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Stolen Desire

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Yay! It’s Koviye’s turn!

The sexy, blue alien prince, who is somewhat of a savior (?) for his kind, since he’s supposed to be able to cure people via sex. And he’s had his sights set on Jenie, one of the human rebels that crashed on his planet, since day and book one! Now, if only the woman would let him woo her and bed her – no strings attached of course. After all, his species is not known for monogamy – and as their sex god, he’s not allowed to sleep with only one person, either.

I expected lots of seducing when I started this book. I mean, it’s Robin Lovett we’re talking about, and Koviye especially… Let’s just say that if you haven’t read the first two books of the series, you really should. Not only to fully grasp what’s going on, but also to bask in the sensual glory that is this particular writer’s weapon of choice.

The male lead, Koviye, was just adorable in his confusion about how he felt – the need to be only with Jenie. I’ve never seen such a wonderful combo of hot and childishly cute before! He was also funny, and most of his actions made sense – and he was not cruel by any means.

Jenie was a bit of a struggle to read through as a female lead. She was rightfully afraid to lose her heart to someone like Koviye. Her DNA, combined with his culture, provided a potent fear that took her an awful while to get over. But it got old at some point, and I just couldn’t sympathize with her from the half of the book and onward. That, and the fact she kept believing the Ssedez were forcing her friends to accept their venom. Woman, they damn near climbed those male specimens on their own almost all the time, freaking relax!

But my annoyance with Jenie didn’t take away from the rating of the book. The story was full of hilarious and hot scenes, action and melodrama, and dreams as in-between scenes to get the flow going. It also had a perfect way for the main couple to reach their HEA, and left me with no need for anything more to happen. I was simply happy everything turned out well at the end.

***I was given an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinion stated in this review is solely mine, and no compensation was given or taken to alter it.***

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I love this series and how sex positive it is! It is exactly what women need to read to see how consent focused it is and how we need to have this in our own lives.

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I'm in love with this Robin Lovett series! Stolen Desire was so good and I adored every minute of it! I can't wait for the next book!

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This book was not really that interesting. I tried to like this book and did my best to finish it, but I just couldn't keep my interest in this book. The story line and the plot was jumbled and all over the place and it jut didn't make much sense.

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I started reading this book and unfortunately, I just wasn't a fan of the book. It seemed to be all over the place. However, I didn't read the books that came before it so perhaps, it can't be read as a stand alone.

I wasn't able to connect with the characters in a way that I would like to. Actually, after just finishing the book, I'm not able to tell you the names of the characters without looking them up. The steamy scenes were adequate, but I feel like some of them were more forced to get a reaction then because they needed to be there.

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Really really liked it. It's the third book in the Planet Desire series by Robin Lovett. I have only read this series by the author but I'm open for more. Although I didn't like this as much as the first and second, it was still a great sci-fi romance read.

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By reading this book all I thought was this is a great script+ for some porn. I don't know it had an interesting plot but all it was was sex with an alien. So yeah I was satisfied that it was short because if there would be more it would be too much. So for all the lovers of SF erotica, this one is for you.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for NetGalley

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❤️ out of 5
You know what? Sometimes you just don’t connect to an author’s writing style and I think that’s what happened to me here. Something felt missing to me and I tried to push through but DNFd at half way through even though I really wanted to give this alien romance a shot (which is actually a lot longer than I give a book to connect with me).
Our heroine is on a strange planet (I think they crashed or something, I feel like this point was not clear) where there is a toxin in the air that makes you want and need to have sex every day. Slight catch for her though- because of her biology the next person she has sex with she will be mated to for life so even though the “sex god” alien hero is who her mind and body are begging for, his race doesn’t believe in monogamy.....
For some reason I can’t put my finger on this book felt like a novella but is actually a full length book. There’s not that much of a storyline and I was kind of bored.... Both main characters were kind of forgettable and I’m writing this 5 minutes after finishing it and I can’t remember much about either of them. There was a lot of focus on sex (which I get to a degree) and sexual tension but by about 1/4 way through the book I felt completely desensitised to it... which I think is not good. I think I’m almost at the cross roads to give up on alien romances 🤷🏻‍♀️.

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*takes deep breath in*

*lets it out*

okay. so this book was good i'll admit. however, when i got this arc i didn't realize it was part of a series. (i need to stop doing this.) i don't think i'll read any of the other ones anytime soon due to other books catching my eye, but it does have an interesting plot.

so if you're going to read this, i suggest you start with book 1.

but to have a guy that is able to make you explode in endless pleasure just from a touch? and he can do that with any type of skin contact?

