Member Reviews

Window by the Bay is not one of my favorite Debbie Macomber books. Although their are some good story lines, I felt like the book didn't go into depth with the characters. There is a lot of alcohol featured. I wasn't fond of the daughters story. She makes some pretty big mistakes, then turns out to be a hero of sorts. I am a fan of the Blossom Street and Rose Harbor series and all of the Christmas stories. This one just doesn't live up to Debbie's usual stories.

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Good but some love/hate parts.
I really enjoy reading stories about women heading towards their midlife years. Kids are in college or married and giving you grandchildren. It kind of hits exactly my own life style.

This story celebrates the friendship between the two main characters in several ways. It’s so nice to have a lifelong friend. The support is great especially when you are going through difficult times. Macomber hits it just right with the close connection and support.

But there was a few qualities that Macomber decided to build into these women that I didn’t care for. Several times they were rude and immature in their ability to speak to men who are interested in them.

I don’t think those are qualities any of us should be proud of. Maybe she chose to put it in to make sure that we don’t act like that. Who knows? I just thought it was odd and it made me cringe.

This author has a fresh writing style and a wonderful ability to craft characters and situations that are right out of real life. It is always a pleasure to read one of her stories. You always feel great after you are done.

Written with humor, insight, and a knack for telling it like it is, Window on the Bay does give us the happily ever after that we love, but we have to go through a lot to get there. Enjoyable, feel good story.

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I have read all of Debbie Macomber’s books, loved them all, and this one is no exception.

In this book about two women who live in Seattle, and have been best friends since college, we learn of their lives as single-mothers, who have now become “empty nesters”. They look for new things in their lives, however, as divorcees, don’t anticipate a new love in each of their lives.

A delightful, quick read of friendship, family, and love, I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves relaxing, clean romances.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Window on the Bay tells the story of two long-time college friends that have navigated the ups and downs of life. Debbie Macomber always shows us the strength in family and friends in her books and this one does the same. It also has a message to not give up on your dreams.

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Debbie Macomber's book are always a nice treat; warm characters and good plot. Macomber's latest book, Window on the Bay is no exception. It is a clean romance that includes family issues and friendship. While the ending is a bit abrupt, fans of Macomber will greatly enjoy this novel.

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I received a free ARC Ebook from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review.

Debbie is one of my favorite authors and each time I read her books I'm reminded why. She brings you in to the hearts and minds of her characters. Her explanations of settings, feelings, and relationships clearly defines the characters and situations. You feel as if you're.there to provide a high level of understanding.

This is a story of two woman who met in college and became lifelong friends. They both married and divorced, one has 1 daughter and the other a daughter and a son. Their marriages left scars and this story tells how, with the love of their families and each other, they learn to open their hearts and lives to the possibility of love the second time around. As usual Debbie hit it out of the ballpark!

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Debbie Macomber always hit the right notes. I like to read her books as "in-between palate cleaners.: If I read a long or "heavy" book...I like to pick up lighter, easier books for awhile after. Ms. Macomber is always one I reach for...because I know what I will get. A well written, sometimes emotional story. She did great with this book as well!

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An endearing story of college friends who remain best friends through motherhood, divorce, and being empty-nesters. This tale takes place as they navigate having empty-nests and dating.
Two best friends, Maureen and Jenna discover dating and wondering if they are able to risk opening their hearts to love.

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I Loved this book!!! I love all of Debbie Macombers books but this was a beautiful story! I Loved the characters and the real life trials and tribulations of life! I highly recommend it to everyone and thanks for the opportumity to read and review it!

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Another fabulous read from Debbie Macomber! I enjoyed reading alternate points of view. The ending was too fast and tidy for me, but it did not distract from the overall book.

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I’m a huge Debbie Macomber fan I’ve read every book she has written. That being said you would think I would find some books sound alike or there isn’t anything new in her books. That is totally not the case. I become friends with her characters, I can relate to their lives, the highs and lows. Debbie writes seamlessly and I have never found myself thinking “Oh I’ve read this before”. I wait on bated breath for every book she puts out! This book was no different I relate to Maureen and Jenna. I too am an empty nester and want To start adventures I couldn’t while raising kids. After reading this book I have contacted old friends to reconnect and see where we go from here. Thank you Debbie I doubt that would have happened had I not connected with Maureen and Jenna. I have preordered 5 copies to gift to my Mom, sister and best friends.

