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The Perfect Couple

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I liked that, a bit rushed at the end but that twist was awesome. A worthy thriller, worth the read. Thank you net galley for an ARC in exchange for an honest with you

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Jackie Kabler is going from strength to strength with each book she writes.

This is a story that kept throwing in mini OMG hooks to keep you turning the pages, and has me second guessing everything.

In fact the book is written from two perspectives, Gemma who is reporting her husband missing, and the police, who are already looking into two murders of men that look quite similar, and have no idea what to think when it turns out Gemma's husband also looks like the two victims.

As I was reading each point of view in alternating chapters, my thoughts as to what exactly was going on flip flopped continually. Such was how convinced I was by both viewpoints that I couldn't really work out which may be accurate.

Much less just how the murderer was or where the missing husband may be or why.

The Perfect Couple screwed with my head, in a way that had me reading on, unable to put the book down, as I needed to know the truth!

Very addictive and compelling read.

Thank you to One More Chapter on Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily

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Lots of layers to unpeel in this unpredictable mystery as the story develops.

There were many points during the book when I thought I had it all figured out only to be proven wrong time and time again!

An entertaining fast paced read that had many twists and turns making you doubt everyone and everything!

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A gripping tale from the start. I always seem
to feel I figure out the villain, but once again , I was incorrect. I will definitely be reading more of this author. The writing was flawless!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.,

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Gripping from the start with so many twists. I thought I had it sussed but I was wrong. I will definitely look for more by this author

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"The Perfect Couple" by Jackie Kabler is one of the best mysteries I've read all year! I was sucked in from the very first page, and the thrilling plot kept me spellbound until the very last page. I've already recommended this book to several people, and am confident that they will enjoy it as much as I did!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed this book , didn’t guess the ending which is good for me . I will be looking out for more from this author

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This book has many twists but to open with a big one seemed a little premature. This was well written and very suspenseful and had good characterization with the two main people, but some part of this became predicable which never is okay by me. A okay suspenseful read and willing to read other novels by this author but not a favorite even though the book premise was good.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. I never saw that coming!

I pride myself on figuring out the many mystery and thrillers I read. In this case, I discovered the answers as I read them. What superior writing.

I cannot tell my favorite parts of The Perfect Couple without disclosing information relevant to the mystery. The twists and turns in this book are written so smoothly that the author leads the reader down the paths she wants you to go. You will be certain you know the truth. Don’t bet your life on it.

All the way to the end you will swear you know the end of the story and have things all figured out. Right up until you don’t.

I cannot give enough praise for The Perfect Couple. For someone who reads 250+ books a year, it is exciting to find a book that is truly a thriller/mystery. This is a must-read for everyone. Even those who are not fond of this genre will enjoy it. I will definitely be searching for other books by this author. Jackie Kabler has been added to my “must read as soon as available” list. 10 stars from me.

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Disappointing in the the main character is so annoying. The writing is ok, not great, lots of weird breaks that are just off putting. The story was predictable, but still fairly interesting to read.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

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First and foremost, I would love to thank NetGalley for the opportunity of reading this book in exchange for an honest review.

I will give this book 4.5/5. I loved this book! There were so many twists and turns that I did not see coming whatsoever.

We start off having Gemma and Danny, beautiful newlyweds, starting a new life together in a new town away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Everything was going grand until suddenly Danny doesn't come home from work.
This is when the book starts, right from the get go. Nothing in Gemma's world makes sense. Her husband is missing, but is he really? No one in the new town has ever seen Danny. Was he even there? The cops are searching everywhere, but there are some other murders that are linking up to the possibility of Gemma being the main suspect; especially once the blood bath was found in their old apartment.

So normally I can guess pretty much everything that is going to happen in a book. This book though, there were twists and turns that I NEVER would have guessed. I applaud! The only thing was the end of the book was so far fetched. It wasn't bad per se, just out there. I cannot wait to read other novels from the author.

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This book hooked me right from the beginning! Gemma come s home to find her husband missing, and her search to find her husband! This book had lots of turn and twists, and just waiting to see where the book would go next. As you read you find yourself thinking that one person is the 'serial killer' and then as you read through discover you are wrong! I found myself figuring that Gemma had been dreaming the entire situation, which was not the case!

Overall great book, and I was happy to be able to read the book!

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The title of this book really caught my eye. I really enjoyed reading the Mestic mysteries. This book however was lacking. I just could not get into the characters. Not well developed. At times they seemed rather unbelievable. This book seem to drag on and on and I had to really force myself to finish it.

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This is the first book I've read by Jackie Kabler and wasn't disappointed. It's a well written, and fairly quick read, which draws you in from the first page. Maybe some of the detail was a little bit far fetched at times , but the last few chapters of the book really built up the tension, added the twists, and kept me guessing. Recommended!

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Gemma's husband Danny goes missing three weeks after they move from London to Bristol. Things start to get more interesting when none of the neighbours appears to have seen Danny during those three weeks. In fact none of their friends or family appear to have heard from him in that time and he also backed out of a new job he was starting.
After that it starts to become a farce. A couple of murders take place locally of men who look alike and look like Danny and also have been using a dating app. Then they find blood in their old apartment, which hadn't been checked since they moved out. As a landlord I find that hard to believe. You check it over before handing back the deposit and there is a legal time limit on handing it over, small point but you have to do your research.
Gemma needed a good shaking at times. Why wait so long to inform the police he is missing, you don't have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person.
It's fiction, but it's not believable that the procedures the police used were correct. Some things were so obvious as to be laughable. I think the author got carried away with her murders and twists and turns.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for my ARC in return for an honest review.

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I really loved this book!! It had so many twists and turns. It kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next!! This was my first book by this Author, and it won’t be the last!! Quick read!! Highly recommended!! You won’t be disappointed!!

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Once you lift this book and begin bang it draws you in and you cannot put it down. It was very fast paced from the off. Well written and flowed well. Love a good read that keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing until the end

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This is the first book I have read by Jackie Kabler and she did not disappoint me. What a whirlwind of a read, the last twenty percent of the book had me racing through the pages.

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Thank you Netgallery for the free digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This is the first book I have read by Jackie Kabler and she did not disappoint me. A fast paced thriller that had me guessing (at least part if it) until twist at the end. Well developed characters and well written. I will have to add Kabler to my authers to follow.

Amazon review to be posted once published.

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Having newly relocated from London to Bristol where Danny has a new job Gemma believes she is happily married to a perfect husband Danny. However, Gemma returns home from a work trip to find her husband missing . All his possessions are still in the house. After a couple of days Gemma contacts the local police to report him missing. When 2 detectives, DCI Helena Dickens and SD Devon Clarke realise that there is an uncanny resemblance between Danny and 2 murder victims they are investigating in Bristol their interest is peaked. As the 2 key detectives look further into the disappearance, they believe they may have a serial killer on their patch. As the story unfolds with various twists and turns their prime suspect is Gemma.

Without giving away any spoilers. Gemma discovers a “different Danny” through her investigations and as much as she tries to convince everybody of her innocence it appears there is no evidence of Danny ever having moved to Bristol.

This is a fast paced thriller and a real page turner. Jacke Kabler is a new author to me and I will most likely read other books of hers.

I would like to thank Netgalley UK, the author and the publisher One More Chapter for allowing me to review this book ahead of its release date for a fair and unbiased review

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