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The Things I Know

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"I also know that words are powerful things and they have weight"

A powerful prologue followed at the end of each chapter by a list of things Hitch/Thomasina knows.

Thomasina or "Hitch's" reflections on her life and the feeling of being trapped or jailed and her ultimate despair at the meaninglessness of her life are so artfully captured on the page that it made for slow reading in the beginning because I felt so sorry for her especially with the cruelty displayed by her cousin and the way her parents treat her - almost wrapping her in cotton wool. Although she doesn't seem to pity herself despite all her afflictions and problems.

But through her despair at her situation in life you discover that "Hitch" is made of a stronger stuff - she wants more out of life; to do something meaningful with her life; to move past the boundaries her parents and society have set for her; to bake cakes in her own kitchen for the man she loves, where ever he may be.

The tone of the novel shifts when she meets Mr Grayson Potts, a guest at their farm bed and breakfast. It becomes lighter and in him "Hitch" becomes Thomasina again and sees a kindred spirit who may just be able to help her break the boundaries down.
Both of them feel they don't fit into the boxes society labels "normal" and have their own struggles to face daily. But together each one's strengths seem to compliment and bolster the other one's weaknesses.

Together they help each other take a stand against the bullying they face until a devastating event threatens their fragile relationship and leaves everything teetering on a knife edge.

Another stunning offering from Amanda Prowse. I am honestly blown away every time at how she manages to get under her characters's skins so well and bring them to life as unforgettable characters. Thomasina may well be the best of her heroines that I have come into contact with to date. She has the knack of being able to highlight the people living on the edge of society that you don't really notice or want to notice.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me the chance to read this wonderful story..

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Hitch loves working on the family farm and B&B, but she wants more, to have her own home, see the world and fall madly in love. But fairy tales don’t happen to people like her because she has a deformed lip, crooked limbs and a weak heart. But then when Grayson Potts comes to stay, he’s unlike anyone she has ever met. The two form a bond that neither has ever had before hoping it could become something more. However by putting her heart on the line Thomasina (Hitch) may open herself to heartbreak but could also open herself up to so much more.

A lovely heartwarming story between two people who are a bit different, who proved that it’s possible to anything if you really want it enough. Highly recommended.
Thanks to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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What a delightful love story between two young adults who are both a bit different from other people. They both have challenges that most people don't, and some of those challenges have to be overcome just to be able to be with each other. Join their tale, and cheer them on, cry a little bit and be lured into their curious homes to fall in love with them.

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This book took my heart and has never relented in giving it back to me. I wanted a book full of romance and passion where love conquered all. Amanda Prowse didn't disappoint. Two people meet and fall in love and they look past each other's flaws because everyone has them. Falling in love with a person's heart is more beautiful.

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This book was slow getting started. I felt that there was a lot of repetition of the main character’s, Thomasina’s, thoughts about her life and not much going on to bring the story forward. The story picked up as Thomasina met Grayson. I loved both of these characters. They both had problems to overcome to be able to make their lives what they wanted them to become. The ending was a bit too easy; everything coming together very quickly into a very happy ending. Despite some of the flaws, I did enjoy this story and would recommend it to others.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 easy to read stars

Not one of my favourites by the author I’m afraid. I think possibly because her other books have a twist, a sadness, that really gets to you. But I didn’t feel that with this one.

Gray and Thom were such simplistic characters for pretty much the whole book, and then the end turned into a hallmark movie, all sweetness, happy endings all tied up nicely with everyone having a personality and character re-evaluation.

The book however is easy to read.

A tad disappointing sorry.

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I loved this book. The characters are adorable and easy to love. Its not Amandas normal heart breaker but is an immensely warm, well written story of family love and growth.

I really enjoyed this

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Another lovely endearing read from Amanda! I have read all Amanda’s previous books and was really looking forward to this one!
This books tells the tale of thomasina and Grayson, both struggling to confirm to the norm, thomasina due to physical disabilities and Grayson due to his understanding and mannerisms. Despite this and the complex family situations they find themselves in, they triumph over it all to have a relationship and save the farm which is so important to thomasina and her family! A beautiful tale of triumph over adversity with a lovely happy ending!
Thank you so much net galley for this early read!

