Member Reviews

I was given an ARC through Netgalley and this is my honest review! This book was so completely different than any other I’ve read before. Two polar opposites, Penelope and Luke. Penelope is finished with her PhD and riddled with school debt and Luke with his troubled past is the owner of a dive bar. They both try out for a reality show with a huge cash prize, make the cut and become a team. I really enjoyed seeing their relationship grow and evolve as they become closer and closer. The slow burn to the pinnacle and then the twist! I love Ms. Evans writing style and all her couples. 5 star recommended!

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This is my first Katy Evans ARC but not my first book. I got my ARC from NetGalley through the Montlake Publishing website.

I've read the Mine series and I also have some of her books in my TBR shelf.

I used to watch reality tv shows a couple of years back. It's not that I'm not a fan anymore, it's just I find some to be very OA and fake. And I'd rather read than watch tv anyway.

The main characters are relatable. I can relate to Penelope in a way because she's introverted, guarded, knows when to be confident and she's a bookworm. And where do I even start with Luke? He is sweet, caring, sentimental and honest—very swoon-worthy.

I've read a couple of stories with more or less similar storylines but this is unique in the sense that they needed to wed before starting the race. I enjoyed their journey. Their development from acquaintance to lovers was a wee bit frustrating because I felt like it took a wee bit longer to heat up but it definitely induced butterflies in my tummy.

It's an easy read, it's sweet and a page turner.

If you're a reality tv junkie, or if you want something light to read over the weekend, this is the book to pick up next.

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I’m not a reality TV watcher in real life, but it was entertaining what Penny and Luke had to go through with the challenges they were given. Boy did Penny not like Luke in the beginning. It was kinda fun watching them start to like and depend on each other. The epilogue was really sweet and I really liked how everything turned out.

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Great story about two different and interesting people who want to win one million dollars in reality show. I love Penny and Luke together, they have chemistry and I enjoyed in this book. Thank you Net Galley and Montlake Romance in this opportunity, I received this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book so much that I stayed up late and ran on no sleep to finish it in one night. As a fan of Katy Evans, I was so excited to get this one and it was everything. Penelope is one of my new favorite characters in ever, she’s smart, loyal friend, and loves learning. She’s also half a million dollars in student loan debt because she got her doctorates degree in literature and she didn’t want to go to Harvard like her parents wanted her to so they cut her off. Now she lives with her best friend who she has lived with since college in Texas and doesn’t know how she is going to pay her loans off. Luke is the bad boy bar owner who is also half a million dollars in debt from taking over his grandpa’s bar. His grandpa took out a lot of mortgages and he’s paying for the nursing home in grandma is in. Luke is the kinda guy that everyone likes and is super athletic and competitive where Penelope is super smart and not athletic. This book is the epitome of opposites attract and has some super funny moments. I fell in love with Luke and Penelope, they are so funny together. They both are encouraged to sign up for this reality show and that has so many up and downs. Just when I thought I had guessed where this book was heading it would take a different turn. I definitely recommend this book. Great characters that you can’t get enough of and great story line.

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When Penelope “Nell” Carpenter needs to find a way to pay off her student loans she never imagined getting married was the way to do it! To bad for her a reality tv wedding on “Million Dollar Marriage” just might be the answer she needs...or the cause of more trouble; Especially when Luke Cross is your match. Luke is one of Jimmy’s (from millionaire dollar devil) friend and the owner of Tim’s Bar. Sadly, the bar isn’t doing to good and Luke has to find away to get out of the red. He figures why not try out for a reality competition show where the prize money could help. What could go wrong? “I’m married. Married to the dirty yeti who can’t stop staring at me.” They couldn’t be more different for each other but sometimes that ends up being just what you might need! This was an adorable romantic comedy. I loved all the “tests” they went through together and Luke is totally swoon worthy! A fun and cute read. Told in dual POV

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I really enjoyed this story Luke was awesome and Penny was adorable. I also really enjoyed the plot. Inventive and still kept my favorite troupe in it!

