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Like, Follow, Kill

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As readers will know that I have read to date every single book by Carissa Ann Lynch. I am a big fan of her mystery novels. So when I saw on Netgalley that she had a new one out, I knew instantly that I wanted to read it and the fact that lately I have been on a mystery buzz in between my other books just to break up the feeling of reading the same trope. Another reason I was excited about this book is that it uses social media which is one of my favorite tropes in books - the use of Social Media apps. In Like, Follow, Kill we meet Camilla who has been slightly agoraphobic ever since the car accident that took the life of her husband Chris and left her badly scarred and injured. To pass the time, she follows an ex-classmate of her's Instagram page Violet who seems to have it all with her amazing job as a pharmaceutical rep which allows her to travel all over the country, her clothes and her looks. One evening though things start to get a bit strange on her page as she posts a video at 2 am saying she feels someone is stalking her, then disappears then a few days later a call for help comes to Camille's inbox. Camille believing Violet is in danger leaves and takes her husband's ashes on a road trip as they had always planned too. As the novel goes along, we can discover of course that Violet's life wasn't all that it is cracked up to be and Chris - Camille's husband wasn't the Mr. Nice guy everyone thought he was in their small towns. Like, Follow, Kill shows readers the dark side of social media where you never know who you are talking to behind the screen and how we can all live a facade online and appear to be living in this perfect little world which makes other's envious. Like, Follow, Kill was another good mystery by Carissa Ann Lynch that readers will enjoy especially if you love the social media angle.

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I was very intrigued by the blurb for this book, so I took a chance on it and a new to me author. I did enjoy this psychological thriller and was glad that I picked it up.

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I wasn't really sure what to expect with this book. It starts out a bit like your average thriller and changes a little towards the end. The ending felt a little rushed, but apart from that, I enjoyed it.

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What a page turner.. read this one in one sitting on a rainy day. First for me from this author and read her new prelude to 2020 book to be released and say that i can't wait for it to come out. Great read this one was for sure not the last from this author!

Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for an early release of this book.

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I’ve been Carissa Lynch’s fan ever since she began writing and what I love the most about her books is that she never ceases to amaze me! This newest creation of hers is very different from the others, even though it’s the same genre; yet, it has such a different vibe that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t understand where it was going until the very end. It’s written using an unreliable protagonist technique, which is my favorite for I never know whether to trust such a protagonist or not, and that’s what makes such stories even more mesmerizing.

Camilla, still not fully recovered from a horrific accident that took the life of her husband, is definitely such a protagonist. Even though the story is told through her eyes, I kept questioning myself whether all this is really happening or her mind plays some sort of tricks on her due to the emotional trauma and all the pills and alcohol she consumes, or if something different altogether is at play here. After all, why a popular girl, Valerie, who has seemingly mysteriously disappeared, suddenly resurfaces and asks Camilla for help? And why is Valerie’s supposed stalker strangely resembles Camilla’s late husband? Once I picked up the book, I literally devoured it in one sitting because I just couldn’t go to sleep until I found out how exactly it will all play out in the end. This book will mess with your brain in all the best ways and you will love every second of it, I promise. Profoundly dark and deliciously twisted - a must-read for all fans of the genre!

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Really enjoyed this book, it kept me guessing as to what was going on with Valerie the whole way through. The ending was unexpected.

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Oh my! A cryptic, fast thriller! I started and finished this book in the same day because I just had to know what was real and what was obsession. So fun!

Thank you to NetGalley, Carissa Ann Lynch and One More Chapter for the opportunity to read this before publication in exchange for an honest review.

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From the prologue until the very last page, Carissa Ann Lynch kept me glued to the pages. Her writing style, imagery, and original flow of words was utterly captivating. The narrative is unique and full of that eerie, understated motive books of this genre need. Absolutely one of the top reads of 2019. 5 stars!!

Thank you to #NetGalley for this ARC of #LikeFollowKill, which was read and reviewed voluntarily. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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So the thing about this book is that as you get toward the end of it, you begin to feel like you have it all figured out. You kinda do, but then all of a sudden you are blindsided by some unexpected twists and then it happens again! This book was very enjoyable and lures you into a false sense that you have it all figured out... until you realize you don’t!

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Extremely fast paced dark look at social media addiction and the consequences. Camilla was in a horrific car accident which left her disfigured and her husband dead. Not wanting to leave the house Camilla becomes obsessed with a young woman she knew in middle school who now has a large online presence. Willing to stop at nothing to help her online friend, whom she believes is in danger, Camilla begins an road trip that may have serious consequences. Crazy ending to a crazy book (in the best way possible) with an ending that left me floored. Fast paced, addictive thriller.

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Sadly its a no from me. I don't mind unreliable narrators, or novels and stalkers, as long as they're well written and well structured. This, to me, wasn't. It was flat, and dull, and just really bizarre. Especially the ending - what a let down!