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What a fantastic sci-fi romance! Loved it!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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My Goodreads review:

This is a fated mate story at its best.

Jenie is suffering from the biological pull to find her mate for life. It's pulling her towards Koviye, from Fellamana, a planet known for polyamory.

Koviye has special powers with transference, and he can give her some relief without bonding with her, while she is working to get off his planet and find one of her team.

It is fun to see the fated mate trope from a different point of view, in a hot science fiction story. A terrific finish to an excellent trilogy!

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Ahhhhhhh Stolen Desire was just such a wonderful book and I just thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn’t want to put this book down. I just fell in love with this wonderful story and it’s wonderful characters. I will most definitely be reading more stories from this wonderful author.

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This is the 3rd book in this series but this is the first book I've read. It says that each book is a standalone so I figured I would give it a try after reading that description. I was able to pick this book up and read it and not feel confused.

Koviye lives on Fellamana and the planet itself exudes some sort of toxin that will slowly poison you if you don't have sex frequently. But Koviye is special on this planet because he has a special talent of a healing touch, so he is sought after. The people on this planet have sex frequently and with whomever they want. They don't believe in monogamy and neither does Koviye. He doesn't see that as even a choice for him.

Jenie is half human and half alien. Since she is half alien it's her alien side that will require her to choose a mate at some point, sex will secure the bond with her mate and her species of alien mates for life and it's monogamous. She knows that being with someone like Koviye who can never stick to just one mate would destroy her. But the toxin on the planet starts to work on her and turns on her body's instinct to find a mate. The only problem is she's attracted to Koviye, a male that she can never have.

Jenie needs Koviye's help to find and rescue her friend that was taken but the more time they spend together the more the attraction between them is sparked and once that match is lit there's no going back. These two were so hot together, wow. This is an erotic romance so I knew there would be plenty of sex but good grief these two should come with an extinguisher because they lit the pages on fire!

This starts off on an alien planet and ends up in space which was fun because so many interesting things happen while they're in space. I had a really good time with this book and plan on going back and reading the first two books because I want to see what else happened. This book was hard to put down and I love finding a book that I love so much I don't want to stop reading long enough to do anything else.

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This is series is perfect if you are looking for a SUPER sexy, sex positive romance. This is book three and features Jenie, one of the leaders of a rebellion who has crash landed on a planet that pumps out a toxin into the atmosphere that causes extreme lust. Jenie’s alien biology decides it’s the perfect time to also go into mating mode and her body only wants one man. But she can’t risk being mated to a man who doesn’t believe in staying faithful, so she must not have penetrative sex with the one man she wants the most.

Koviye is considered a sex god to the Fellamana people. He has the ability to satisfy their desire by only touching them with his hands. He can also read their emotions and feelings. Koviye, and basically the entire Fellamana population, live in a society where sex is open and fun, but also necessary to their everyday life, they don’t believe in monogamy.

I enjoyed this book just as must as the previous two books, and woooooooo was it hot. Scorching. Just what you’d expect from a sex god and a woman who is in mating mode, right?

One of the things I really do love is how important consent is not only between the couples of this series, but in the Fellamana culture. Koviye never, ever steps over the line of Jenie’s boundaries. Not even when she is out of her mind with lust. He adheres to set upon rules before their encounters and sticks to that no matter what happens. They have grinding it out, above the clothes sex, they have oral, no fingers just tongue sex, they have inventive, OMG what are the going to do know sex…. but they do not have penetrative sex outside of their dream sexscapades until Jenie says so.

I really liked how this couple achieved their HEA and since we have three couples off planet I’m wondering what comes next for this series. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this author continues to write in this world, because I love it.

Final grade- B

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This is my second book by this author and I’m glad to return to this sexy planet. I Love this whole premise. It promised super sexy times and it delivered. Koviye is sooo hot and I know I couldn’t resist him. I love that Jenie is only half human and half Ulreya. I knew this was going to be very interesting. I don’t think there are too many books with a human and alien mix. I enjoyed it a lot. These two get to travel in a ship alone and sparks fly! I am glad I read it and I recommend it.

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This whole series – set on an alien sex planet – has been absolutely and delightfully bananapants, and this book is no different. It’s the third in the series, and while I think you’d miss out on some backstory, this could be read as a standalone if you’re just looking for some blue alien sexy times.

