Member Reviews

Another great Christmas book from Sheila Roberts. Lots of emotions run through this book so it is exactly what you are looking for in a cozy Christmas read.

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Now that Christmas is just past, here is a review for a Christmas themed novel. Read it now or a year from now, either will be good for those who enjoy holiday novels.

This is a story based on coincidence so some suspension of disbelief is needed. A wealthy guy is stranded in a small town where a young woman, that he has spoken with about her grandmother’s charity, lives. But….he does not at first acknowledge who he is. Will the two work through all that they need to and find romance? Readers probably know the answer but that is exactly why books like this are popular. Readers can simply relax and enjoy as the plot unfolds.

Those who enjoy women’s fiction, small towns and holidays will want to take a look at this book.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin for this title. All opinions are my own.

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This book was full of all the feels. Olivia spends her days working and living for her community and putting herself second. When she finds the major donation they normally get from Hightower Industries is not coming this year she is not sure how they are going to get by even after she reaches out to them and was turned down. When Guy Hightower's car breaks down he just so happens to get rescued by Olivia Berg and she takes him to the town of Pine River. This is where he is given a lesson is what the season is really about and finds out there is more to life than how he has been living. Fruit cake never tasted so good!

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I LOVED reading Christmas from the Heart

The story surrounds Olivia living in Pine River, Washington. Every year generations of families have been helped except this year. One of the biggest donors has been acquired and an announcement that there's no more money coming to Christmas from the Heart is devastating.

With charitable donations dwindling, Olivia’s Christmas budget depends on this donor She’s focused her whole life on helping this small town, even putting her love life on hold to support her mission.

As luck would have it, Guy gets stranded and is rescued by Olivia, and of course, things change. As the saying goes, love is in the air.

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It's a predictable Christmas book where you have a scrooge and you have a happy-do-gooder and they fall in love. It was a good book and I liked the connection between the two. There was some drama but all in all it was kind of like a beach read as it was easy to read but it was easy to put down also. Nothing really to keep me drawn into it but you did want to know what was going to happen next. Glad I read it.

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this just was not for me. the cheese factor was so high it just fell flat. if you like hallmark movies, then this is your book.

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This was a super sweet holiday story! I found myself wanting to know more about what was going on with the business on the Hightower side - there was enough content about it that it felt like a loose end, or like there might be another story that I'm missing (or maybe to come?!). Regardless, the rest of the book was awesome!

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This book is such a sweet story. Olivia's dedication to her Christmas non-profit is admirable, and you cannot help but to root for her. While Guy doesn't appear to be an awful human, there's a part of me that was irritated with him throughout the book because he is rich enough to donate to this wonderful charity. I read this book in the summertime, and it really brought me the same warm fuzzy feelings that Christmastime does. It's a nice break from the thrillers and intense books I normally read.

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This was a feel good read! I always like holiday stories that warm that heart! This one could be a good Hallmark holiday movie!

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I really enjoyed this book. I liked how live and guy settled their differences. I was proud of Morris for seeing the truth and being a bigger ma .

Thank you netgalley and harlequin for allowing me to read this title for an honest review.

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Livi Berg runs a charity called Christmas from the Heart in her small town of Pine Rivers. She inherited the charity from her mother and grandmother. One of their biggest donors is a company in Seattle, who been donating since Livi’s grandmother ran the charity. When Livi emails them to ask about their donation, she’s told that they can’t give her one this year. She speaks to the CFO, Guy Hightower, who says he can’t spare the donation this year. Livi has to make do with the small donations that she receives in town. Then one day, Livi stops to help a wealthy man, whose Maserati broke down on the side of the road. She hopes that he will be generous enough to help with her charity. However, the man is Guy Hightower. He recognizes Livi’s name, so he makes up a fake name since he knows she hates him. Guy has to stay in town for a few days, waiting for his car to get fixed. He spends time with Livi, getting to know her and her charity. He soon realizes that he may have been too quick to toss Livi and her charity away, but he may be in too deep to reveal his true identity.

This is a great Christmas story. There were some heartwarming parts of this story when Livi worked with her charity to give those less fortunate in her town a happy Christmas. The people in the town were so generous with each other, even when they didn’t have much to spare.

There was also a lot of tension, since Guy was pretending to be someone else. I could tell he would be a good match for Livi, but he was lying to her. I knew she would find out who he really was eventually, but I couldn’t put the book down. It didn’t end exactly the way I predicted, which was a nice surprise.

This is a fun Christmas romance!

Thank you MIRA for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This one turned out to not be for me. Unlikable characters which is fine until you don’t care what happens to them.

