Cover Image: The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical

The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical

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This is our third visit with Lenora and her friends, the fairies of Willow Glen. In this visit we find the fairies worried that they are about to run out of fairy dust. They kept a limited amount in the Glen and hid the rest years before to keep it safe. Of course, no one can remember where they hid it. The fairies all need to search to find the hidden stash of fairy dust. It is a difficult and sometimes dangerous adventure. Lenora and her friends realize that if they are going to be successful, they will need to work together. This is a cute story with wonderful, whimsical illustrations. They are beautiful, colourful watercolours that captivate the viewer. The message in the story is that of working together to achieve your goal, but it is subtle. My grandson and I talked a lot about that as well as what kinds of things he and his friends did better when they worked together. My granddaughter (3 years old) enjoyed listening to the story and loved the illustrations. The text has a beautiful rhyming cadence that makes it wonderful for a read aloud. I recommend this one to family, school, classroom and public libraries.

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The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical appropriate for ages 4 and up. Beautiful illustrations. When the fairy Leona wakes up she learns the dust is running short. She learns teamwork is important as her and her friends go in search of more dust.
Little children will be drawn in to the story and amazed by the illustrations

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I was browsing the 'read now' catagory on Netgalley and I found this lovely magical children's book. Ever since I started working at the library I've been surprised at how well written children's book can be. And the art in some children's books are just WOW *insert heart eyes*

Drawing style: It's not my style as I like children's drawings to have a little more detail but it was cute and to the point. It was clear what was going on without having to read the text. I loved the wide range of color and the bright colors used.

Writing style: It was nice and to the point. A child would understand what the story was about and an adult wouldn't be getting too bored reading this over and over to their child.

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First, this book was very pretty. It is the first thing that caught my daughter's eye as we were scrolling through book options on NetGalley. I have to agree with her, the illustrations are quite beautiful!

This book had a good story. I questions some of the logic a bit, but my daughter, did not. She loved this book from start to finish.

What's This Book About Anyway?
The fairies have discovered that their fairy dust is getting low. They leave in search of more. They adventure outside of their comfortable homeland in search of this fairy dust. They realize that they can only find this fairy dust and bring it home if they work together.

Thank you to NetGalley and Silverwood Books for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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If you've followed this blog for any length of time then you know that one of my favorite series is The Fairy in the Kettle. I became enamored with the fairy kingdom of Fairy Glen and with Lenora, the adorable and spunky fairy who lives in a kettle. The Fairy in the Kettle Gets Magical, by Pauline Tait, is the latest addition to the series.

The fairies of Willow Glen are horrified to discover that the fairy dust of Willow Glen is becoming scarce. Unsure of what to do, they decide to leave the glen in search of more magic. Their adventures are perilous and the fairies find that the only way to succeed in their mission is to work together. As always, the story is both entertaining as well as subtly adding a moral within, a key to any good, clever children's book. It is, however, the illustrations that are most captivating. They are striking watercolors that will capture the imagination and attention of children of all ages. While the books are geared toward ages 4-8, I suspect younger children will love the rhythm and colors of the story if it is read to them. It is gorgeous book that would make a great addition to any library.

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This is a wonderful children's fiction book and the third in the Fairy in the Kettle books. The illustrations are very artistic and beautiful, which are wonderfully eye-catching for the little ones ages 4-8 that this story is geared toward. We join Leona on another magical adventure as she learns the fairy dust has been STOLEN! She and her friends will need to work together to find it. This is a sweet story full of friendship, teamwork and adventure perfect for the age. While the sentences are best for a read aloud it would be a nice learner book for little readers too. It is delightfully written and a beautiful read. I love this book series and hope there are many more. It does not disappoint with a charming story featuring a great message add on the colorful illustrations then it has it all! It is a book to read many times and still enjoy. </p>

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This story is a very simple one, but I enjoyed it. I didn't love the artwork, but I think that kids will be charmed by it. Overall, this book is a short, simple story, with whimsical illustrations.

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The Fairy In the Kettle Gets Magical is a good fairy story but it is not the best I have seen. I found the story a bit long and didn't keep interest much. The illustrations are beautiful with all the pretty pastel colours and beautiful fairies and I like how they live in a teapot but the style of writing and story left us a little disappointed. A pretty book but not one of our favourites.

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The Fairy in the Kettle is a pleasant, delicate imagining of a fairy glen. The fairies, fearing the loss of their fairy dust, have sacrificed a part of their magical essence. Years past, the decision was made to hide the fairy dust so that pilfering pixies would not plunder the supplies. Alas, the secret location has been forgotten. Can the fairies discover all that has been lost?

Debbie Bellaby deserves pride of place and she has devised delightful, delicate drawings which are the standout element of this book. SilverWood Books also deserves credit for the wonderfully chosen and paired page design and typesetting - perfect for the story. The plot elements, though enjoyable and appealing seem to have some logical holes. There are some questions that seem to remain unexplained and explainable from within the story.

