEA. Well… all I can say is… this is a thriller, not a romance. It’s wicked, dark and will leave you with a whole host of emotions. Read it if you dare.

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Are you ready for a crazy ass, wild binge read that will blow your mind? This one was SO entertaining you guys, I seriously could not put it down, I had to know what would happen next. Like HAD to. Let’s start with the premise, it’s like Sister Wives on crack. One man, three wives but the women don’t know each other nor do they know anything about each other. They know they exist, but that’s it. I mean, could you even imagine?! Insanity. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg friends, what unfolds is one bat shit crazy, fun ride!

This is a tricky one to review because part of what made this so deliciously wicked for me was not knowing much before going in. What I can say is it was entirely unpredictable and had me totally on the edge of my seat the whole time. Shocking, twisty and gripping for sure and then y’all know an ending can make or break a book for me, (especially in a thriller) and this one delivered. Grab this one as a weekend read and get ready to be consumed by the lives of these intensely captivating characters, I haven’t had so much fun reading a thriller in a long time.

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I read through this title quickly, though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. It starts off as a novel about love, jealousy, and the permissions we give ourselves to live in denial. Thursday believes she is in a polygamist relationship with her husband Seth, but soon comes to realize he has been gaslighting her all along. This is a mystery novel, a thriller, but the only thing that got my heart racing was how mad I was at all the characters in the book. The author tortures our main character for what feels like no resolution at all in the end. It really should have been called “Gaslighting, The Novel.”

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Wow. I could not stomach this one... It seems most of the reviews are raves or regrets, and I'm firmly in the latter camp.

I didn't know the author before this title - I was curious and intrigued, both by the fantastic cover and the blurb, which promised a thriller and a mystery, set in a less-common world than most. Sounded good to me, so I requested it tout suite. I'm really going to have to start looking authors up before doing that - this is not the first time I've been surprised by an author's shift into a new genre, nor is it the first time I've been disappointed at the way that worked out...

Turns out, Fisher is best known for romance. And fairly hard-core, explicit, romance, from what I gleaned on Amazon...

That is not my jam, and the writing in this one reinforced why for me from the opening pages. It's a bit more graphic than I expected, and OH MY GOOD GOD but the main character is pathetic. It starts by referring to her as "Thursday" since she sees her husband on, wait for it, Thursday. Then you learn it's ACTUALLY HER NAME. She literally only exists as the day her husband is with her. Oh goody - this one's RIGHT up my alley... (not) From there it only gets worse - if you can imagine such a thing. Because she also FIGURATIVELY only exists for him. Every single thing she says/does is about pleasing him, making him want her, how meaningless and banal her life is without him, how all she does is kill time until she sees him again... Again - right up my alley. <sigh>

The blurb hints at dangers and lies and secrets. I've seen references to Gone Girl (will someone PLEASE tell people that this is not a compliment and to stop trying to write/rewrite/alt-write GG). And I've read reviews talking about the mind-blowing twist. So I assume there's an unreliable narrator being sad and pathetic on purpose to set up the hook - but honestly I couldn't even gin up enough interest to skim ahead to see what said hook/twist might entail. I was too irritated from the get-go by the characterization (such as it is, since she is only ever described in terms of her relationship to him) and too turned off by the romance feel to get into this one. I am clearly NOT the target audience here and wasn't able to finish as a result...

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