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I really wanted to like this one, but the main character was by far too annoying to me. After the first conversation Olivia had in regard to the donation, I wanted to throw in the towel. Unfortunately, she never got better in my eyes as the story went along. As for Guy Hightower, I found his change of heart a bit too sudden and unbelievable. The story had good bones and I enjoyed the idea of it, but the characters just did me in. I did enjoy a lot of the secondary characters and that is what kept me reading and made this not a DNF. 3 stars. Thank you, NetGalley for the eARC.

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This was a NetGalley ARC that I didn’t get to last year. Oops. I needed something light and that I knew would have a nice conclusion. This fit the bill. A small-town lady who runs a non-profit and a big city super wealthy handsome man discover love. The characters are mostly likeable and the story was nicely paced. It had the cozy, joyful feel I wanted.

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Christmas from the Heart is a sweet, feel-good holiday-themed romance set in an idyllic small town with an absolutely adorable ending. The premise is promising--an enemies-to-lovers romance set at Christmas? Yes, please! And the story got off to a great start with the two leads, Guy and Livi's increasingly snarky email exchange. I might have snort-laughed at that point, at least a little.

So...great start, sweet ending. The middle, though, tended toward the problematic at times. I didn't blame Guy at first for not admitting who he was to Livi--their last electronic exchange was pretty toxic, and she definitely wouldn't have been even half as welcoming as she was if he had. But he let the deception go way too long, all the while engaging in some pretty heavy-duty internal self-flagellation as he did. I mean, yes, he had been rude in their initial exchanges, but she had given as good as she'd got. And absolutely, losing a major donor so late in the year is very frustrating for a nonprofit, but her sense of entitlement as the year went on and the way she continued to badmouth Guy, even to people she didn't really know that well (AKA Guy himself) was a bit much.

And he really did do everything he could to make things up to her while he was staying in Pine River--it was actually pretty sweet. He was an amazingly good sport about helping out with all the charity's events, and donated a ton of his own personal money while he was there. Yet when his duplicity was revealed, all of his detractors (Livi included) claimed he was just doing it all to get into her pants. Really? Never once did he push for more than a few kisses. Maybe their definition of that phrase is different than mine?

I just couldn't help but feel he was really getting the short end of the stick, though. But the ending was very sweet, once Livi got her head out of her butt and realized that Guy wasn't the only one at fault in their situation. It took him coming back with a bit of a grovel, but still.

So--small town setting? Fun to read. Holiday feeling? Abundant. Romance? Sweet but somewhat problematic.

Rating: 3 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This was your typical friends to enemies love story mixed with a modern day scrooge tale. The novel was enjoyable and the characters were easy to follow and engage with. I didn't like how Olivia was so quick to judge and pass such harsh judgments at that. Overall it was a bit predictable but an enjoyable Christmas read nonetheless.

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This was a cute "You've Got Mail" meets "A Christmas Carol" holiday romance. Enemies to lovers, mistaken identity, and a miserly business man who couldn't spare his company's annual donation to local nonprofit charity Christmas From the Heart.

I received an ARC from Netgalley but waited too long and finally listened to the audiobook on Scribd. Nice job on the audio! Everyone had a unique voice, and I felt it was well-performed.

Pick this up when it starts getting cold. It's a nice wintery read!

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In charge of his company’s finances, Guy Hightower makes the decision not to give the annual donation to Christmas From the Heart—a choice that immediately makes him Olivia Berg’s enemy. As she struggles to make her charity’s ends meet, she cannot help feeling bitter toward the heartless businessman. However, when Guy’s car breaks down on the way to his mother’s house, he is rescued by none other than Olivia, and as he chooses to keep his true identity secret, she cannot help pulling him into the spirit of Christmas giving—and perhaps, falling in love along the way.

Christmas From the Heart by Sheila Roberts tells a typical Christmas story, involving a Scrooge-like businessman and a festive, small-town woman capable of getting him in the spirit. It’s certainly heartwarming (and not unpredictable), but not without plenty of conflict, drama, and even a love triangle. I enjoyed it (though Olivia’s romantic notions did bother me a time or two) and recommend it to any reader ready for some fun Christmas romance.

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I liked what I read but it wasn't what I was totally into, Ms. Roberts writes really well but I wasn't as invested in the character but its a comfortable read.

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Christmas romances are always a little bit magical, and this novel was no exception. Author Sheila Roberts gave us a lovely tale that involved real-world concerns (the running of a local charity) with a little bit of holiday fantasy. An engaging novel, and well worth the read.

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