Member Reviews

Deep State is set against a politically polarized Washington DC. What a work of fiction! Jokes aside, this thriller follows White House intern Haley Chill as she is pulled into a plot to kill the President. What’s interesting about this book is the role of a female protagonist, the plot twists, and the twisty ending.

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Enjoyed this political thriller. Happy to read this kind of book with a female lead as hero. The Washington setting was perfect. Excellent debut.

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Huh. I was really ready to destroy this book in the review, but then damned if the ending wasn't actually really entertaining and interesting.

Does that save the book? No, it doesn't, the first 90% of it is really a slog. There are a few main issues.

1.) The writing itself is pretty bad. It has no flow and relies on a few ridiculous crutches, the most annoying is the tendency to provide several paragraphs of information about tertiary characters' later life. So one of the interns starts a cult 20 years later? Why do I care? I don't? Okay then.

Also, for a female fronted book, the female characters are all really poorly written. Cringeworthy passages about sex and their appearance. The kinds of passages I read aloud to my wife and simply enjoyed the horrified look on her face.

2.) It is actually pretty boring! For a short book with a relatively simple premise (bad people want to kill the President), not much happens. There is an awful lot of exposition that goes nowhere, and frankly a lot of the book and the character interactions don't really make any sense in light of the ending.

On the bright side! The ending is pretty good! It is rare I don't see a twist coming and the final twist? Didn't see it at all. Every twist to that point was obvious to the point of hack which made the final twist such a gem. It gets an extra star there because I actually came away smiling.

Is it worth it to get there? No, probably not. But Hauty does show he is at least capable of surprise and that could serve him well in future, better books.

Thanks to Netgalley for the review copy.

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DEEP STATE by Chris Hauty is the best political thriller that I have read in a long time. It is hard to believe that it is Hauty’s debut novel. The story takes place mostly in Washington D.C., but starts out in Texas.

Our protagonist, Hayley Chill is an ex-Army boxing champion and has become a White House intern. The new President is Richard Monroe who is controversial and divisive making for a polarized political situation. When the White House Chief of Staff is found dead in his home by Hayley, she finds a clue that suggests he may have been murdered. With this scenario the author’s story line progresses at a rapid pace.

We get to know Hayley well. Her character has depth and is extremely likeable. I became emotionally invested in seeing her succeed in life. She is a patriot above all else. Additionally, the secondary characters were well fleshed out. The author portrayed the right atmosphere for the story line. There are several twists and turns in the plot, but the twist near the end caught me completely by surprise. Wow! I did not see that coming.

The author lets us know what happens in the future to some of the secondary characters throughout the course of the book. Some readers may not like this. Some of this could have been done later in the book. However, it worked okay for me.

I can’t wait to read this author’s next book. Overall, it was action-packed, engaging, thought-provoking, suspenseful and compulsively readable. It contained the elements that I look for in a political thriller. Will this become a series focused around Hayley? I sincerely hope so.

Many thanks to Atria Books and Chris Hauty for a digital ARC of this novel via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.

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Thank you Netgalley, Atria Books and Chris Hauty for allowing me to read this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

In light of what is going on Washington today, this book brings to light what could and possibly does occur behind closed doors. The book is absolutely fiction however, it makes you question, who is who and what are their true purposes for serving under the most powerful man in the U.S.

Hailey Chill is a strong, patriotic female that is dedicated to serving her country and the President in the White House. In the course of her internship, she has learned more than what she bargained for in her duties. Even with all her training she received in the Army, she still questions who she can trust and whether she is on her own with what she has learned.

When she learns that the President may be in danger, she knows she must do whatever it takes to protect him...even if it means putting her own life in jeopardy. Sometimes the least likely ally is someone you would never expect. There are a few twists that I figured out but then there was a huge twist that I never saw coming. Well done Mr. Hauty!

When you have a debut thriller that is this good, there is nothing but massive success in the future of this author.

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President Richard Monroe was elected at a time where the country is very divided. He hopes that with his policies both domestically and especially abroad that he can bring the country together and maintain the ideals of the United States. There is a group that doesn't want him to be able to make these changes and they will do anything to stop him from doing anything.

The book's central character is Haley Chill who leaves the military to become a White House intern. Seeing this story through her eyes made the story feel so unique and different from your typical White House political thriller. Haley Chill through her military training is able to do things and notice things that most White House interns wouldn't pick up on and I liked that she had this training to back her up.