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Another lovely warm emotional novel by Amanda Prowse I look forward to reading her books can always count on being taken in to the world the lives of her characters a curl up in your favorite reading spot sit back and enjoy.#netgalley # amazonuk

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The Things I Know
Amanda Prowse
To be published:
June 25, 2019

Thomasina Waycott was never a normal English girl. From the time that she was born she lived with the stigma of being different. She lived with others calling her names, making fun of her walk, of her hand that was not quite right. Worst of all, her lip was cleft. Doctors tried to fix the problem when she was born but it was a small town. Surgical techniques were not as good as they are now so her smile was crooked. When she finished with school she didn’t go on to college like her brother, Jonathan or others in her class. Her mother told her that she probably couldn’t handle the studies so she worked the farm, raised the chickens and helped with the cows.
Because of her odd lips people began to call her Hitch at a young age. Her cousin, Emery arrived to help when Jonathan left to work in the states. She could live with some of the teasing but Emery called her names that were terrible. When he was with his friends it was the worst. If she had told her mom and pops they would have reminded her that he was kin and he was kidding her. She couldn’t repeat the names, it was too humiliating.
They ran a bed and breakfast to cater to folks who prefered to stay in the country while visiting Bristal nearby. Visitors helped out. Some with gathering of eggs, driving the tractor or just they fished in the stream that passed the farm. Such a guest arrived earlier than expected one morning. Thomasina was not quite ready for the new arrival. She saw the tall gentleman exit the taxi with his bag. He went to the house looking for guidance when Thomasina called out to him. Mr. Grayson Potts greeted her asking for assistance. She inquired his name while trying to hang on to Daphne, a large chicken. This wonderful tale really begins here with Hitch and Mr. Potts, two people who live in different worlds but each living a sheltered life secluded and mostly unhappy.
I was taken with the story from the Prologue. It was such a magical narrative of these wondrous, young adults each trying to find a way to be happy. I had never read works by Amanda Prowse before so I can’t compare this to others she has published, however this is such well written prose. The Things I Know by Amanda Prowse is published by Lake Union Publishing. It is due to come out on June 25, 2019. I heartily recommend this novel. It is one I won’t forget and will probably read again.

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Another amazing book from Amanda who does not disappoint. We follow the main female character Hitch’s life journey as well as her family and friends. Great writing style as always and believable characters. Another book I didn’t want to put down as I was always left wanting to know more. Wonderful characters, wonderful story telling and a wonderful book. Please write another book based on these characters.

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A wonderful and heart-warming romance, and thankfully, one with more realistic characters. I could relate to Thomasina's character because of her disabilities. People can be cruel with their words and looks, but Thomasina wants to break free from the limitations placed on her. An instant connection with Grayson gives her hope for the future.

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Inspirational story that gives hope and strength to the ones in need. The story is a well written love story. I adore the characters and truly loved this story! Would highly recommend!!!

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Another fabulous read from Amanda Prowse. If you're already a fan, I'm sure you'll love this one too. As always, great writing style and believable, realistic characters. I was drawn into Thomasina/Hitch's story from the very start and felt she was a loved friend by the end. Highly recommended!

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Thomasina ‘Hitch’ Waycott loves living and working on the remote family farm and B&B. But she also wants more. To see the world. To own her own home. To fall madly in love.

But those are fairy tales, and if her life is a fairy tale, then she’s the ugly duckling. Her deformed lip, her crooked limbs and her weak heart have kept her from taking chances. But that’s about to change.

When Grayson Potts comes to stay, he’s unlike anyone Thomasina has ever met. He’s aloof, eccentric and exceptionally kind. He’s also totally unconcerned with the physical flaws that have always defined Thomasina.

This book was so different to my usual romance books and I was hooked straight away. I did find it a little strange at first but soon got into the story. It made me laugh and cry and I was so angry at times at the way poor Thomasina was treated by her cousin and his friends.

It was a candid story about disfigurement and achievements in life that you can get over if you believe in yourself. I loved every minute of this and was annoyed when it came to an end as I am sure there is more to this couple than meets the eye.

