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Million Dollar Marriage

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Only Katy Evans can surprise me like this! Million Dollar Marriage was completely different from anything I have read by her. And yet it is so brilliant in it's crazy, creative and exceptional qualities. A romance set in the deceptive and manipulating world of reality tv show, it creeps slowly in your heart and before you even know, you are under the hypnotic spell of Katy Evans.

Penelope Carpenter and reality tv show belong to two different planets. She is a genius academician who appreciates classical music and fine things of life. When the stupid student loan compels her to sign up for a cheesy , gimmicky and celebrity reality show called Million Dollar Marriage, she has never ever thought she will have to endure someone like Luke Cross. A gorgeous, sinfully sexy and dirty man with even dirtier mouth and impossible sex appeal. Now they are "partners" and they can't stand each other. The unpolished, uncivilized, arrogant and cocky bastard is driving Nelle nuts! Or is it the attraction she is desperately trying to deny?

This story was a refreshing take on romance. There was no love at first sight, no dating, no normal or usual things you read in romance. It was about building trust and partnership in real world scenerio. As Luke and Nelle navigates and tackles the challenges, they forge a bond stronger than any conventional relationship. Their initial goal may be the money but they gradually realizes nothing is more important than true love. And Katy Evans is going to make your world go upside down at the end. Nelle can be a little bit wound up and annoying because she was not giving any appreciation for Luke's help. But Luke will break her down eventually and that's the sweetest thing to read. It was a full on adventure I had with this unlikely couple. The chemistry was spot on and oh so seductive! I laughed and cried and swooned. And the drama was absolutely captivating and kept me hooked up till the end.

Opposites attract was given a whole new level of significance in Million Dollar Marriage by Katy Evans. It was emotional. It was sexy. It was insane and mindblowing in a crazy way. It was an epic and phenomenal ride all over the world with the most extraordinary emotions and nuclear hot passion!

Received ARC for Honest Review

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"I don't think the Million Dollar Marriage crew could've picked a couple that is more wrong for each other. But maybe that's just what they wanted."

Truthfully, I am a fan of the author and didn't even read the synopsis, she's an auto-click author for me. But, that being said, she still manages to amaze me with her talent. This story is definitely an #OppositesAttract for sure. You can't get more opposite than nerdy, socially awkward Nelle and the sexy, muscled, and tattooed life-of-the-party Luke. Which I'm sure is exactly why they were both chosen as contestants for the reality TV show, right?

This sweet and funny slow-burn story had me grinning nonstop as the couple faced each challenge with determination. They started out wanting the million dollars and ended up wanting each other. But, is it just because they are being thrown together and forced to be a team, or will their connection last longer than the show? Are his feelings real or is he just playing a part for ratings?

I think my favorite part of this tale is that the producers forced the shy geek to come out of her shell by enforcing rules she had to follow. She had to stretch her comfort zone in order to comply. She had to learn to stand up for herself and to fight to win. And if she does win, what will she do with him? What a problem to have, huh?

He didn't pull back, constantly pushing her to discover her inner strength. Refusing to hide from the way she made him feel he taunted her with it. "I'm a man. You stop turning me on, baby, and maybe I'll stop being turned on."

Prepare to melt into a puddle of goo, it's that good. I'm still smiling...sigh.

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I went into this book completely blind and was really sucked into the premise of the story line. I was a little worried that the reality show aspect would be cliche and played out, but I actually really enjoyed it. I struggled a bit with Nell's character at the start of the book but really enjoyed her and Luke together and loved that in their case, opposites seemed to attract and they were kind of two halves of a whole, complementing each other. In didn't hurt that Luke was the total package.

I found the plot to be very engaging and I read the book in one sitting as I wanted to see where the story was going to lead. I was definitely pleasantly surprised in how much I enjoyed this read and would definitely recommend it!!!

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So much better than the first book of this series! I really enjoyed this one. (Unlike the the first that I DNF). Overall this was a cute and funny read. Something light and breezy to put a smile on my face. My main complaint was that Penny annoyed me a fair amount of the time. While I get why she is the way she is, I found it to be overdone and eye role inducing at times. Despite that I would recommend Million Dollar Marriage.