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As I read this book, I kept thinking this is life. It is about 2 best friends who met in college and planned to go to Paris after college. Life got in the way and they postponed Paris. They remained best friends all their lives, both became single Moms, then empty nesters, and finding life after becoming empty nesters. I liked that this book included mistakes made along the way and the choices that were made after. It had their children growing up while they were in college. It wasn't always everyone agreeing and it caused rifts but eventually, they should have listened, not just the kids but the adults too. I take away by reading this book, that is how you know they love you because they had the courage to say no. Allie's Gram told her that when she was 8 or 9 and she never forgot it and then she shared it with her best friend, Mackensie, when her father had said no to buying her a car. She figured out that if he had bought her the car, all is showed is she could manipulate him but because he said no, it showed he really did love her and I want my grandsons to learn this. When it is published, I am going to buy it for my daughter and I hope she gets as much out of it as I did. I think she will. It is a wonderful story about the journey through life.

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I picked Window on the Bay synopsis unread, loving all the work of Debbie Macomber. Her latest novel does not disappoint. The perfect story to bring to the beach or curl up in front of the fire and read. The tale of two best friends and their experience in life and love is relatable and heartwarming. The characters and their families will grow on you and stay with you long after the story ends. 5 stars.

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All I can say is wow - Debbie Macomber never fails to write a great book. Her characters were well developed and held my interest throughout the book. Jenna and Maureen started off as friends as freshmen in college and always dreamed of going to Paris, unfortunately life gets in the way of dreams sometimes. I like that Jenna and Maureen always remained friends even as they went through the various stages of their lives. There's nothing like have a friend to be there during the hard times. Another great Debbie Macomber book. I enjoyed it greatly and will recommend it to my friends

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Debbie Macomber gives us another great story in Window on the Bay. This story revoles around two best friends and their lifes. The characters are so well developed that you'll feel that you know them. They had dreams when they graduated from college, but life has a way of changing plans. Some dreams never die and the dream returns to make them want to go forward and make it happen years later. You'll love their journey.

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Jenna and Maureen are college friends planning a trip to Paris after they graduate. They have the whole tripped planned and tickets bought. Then Maureen had to tell Jenna she couldn't go, that she was pregnant. Jenna, being a true best friend told Maureen that Paris could wait. That she understood. Years later the two friends live in the same area. Both married then divorced. Their kids are gown and they finally have the chance to plan their Paris trip. Then by chance they both meet men. They were not even looking. Will these men be the one? Will they get to Paris after all?

This book is a feel good book. It follows the two friends through their lives. With their children, x-husbands and new loves. Its has a great romance story line without the unnecessary parts to it. I loved all the characters, with their different personalities. I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next and even shed a few tears with them. This book is an enjoyable read.

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The book starts with the story of Jenna and Maureen, who have been friends since college. The dream in college was to go to Paris after graduation. Maureens surpise pregnancy changed plans and soon they were both married and mother. We join them in their life after their divorce and the kids are all gone to college--they wonder if they will finally get to go on the trip or if they will ever find love again. When Rowan and Logan enter their lives, it shakes their world up and the going isn't always smooth. This was a sweet story about a lifelong friendship, becoming empty nesters and hoping to find love again. I've always love reading Debbie Macomber books, the blossom street are my favorite. I enjoyed this immensely and had a hard time putting it down--I wanted to see if happy ending was in story for these friends! I highly recommend! Thank you NetGalley for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this. I loved it as much as I have her other works. Gritty and heartfelt. It's a must read for anyone who enjoys romance. Very well written and plotted out I loved Jenna and Maureen and could identify with their characters..

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Debbie Macomber is one of my favorite authors and Window on the Bay is like comfort food for the soul. This story is told primarily in 2 pov’s: Jenna, an ICU nurse, and her best friend, Maureen, a librarian . Occasionally, Jenna’s daughter, Allie injects her point of view into the narrative. Jenna and MAUREEN have known each other since college and both are single moms finding love. Logan is a plumber working on a construction site nearby who goes to the library on Mondays to get recommendations from Maureen, or as he calls calls her, Marian the librarian. Rowan, handsome Dr. Lancaster, is the surgeon who operates on Jenna’s mom, and who mends Jenna’s heart. This is just a sweet story. Debbie Macomber doesn’t write deep, philosophical novels. They are easy reads but good reads. The characters have conflicts easily resolved by the end of the book. I look forward to reading a Debbie Macomber book, and Windiw on the Bay is a good story with good characters. I highly recommend anyone who hasn’t read her yet to play Co this one up.

I received an advanced e-copy from the publisher for an honest review. Thank you! #windowonthebay #netgalley

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This book was a quick, lighthearted, easy read. It’s great for the beach, a car ride or for when you must start and stop. It was rather predictable. I did get frustrated with the female main characters. The on-again-off-again characteristics of the two main female characters frustrated me. There were times that I wanted to slap them both silly. I guess this means that they were realistically portrayed.

This book is not so intense that you can’t put it down. It won’t leave you frightened for scared to turn off the lights. It will leave you with a smile on your face and the feeling that all is relight with the world. I like books that do that.

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