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It’s always a joy when I get to read an Amanda Prowse book and this latest not only tugged at my heart strings but had me pleading for happiness and acceptance for the main character Thomaina ‘Hitch’. Amanda brings to life the characters of Thomasina and her first true boyfriend Grayson Potts in a way that I felt a motherly protection towards them.

This heart-warming tale tells of two people who have struggled with life as they are regarded as different because of either their appearance or eccentricity. I loved the fact that their bond deepened as the story unfolded with a new found confidence in them both. Family and friendships features strongly in this story and sensitive subjects are dealt with honesty.

Beautifully written and inspirational, this moving story gives hope and light to those who consider themselves as different.

My thanks to Amanda and Net Galley for the ARC of The Things I Know, these are my own thoughts.

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I received the Kindle edition of The Things I Know as an ARC via NetGalley. My goodness, what a lovely love story. As mom to a child who is somewhat like Grayson, I found so much to love in his unassuming honesty., and recognized his struggle to be understood in a world that works so differently than his own thought processes. Thomasina grabbed my heart from the beginning with her humor and free spirit, just waiting to be set free.

This isn’t a story with lots of intense action, yet I was drawn in from the first page. It was a lovely slice of life story centered around what ended up being a significant turning point for Thomasina. I appreciated her struggle to have her heart and intellect valued and seen despite her physical limitations. I loved that she was a dreamer who, with just a little encouragement, became a doer.

This was a tender and sweet story that so easily could have been depressing and sad, given the serious obstacles that are dealt with, including living with disabilities, bullying, alcoholism, depression, and financial struggle. However, Amanda Prowse has woven a beautiful thread of hope, humor, and determination throughout that will leave you feeling like peeking into Thomasina and Grayson’s hearts was a tremendous gift. One you want to share with a friend.

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Having read the first couple of chapters I was worried, I wasn't mesmerised straight away like I am usually by Amanda's books but I didn't need to fear within the first 5 chapters she had me hooked as usual and it just got better. It was beautifully written, mesmerisingly powerful, the two main characters Hitch and Grayson were special in their own right and together were magical. A true love story and a reminder that nobody is perfect but your perfect in somebodys eyes

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Thomasina is a truly wonderful character. I absolutely loved her and felt like we were firm friends by the end of the story. She has had to overcome a lot in her life and put up with more than most. My heart went out to her with how some people treat her and I just wanted to wrap her up and keep her safe of which I soon realised was exactly what she doesn’t want or need.

Mid twenties and still living at home with her parents on the farm, you could quite easily forgive Thomasina for dreaming of bigger and better things. The farm and home life was just wonderful to read of though. Apart from Emery who Isn’t the nicest of people, I wanted to transport myself and join them around the kitchen table whilst they enjoyed the cooked breakfasts and their tea and cake. It made me feel all cosy and warm inside.

Grayson is another fabulous character. If anything this story just has the best characterisation and made the story come to life. I felt like I was going through the emotions of the characters and was totally wrapped up in the story. Only problem with this authors books is as I enjoy them so much they seem to end far to quickly. I could have spent hours more reading and spending time with these wonderful characters.

The Things I Know is a heart warming and endearing read that you will not be able to put down. I couldn’t devour it fast enough as some of the characters will really pull on your heart strings. A truly fabulous read and I hope the author will revisit the characters at some point in the future as they are ones that I know I will think of often. All the stars for this one. Loved it.

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I absolutely loved this gorgeous book!
Just when I think this author cannot touch my heartstrings more than her last book, she goes and does it again, with bells on!
Such a tender love story between two beautiful souls.
You just find yourself willing them on in their relationship.
Hitch is such a strong character, yet you see all the upset and unhappiness that she carries with her daily. Then along comes Gray, a person who is unlike all others, who has the ability to see Hitch as someone who he can relate with, who doesn’t judge him. It’s was wonderful to watch them grow and flourish as they got to know each other more.
I loved that it wasn’t your typical characters, my own son does have many of the traits shown by Gray, and it was lovely to see a positive image about being different to others. It really warmed my heart to read this emotional yet positive book.

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