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3.5 Stars

After reading the blurb about Million Dollar Marriage, I was intrigued. The idea of two people who both need money marrying for television ratings is a plot idea that I like. And while I liked both Luke and Nell enough, I did have trouble feeling their chemistry.

The writing was done well, and the characters were developed, although I wish I had connected with them more. I will certainly consider more books by Katy Evans!

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This book has it all. Romance, reality, you name it. Nine "married couples" at the chance of $1 million dollars. Not your normal married couples, complete strangers. Total opposites. Can they get through their challenges together or be eliminated. Luke is amazing. A guy without a high school diploma paired with Penny a college graduate with her doctorate. But you know what they say opposites attract. Each needing the grand prize to pay off debt. Penny has her student loans and Luke has multiple mortgages for the bar that his grandfather left him. Penny is a woman who is quiet and keeps to herself. She doesn't have many friends. Not very close with her parents either. Luke, a fun guy who is outgoing and never wants to settle down. The challenges they go through keeps you rooting for them over the other couples. Each challenge bringing them closer together and closer to that grand prize. But through those challenges trusting each other and depending on each other becomes more important.

This book was an amazing and fantastic read. Risking elimination with each challenge has you on the edge of your seats. Penny and Luke find themselves in last place most of the race but they never give up. They truly become a couple. It may have started out with two complete strangers but it ended with a trusting, loving couple. One you cannot help root for to grab the grand prize as well as each other.

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Million Dollar Marriage is like a cross of Amazing Race and the Bachelor. I have got to be honest, I am usually not a fan of shows like these, but have seen them a dozen or so times. Million Dollar Marriage was quite intriguing. It kept my attention, and the scenes were done with great detail so my imagination was quite vivid. So huge props to this author for great attention to detail. Million Dollar Marriage was actually a lot different than I expected, but the chemistry and development of the story was on point. There was also an amazing amount of character development as well. It was wonderful to see confidence grow within each character as time went on. Overall this was a really good read.

Nell is smart, like super smart. She is dedicated in pursuing her own way in life. She is not a social butterfly and prefers the attention else where. She loves books and classical music. She is quite and reserved.

Luke was raised on the toughest streets in Atlanta, and has not always chosen the best course of action in his life, but is dedicated to making the best of his life now. He is friendly and relatable, and has a great sense of determination.

When Nell and Luke are presented with an opportunity to fix their financial status', these two forces must come together to make the unimaginable happen.


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5 stars!

YESSSSS! I loved every second and every single page of this book! Opposites attract and have to spend their time married and on an adventure in a reality show to win money that both Luke and Nell desperately need. I loved their romance, how they started off and most of all, how they ended. This was a great read. My favorite in the series so far!

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Million Dollar Marriage was a great story. That was distinctive, interesting, engaging, entertaining and fun. Not to mention well paced and great characters, particularly the main two Nell and Luke. Whose dynamic and chemistry really shone through, and helped really pull me in. So much so I found it very hard to put this story down. And I would certainly recommend it to others.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley and I am happy to give my honest review.

I have not read any books from this author but I have heard good things so I was excited to get this book. I stayed up way too late reading it and snuck in reading at work. It didn't disappoint.

Million Dollar Marriage is the second in the series and can be read as a standalone. It stars Penelope (Nell) and Luke who try out for a reality show to try to earn a million dollars. Nell just graduated with her doctorate and has wracked up $500k in student loan debt. Luke inherited his grandfather's bar and just found out it was mortgaged to the hilt.

Now, you need to suspend belief a bit on this book. Why would Nell get so many different types of degrees just to spite her wealthy father who refuses to pay for her education if she doesn't go to Harvard? Would the bar still be mortgaged if Luke's grandfather passed away? What twenty something woman's hobby is playing the harp and reading books in Old French? How is Luke so perfect at everything?

The bulk of this book takes place during the reality show. That was sort of fun. It was like an Amazing Race and seeing Nell come out of her shell and own her awesomeness was cool. Luke was kind of a jerk to her but super likeable to everyone else. I don't know. I had a hard time seeing them actually fit as a couple.

This book was cute and different than what I normally read. I'll check out more from this author, including other books from this series.