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I am not usually a big fan of reality tv shows but this book about one was a hoot to read. Its a combination of the Amazing Race and the Bachelor with some really original twists and challenges.

How could you get two more opposite people? Nell is the super intelligent, introverted, perpetual student with few friends and a failed romance. She is afraid to come out of academia into the real world and continues to amass unbelievable debt through student loans. Her idea of fun is to read A Compendium of Chinese Philosophy.

Luke is a recovering addict and sociable bar owner with lots of friends. He is trying to continue his Grandfather's legacy but is on the verge of losing the bar and feels like he is a miserable faliure.

Their friends talk them into entering the new tv reality show Million Dollar Marriage where they are paired together as a team. Right from the start Luke tries to get Nell to work with him as a team, his brawn and her brains should make them winners. Nell is so horrified by this man who is so unlike anyone she has ever met, so she resists him all the way. Eventually as the contest continues Nell begins to realise that Luke is not all he seems but is so much more!

The story is just hilarious as Katy describes the relationships between the various contestants and the games and challenges that they have to go through, especially the lime jello, and at times you just want to go ugh that is so gross! At the same time you have to cheer for these two, especially Nell who the more she competes the more confidence she gains. Although the ending was a foregone conclusion, it was fun to see how these two got there.

This is a not to be missed book, an all-nighter for me!

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Luke and Nell are both strapped for cash. She has 50K in student loans, he has 50K in medical bills for his grandmother. When the opportunity presents itself in the form of a reality TV show, they both jump head first. What the didn't expect was for the feelings to be real and the possibility of broken hearts. One not one for these kind of reality shows but I absolutely loved this book and I loved Nell and Luke.

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What a fun and entertaining story this was. Not only was it a cute love story with plenty of heat and steam, but there was also great subtle humour that ran through the book.
The couple who feature in the story, Penelope and Luke are complete opposites. Forced together, in more ways than one, in the name of a reality tv show, they have to overcome their prejudices and work together in order to will a million dollars. This was a fun and interesting take on the opposites attract and enemies to lovers themes. I enjoyed the chemistry between the two lead characters. It did take a little while for Penelope to relax and trust Luke, but I liked the way that they began to see the best in each other as the story progressed.
I thought the idea of having the story set as part of a reality tv show was great. It does seem like the kind of crazy thing that they have people doing all in the name of entertainment. I'm not entirely convinced that either Penelope or Luke would be convinced to take part in one. I'm not sure either that they would be a couple in real life, but in books like this, that really doesn't matter. For me, the chemistry worked and I enjoyed seeing them discover just how right they were for one another and the way that they each saw things in the other that they themselves hadn't realised.
I really enjoyed this book. I haven't read the first in the series, but I'd be keen to go back and check it out. This book works fine as a standalone and while I think the previous characters were mentioned, it wasn't something that impacted my enjoyment.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Penelope and Luke couldn't be more different if they tried. She's got 3 doctorates, reads books in their original French, hates curse words, isn't great at making friends and hides behind big glasses and freckles. Luke is big and hunky, has sexy stubble for days, never went to college, used to be a junkie, and has never met anyone he couldn't charm or seduce. The one thing that they have in common is that they both have money problems: she's drowning in student loans, and he's about to lose his grandfather's bar because it's mortgaged to the hilt. When their friends tell them about a new reality show called Million Dollar Marriage where the winners can earn some big bucks, they figure why not? Neither really watches reality tv or has any idea what's involved, but it could solve their money woes so they both go to the auditions figuring they have nothing to lose. They meet in line and clash immediately, which isn't that big of a deal until they discover that not only were they both selected for the show...they have to get married in the first episode and then participate in elaborate challenges and race to get to their next destination, working together to solve problems and complete tasks the whole time. If they want to win, Penelope and Luke are going to have to figure out how to be a team. What neither of them bargained for was just how good they would be at it. Could their made-for-tv million dollar marriage actually lead to a real-life happily ever after?

