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What Happens in the Ruins

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Any romance book set in Scotland is an immediate yes please from me. I adore everything about the country even if the closest I’ve gotten to see it is watching Outlander.

From the moment I started reading What Happens In The Ruins by Kelsey McKnight, it’s like I was immediately transported to the highlands & all the castles and the simple beauty of this faraway and seemingly magical land.

With her descriptions, the author made this place literally come to life and though at times I wanted to shake the female lead for not saying yes to the handsome Scottish man.. it was such a heartwarming story that was only elevated by its setting.

Though this is technically part of a series, it could be read as a complete stand alone & easy to enjoy in one sitting.

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Sorcha was a fun character, she had a great personality and she was always speaking her mind. She was an artist but money wasn't a problem for her. And she was always out for a good time. She also had a troubled past because she lost her twin brother. So sometimes you think she was trying to cover up her hurt or maybe she just wanted a good time. She also lost some of her inspiration for her art and had to look elsewhere to find it.

Danny was a friend from the past who has spent some time with her and knows the things that might get her inspiration back. I really enjoyed both characters and think you will too.

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I am loving this series by Kelsey McKnight. I somehow missed this book and I’m so glad to have found it again and read it. This is second in the series of books taking place in the Scottish Highlands. Kelsey has created characters that are so wonderful. I like how the characters were introduced in book one and included in the storylines. Then in the second book, it features a different couple, but all the characters are included and appear often to my delight.

Sorcha is a cousin to Sean and Lachlan and becomes close with their ladies from America, Katie and Rose. Danny was Sorcha’s late brother’s best friend and their parents were friends. They caught up together at Katie’s hen night and realized there were sparks. Sorcha has kept herself from being in a relationship since her twin brother died, 6 years earlier. Sorcha is an artist but she has had trouble painting lately. She shares this with Danny and he starts taking her to beautiful spots to try to get her muse back. She and Danny begin seeing each other but she won’t let emotions into play or give the relationship a title.

There is quite a bit of romance and angst in the book. The scenes between Danny and Sorcha become quite steamy. She pulls away as she’s afraid of getting close and losing someone else. The plot is truly wonderful to read and see the changes taking place in Sorcha. I highly recommend this book, giving it 5 stars. I am ready and excited to start book 3 next.

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The second in the series, the story of Sorcha and Danny is good read. The story takes the reader through various phases in a relationship. Enjoyed the book

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What Happens in the Ruins is a friends to lovers story. Kelsey McKnight touches on grief which is a subject many reader’s can relate to. She captures the beautiful Scotland setting perfectly.

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What Happens in the Ruins is such a fun story! I loved Sorcha and her take charge attitude! And she and Danny together is just all sorts of fun! Kelsey Mcknight does a spectacular job with her descriptions of the different areas and their many characteristics! I felt like I was actually walking around and discovering it before me as I read! Wonderful!

Danny and Sorcha have known each other their whole lives and ran in the same circle of friends. So when Danny sees Sorcha in town and asks her to stay and have some coffee, its nothing out of the ordinary. He asks her about her artwork and she says she's been struggling with inspiration. He offers to take her with him as he visits one of his many investment properties. She jumps at the chance!

Things progress from there. Sorcha visiting places of inspiration for her art, with Danny. All over! Feelings eventually emerge and then this isn't just fun anymore. It feels real and that scares Sorcha.

I really enjoyed Danny and Sorcha's journey! And it was a journey! Sorcha had a lot of past demons she just locked away and never dealt with. We all can relate to some of her issues and/or fears. I adored Danny! He had a way of calming Sorcha and taking away a lot of her anxiety. He was so caring and really understood her obstacles.

What Happens in the Ruins is book two in the What Happena series, and can be read as a standalone. There are overlapping characters from Book one, What Happens in the Highlands, that you will definitely want to read! A great addition to the series and I look forward to book three!

