Cover Image: Summer at Firefly Beach

Summer at Firefly Beach

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Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Why is it that we can’t see the potential in ourselves that is so obvious to others? We see the potential in others, but are blinded to our own potential. This is the situation in which Hallie finds herself as she works through the aftermath of Aunt Clara’s death. A thoroughly enjoyable read!

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An emotional tale of life loss and love. Can be quite an emotional story but found it used a lot of description that at times felt like it was just padding it out, more likely just not my style of reading but the book/ story was good and I did enjoy. The characters were well thought out and easy to relate to

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Nice, easy read. Love, friendship and loss all tangled together into Hallie's story. It's a nice side pool novel for the lovers of the genre.

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A lovely sweet read about love, loss, family and friendship. I found it a bit predictable and formulaic at times, but still a nice read.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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A lovely quick, easy read about loss, love and family. This story was a bit predictable but still a great read.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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I struggled to get into this book. The characters were underdeveloped and boring. I think it was suppose to tug at my heart strings but it was hard to grieve at length with the family in this book over a character that the reader did not meet or experience. At the onset of the book Hallie is heartbroken and grieving her ex-fiance and her aunt. There’s too much and too little - she has lots of grief but the reader is given no perspective on either so it’s hard to feel deep empathy for the character. I found myself skimming so I could get to the meat of the story. In many ways this book reads like a Hallmark movie - many would love that, it’s just not my thing. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC and opportunity to read.

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This is a story of love and family and how the past can come around to the future. I love the way this story came together.

Hallie and Ben have been best friends since they were children. Now grown adults, they are embarking on a more grown up relationship. Ben has always been there for Hallie in times of trouble. Now faced with loss and other commitments, will they remain friends or "more"?

The idea of returning to where the best memories have been made makes for such an easy read. The characters are relatable. Jenny Hale did a great job spinning this summer tale.

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This was my first book by Jenny Hale. I love the picture she painted in my mind of Firefly Beach. The book was a little predictable but sweet and well written. I loved the relationship between Ben and Hallie. And I loved the quest Aunt Clara sent Hallie on to help her try to find herself. I loved the characters and was sad when the book was over.

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It only took me a few days to finish this lovely summer romance. I was already familiar with (and appreciative of) Jenny Hale’s writing style, so I was pleasantly surprised to see how it got even better with this new book — the poetic descriptions of Firefly Beach, the poignant narrative (especially when you read about the lead female’s thoughts and inner turmoil), as well as the characters’ emotional depth. It all worked to create a feel-good, moving storyline set in a magical place.

Summer at Firefly Beach is a gripping tale about unveiling family secrets and finding your true self and true love. Highly recommended for your summer reads!

PS: the cover is gorgeous, isn’t it?! 🧡

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Even Though this book is predictable It was a beautiful love story and I truly enjoyed the Read. Another book I stayed up way to late to finish!
Hallies favourite Aunt has died and before she can get her inheritance she must complete a list of dreams she made when she was 12. The story follows Hallie, her family and her best friend Ben as they go back to her aunts house to grieve, and Hallie attempts to accomplish her list.
The author did a great job setting every scene in this book I could envision this beautiful beach town as if I was there. However, I actually found it to be too descriptive in many parts which made it a bit of a slow read. I don’t need several pages describing one tiny photo gallery that could’ve been perfectly described in a single paragraph. Like I said though it was a beautiful love story that makes a great summer read I just skimmed through some pages I felt unnecessary. The end is pure perfection which is why it it got 4 stars ❤️

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Hallie comes home to Firefly Beach to help her uncle Hank after the death of his wife, her beloved Aunt Clara. She's surprised to find that Clara held to the bucket list she made when she was 12 and even more so that Clara challenged her to fulfill it. She's going to find out some family secrets along the way. AND, there's her childhood BFF Ben. It's a nicely done story of finding yourself. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good summer read.

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Worthwhile beach read! Hallie and her family spend some time at Firefly Beach to mourn Hallie’s Aunt Clara and help out Uncle Hank in his grief. From there, the plot centers on Hallie completing a wish list she wrote when she was 12. Hale does a nice job developing Hallie’s completion of those tasks - it read very naturally. While I liked Hallie’s best friend Ben, it killed me to see that Hallie was the only one who didn’t see how he felt about her (that’s not a spoiler - you’ll get that right away!) Despite the unrequited love, Hale included some believable romances and solid friendships. Though predictable, I enjoyed the family mystery that cropped up - a nice foil to the sweet romantic thread. Overall, I loved that Hale used the beach for a backdrop to the relationships - new, old, broken, healed, and especially the ones that landed at a happily ever after.
NetGalley provided an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this quick easy novel. Lighthearted, fairly predictable but good beach reading. Not necessarily one I will read again.

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A nice light hearted summer read set at the beach. Hallie and Ben have been best friends their whole lives and spent many summers on Firefly Beach. This summer they return to follow through on the final wishes of Hallie's aunt Clara revisiting their childhood memories and discovering feelings for each other.

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Summer at Firefly Beach is a story with the heartwarming blend of friendship and love which makes it so good to read.

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I had high hopes for this story. This was my fourth book by this author and I have loved all three of the other books I have read. This one, however, didn’t meet my expectations like the others. While it was a good, light summer read, I would have like more character development throughout the story. Much of the book fell flat and I found myself struggling to finish it. That being said, I did love the ending of the story, it just took a while to get there.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Jenny Hale and I really enjoyed it.
Hallie has lost her Aunt. She wrote a wish list when she was 12 years old and her aunt has requested she completes this list before she can find out what her inheritance is.
We follow Hallie and her family back at Firefly Beach where her Aunt and Uncle Hank live.
The story is well written and beautifully descriptive, you really can feel the sand between your toes and the sea air.
The story is an easy summer read and although it has loss and it isn’t plain sailing for Hallie it leaves you with a warm glow and smiling at the end.
A lovely book and a beautiful cover.

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Such a beautiful and captivating book. Inwas so drawn in by the authors ability in describing the setting so perfectly. A wonderful story that I'm already recommending to friends and family

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If I’m being completely honest, I requested this ARC on Netgalley because of the cover, anything with string lights gets me.
Hallie & Ben are lifelong friends who return to the home of Hallie’s great uncle after the death of her aunt where romantic feelings between them begin to surface. This was a light summer beach romance. A quick read with the typical elements - quaint town on the water, family, loss & love. It was predictable, yet that didn’t really matter. Just an enjoyable summer romance.

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Thank you NetGalley!

This was a nice quick summer read. I loved following the progression of Hallie, her family and Ben after a tragedy. Everything came together so nicely, and I appreciated that the author provided an epilogue as well to see how the characters evolved after some life changing events.

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