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Million Dollar Marriage

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I loved it, loved it, loved it. I have read quite a few books from Katy Evans and there hasn’t been a bad one.
This book is about a girl named Penelope who has very low self esteem but is extremely intelligent. She loves studying, obtained a doctorate and has racked up along the way $500,000 in student loans.
Then there’s Luke a big tattooed gorgeous guy who is a reformed drug addict. His grandparents saved him after he was kicked out of home. His Grandfather had mortgaged the pub he owned to repay debt and Luke is left the pub and debt after his Grandfather dies. Together they go on a game show called Million Dollar Marriage to clear their debt.

The building of the characters is fantastic and you fall in love with Luke with his caring and thoughtful persona. He is constantly reassuring Penny his nickname for Penelope. He’s a people person and all the contestants are drawn toward him. Everyone loves him. Penelope is uptight and always sees the worse possible case. She not socialable, she wear granny pants, does not care about her looks, has big black glasses. They are opposites in every way.

You definitely will love this book. It’s a winner. ❤️

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Small spoiler in the review but a spoiler warning is before it.
This book is for everyone who is fan of tv-shows like the bachelor!
We follow Nell and Luke. Two people in a lot of dept who participate more or less willingly in the new tv-show MIllion Dollar Marriage.
The protagonists could not be more different and both get thrown in a lot of very uncomfortable and it is really fun to see them overcome obstacles.
I have to say at first the idea of this Tv-Show didnt convince me, because there were quiet some strange tasks, they had to fullfil.. And while the idea of this show didnt grow on me I really enjoyed the H/h relationship.
But something that always bothers me in this kind of story is the lack of communication and the * spoiler warning* typical break up at the end of the story. I know that it is a commenly used story telling element but I am really over it.

ARC kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest opinion.

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As a HUGE reality show fan, I was super excited to read this book! I felt like it was the perfect mix between Big Brother, Amazing Race, and Married at First Sight. I loved the storyline. It felt like I was truly watching a reality show. I loved the characters, loved how different they were yet they fitted perfectly together. Overall, this was a great read. Different, but amazing. If you’re someone who loves reality shows, this book is definitely for you!

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I loved the reality show aspect of the story. I liked the dual perspectives. Penelope was a relatable heroine with self-esteem issues & Luke may have had perfect looks, but he had a past that had left him stronger.

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Interesting read and story. All of the recent reality shows combine to make a quirky romance. Loved Nell and Luke was the sweetest. I truly believe these reality show manipulate the "couples" and this made for a very interesting read.

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<B>Behind the scenes ⭐️</b>

Imagine a reality show like <i>The Bachelor</i> combined with something like <i>The Amazing Race</i>. Now think if you’d be interested to know what happens behind the scenes. You are? Ok, great! Then this is a book made especially for you.

Considering I <i>DNF-ed</i> the first book in the Million Dollar Series, by some miracle I was granted this ARC for the second book and I actually liked it. A lot!
Our main characters are contestants in a new reality show named <i>Million Dollar Marriage</i>. They’re both drowning in debts, so this is they're only chance to start fresh. Polar opposites, they don’t seem to stand a chance. One is a genius Doctor and the other a former junkie, bar owner and school drop out.

What makes this story interesting is seeing how these two people form a connection, despite being so different. How your education isn’t as important as being a good person or having a beautiful soul.
I’m a fan of reality shows and it was fascinating reading about one, instead of watching it. A new experience for me.

Of course I got sucked into the actual competition, cheering for our MCs and dying to see what happens next. I gave it a 4⭐️ because of the last 15% of the book, the climax and the dénouement.
Here are my issues with this story.
The first one was our hero deciding he’s in love right after a BJ. 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄
The heroine starts by cringing at the f-words and being a total wallflower, but in the end she’s completely changed. <I>When did it happen? How? Why?</i>
Last, it was the actual climax of the story. I’m not naïve enough to believe that something like that doesn’t/couldn’t happen in the reality shows we watch on TV, but I guess i got a bit disappointed seeing it in a story, in a book I liked that much up to that point.

If you aren’t a fan of this type of TV shows, I don’t know how much you’ll enjoy this book. I think it deserves a chance, though, so go right ahead and add it to you TBR.

<i>”ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.”</i>

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*ARC kindly provided by NetGalley*

I will be the first to admit that I absolutely adore Katy Evans' books. Ever since I first read Brooke and Remy's story I have been hooked on her books and will pretty much read anything she writes.

