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Highest Bid

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I really enjoyed this start to the series. Galan and Layla steam up the pages, but will Galan's secret tear them and his brothers apart. You'll have to read to find out. This was an easy quick read and I can't wait for more from the series.

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Highest Bid by Mel Teshco is book One in the Bachelor Brothers of Sydney Series. This is the story of Layla Selvey and Galan Black.
Galan, Aiden and Liam opened a very successful nightclub called the Black Pearl. Each year they have has a charity auction that is very successful too. This year shouldn't be in different for Galan he thinks. Layla comes from a dysfunctional family where the father is a heavy drinker and her mom is a stripper but they seem to stick it out. But it has made Layla take a step back in relationships and being herself. Galan finds Layla a thorn in his side because he can't get her off his mind. When he finds her part of the auction to be auctioned off he knows what he wants.
Quick Hot Read.

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HIGHEST BID is a sexy, intense romance that begins the Bachelor Brothers of Sydney series. I will say up front that if you don’t enjoy a sensuous love story with sizzling sex scenes then this one might not be for you, that’s something only you can decide.

Both Layla and Galan have some serious issues to deal with in their story, issues that may keep them apart or bind them together if they take the risk of trusting someone with their secrets, themselves completely. There is a bit of world-building, there has to be in any series, yet this story starts off with an intense feeling that kept me turning pages. Yes, there were times when I’d have loved to sit them both down for a stern talking to. But given their backgrounds and the secrets they are both keeping perhaps some stubbornness and misunderstandings are to be expected.

A quick read, HIGHEST BID did what it was supposed to. Laid the groundwork for the rest of the series, gave me two intense, stubborn people who faced a few reality checks in their journey to a couple. And two more brothers to discover their side of what happened to their family and hopefully find their own lady to love for a lifetime.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Galen owns a nightclub with is two brothers, they hold a yearly auction to spend an evening with a beautiful woman. Galen is shocked to see Layla on stage, a plain-jane waitress he hired at the club but can’t seem to get her out of his mind. He won’t let this opportunity to be with Layla slip through is fingers but will one night be enough? This is a fast-paced read with plenty of drama and steam. The story is entertaining and steamy. Looking forward to more in the series!

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I love commemorative romance books. I find them to be really relaxing quick reads the sort of thing I can read in no time at all. A pallet cleanser, if you will, between bigger heavier books.
They also tend to reaffirm my faith in the world and hope that one day I could find that sort of romance.
This book was all those things but it was. Missing something ... or something wasn't right about it.
To begin with Layla goes into the relationship hoping that he'll change and the she'll be his forever girl. She bates him with the auction and has his brothers guarantee that if anyone but Galan bids on her they'll outbid them. To me this sounds an awful lot like Gold-digging, trying to trap him.
But it turns out that he likes her as much as she likes him ... which is brilliant. Once you get past the initial set up and background the story gets better but for me I couldn't get past the beginning of their relationship.
The rest of the story is brilliant if not incredibly cliched and full of tropes. The rest of it is sweet and there are plenty of obstacles for the couple to work their way around.
I'm not convinced that I would say I have a favourite character. None of them stood out enough to be added to any top 10 or top 5 lists.
It was definitely worth a read but I wouldn't crow from the rooftops about it.

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Galen Black is fascinated with making money. He was at the Black pearl Nightclub that he and his brothers owned. His biggest concern tonight was keep the Blacl Pearl at capacity while the once yearly annual auction was held in one of the two functions rooms went off without a hitch. He dragged his mind from the one woman who irritated and turned him on in equal measures and focused back to the business at hand. Noone could have foreseen that the charity auction held for the first time five years ago would turn into the biggest drawcard fro galen and his brothers Aiden and Liam. VIP guests from sheikhs to billionaire real estate mongols and famous celebrities paid months in advance for the exorbitant tickets. Galen and his brothers learned the more costly the price of admission the bigger the fish the auction attracted. And the more women the auction attracted. It was Aiden who vetted the ladies that came from all over Australia and further afield to support their favorite charity and potentially be seen with someone rich or famous for a night. Silence Galen never took for granted . it was something to be prized, valued. His parents had died when a drunk driver hit them eighteen years ago. It also killed their parents secret, one gracen had to live with alone every day. But he’d made a promise to keep the confession, and it was one he didn’t plan on breaking. He was glad the once yearly auction brought him and his two brothers close together. The entry fee of the exorbitantly priced tickets went to the families who suffered loss or hardship at the hands of a drunk driver. Galen had become adept at shielding his bleakest thoughts from his brothers. Galen was intrigued with Layla who his her body unlike the other barmaids who flaunted their body to earn big tips. Layla wasn’t even his type. Galen was comforted by Layla ‘s choice of clothing although he didn’t like thinking about that. Sex for him had only been a physical release. He’d never really experienced a deep emotional connection with anyone since his parents death. He was disconnected from everyone around him, his emotions firmly packed away. His growing obsession with Layla was nothing more than his need for a challenge. Layla was definitely one woman who defied him at every turn. Galen hated subterfuge. He liked to be in control. It was less likely for things to go wrong. Than layla came on the stage to be bid on . Galen was determined to win Layla for the night and hoped she wanted more from him than stimulating conversation. Layla’s family had dirty little secrets. Layla had spent her life striving not to be like her mother , who had Layla at sixteen and who now at thirty four still commanded top-dollar performing at the Sydney strip club where she worked. Layla had striven just as hard not to be like her oversexed father. He screwed women on a weekly basis, far more than he ever bedded his highly desirable wife. Layla thought she couldn’t lose Galen’s attention now that she finally had it. Maybe she was like her mother after all. He was tellingly furious and aroused.
I loved this book. A great sexy romance. Two soulmates afraid to believe what they had found with each other. I loved Galen and layla together and how they interacted. They had such hot chemistry. I loved the plot and the pace. I did n’t want to put this book down. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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A steamy, sexy short read, Highest Bid, is a good start to this new series. Galen and Layla are great characters and the storyline is engaging throughout. I look forward to reading more.

