Member Reviews

Reading "The Wives" made me want to go back and revisit one of her other titles, "Mud Vein". I prefer the earlier book, but "The Wives" was also incredibly well-written.

NOTHING is what I thought it was in this book. I was pulled in every direction possible, and then just completely gobsmacked once I passed a certain point in the story. My head was spinning even hours after I put the book down.

I don't want to say more so as not to ruin it, but I don't think you'll be disappointed if you give "The Wives" a shot.

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This is Fisher's debut in the suspense genre, and it is a good one. I'm not sure I can give a good summary that won't contain spoilers. Here's my best shot: The main character has agreed to an unconventional relationship with her partner, Seth. With her consent, Seth is involved with two other women. The MC and Seth's other partners are kept separate from each other - not even knowing each other's names - until the MC's natural curiosity gets the best of her. As she starts digging for information, she learns that not everything is as it seems.

Fisher has nailed the unreliable narrator. I read a blurb that said the book would give you whiplash until the very end, and I agree that's an apt description. I was certainly guessing and second-guessing until the last few pages. The plot was fast-moving, and my heart started racing in one scene.

My favorite aspect of the novel was the feminist undertone. Although it sometimes became more of an overtone, I liked the way Fisher explored the plight of exploited women without slipping (too much) into weak-and-whining victim territory. Many of the women in this book are misused, and the MC often vocalizes her solidarity with them.

There were a couple incongruities and editing slips, but the novel is generally well-written. A few times I felt the MC's actions required me to suspend reality temporarily, but I wasn't overly bothered by this necessity. A few threads were left dangling, but none that have me scratching my head. I would have liked to see more from the MC's friend, Lauren; I feel like there was unexplored potential there.

Overall, I'd say Fisher's suspense debut hits the right notes. A solid 4-star read.

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Tarryn does it again! Loyal longtime fans will not be disappointed and it's a great intro for any new readers. I flew through the pages of this one. Gripping and twisty!

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This book had my mind spinning! The Wives is a tangled mess of psychological thriller + domestic suspense. Just when I thought the whirlwind was over, the wind picked me up again and swirled me all around in "what just happened?!" mode.

Great book for anyone who likes B. A. Paris or Kimberly Belle.

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Wow! This is truly what constitutes a psychological thriller! A twisted, perplexing tale with the reader not knowing what to believe. You will be questioning everything as to what is or isn’t real all the way to the end. Who’s telling the truth and who is lying? Is anyone telling the truth and is everyone lying?! A clever, unpredictable story that I couldn’t put down! A tiny bit disappointed in the ending but still highly recommend.

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Wow,wow, wow!!! Tarryn Fisher writes such unique books that blow my mind. I never know what direction she’s going to take me on, but it always ends with the question, “What did I just read?!?” (In the BEST way possible!). The Wives dives into a storyline that is instantly captivating and slightly uncomfortable; polygamy. Tarryn makes you feel the main characters needs and willingness that make the situation somewhat understandable. But we soon see her curiosity unravel and it opens doors to even more questions. The twists and turns in The Wives make this book so, so good. I loved this book so much!!

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The Wives was a ride from start to finish! The synopsis would have you to believe that our MC is Wife #2 in a polygamous relationship, but there’s so much more to this story. Babies and not-babies and affairs....whoo doggie!

Check out on or after December 1 for a full, detailed review!

I received this free ebook from the publisher, Netgalley, and Wildfire Marketing I’m exchange for an honest review!

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I will start with the fact that this is my first Tarryn Fisher book and it is not usually a genre I read. I am not sure what I think. I am not sure what to rate. I am not sure if I even liked it or hated it. I had a hard time getting into it at first, but then I could not put it down and stayed up late reading it in one sitting. I could not really connect to the heroine, Thursday, and there is unreliability in her narration from the beginning. There are four main characters and most of them have secrets, lie, manipulate, feed insecurities, and it is still unclear who had the most issues. It is a convoluted, mind-bending, perplexing, constantly changing story, and it is hard to know what to believe even after it is over. Basically everything is not always as it seems and it looks different from every viewpoint. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. But it left me troubled and thinking about it, and going back and questioning other parts I read. So after all is said and done, I am still not sure how I feel about it. But she created a story that was unique, twisty, layered, shocking, and full of interesting dynamics.