'Million Dollar Marriage' is the follow up to 'Million Dollar Devil', this novel focuses on Luke and Nell and a Bachelor-like game show they are thrown into.

Nell is a student with a lot of student debt after spending her early twenties continuing her education with masters and doctorates. Unfortunately this has left her in a very bad financial position and she needs to come up with the half a million dollars she owes and quick. With limited options she turns to the reality game/dating show to try and earn the money she so desperately needs. The winners of the show will get, you guessed it, $1,000,000.

We met Luke in 'Million Dollar Devil', he is running his grandfather's bar in Atlanta and he too needs the money to help keep the business he loves open and pay for his grandmother's care.

These two seem to be polar opposites, Nell is shy and bookish, whilst Luke is wild and outgoing. How will these two get through this competition and win the money they both desire?

Overall, this was a really fun and cute read. Many of Katy's other books that I have read are much darker, so it was lovely to read this lighthearted romantic comedy from Katy. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for an easy read this summer.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. What a great book , I really enjoyed it. Highly recommend to everyone.

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I freaking LOVED this book! Luke was completely swoon worthy and insanely hot! Nell is so darn cute and quirky you fall instantly in love with her. Luke's and Nell chemistry was off the dang charts. I loved their story it was such a fun and heart warming story. I wanted to devour this book but I took my time and made myself slowly absorbing the story because I can never get enough of Katy Evans writing, she always leaves me wanting more from her stories. Yet another book by Evans added to my top favorite book list.

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This book was a surprise. It was surprisingly interesting! An original romance that is full of intense moments as the characters/strangers compete together in a reality competition. This was a satisfying original page-turner with likable characters.

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You know I believe I have read Katy Evans before but this was before I officially started a bookstagram so I don’t remember fully BUT I have been looking forward to reading this, also HOW GORGEOUS is that cover! *sigh*

This is a GAME SHOW book! THE MILLION DOLLAR MARRIAGE. I usually watch those so to read it, let’s just say I don’t get to too often and it was quiet fun to read. I have not read book #1 so kind of went in blind but I wasn’t worried about that because this book gave me enough to understand everything.

A opposite-attract because Nell and Luke couldn’t be more different. Nell is a shy nerd that has been working hard in her life to…well get a lot of degree’s but just not too sure on what she wants to settle with, hence needing the money, to pay off her loans. Luke on the other had who run’s his grandpa’s bar is A PARTY MAN, life of the party so to say. Rough, edgy and tattooed…but secret….he has a heart of gold. He needs the money to pay for his grandma’s facility and care. So what do they do, ummm marry a total stranger on live TV! Duhh!

When lines get crossed and blur…both Luke and Nell share this amazing chemistry, raw and just plain real! They must fight together against 8 other couples. The plot was great, a little as expected so it was a little predictable for me. All the characters were good, I especially loved Nell but Luke was right there with his bad-boy persona that holds that golden heart! Slow burn for sure so beware but the working up to it was great. I had a lot of fun reading this, lot’s of laughter and action.

Rating: 4.5★
Steamy: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Recommended? ☑
⇨ H A P P Y – R E A D I N G ⇦

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Million Dollar Marriage by Katy Evans a five-star read that you would say yes to every time. This is the second novel in the Million Dollar series, but they can be read as stand-alone as you do see characters from then first story in this one, but they are only minor players and don’t come up much at all. This was such a great story, much like Nell I am not a huge fan of reality TV, I also love reading too much, just different types of literature to nell, that being said I loved the take the author had on the show and how they unravelled it step by step it just gave the anticipation a huge boost. Much like the female population in this story I fell in love with Luke, body, heart and soul. This is so much more than the romance it appears on the surface, as you read you get to see the sides of the characters that you never imagine, its such a great read. I for one am hoping we get number three in the Million Dollar series.

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Oh, how I love Katy Evans' latest, Million Dollar Marriage! This opposites-attract romance is so much fun, so wickedly sexy and so utterly swoon-worthy. Penelope is my kind of heroine. - smart, sassy, hilarious and true to herself. She isn't immediately charmed by the gorgeous, rough-around-the-edges, Luke, but he quickly proves himself to be the type of partner any woman would dream of, whether in a romantic relationship or on a reality TV game show. The story is face-paced and highly entertaining as these two work together to win the ultimate prize - a happily ever after.

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This was a funny,romantic, sweet read. I really enjoyed it and the characters. The story flowed evenly and was a great quick read.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I will admit I don’t really watch a lot of reality tv. But this story kept me interested and the chemistry between penny and Luke was off the charts hot. 4 stars! Thank you to netgalley for the ARC.