Why would fairies who have been living without fairy dust for years suddenly need more dust. Perhaps the leadership has had a change of heart and desires once again to let the fairies express their magical skills - though this isn't overtly stated in the text.

Also, if hiding the dust and limiting its use has led the fairies to forget its hiding place, why would they choose again to keep the dust hidden?

And finally, where does the fairy dust come from? Surely, if they wish to truly protect their access to fairy dust, they need to find and/or cultivate new dust. Otherwise, there will come yet another day when even their hidden stores run out and the fairies of that age will really have to face life without the possibility of dust.

Of course, there may be answers to these questions that other readers can discern. And perhaps, this reviewer has taken an overly critical eye to a fairy tale. It is after all quite delightful in many ways.

Favorite Line: "They could remember its warm amber glow, shimmering and sparkling as it danced through the air, twisting and turning as it went." (10)

3 (of 5) jars of Fairy Dust.


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Leona and her friends live in Elders Hollow. However the fairy dust is running out. They need to find where they hid their supplies. A beautiful illustrated book. Easy the read. Definitely one little girls will love

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A few years ago, I had read a book called “The Fairy in the Kettle” by Pauline Tait, along with artwork by Debbie Bellaby. So, imagine my surprise when I found out that this book was turned into a series and I actually got my hands on the third book in the series “The Fairy in the Kettle gets Magical” and it was quite a cute read!

One day, Leona the Kettle Fairy was being awakened by one of the other fairies and it was then that she knew that something was wrong. When Leona met up with her friends and the elders, she finds out that the citizens of Fairy Glen were running out of fairy dust and they needed the fairy dust to maintain their powers. So, Leona and her friends decided to go out of Fairy Glen and find the fairy dust to restore the fairies’ powers.

Pauline Tait has done a great job at writing this book as it was both cute and interesting to read through! I liked the fact that this story is much more adventurous compared to the first book as the fairies have to go on a mission to save the fairies’ source of power. I also loved the great friendship that Leona has with her friends as they go on missions together and I love how supportive they are of each other! Debbie Bellaby’s artwork is adorable to look at as all the fairies look so cute and I loved the simplistic yet colorful look of the characters and the world that they live in.

The only problem that I had with this book was that the pacing was a bit slow at times and there was not a lot of action sequences in this book that would keep me interested.

Overall, “The Fairy in the Kettle gets Magical” is a great read for anyone who loves reading about fairies and magic in general! I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing inappropriate in this book.

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This book had cute illustrations. But the story didn’t keep me interested.

The images were nice and soft with the water colors.

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This is. a really cute book with beautiful illustrations. While the story is adorable about the search for the magic pixie dust, the illustrations are what really make the book great.

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This lively tale of magical fairy dust makes a good story for children.

Leona and her friends are called early one morning to meet the fairy elders. The elders tell a story of the history of their Glen and then announce that they need the help of all the fairies on an important search. The elders had hidden something important but have forgotten the hiding place. The young people are happy to be helpful and have a good time working together on the mission.

Although this isn’t particularly exciting for adults, I think children will enjoy the imaginative but light story. I liked the Lenora's kettle and the easy flowing story. The illustrations are bright and lively and fit with the description of the glowing fairy dust. The joint mission gives a good message of working together to solve a problem. I recommend this as a nice story for daytime or sweet dream bedtime.

Source: NetGalley 2019.

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*thank you to Netgalley, SilverWood Books and the author for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

4 stars.

At first I wasn't so sure I was going to like this but it turned out to be a very good story about Fairies. If you enjoy fairy stories then this is a great one to read. The illustrations were nice and colourful and did work well with the story. I loved that there was also Fireflies in this. A great picture book.

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Thank you #netgallery for the eARC.

This is a funny quirky children book about fairies. It is very delightful and can easily brighten up a Preschooler who loves fairies!

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A beautifully illustrated book full of adventure for little imaginations to enjoy. I read this to the children I nanny and they enjoyed it. The illustrations kept them engaged even when the story started to become less interesting in the middle. We all need reminded sometimes that there is magic within us and to not give up even when you feel like there's no hope. I and the children I nanny, are grateful to NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I'm sure we will be enjoying this book for numerous times to come.

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This is a nice, adventure-y story, but what I really liked were the illustrations. I love the colors. The characters of the different, well, characters are right there in their faces. I especially thought the poor, sleepy fireflies were nicely done. I really like this whole series. I hope there are more.

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I love how the story was written. Just like the last time, the pictures were good and my kids liked looking at them.

I look forward to reading more books from you.

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A simple and enchanting adventure, with very colour illustrations,on working together and the magic within yourself.
A delightful story to be shared with young children.
I give it four star!

I will share this review with goodreads

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