(I was not going to rate it but it is making me choose a rating. 2.5 maybe. Somewhere between OK and I liked it)

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Wow! I couldn’t put this book down. I had to know what happened next. The whole time I thought I knew what was going on, but in reality I didn’t. Total mind fuck! But in a good way. Just when you think things are one way, they are another. Then you get to the last couple of chapters, and it wasn’t what you thought at all. What a twisted, messed up read!

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This book had my head spinning! A must read I couldn't put it down! I read it in a day! Thursday takes you for a wild ride by the end you feel like your the crazy one!

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Have you ever read a book that has you questioning everything? Those are the types of reads I enjoy the most and Tarryn Fisher not only led me down a road of mind-boggling confusion, but she had me dying to separate truth from fiction! Being inside Thursday's mind... talk about a trip. She's married and her husband has two other wives. These women are not supposed to know anything about each other aside from the random things their husband might mention. When Thursday gets a clue about one of the other wive's identities, she can't let it go. She has to know who she is, what she does, and what she offers their husband that hasn't been provided. What she finds is far more than she expected and nothing will ever be the same again.

It would be unfair to you, my fellow readers, to give any more details than this. I encourage you all to go into this story blindly. Be aware that these are unchartered waters and it's all about keeping afloat. Enjoy the journey and get lost in the secrets, lies and truths that surround these characters. Intensely captivating and profoundly enthralling, The Wives will keep you guessing right to the end!

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Ah, yes. A Tarryn Fisher original. First off, thank you to NetGalley for the ARC they provided me in exchange for an honest review.

I haven't read a TF book in a hot minute...not sure why, because it's blatantly obvious this author is a literary powerhouse. I've held onto this book for MONTHS now, waiting to read it until closer to its release date; partially because I hate to throw down spoilers or anything that may be construed as a spoiler in a review, but also because I needed to be there. You know where there is, don't you? The razor's edge...the precipice of a cliff. I have to be in the right headspace to venture into the dark with some authors, knowing they have the chops to toss me right into the thick of things and make me question *everything* around me.

Such was the case with this book. No spoilers, not how I roll, I can just tell you that I literally sat up the entire time I read this book. Wild, right? No lying around in bed, enjoying a, I was sitting up, sucked into twisted mindmessery greatness that Ms. Fisher bled onto the pages. I guessed at some of the little gems that were tossed in...but gah, don't go into a book like The Wives thinking you're so smart and have everything figured out. I guarantee there's a reason I read this one side-eying everyone around me and blinking in suspicious anticipation with every flip of the page. Thursday is no longer just a day of the week for me...well done, Ms. Fisher. 4.5 stars.

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That was such a ride and I felt like I was going crazy over this plot line! Now, I want you all to imagine your husband having two other wives. How’s would you feel? Will you get jealous and know their identities? What happens if you befriend one and notice bruises on her? Do you know your husband? Is this real or are you crazy? This book was plotted well and she makes you believe what is going on. I was on the edge of my seat. A must read!

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4.5/5 - #TeamThursday

This book! This book! This book!

It’s a THRILLER and it delivers. When I read a thriller I expect to be jump into the dark and ugly parts of the psyche — this book is that, so twisty and wonderful.

The story is presented as a polygamist relationship. Only the wives don’t know each other and aren’t allowed to speak to each other. One of the wives hits a breaking point and all that seems true begins to crumble.

Tarryn Fisher is an indie romance author. The kind the bucks the happy, bright, and totally unrealistic romance stories. She writes soul quenching characters. This book, The Wives, has that level of depth. Thursday twists your back and forth, Seth is made to be a blend of doting and selfishness. The other wives are out at arms length but as a reader you are reeled in closer and closer until you can’t stop looking.

The ending of this book left me giddy. This is how I wanted this story to end. Thursday embracing who she is and giving zero f*cks.

Totally rec this book!

Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.


Violence, mental abuse, psychological turmoil. And my favorite word (almost) cunt is used once.

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This book started out so well. The writing was engrossing, the main character was intriguing and the plot was interesting. Then it all derailed. I'm not a huge fan of unreliable narrators but I am willing give those type of stories chance as long as the story remains cohesive and believable. This one did not. The swerve was along the lines of what I expected but the ending was much too strange and off putting. I wasn't sure who I was supposed the empathize or sympathize with.