This book was FUN. It's the second in a series, but this is the first one I've read and it works as a standalone. Luke is SWOONY as all get out (although I did find his consistent use of "ain't" to be a little annoying and contrived, like the author was trying to dumb him down in contrast to Penelope's French), and it wasn't hard to see how Penelope would have a hard time resisting him. It was great to go along with them for the challenges and travel on their reality show, and I liked that they figured out ways to each use their strengths and to work together as a team...especially since they really had a rough time of it at the beginning. There was plenty of steaminess, and the author drew it out a little which I always enjoy.

This was the first book I've read by this author, but now I want to go back and read the first one in this series!

**Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!**

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to.

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What is it with the good and amazing books, that they seems to be over so quickly?
I would like to read forever and enjoy the story longer, but NO 🤨, blink and I'm done 🤦🏻‍♀️
I'm a slow reader! I don't read books in one day and one go! 🤬 Or I didn't, until recently 😭
I loved this book soooo much ❤ It's so exciting, beautiful and unpredictable, you just have to know what's coming next. I mean like your life depends on it and your family don't have to eat 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 I love all Katy Evans books, but this one is different.
This story takes place in Atlanta (or begins there) on a TV reality show. From the beginning you're transported into a world of Penelope and Luke, two complete different worlds and types of characters that collide together. If two people can be the complete opposite with nothing in common, that they are. What brought them together is the desperate need of money. They have nothing in common and she hates his behavior and manners from the first glance 😂
She is the brain and he the muscle. She is a doctor and he is a bartender. She doesn't understand his funny and light personality and he can't bring her to be not so uptight.
As I said, two complete different worlds clash together. You would think that's a disaster that can't be solved, but, as the saying goes, opposites attract 😍
This book is a beautiful and action packed adventure, that is so amazing written, that you want it to last forever.
I recommend this book to all dreamers and epic HEA lovers.

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What an entertaining read this was! This was a one sitting read, which hasn’t happened in awhile for me. Nell and Luke go to a reality show audition for a new show called the “Million Dollar Marriage.” These two are complete opposites like polar opposites. He’s rough around the edges, and just had a hard life. She is innocent, hasn’t really dated, or really done anything crazy in her life. They have a rough first meet at the audition and she leaves really not liking him at all. Several months later, they find out they were both one of the chosen ones, and as fate would have it, they are paired up together on the reality show, and taken on some crazy adventures. I thought the idea was so creative and different and I LOVED every second of this book! If you like reality TV, you will love this one!

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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Million Dollar Marriage was off the chains AMAZING...

Million Dollar Marriage is the second book in Katy Evans’ Million Dollar Series. This companion novel is told from Luke and Nell’s point of view.

All Nell wanted to do was get out of her cookie cutter comfort zone and prove to her ex boyfriend that she wasn’t the frigid girl he saw her as...and the million dollars will come in handy paying off her school loans. All she has to do, is be accepted to participate in the Million Dollar Marriage reality show… There’s only one problem. Penelope Carpenter is not at all an adventurous person. What the hell, you only live once…. RIght?!

Luke’s greatest ambition in life is to live it to the fullest in a way that his grandfather and grandmother can be proud of. In the past few years his grandfather has been gone, he’s managed to single handedly find himself in a pit of debt and on the verge of losing the bar his grandfather put his everything into. When his best friend Jimmy brings up Million Dollar Marriage, Luke doesn’t see any other option but to audition and hopefully win it all.

But Luke and Nell are going to soon find out, there are more important things on the table other than money.

My Thoughts:

Ah! I can’t even begin to tell you all how much I freaking loved Luke and Nell’s story! And speaking with all honesty, I went into this book completely blind and ended up getting blindsided with complete addiction.

I was a tad bit worried on how I would feel about MDM. I didn’t really care too much for Million Dollar Devil and not liking the first book in a series can really put a damper on the rest of the series, but I put this car in drive and pushed forward. I’m so freaking thrilled I requested a copy of MDM because if I hadn't, I would have seriously missed out on all the Nell and Luke awesomeness!