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When I first read What happens in the Highlands I was pleasantly surprised with the author and the series. So, when this opportunity cam up I was thrilled. This time around the book is about Sorcha, Lachlan's cousin. I don't feel like this could be read as a standalone. I can't remember if Johnny was talked about in book one but it felt a bit out of no where but also super important.

Sorcha is the fun loving girl but holds everyone at bay for a reason. Danny has always had a soft spot for Sorcha and has finally found the reason to help her out and get closer to her. I liked the banter between Danny and Sorcha.

"Are you trying to kill me?"
"It's no' my fault it only looks like you're in good shape."

I'm not a fan of characters that run instead of communicate but I did understand why Sorcha was such a runner, but after awhile it got a bit tiresome.

It was cute and I am hooked within in these highlands and will continue to read this author and series.

"Here's to you and here's to me, the best of friends we'll always be. And if we ever disagree? Well, fuck you and cheers to me!"

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I couldn't really get into this one. It felt too much like other romance stories I have read. Danny was a good character, but Sorcha was unlikable so I didn't get invested in their journey to each other. Overall it's a good read, just not really for me.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Tule Publishing for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is a cute book. It's Sorcha and Danny's story. Friends to Lovers. 4 stars

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What a fun, sweet time travel novel! I loved it!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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To paraphrase a line from the cover description – ‘WHAT HAPPENS IN THE RUINS isn’t the run of the mill rich, party girl finds a lover’ type of story, not at all. Sorcha is indeed rich, she is, after all, a whiskey heiress, she does love to party why shouldn’t she, also add accomplished artist to that growing list and you have an interesting woman. Add to that an event from her past that continues to bring her pain and haunt any chance at happiness in her future and you have a pretty good idea of what to expect in this second story in the What Happens series.

I don’t happen to think that the What Happens series is easily just dropped into at the later books. There is a lot from WHAT HAPPENS IN THE HIGHLANDS that lays the groundwork for the other friends’ stories to emerge. Do you “have” to read the first? No, of course not. Yet I do believe you’ll have a better understanding of the dynamics of each friend outside of their friendship if you can read the first book as well.

Kelsey McKnight has delivered a word picture of this beautiful country and it’s hidden treasures, one that kept me smiling throughout. There were moments when I either wanted to shake or hug Sorcha as she battled with her past and the future with Danny that was within reach if she’d only take the risk and trust them both. I “got” her reasons, yet with a love like Danny’s, he will help her through all those rough parts that will never ever really fade away. I don’t dare say more since I don’t willingly give away spoilers – but these two belong together.

I had a blast with their romance, as well as the ups and downs that they encountered along the way. If you’re in the mood to be swept away then this story and series are exactly what you need.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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What Happens in the Ruins by Kelsey McKnight
Can she stop her past from ruining her future?
Sorcha Mackinnon isn’t your typical tortured artist. She is also a party girl, a vintage shopper, and the heiress to a whisky fortune. But when inspiration suddenly flies out the window, she’s left with an empty whisky glass and a blank canvas…until a childhood friend waltzes back into her life.
She’s known Danny Gordon since birth, but they lost touch as their careers took them in different directions. He offers to show her the parts of Scotland he swears will spark life back into her brushes. And as they tour the sights on the back of his motorcycle, Sorcha realizes that under the tattoos and smart mouth, Danny may inspire more in her than just a new painting.
But as a good time begins to morph into an ever after, Sorcha is reminded of old wounds that just won’t heal. Danny tries to open her heart, but her self-imposed isolation makes things harder than ever. Now she must decide what to do, because what happens in the ruins doesn’t always stay there.
This is Sorcha Mackinnon and Danny Gordon's story.
I stared at the blank canvas, my paintbrush tapping against the easel. The same canvas had been empty for almost two weeks straight and I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything with it. It just sat in the corner of my room, mocking me. I was so close to tossing it out the bleeding window.
A row of paintings I had done during the winter were lined up against the far wall, but those didn’t seem much better than the half-finished ones stacked out of sight in the closet. They were one landscape after the other, the same hues of grey and green that dominated the Scottish countryside in the colder months. They were bland and boring, nothing like the vibrant works from my last show, Flowers by Sorcha Mackinnon. It was a pity. I’d have to scrap them all.
There was a knock on my door and my cousin’s girlfriend Rose poked her head in without waiting for a response. “Hey, Sorcha, you busy?”
I looked up and saw a pen, then I followed the leather-clad arm up to a scruffy jawline with a mouth set up in a smile, a pair of black Ray-Bans, and a shock of dark hair. “Danny? Danny Gordon?”
“The very same.” I stood and hugged him. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you properly. I heard you set up in Inverness.”
“Ye heard right,” he said, pulling away. “I’ve a few properties I manage in Nairn, so I go back a forth a wee bit.”
What Happens in the Ruins by Kelsey McKnight is a 3 star book.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book."
Kelsey 's Books with Tule:
What Happens in the Highlands
The What Happens Series
What Happens in the Ruins
The What Happens Series