When a murder happens close to Haley she is thrust into the middle of things and I was ready for it! Although a fiction story that definitely had some plot devices, I loved it and it worked for me. I was sold on the story and enjoyed the journey.

This one had great twists and turns. When I thought we were headed in one direction, it would veer off into another and I loved it. I like when these political thrillers take all the turns until the end.

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President Richard Monroe is the most polarizing president of all time. When his Chief of Staff is found murdered, the conspiracy theorists spring in action. What's swirling in the dark undercurrents of Washington politics? What long buried secrets might emerge at any minute and who stands to lose the most? Risk, drama, betrayal and heightened emotions are all part of this terrific Washington insider thriller.

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What a great debut novel! This novel is eye opening due to our current state of political affairs. I loved the character of Hayley and would love to see her in future books by Hauty. The ending will stun you and you will be thinking about this book for a long time.
Many thanks to Atria Books and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I just could not get into this one... I was invited to review it but declined, then when I saw it on here and heard good things, I decided to request it. In hindsight, I should have gone with my gut. It opens with an extended bout of boxing that seems unnecessarily long and descriptive and frankly lost me, and from there the build-up remained plodding and I never connected with the characters. It was hardly the fast-paced propulsive thriller advertised in the blurb and quotes... It looks like the author is a screenwriter, and I have to be honest, this reads nothing like what I've come to expect from other screenwriter - turned - novelists. It felt forced throughout, and I never felt like I found my way into the story. I've lived and worked in DC, so maybe that's part of it, but the DC bits felt like eight things I'd read before. This one just wasn't for me...

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Deep State by Chris Hauty is a really great book, i found the subject matter depicted really interesting and thought provoking

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My initial thought after reading the first couple chapters of DEEP STATE was how this book reminded me so much of the early seasons of Scandal and Head of State. I am a fan of politically charged novels, tv shows, and movies, so when I realized there was a book about this very topic, I knew I wanted to dive in right away. Not only does Hauty go into detail when discussing political scandals in his novel, but he makes sure to bring the reader along with a clear and concise storyline.

The 21-year-old protagonist, Haley Chill, is a boxing champ who happens to land an internship at the White House. She loves her country and wholeheartedly feels she must serve anyway she can. She is thrown into the inner dealings of the Monroe administration and becomes privy to an assassination plot on the president. With her quick thinking and fierce loyalty she makes it her mission to eliminate any threats and neutralize the very people who can cause major turmoil to the nation.

After reading more about the author and learning that he was a former screenwriter it makes sense that his debut novel is such a force to be reckoned with. I could not put this book down. Of course, an assassination plot on the sitting president sounds cliche enough, but the gravity of the writing allows the reader to experience the storyline with a new set of eyes. It read like an actual movie and the political detail allows the story to progress is a realistic way.

I know this book does not hit the shelves until January 7, 2020, but I was so eager to dive in that I bypassed the pub day. I gave the book four stars only because,I would have enjoyed the ending to be a little more realistic. It ended very "happily ever after" and that is unfortunately not always common in the real world.

Thank you @Atria for providing me with a digital arc in exchange for my honest review via @NetGalley

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Haley Chill ex army brat, and all around bad girl gets a chance to work in the White House as an intern. Things go bad fast for Chill and she’s thrown into the Deep State. Hauty’s debut Thriller is somewhere between David Baldacci Absolute Power and Vince Flynn’s Term Limits. Timely set ups makes this page turner un put down able. .

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Deep State is a fast-paced and cleverly plotted thriller by an author who, though new to me, is someone I will keep an eye on for future reads. Perfect for entertaining summer escapism!

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Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review "Deep State" by Chris Hauty.

There's a Russian mole embedded in the White House. There's a cabal within the government, plotting an assassination. The current president, Monroe, is cozying up to Russia, while insisting that China is the real enemy - and his critics think he's gone off the deep end.

Into all of this is thrown a new White House intern, Hayley Chill - a former Marine. Upon her admission to the White House interns clique, she's immediately shunned - because of her age, and seeming disinterest in advancing herself. However, she attracts the attention of the White House Chief of Staff, for her attention to detail, and subsequently the President.