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This totally ruined The Amazing Race for me. And maybe all other reality shows, too. I found myself wanting to throw my Kindle or shout, "Pack your knives and go!" several times.

I should have loved this book: I'm a huge The Amazing Race stan and romances with brainy heroines are my total catnip. But ugh, no, Penelope "Nell" Carpenter is the worst. Nell has multiple degrees and is about to get her doctorate, but is facing $500K in student loans. For someone supposedly super brainy, Nell figures her only way out is to try out for a reality show even though she looks down on people who watch television. In fact, Nell looks down on everyone not like her French literature-reading, Baudelaire-quoting, classical music-loving self. In fact, Nell whines constantly about being dumped by her boyfriend and estranged from her parents - maybe, Nell, they were just tired of you being so judgmental?

To her horror, Nell ends up married on tv to Luke Cross, a local bar owner that she immediately deems a dirty yeti that looks like a thug. Seriously, she comments on how much he looks like a thug throughout the book. For someone so smart, Nell had a ridiculously limited vocabulary (she calls his penis a "thingy") as she whines during every stage of the competition. This is how Nell and Luke begin married-on-tv life after Luke drops a f-bomb on her:
“I don’t approve of that kind of talk, actually. I find it low class.”

“Oh. Well, I’m sorry, Mrs. Cross. I’ll try to tone it down—”

“No. Not Mrs. Cross.” He gives me a confused look, and I explain. “I’m going to keep my name when I get married. I’m not even going to hyphenate. And I earned my title. I’ll always be Dr. Carpenter, thanks.”

He squints. “You’re bullshitting me.”

I cringe again.
Despite the fun reality tv setup with a fast pace race around the United States, Nell's attitude and neurotic hangups made the competition a slough to get through. I wanted Luke to just dump Nell at one of the elimination stages, any stage. Luke, instead, ends up completely in awe of his "wife" and it completely baffled me as to why.
Only in a screwy game like this would a girl this classy, sweet, and gorgeous be wed to a bum like me.
Maybe it takes a crazy reality tv show or fictional romance, but I never saw the sweet in sweet in Nell.

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I'm not super into reality TV, aside from my addiction to Married at First Sight. But, this book had me me enthralled every step of the way.
My, oh my, how opposites attract.
Luke and Penny were perfect in their own way. Even though they seemed opposite I think they were actually a lot alike. There were times I didn't like Penny and I cringed each time Luke said "ain't" but I quickly got over it.
With each task of the game, I liked them more and more and I was rooting from them since the beginning.
The ending of the book is a bit of a nail biter, at least it was for me! I will definitly suffer a book hangover from this one, because I WANT MORE "Lenny"! For now I'll just have to settle on rereading it, I guess.
This is def. a ONE-CLICK worthy book!
Also, for reference, I haven't read book one in the series "Million Dollar Devil" but I fully intend on investing in it the second after I post this review.
Amazing work , Katy! Remy is still my #1, but Luke is giving him a run for his money, that's for sure!

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As a reality show watcher of Amazing Race and Survivor I enjoyed the strangers to partners under duress premise. Penelope and Luke are total opposites and that's what makes the story. They both need cash and that is a powerful motivator. I appreciated the way that Luke valued Penny/Nell and stuck with her though thick and thin. As a popular good looking guy he had several chances to "ditch" her and hook up with other contestants but he choose to be loyal to her. Penny was a bit too repressed but when you learn her back story you realize why. Fun romance with humor and some touching moments.

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This was an advanced copy courtesy of netgalley - thank you

I had not read any of Katy Evans work before but would happily read more

I didn't realise this was part of a series when I requested - no matter, I read it as a standalone and it does work

Quiick, easy read - entertaining

I did like this and enjoyed it - good holiday read

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Luke and Nell are both strapped for cash so they take part in a reality tv gameshow where they compete against other couples to win a big cash prize.

She's an academic, perpetual student, an introvert who's shy with self esteem issues, drifting through life racking up student loans. He's a social animal, extrovert, rough around the edges and a reformed addict.

I had a hard time with this; I didn't feel any tension or chemistry between them either at the start when they hated one another or later when they didn't. They didn't feel authentic to me, they were too conveniently different, I wasn't buying it.

The reality gameshow plot was imaginative and original and kept me reading, but the side characters they were competing against didn't feel very real either. It all just felt kind of fake.

Sorry, I'm afraid this was a miss for me, but others enjoyed it so don't let me put you off. Complete story, can be read as a standalone.

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