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What Happens in the Ruins by Kelsey McKnight is the second book of the What Happens Series. So far the books have taken place in the beautiful Scottish lands. It concerns a group of young twentyish well-to-do friends and their loves. This book felt like the group were more mature. In fact, I liked this book more than the first.

Sorcha is an artist but a troubled one because of a lost she experienced several years ago. Not dealing with that loss hinders her from more than superficial relationships. One of her childhood friends, Danny comes back in her life. He is everything you could possibly want in a man. I guess I would call this, friends with benefits story that turns into more. However, that is not exactly right since it is really about Sorcha and her troubled heart.

The writing is strong with wonderful vivid descriptions of Scottish places as Sorcha and Danny go to find inspiration for her paintings. The dialogue is witty, natural and believable. I cam away from this book with a true sense of the group of friends and their dynamics. Since these characters are all at the age to find love and settle down, there is wedding talk, wedding preparations and of course a wedding. Just not as predictable as the first book’s wedding.

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Friends to lovers to separated by her fears, Danny and Sorcha are truly meant to be together in this lovely story set in the Highlands of Scotland.
It is really Sorcha’s story of regaining a whole self after years of mourning the death of her twin, Johnny, She has compartmentalized her grief and shut herself off until her dear friend, Danny, shows her how love and life still exist for her.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Sorcha had the same blank canvas before her for the last two weeks. She had a row of paintings she had done during the winter lined up against the far wall. They didn’t seem any better than the half finished ones stacked in her closet. They were bland and boring, nothing like the vibrant works from her last show Flowers by Sorcha MacKennon. She was going to have to scrap them all. Sorcha had painters block. Her cousin’s girlfriend Rose asked what she was doing. She declined Roses offer to go up in the attic and go through boxes with her. Sorcha said she couldn’t sit here anymore and said she was driving to Nairn. It had been six months and ten days since her last show. Although a trust fund would keep her from being a starving artist. Sorcha is a whiskey heiress. She hides her pain from losing her twin brother and she won’t let anyone get too close to her as she will not take the chance of them leaving or dying. Sorcha is okay with short flings or friends with benefits. Than Sorcha runs into Danny who she has known since birth. Danny and her parents were friends and they had spent a lot of time together. Danny says he will take her to parts of Scotland that will inspire her to paint again and she agrees to go with him.Danny wants to be more than friends with Sorcha and he hopes to convince her to give them a chance. Sorcha starts to have feelings deeper than friendship for Danny and she wants to run.
I had mixed feelings about this book. I love the way the author described Scotland. I did get a little confused with some of the relationships in this book. I didn’t care for how Sorcha treated Danny a lot of the time. I advise you to read the first book of this series for a more knowledgeable and smoother read. This did drag for me at times. I found it a little hard to relate to Sorcha but I do understand her fear of getting hurt again. I felt bad Sorcha had lsoo her twin brother. As you can see I had mixed feelings for this book.