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I received a advanced copy via Netgalley and the author for a honest review..
So we got to meet the oh so sexy Luke in James (Jimmy's) book Million dollar devil..
Luke is a struggling bar owner.. he got his bar from his late grandfather. But in the last few years he has been getting farther and farther into debt.. with no great outcome..
Penelope (aka Nell *to her friends* / aka Penny *to Luke*) is a lifelong student so to speak.. a book nerd, a brain so to speak.. but with her ongoing schooling she is racking up the debt, and with a dick of a ex.. she has so to speak sworn off love.. or finding it.
So when a opportunity comes up to have a chance to win a Cool Mill.. why not go for it.. it cant be that bad... can it?? Million dollar marriage like a lot have said its a lot like Love at first sight meets Amazing Race.. I guess I have not seen the love at first site but I used to watch amazing race all the time... but the catch to this story...? you have to marry your partner right then and there.. then you have to compete this "race" together and try not to be eliminated..
I just loved this story.. it was a fast and super fun read..

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4.5 Stars
This book had me intrigued after reading the blurb and it did not disappoint. Katy Evans has a way of telling a story and keeping your interest. This was a fun fast paced read that I finished in one sitting.

Nell is awkward around others and has a hard time making friends. She is getting ready to graduate and has a mount of student loan debts. She decides to audition for a new reality show Million Dollar marriage in hopes to pay her loans.

Luke decides to audition in hopes to get chosen he has things he can do with that money. He doesn’t have a hard time making friends and turning every girls head. While waiting in he sees a girl and stop staring at her. He never dreamed they would both be picked and end up together.

These two couldn’t be more different but are going to have to work together to stay in the game. This book made me feel like I was watching a reality tv show. I was so intrigued and couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.

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This is the second standalone book in this series and I liked it even better than the first book and I really enjoyed Million Dollar Devil. As I said in my review for the first book, I think this author's writing is much improved from the Real series -- well developed characters with depth, interesting plot and storyline and funny secondary characters that really add to the dimension of this book. I was hoping we would get Luke's story and I'm so glad we did -- I liked him from the start and Penelope/Nell was his perfect counterpart. I'm not a reality TV fan so I found their story to be quite intriguing and eye-opening to say the least! A really enjoyable, quick read -- definitely recommend if you like contemporary romance. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for NetGalley.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book.
The author has done a really good job with a cliche television trope. I never watch those shows and yet I couldn't stop reading this book. The main characters were utterly delightful, the dialogue was fun and their chemistry was off the charts. Having read the previous book in the series, Luke had been introduced earlier, however his personality shines through here. The structure of the story was excellent, as well as the developing feelings between the Nell and Luke. It wasn't too much too fast.
4.5 stars, because this romantic comedy was everything it said it would be.

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I am a huge Katy Evans fan, and let me say this book didn’t disappoint. I loved Luke as a secondary character in million dollar devil, so I was very happy he was the male lead in this!
The dynamic between Luke and Nell was perfect, two different people who really need the money!
The ending just made my heart melt ..... such a great book, once I picked it up I couldn’t stop reading ! I read it in just about one sitting! Get this book you won’t be disappointed

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As a fan of reality shows on TV, I enjoyed Katy Evan's version a lot.

Amazing Race and Married on First Sight mash up with Big Brother Challenges thrown in.

Penelope "Nell" Carpenter is college-almost-graduate who is drowning in student loans. With no idea how she can unbury herself, she tags along with her two friends for auditions for a new upcoming reality show - Million Dollar Marriage. After watching her friends get rejected in less than a minute, she was stunned to find out she was accepted by the judges to move on to the next round.

Luke Cross, local bar-owner who is in deep debt and is in danger of losing his bar, decides to audition for the new reality show in hopes to win it all to save his bar. Smooth talking Luke had no problem securing his spot on the show.

Neither of them really knew what they were signing up for.

What I didn't like was how predictable the story was, it really took away from my reading enjoyment. There was no jaw-dropping twists or what-just-happened scenarios, it was an average read for me and some scenes were a little boring. I did like the concept of the storyline and both of the characters but just wish there was more "wow" I guess.