When the Deputy Director of the CIA insists that the Deep State is running things, and that President Monroe is a danger, Hayley goes with her gut, and resists. Then, the Chief of Staff dies under mysterious circumstances, and Hayley is a (sort of) witness. At the same time, she begins an ill-fated romance with a Secret Service operative within the White House, and makes friends with a fellow intern, who wants to be the first openly gay President of the United States.

There is a cabal of assassins involved, whose names echo the "Rat Pack" of the 1960s - Sinatra, Martin, Lewis, Bishop... They set about to dispose of our intern, but it proves to be not that easy.

All in all, a good read.

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Hayley Chill is a new kind of protagonist in the thriller/military genre. This book is unlike any military thriller you have read before. Chris Hauty comes out of the gates strong with this debut novel.

Hayley Chill lives up to her last name from her beginnings in Killeen, TX through her journey to the White House. Fans of Brad Taylor, Brad Thor, Jack Carr and Matthew Bentley will not be disappointed! This will be a must read book in January 2020.

Chris Hauty gives us a glimpse into the future of some of the characters in his book which is unlike any book I have read this year and it was a welcomed writing style.

Run don’t walk to your nearest bookseller for this one! You will thank me later.

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What a fun read. This is the first novel by Chris Hauty. His previous job was as a screen writer. So, he knows how to weave a story. But often times screen writers don't make the best novelists. But in this case he is superb.

We have a young woman, Hayley Chill, who is one of the first women to ever enlist for the Army infantry. She is an exceptional woman, but mentally and physically, although she is petite she packs a powerful punch, literally. She also has a photographic memory.

But she leaves the military and obtains an internship position in the White House. There she will work for the Office of the Chief of Staff to the President. As such she comes in contact with many influential people and leaves them all with a memory of her confidence, ability and determination.

But then a murder happens and the wheels start to come off the track. Hayley is thrown into a political scandal that might just destroy the Monroe Administration if not the U.S. Government itself. Who can Hayley trust? How can she find a murderer and the architects of a conspiracy that runs deep into the political realm of Washington D.C.

The ending will startle you, but you will not be disappointed as to what happens, instead you will be left with your mouth hanging open and your mind running full speed ahead about what is truly happening in our current government and political environment.

This is a book that won't disappoint you.

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Okay I did like the story but the over the top heroine was comic book to me; maybe it is my 30 years in the service.

21, Infantry, boxing champ, why not General too. Too much icing ruins the cake or it did for me.

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Deep State has much to interest me, but unfortunately I found many of the writing choices made by the author detracted from that interest. Whereas I thought I was going to be reading a political thriller, it started out with a lengthy story about female boxers in the military Not my thing. But, I stuck with it to learn that one of the female boxers considered her training as preparation to work in government. She moves to the White House as an intern and the story is underway. We learn of a plot to kill the president right after his chief of staff is murdered. Our boxer, Hayley Chill, becomes more influential at the White House.
Once the murder plot is complete, I noticed that there were many pages left in the novel. In those pages, the author truly went off the deep end and made the story entirely ludicrous. It's almost like he wanted to sabotage what he had just finished. I hated it, and can't see myself reading this author again.
Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I give this book four stars, which is an average of five for suspense, which is amazing, and three for writing, which is sometimes stilted.

Hayley Chill, having just mustered out of the Army, becomes a White House intern. With eerie and pointed parallels to the current administration, she soon finds herself awash in White House trivia, trivia which very rapidly becomes not at all trivial when she witnesses the Chief of Staff murdered in his home early one morning. To say more enters spoiler territory. Let’s just say that the reader doesn’t find out all of the chilling details until the last few pages.

This is an unfortunately highly believable fictional story of suspense and misalliances, one in which you don’t know who’s an ally and who’s not. I say “unfortunately “ because in today’s highly charged political scene, where lies are common currency, it’s only too easy to believe that what happens in this story could happen at any time.

I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought this book was terrific! The 21 year old female protagonist just left the Infantry and had been a boxing champion there. From there she took a year off and then went to Washington DC to become a White House Intern for one year. The internal politics of the White House were discordant, but not so much so as the political climate within the country. During her brief tenure, she learns of a plot to eliminate the President, a former military hero, and install the individual this cabal wants into the White House. The characters are very believable as is the plot. It is complex and has continual twists and turns in it. The ending (which one hopes is really a beginning) is amazing and makes the reader hope for more of the same. The author’s background in screen writing only adds to the plot. Thanks to Net Galley and Simon and Schuster for an ARC for an honest review.

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