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This is the second book n Kelsey McNight’s “What Happens” series. It can be read as a stand-alone but you’ll get a better feel for who’s who if you’ve read What Happens In The Highlands, book one in the series, first.
I love the setting for this series. Of course there are Scottish castles and ruins dotted here and there, but the town of Nairn, not far north of Inverness, is a gorgeous little town filled with pretty shops, flowers gardens and a rather lovely church. The scenery in this part of the world is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Thing lush green pastures, sparkling lochs, pretty little cottages and you’ll get the picture.
This is a light hearted, sexy little contemporary romance with a good lashing of wealthy and titled people floating through its pages. All are exceptionally good looking so of course there is plenty to fantasise about.
This story flows quite well and the characters are nicely fleshed out so you do get a good picture of who they are. At times I found all the opulence a little overdone and at times I found Sorcha, the heroine of this story, a little melodramatic but overall this was an enjoyable read.

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A beautifully told love story set in the beautiful Scottish Highlands.

Two old friends, Sorcha and Danny reunite years after the death of Sorcha’s twin brother Johnny, who was also Danny’s best friend. What happens next is full blown romance. But Sorcha doesn’t trust love. She is afraid of losing someone she loves again. She is content with just hooking up with Danny while he takes her around the countryside helping her get her artistic inspiration flowing again, so she can paint for her upcoming art show. When Danny confesses his love for Sorcha, Sorcha pulls away.

My heart broke for Sorcha and Danny immediately when Sorcha decided she didn’t want to see Danny again. But I enjoyed seeing how they worked their way back to each other. I also enjoyed catching up with the characters from the previous books in this series. The author did a fantastic job with creating interesting characters, that I couldn’t get enough of, and scenery that was easy to visualize. I think I might need a trip to Scotland one day. Even though this is a standalone story, I would recommend reading the books from the beginning of the series to get to know all the characters as their stories play out.

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2.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Tule Publishing, and Kelsey McNight for an ARC ebook copy to review. As always, an honest review from me.

- Builds the romance and most importantly the friendship between Danny? And Sorcha before jumping into the sexy times. There’s still enough flirting and mild physical contact to remind me reader that it’s a romance novel they’re reading.
- The sexy times start about 25% of the way through the book, which I think is the right time (enough pages to get to know the characters as people, but not so much that it becomes a contemporary fiction novel with only a tiny bit of romance)
- The settings: a good mix of old and new places to create a perfect atmosphere for new romance to spark

- The setting - beautiful, romantic, interesting, and unique for a romance novel
- The cover = beautifully done!

- For a second, I thought there was going to be someone cheating on their best friend (still not sure), so that took away from the enjoyment of the book for a bit
- A little more interpersonal tension that I would have lived in a romance novel
- The story/plotline aspect didn’t really capture my attention, which is vital to me in a romance novel … or really any novel

Wish that:
- More unique - it’s cute but a generic romance novel. Nothing that particularly sets it apart
- The different moments within the story were more cohesive into the overall story

Overall, fairly good in the romance aspect but a bit of a let down when it comes to the contemporary fiction story telling. A great read, but as someone who is very particular about her romance novels, I’m going to give this one a pass. Not a bad book, so I would still say to consider reading it if the synopsis interests you.

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The description of this book didn’t live up to the actual book. I had a hard time connecting with the main character and the pacing was a little rushed. Loved the scenery of Scotland and the trope of connecting with an old friend, but overall this book didn’t work for me.

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What Happens in the Ruins is book two in Kelsey McKnight’s What Happens series, and unfortunately, I somehow missed book one. This book had great potential and the wonderful descriptive aspect was simply delightful and left me felling like I actually could picture this amazing vista. And while I love everything even remotely leading towards kilts, a sex Scot and that alluring brogue, I was somewhat disappointed with the lead characters, as I struggled to connect with Sorcha and her spoilt, trust fund persona. An OK story, but not great; other than the beautiful landscape descriptions.

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