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Who doesn't love a million dollars? Who doesn't love dating shows?

Well...... Lol kidding🤣

Who would fake love for money, lots of money? I could see a lot of responses with this being "Hell Yeah"

Guess you'll have to read this to find out if its love or fake love.....
I definitely enjoyed this installment a lot better than the first book in this series! Definitely worth a pick up for you adventurous readers!!!

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Loved this book!

Reading it felt like I was on this incredible journey with the contestants. The frustration and the challenges. The buildup before each obstacle. All of it was exhilarating to read! But I loved Luke’s commitment to his partner. I adored how they built each other up!

Outstanding writing as always! A must read.

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I have a serious addiction to romance books centered around reality TV. I think it must be because I watch so much of it, but if the synopsis says anything about being a TV show, I. AM. GAME! That is why I had to pick up this read and let me tell you, for readers who love this sub-genre, it did not disappoint. I will say that maybe this book is not for everyone, but it pushed all my right buttons and I loved every second.

I want to start this review by saying that you do not need to read book one, Million Dollar Devil. There are some characters in that book that do make appearances in this one, but it is not needed for the main story line. It will however spoil you for book one.

Just like in previous Katy Evan's books, the writing was great. One thing that did make this book a four star read for me is that sometimes the competitions felt a bit choppy going back to 'real life'. However, it was definitely not a deal breaker!

The plot was hands down my favorite part of this book. It was pretty much a mash up of The Amazing Race and Married at First Sight. The competitions were interesting and it was so fun seeing the characters travel around the world. This was an amazing romance book for readers who also love reality TV!

The characters were great. I felt very connected to Nell because she was a book worm and an introvert. I felt like a lot of her struggles would be the same that I would be having. Luke was also great, but his character did seem like a toned down version of the lead in Million Dollar Devil. It was okay because I justified it by like people usually hang out together so it was fine. I was glad that he was not so crude as James, but he still had a hard, protectiveness about him.

The romance was great. It was a dislike-to-love romance. Nell and Luke were complete opposites so that made for a lot of disagreements, but then they slowly thawed and romance ensued. I did feel their connection and liked that they pushed each other to better themselves.

I really enjoy this read, but I think the main reason why was because of the reality TV show aspect. If that is not your deal, I am not sure if you wold love this as much as I did. If you do, then this book is perfect for you!

-This review is scheduled to be posted on my blog on July 23rd. I have also shared my opinions about this book on my Instagram page, along with my book picture and book edits.

-Thank you for allowing me to read and review this book. I hope that you will keep me in mind for future review opportunities.

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Million Dollar Marriage is a light-hearted, humorous romance by Katy Evans. When I received an invitation from the publisher, via Net-Galley, the book description intrigued me, so I agreed to read and review. My opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way.

This is the first book I’ve read by Katy Evans, but it will not be the last. In fact, I just downloaded the first book, Million Dollar Devil, in the series. The banter between Penelope and Luke is delightful and pulled me in from the beginning then kept me enmeshed until the end. The pacing is great, keeping the plot moving forward.

Penelope “Nell” Carpenter’s character is endearing. I loved her quirky personality. She has so much debt from getting her degrees, she’s so desperate, she enters a contest. The best thing she ever did was become a contestant on the game show. She’s paired up with a guy totally opposite of anyone she’s ever met before. Nell’s so reserved, she needs a mate who will bring her out of her shell and let her shine.

Luke Cross is a yummy hero. While his exterior is rough and rugged, underneath, he’s a marshmallow. I adored his character. He’s so sweet with Nell and accepting of her insecurities. He encourages her to be strong and brings out her competitive side she never knew she possessed. He’s the perfect mate for her. I love that he doesn’t allow his head to be turned by a chance at stardom.

The chemistry between Nell and Luke is amazing. The sexual tension is excellent because Luke wants his relationship with her to be different from any other he’s had with the women from his past. That makes him a true hero for me. He not only falls in love with Nell, he respects her. He also has a very forgiving nature. For me that is as sexy as it can be!

If you enjoy romantic comedies with plenty of heart, and one with engaging characters, then you will love Million Dollar Marriage as much as I did. I can’t wait to read the first book in this series. Happy reading!

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