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A steamy, entertaining and fast paced read. A book you can pick up and read in one sitting (well I did). There’s nothing new or revelatory in here, but the author manages to grip you from the start and keep you invested all the way through. Recommended for a great evening.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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Mel Teshco writes very sexy, steamy stories with Highest Bid being no different. Layla has worked for Galan Black for six months. However, after a charity auction that are an item. The auction is supposed to be all above board with a date afterwards but it is clear that Galan has more in mind. It is well-written with likable characters, who I would have like to see developed more in depth, which was done in her book, As I Am.

A secret from the grave is the intriguing factor in this story. Family especially parents is shown as the influence on the two main characters. It seems the children must deal with the fall-out of their parents’ actions. The building of the relationship and the community of workers along with Galan’s brothers is something I would have liked to have seen more. The physical aspect of their relationship takes center stage in this story. Layal askes, “Has sex always been the answer to all your problems?” Galan’s answer, “I can’t think of a better way to erase the dark thoughts inside me, can you?”. However, that doesn’t make the problems go away.

3.5 Stars

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He was her boss and should have been off limits. But she couldn’t get him out her mind.

Galan Black, who owned the Black Pearl Nightclub with his brothers Aiden and Liam, had become obsessed with his new employee Layla Selvey. She was far from his type, but there was something about her that intrigued him. Then she came out on the stage of the Black Pearl's charity auction, wearing next to nothing, and took Galan's breath away. He had to have her. Let the bidding begin.

Layla had been working for a Galan for six months and had constantly fantasized about him. The charity auction was a way to get him to notice her. And notice her, he did. His winning be was one hundred thousand dollars. One night with Galan would not be enough. Layla wanted the whole package and wanted it forever.

This book might have been shorter than I expected, but it was packed with action, emotion and explosive intimate scenes. Layla and Galan were both basically broken characters, having lived through things no child should, but it made them stronger and provided an interesting background to the story. I enjoyed the way the author told the story. The book held my interest through the entire story. I can't wait to read the books following this one so I can find out more about Galan’s brothers and the women who they fall in love with.

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I received a copy of this in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

Highest Bid is a boss/employee forbidden romance book. Layla works at the night club Galen and his brothers own. When she's up for "auction," Galen can't let her get away.
Their chemistry is OFF the charts. But can Layla trust him?

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An interesting tale about learning to get along with others. Whether it’s coworkers, brothers, parents, and boyfriend/girlfriend, it can often be challenging learning what is really important versus what you want. There’s plenty of drama in this book along with romance. Sometimes the story seemed to lag a bit and lost my way. Overall a pretty good story.

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The highest bid is a boss employee romance between the eldest Black brother Galen and bartender waitress Layla. Layla started for the Black brothers night club but didn’t dress like the other scantily clad women and has had Galen’s attention the whole time. When she comes up in auction he can’t let her go.

These two have insane chemistry but serious trust issues. He’s a confirmed bachelor who has a revolving door of women and she had a crazy childhood that makes for a shaky ground when it comes to trusting.

All in all it’s a good book and I enjoyed it.

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Another book i found myself enthralled in!! How these authors manage to grip you is utterly amazing.
Love conquered all. I need to read a bit slower!! A must read. Loved it from start to finish, but I want them to keep coming now....

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Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.
The book started of very well and then it just started to go downhill and I lost interest toward the end. Layla wanted Galan badly and she was prepare to do everything to get him. She does. He wants her and a relationship with her. She starts pushing him away because she doesn't trust Men. Very contradictory. A lot of good sex scenes though.
The opinions expressed here are all mine.

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ARC kindly provided via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

This book started off interesting in that the couple had known each other for 6 months. We only hear how they interacted in the beginning during this timeframe but not with any specific moments. This means Galan and Layla didn't technically experience insta-love but the story opens with them after an auction in which Galan bids on Layla whom he's been attracted to for awhile. I liked that the story had alternating POV's and we got a little more insight to how each character felt about the other.

Galan and Layla each had pasts that they had to overcome which is what drove most of the book. There was also a bit of family drama from Layla's side then towards the end the author throws in a twist that was unexpected. I felt it was a little rushed and if this twist had happened earlier it might have given more depth to the book.

There were quite a few bedroom scenes and this author can definitely write them. IMO there were a few more than I prefer but if you like these types of scenes then you'll love this book. Overall I gave it 3-4 stars in that there was some good writing but some topics weren't as developed as they could've been.

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This is a melt-your-kindle read! Hot and steamy.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Steamy Read.
Due to her family background Layla likes to ‘hide in plain sight’ and downplays her bodily assets (though I do think non-prescription glasses is going a bit too far). In order to get player boss Galen Black to notice her, she enters a charity auction half naked, which certainly gets his attention! There is a lot of lust and sex in this book but I am not sure what else they had in common other than attractive bodies and chemistry. They go from being boss and employee to engaged within 2-3 weeks.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Hot, fast romance! Layla works for Galan and he is a typical rich billionaire. After one purchased meeting for charity, they can't get enough of each other. This book is a great romance and fast read.

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HOT and SEXY. I loved this book, and cant wait for the next one in the series. I thought the story developed well with fantastic characters development.

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