Member Reviews

Now, this is what I call a psychological thriller! Twists, turns, puzzles, clues, fear.. Everything points to Gemma being a liar, possibly even a killer, but you somehow just know there's more going on than meets the eye. Surprises right to the end. Kept me gripped and guessing all the way. Loved it!

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This novel had me gripped throughout. Although I did guess the ending. I liked the fact that it was set in Bristol too. A little far fetched at times. But entertaining.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Impulse and Killer Reads and Jackie Kabler for the ARC of The Perfect Couple
Wow what a great read.... I could not put this book down, will read more of Jackie's books for sure
The perfect couple, is a story about Gemma and her new husband Danny, They've moved to a new town in England called Bristol. After living there for only 3 weeks Danny disappears. Gemma is beside herself. Through the course of events as Gemma tries to figure out where he may have gone, she has been accused of murdering her husband along with two other men that resemble him in Bristol and two others from the town they have just moved from. The problem is as she tries to defend herself, she can't find one single person who remembers seeing Danny after they moved to their new home, and he never started the new job he was supposed to start. Where did he go every day?
This book thoroughly captured my attention, and I did not want to put it down until I reached the last page. Well written, the characters were well developed and were introduced in a timely manner that allowed you to remember who was who. Certainly a who-done-it mystery that left you wondering right to the end. Bravo

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The Perfect Couple is about a woman named Gemma who's husband mysteriously goes missing one day and all traces of him ever living with her have also disappeared. There is also a string of murders happening around the same area and all of these men look similar to her husband. Police begin to narrow in on Gemma because they can't find any evidence to back up her stories. This book keeps you guessing the entire time about who is lying and who is telling the truth. I found it hard to put down. There are a couple twists at the end which I didn't really see coming; which was great. The writing style and character development in this book is also very good. I would recommend to anyone who likes a good mystery.

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A man disappears,or does he? A complex mystery with lots of twists and turns and some intriguing characters.

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The Perfect Couple follows Gemma, a young woman who is loving her life. She got married to a man named Danny, they moved out of their apartment to find a house they could eventually purchase, and she is in love with their new neighborhood. Life couldn't get better for Gemma, but after not hearing from her husband for two days, she is afraid something is wrong. She calls the police to report him missing, but the cops aren't convinced that he ever existed.

This book does start off slow and feels like it repeats itself. Stick with it and it will pick up. I did not see the ending coming. I also applaud the author for her ending. It is not a traditional ending most authors would use. You will need to read the ending to understand what I mean.

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I enjoyed this book. Page turner. Well written. Good characters. Plenty of twists along the way. I would definitely read her next novel. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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This is perfectly entertaining and kept me engaged. This is my first read by this author but definitely wont be the last. Haven’t been able to put this one down.

Full review to follow on blog tour.

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I really enjoyed this book, and found Gemma to be an empathetic character. However, at no point did I think she was guilty which I guess lessened the tension for me. Also a trend for me personally has been books where the killer remains at large by the end of the book which I'm not usually a fan of. But that's not a critique of this book so much as the collection of books I have been reading. I don't know how I feel about the pregnancy but otherwise I enjoyed the book.

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A slow, meandering domestic thriller which I gave up on. Maybe too many novels on the market of a similar ilk and style.

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This book will grab you from start to finish! I loved how up and down this book was! Definitely a great thriller! A must read!

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Oh my word!! This book was absolutely brilliant!! I cannot even describe how brilliant the plot was and the twists and turns were just amazing!! This is my first police based book and I loved trying to play detective. I did not see the end coming and was shocked by it! I literally could not put it down and quite frankly it was bloody brilliant!!

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I love a good thriller and The Perfect Couple by Jackie Kabler was no exception. I went into the book not knowing much about it and I think that this added even more to the mystery!

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The Perfect Couple by Jackie Kabler is a gripping suspense about Gemma, a wife whose husband goes missing. She goes away for work and when she returns, instead of Danny waiting there with a homecooked meal as promised, he’s nowhere to be found. Time passes with no word from Danny or anything about him. What’s so strange is that nothing of his is gone. So where did he go?

Gemma eventually goes to the police to report her husband as missing. She soon discovers that a serial killer is on the loose and is going after men who look like Danny. If he is a victim of the killer, then where is his body?

The reader is kept guessing as the book progresses…


A year and a half ago, Gemma met the love of her life, Danny. Since then, their relationship has been like something out of a dream. But one Friday evening, Gemma returns home to find Danny is nowhere to be seen.

After two days with no word from her husband, Gemma turns to the police. She is horrified by what she discovers – a serial killer is on the loose in Bristol. When she sees the photos of the victims she is even more stunned … they all look just like Danny.

But, the police aren’t convinced by Gemma’s story. Why has no one apart from Gemma seen or heard from Danny in weeks? Why is there barely a trace of him in their flat? Is she telling them the truth, or are there more secrets and lies in this marriage than meets the eye?

Slow in parts, this was a solid story with some twists that I found surprising. I liked this book and recommend for those of you who enjoy mysteries as I do!

Coming to you on April 17! Pre-order here.

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This story was extremely predictable, I'd pretty much guessed the whole storyline within the first few chapters.

Zero shock factor, and I felt the the POV of the police was dragged out and at times completely irrelevant to the story.

It was very padded and dragged a lot.

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What a gripping read from start to finish. Thank you for let me review this book. Gemma and Danny are not long newlyweds but Danny goes missing when they move to Bristol but no one has ever seen him which Gemma can’t understand. Love this story with it twist and turns. Once you read one chapter you want to read the next to see what happens. I love a book that keeps you guessing and wanting more and this book definitely has this.

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Not my cup of tea. Even if it's well written I couldn't connect to the characters and the story failed to keep my attention.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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This was mediocre at best - a bit forgettable. Maybe I’ve read too many domestic thrillers lately - I don’t know.

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The Perfect Couple
by Jackie Kabler
Harper Impulse and Killer Reads
One More Chapter
General Fiction (Adult) , Mystery & Thrillers

Just one opinion, but not my favorite thriller I have read. I found it hard to overlook the mistakes in the writing. Thanks to Net Galley and Harper Impulse books for my digital ARC.

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With two recent homicide victims, young men who happened to look alike and subscribe to the same dating app, the detectives become alarmed when Gemma, a journalist in her mid-thirties, reports that her husband is missing and shows them his picture. With Danny, an IT specialist, resembling the two victims and also having registered at the trendy hook-up app, the detectives think they may have a serial murderer.

However, when nothing Gemma tells them about Danny even his place of employment checks out, the detectives consider Gemma a suspect. The Perfect Couple tells the story of a perfect crime and keeps the reader guessing at every step. I read this in one day unable to wait any longer to learn the true story. Suspenseful and clever, The Perfect Couple is the perfect read.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was able to read it while on vacation in the Caribbean and I'm happy to have had this opportunity.

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