I loved the concept of a reality show and watching a love come alive behind the scenes. It was fun to watch two complete opposites struggle with growing pains. The endless banter between Nell and Luke kept me on my toes during some moments and laughing hysterically during other moments. I legit love these two!

Of course, this wouldn’t be a Katy Evans novel without a little bit of angst. I’m not going to divulge any info on these angsty moments due to spoilers. Let’s just say, she definitely had me thinking these two wouldn’t be able to reconcile and settle their shit.

Overall, I’m so glad I took the chance and picked up Million Dollar Marriage. Now i’m going to settle in and binge watch the amazing race and all other reality shows. I highly recommend this one to those who are looking for something a little different with an adventurous vibe!

Enjoy and Happy Reading!

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Book Info
Paperback, 272 pages
Expected publication: July 23rd 2019 by Montlake Romance
ISBN 1542007259 (ISBN13: 9781542007252)
Edition Language English
Series Million Dollar #2
Other Editions (3)
Source:Netgalley EARC
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From New York Times bestselling author Katy Evans comes a hot romance about two strangers and their race to fall in love.

If someone had bet Nell a million dollars that she would be saying “I do” to a complete stranger on national television, she’d have called them crazy, but with her crushing student loan payments sending her deep into the red, she’s out of options. This should be nothing more than a business transaction—until she sets eyes on her groom, and everything changes.

The game is on the instant Luke spots Penelope “Nell” Carpenter. He’s out for the money, yes, but getting a little dirty with Nell doesn’t sound too bad either. Everyone knows he’s not the marrying kind, so it’s a good thing it’s just for show. God knows he’s the worst guy his pretty wife should pick for real.

They have nothing in common, but if they want the grand prize, they’ll have to beat out eight other couples. Proving that total opposites attract should be easy enough…as long as they don’t fall in love in the process.

My Thoughts

Penelope Carpenter is a very smart young woman, a very unassuming and insecure in herself person as well.

Luke Cross is as handsome, charismatic and self-assured as Penelope/Nell is not.

On paper Nell and Luke do not make sense but once they find common ground there is an audible click as the two manage to make a connection to each other. A connection that goes beyond common sense or even the need for money that motivated them to enter the contest in the first place.

For both falling in love with the other was never part of the plan, funny how when push comes to shove plans change!

I blasted through this in one day for the simple fact that it was such an easy flowing read from one chapter to the next, until it stalled out for me in the final few chapters execution. At the point of about 98 and a 1/2% had to take a break and rethink why I was so upset over what I knew was happening had to be done to make the story more dramatic.

I do not exactly like the use of unnecessary drama to bring a story to its conclusion but just like in my favorite movies it worked for Luke and Nell in the end.

[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Million dollar marriage is second in the series and I feel you don’t need Jimmy and Lizzie’s story but when you see them now you kinda know what they are about. Luke and Penelope both have massive debt, they both have signed up for a reality show to get out of debt. They are two very different people but their journey is gonna need them to bring their differences together to succeed.

It was a good read and I enjoyed it a lot.

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Oh my gosh, I love Katy's books and I have to say these 2 were so much fun getting to know and they are my top couple from her. If you looking for a book with lots of fun then give this ago.

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We met Luke in the previous book. I knew he will be an interesting character but now I think I love him more than Jimmy. Luke is a former screwup trying to make his grandfather happy by running his bar and taking care of his grandmother. Luke is that sexy but sweet man that everyone loves.

Nell has always been told the only thing she was good for was her brain. She has only one friend and even her parents didn't want her around. She never felt comfortable in the outside world so she stayed in school. Now the student loan are piling up. Her friend gives her a solution to her problem. She never thought the man whom she considered dirty will be the one to change her world.

This book even a reality show that is like amazing race meets survivor. Truly a book that keeps you happy, smiling and laughing while reading it. I do love Katy Evans she never disappoints me. Thanks to Netgalley for giving me this one in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a sweet treat! I read it through in one sitting. If you are looking for a an adventurous love story, this one is for you!! Will be looking for more from Katy Evans.

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