This was a very quick read. I think I read it in two days. The story did keep me turning the page so there is that. I just didn't like were it went.

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Three wives.
Three separate lives.
Nothing is simple about it, especially when one wife becomes curious about the other two.
That is how this story begins, but the direction it takes was far from expected.

While I didn't connect with this story's narrator, whose name isn't initially revealed (and I won't spoil it), she is an intriguing heroine. What kind of woman would sign on for having a husband only one night of the week? Initially, she is a doting wife, doing everything to please her man. But some kind of switch goes off when she finds another woman's name in her husband's pants, and her curiosity can't be tamed.

I had mixed feelings about the other wives. One I thought was just trying to move on with her life, while the other is vindictive for her own reasons (again, I'm trying to keep this vague on purpose). How the narrator interacts with each has significant consequences later in the story.

"You get to have as many women as you want, and we are your emotional prisoners."

At times, I wasn't sure if the author knew what direction she wanted to take plot, as it changes course several times. I sort of wanted Seth to be the villain in it all, as I saw nothing redeeming about him. But an unexpected twist changes everything.

I loved the ending, very dark and appropriate for the genre. Fans of this author should keep in mind that this isn't a romance, and just relish in this author's evil mind.

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Thursday and her husband, Seth, have a slightly different marriage. Seth, you see, has two other wives. Thursday therefore typically only sees Seth one day a week. But she agrees to the arrangement because she loves him, deeply and unconditionally. But then something happens and she starts to see some cracks in their marriage. It causes her to doubt their union--and to seek out his other wives. And once she does, nothing will ever be the same.

"He comes over on Thursday of every week. That's my day, I'm Thursday."

Oh man guys, this is a fun one. If you're able to suspend a little disbelief, you will greatly enjoy this thriller. From the moment I picked up this book, I was pretty much captivated by Thursday's story. There's so much to wonder about. Why on earth would she share her husband with two other women? What on earth is her husband's deal--and, seriously, what is the draw of this guy? What are the two other women like; why would they sign on to this arrangement? And, this is a thriller... is some shoe waiting to drop somewhere?

"Imagining what the future holds proves difficult when factoring in two other women who share your husband."

I can promise that, for the most part, you will not be disappointed. This is a wild ride. It's completely engaging, surprising, and for the most part, totally unpredictable. I wasn't 100% sure about the ending--things came on a little fast and it didn't feel fully resolved--but overall, this was a really enthralling and different read. It's fascinating and bizarre and cringe-worthy and amazingly enjoyable. 4+ stars.

"I shouldn't wonder, but I do. How does a man love so many women? A different woman every other day."

I received a copy of this book from Harlequin/Graydon House Books and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review. It is available on 12/30/2019.

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This is the first Tarryn Fisher book I've read. Maybe, it wasn't the best way to jump in. The Wives is a psychological thriller and one that you have no idea what's real or what's not.

"Thursday" is in a relationship with a man that has two other wives. Or does he? I have this thing about reading, and I like to connect with characters, and that's probably why I tend to steer towards romance books. Because it engrosses you into the story. The Wives did take me a bit to get through. I didn't feel anything for Thursday, and I basically felt that she had quite the imagination, and her imagination was in overdrive. Since this is a psychological thriller, obviously, I don't want to give the whole story away. Which can be hard when you're reviewing a book.

Maybe keeping a character at arm's length is the intention. Since I don't usually read this genre, theres no way for me to compare.

Overall, I do feel it was worth the read. And even if this is not your usual genre, you may like it as well.

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A twisty thriller by Author Tarryn Fisher about a woman obsessed. Thursday is the third wife of charismatic Seth, a purported polygamist with three wives, a man who coincidentally comes to her every Thursday.

Thursday’s curiosity gets the best of her and she sets out to learn more about Seth’s other wives, jealous of Seth’s time with them, turning stalky. The more she learns after meeting these wives, the more crazy and obsessive she seems. Midway through the story, things take a surprise twist and the waters get murky. I am a bit on the fence on this one. Loved the first half, the second half, not as much. The suspense definitely held my attention throughout however, bumping it up to a 4-star rating.

*will post links and online reviews closer to publication date

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Oh my goodness. This book has so many twists and turns I feel like I have whiplash. If you like suspense filled books than this is the book for you. It’s very dark.

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