I personally wouldn't recommend it. There are far better thrillers out there - don't waste your time.

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Badly scarred after the accident that killed her husband, Camilla Brown locks herself away from the world.  Her only friendships are online, where everyone lives picture-perfect lives.

In private Camilla can follow anyone she likes. And Camilla likes a lot.

Especially her old school friend Valerie Hutchens.  Camilla is obsessed with Valerie’s posts, her sickening joy for life, her horribly beautiful face.  But then Camilla spots something strange in one of Valerie’s posts – a man’s face looking through her window, watching, waiting…
And then Valerie goes missing…

This book started well and certainly had me hooked,  unfortunately after the first half of the book it rapidly heads downhill.

Dialogue feels very stilted at times, the storyline feels rushed and the ending is predictable. Too many twists are thrown in in quick succession and they aren't very good twists.  It felt like the author knew how she wanted the end to happen but not how to get there.

There is a good story here but this book isn't it unfortunately.

I'll give this book a 1 out of 5 rating.

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I did enjoy this book. The main character, Camilla, was in a car accident with her husband. He dies. She lives and has had 10 surgeries and still has scars - some facial, at that. Camilla had been drunk driving at the time and feels awful and raw about losing her husband. She has become a bit of a hermit - except for visits from her sister, Hannah, and doctor visits.

Camille is so lonely that she has become obsessed with a high school friend's (Valerie's) ongoing internet pics and stories. Actually, the two were never really close friends. I have the feeling that not only was Camille envious of Valerie - she wanted to BE Valerie.

Valerie goes missing and that is where the "fun" begins.

An interesting story about a lonely, scarred woman who had not felt able to go out much. Yet, she is plummeted into what could be a downward spiral...

Many thanks to Harper Impulse & Killer Reads and also NetGalley for a very good read!

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2.5 stars

Thank you to #netgalley, #carissaannlynch for #likefollowkill

This book grabbed me right away- i love books with unreliable narrators. This reminded me of Woman in the window- a woman who struggles with addiction and trauma from an earlier accident, working to rebuild her life after her husband passed away in a car accident. A car accident that occurred when she was driving.

Camilla, the man character is trying to get her life together and deal with the trauma of losing her husband. His family hates her, her family only consists of a sister, and she is depressed and home bound. She keeps herself busy by following an old associate from high school's Instagram and lives vicariously through her posts.

Then, in the last post by Valerie, Camilla sees someone in the room behind Valerie's live video. She reached out to Valerie and Valerie sends her cryptic messages begging Camilla to help save her from a dangerous man. Camilla sets out on a road trip to save Valerie.

I read this in one day- it had me hooked early on. But the ending killed it for me. I thought it was well written and a fun read until the last 10 pages or so. Started out as a 4, ended at 2.5.

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This wasn't my favourite book by Carissa but it is worth a read if you like a mystery book. The book unfortunately is a little disjointed in places and drags in others, there isn't really much of a plot and nothing makes much sense why the character does or doesn't do certain things but i suppose that is what keeps you reading, to try and work out what is going on and see if there is a reason behind everything. It was readable but didn't wow. 3.5 stars.

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I must admit that when i first started reading this book, i had my doubts as to whether i was going to enjoy. Mainly because i don't normally like stories that are told in the first person. Turned out to be a very enjoyable read, with plenty of twists and turns. I hope to read more books by this author.

My thanks to Netgalley and the Publishers for my copy.

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Truthfully, couldn't get into this book. I thought the premise was very modern-day and was really into this idea of a stalker. I felt like I was reading it just to review it at this point and not like I was reading it because I wanted to know what happened. I felt like this story could've been about the two girls and leave Chris out of it. I didn't feel connected to that story line nearly as much as I could've. A story more about becoming overly obsessed with checking's someones socials isn't unheard of yet we rarely see it written. Wish this could've been that book.

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"Claustrophobic and riveting".
#LikeFollowKill by #CarissaAnnLynch is an amazing story about two girls. One is like celebrity while one is normal. One has everything while other has nothing to lose. One is obsessive about social media and the other is obsessive about her. You think you read this kind of story before, you will be wrong.
Camilla's and Valerie's characters are awesome.
Although at sometimes the pacing of the book is slow but it will keep you on the edge of your seats.
A good read for the fans of psychological thrillers.

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This was a fun, crazy good thriller with an unexpected ending! Well worth the read! I look forward to more books by this author.

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I have mixed feelings about this book.

I didn't really like any of the characters and the story was a bit weird.

On the other hand, I wanted to know what happened next. I wanted to know how the main character coped with leaving home. I wanted to know more.

On the other hand, I wasn't really engrossed and lost in the book. I kept getting distracted and tempted to skim.

On the other hand, I DIDN'T skim because I was afraid to miss anything.

Well, you get the idea. I do want to thank the publisher and net galley for an advance copy, which did not affect my review.

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