“I have a rebellion to help lead, the Ten Systems to outrun, and a mission to fulfill. I have no time for a Fellamana male who has as much inclination toward monogamy as fire does to water.”

While the previous two focused on human women (refugees from the evil Ten Systems Empire) and Ssedez men, the main couple in this book is Jenie, who’s half-Ulreya, and Koviye, a Fellamanan native. Jenie was, basically, chainganged into the Ten Systems space force when they conquered her planet and has kept her heritage secret, since she mostly passes as human – but something about the sex planet seems to have triggered the Ulreya mating bond, meaning she could develop a lifelong dependency on the next person she has sex with (but only penetrative sex, apparently). As a leader in the rebellion, with her commanding officer kidnapped and possibly dead, Jenie really does not have time for that, or for her interest in Koviye, one of the Fellamanan natives who are, as a species, naturally polyamorous (sex, to them, is like eating). Koviye’s also something of a leader among his people, thanks to a sex healing gift that runs in his family. (Yes, I had that Marvin Gaye song in my head pretty much every time Koviye’s gift came up.) Per their culture, it’s expected that Koviye spread around his gift, but, despite that, Koviye is fascinated with Jenie, and keeps making up reasons to seek her out. Basically, them being together is a bad idea, so of course they end up together on a small spaceship for a rescue mission.

That’s the basis of the plot and the conflict, and to be honest the plot’s a bit of a muddle. This book’s timeline overlaps with the previous book, so the tension in the first half of the book relies on a rescue mission that we already know the outcome of. The second half of the plot is new but a bit confusing – I had problems following along with what exactly they needed to do and the logistics of it. So, in terms of doing anything other than repeatedly throwing Koviye and Jenie together, it didn’t really work for developing their relationship for me.

What did work was the sex. There’s zero gravity sex, lots of physically improbable/impossible dream sex (so much blue come, SO MUCH) and lots of general lusting around after each other. The sex scenes were fun, if completely over the top (at one point Koviye’s “eyes blaze like licentious daggers”), and verbal consent is emphasized (even though Koviye can also read Jenie’s emotions from her aura). I thought it did a good job following the course of their emotional relationship, too, though I was a bit confused and conflicted about the resolution. I appreciated how both Jenie and Koviye were leaders for their respective people, and how both cared about each other’s emotions, even though they both knew that they couldn’t fully understand how the other felt.

Overall, while this isn’t my favorite of the series, I thought it was fun to finally get a deeper glimpse of the Fellamana, and I’m looking forward to the next book! If you’re looking for some scifi erotica with gleefully improbable alien sex, this is the book for you!

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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This is the 3rd book in the series but can be read as a stand-alone. Jenie is part human and alien something awakens in her when she arrives at this new planet. Koviye meets Jenie and sparks fly, he doesn’t understand the feelings that she awakens in him. Can they truly be together without hurting each other? Fast-paced intense sci-fi read with loads of drama, suspense and steam. I really liked it.

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Stolen Desire
by Robin Lovett

Although this book is part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone. I found that this book started out right away into their life after a space ship crash. I assume that one of the two former books in this series has the crash in it. There are a few other references that pertain to the prior books.

Lieutenant General Jenie, isn’t pure human like the others think. And this plant with the aphrodisiac air has caused her body to change and prematurely go into mating heat.

Koviye is the equivalent as a god on this planet. More accurately a sex God. With just a touch he can satisfying your desire. And he’s been satisfied with that, until Jenie. Since meeting her, he too has been changing, and for the first time receive satisfaction like he gives to others.

As Jenie fights her mating heat and Koviye’s craving to satisfy Jenie, they have a rescue to coordinate. Even though they encounter resistance, their course is set and take off is about to happen.

Do they accomplish the rescue mission? Does Jenie overcome her mating heat after leaving the plant? You’ll have to read for yourself, because I don’t want to give it away.

I enjoyed reading this book!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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Actual rating: 4.5 stars
This book was totally out of this world (pun totally intended). I found it fascinating! I’m not normally into alien books, but this one drew my attention. I had to lower it half a star because of how confusing the beginning was.

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A fun wonky read! Delightfully filled with fun nerdy alien life and steamy sex scenes. The characters are smart and funny. You will have fun trying to keep up as they chase bad guys while resisting the desire to rip each other’s clothes off.

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