Cover Image: Her Sister’s Secret

Her Sister’s Secret

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Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of Her Sister's Secret by E.V. Seymour.

Isla's world is rocked when she learns of the death of her sister and brother-in-laws death from her nephew. Desperate for answers, she begins to learn things about her sister's seemingly perfect life that she never could have predicted. Who knew that her sister was suffering so? And who really is responsible for their deaths?

Perhaps a bit muddy in the middle, even so, this is a mystery worth reading. I didn't always connect with the characters, but I did enjoy the ride, and I found the ending to be quite satisfying.

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This is a fast paced edge of you seat read that will keep you guessing right up intill the last page this book kept me up all night I just couldn't put it down

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Everything about Her Sister's Secret was thrilling and gripping. There were twists and turns galore, and it keeps the reader guessing until the end. Recommended for anyone who likes to read something that keeps then entertained until the very last word.

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Highly addictive, this was a fast-paced read. A sister trying to understand what happened to her sister is pulled in to another mystery - the history of her family. I loved each turn and each new chapter. I had no idea who to trust and I was completed wrapped up in the story. It had a few spots that made me pause and it was maybe a bit long but all in all, I really liked this one.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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Fast paced and gripping. Really enjoyed this book. I'll definitely look out for more from the author in the future.

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I have to admit to smiling at yet another cover with a woman in a red coat against a moody background - it has become a bit of a cliche! But this doesn't detract from what is an excellent read, This book delves into the mystery past of a sister who is more of a stranger than her family realise. Very well written and highly recommended.

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I don’t think this book is for me. I read 15% of the ebook and I’m struggling to find it engaging. Although part of me is curious about Scarlet’s secrets, I am not connected enough to the story to see it all the way through.

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This is one intense, twisted, dark and addictive novel! Not only is this a very well-written book with wonderfully-interesting characters, but the suspense builds at just the right pace as the story unfolds. Compulsive, gripping and horrifying! Will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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An easy to read, compelling thriller about a family's secrets and lies. This book kept me guessing from start to finish. A credible plot and convincing characters.

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Well written psychological thriller.

Well developed storyline, good characters, captivating from start to finish. I loved the ending, I didn't see it coming.

All families have secrets...

When you go looking for the truth about your sister's death you never know what you may find out... and who to trust...

ARC received through NetGalley. This is my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Wow this one kept me hooked to the end. I know that 'couldn't put it down' is often said, but this time it was thoroughly meant. Have already told friends about it.

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

The characters were well-developed.. They had relatable characteristics.
The storyline was unique in my opinion.
I found myself rushing through the pages to find out what happened next.
There wer so many twists and turns that i did NOT see coming.
I cannot wait to read more by this author.

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A chilling tense read a book of family secrets.A book that drew me In to the twisty turning thriller. an author to folow a book that kept me reading late into the night.#netgalley#harperimpulse

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Nothing in this book is as it seems! a lot of twists and turns and as the title implies there are many family secrets. A good yet typical psychological thriller, lots of intrigue, and speculation. I did find the ending a little far-fetched, but a good read nonetheless.

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Once I got started, this book took off. There were a few distracting characters and excessive information, but  I was intent on learning the truth so I plowed right past them. The twists and turns were often not as anticipated, making for an interesting read. Secrets can be unexpected and deadly!

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Thank you, Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this book at first, but then it started to get all jumbled with too many characters. I was having a hard time relating to most of them. Overall, the.premise was good, and I didn't feel like I wasted my time.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this advanced reader's copy in return for my honest review. Interesting premise. The book kept me on my toes.

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So this book took me quite a while to get into but once I did it had me hooked !!

The story starts with a car accident that results in the death of scarlet. This tragic event leaves Scarlets sister Molly with and uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach .

Determined to find out the truth of what happened in the days before her sisters death , Molly discovers a shocking truth . Who should she trust??

The plot twists in this book are incredible and unpredictable. I loved how then plot thickened with each chapter making the grand reveal all the more astonishing!

The start of the books was a little slow for me but certainly made up for it with an incredible ending .
I really enjoyed this book , thankyou to Harper Collins impulse and Killer reads ,One More Chapter for sending me a copy of this book for an honest review

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A tense and complex ride full of twists and turns and a lot (A LOT) of shady characters. You're not going to know who to trust.

Molly's seemingly perfect sister Scarlet, dies in a tragic car accident, only a week after an argument between them. Shocked and grieving, Molly tries to make sense of what's happened because Scarlet, in killing herself has also killed a seeminly innocent police officer, on his way home from a 12 hour shift.

When information comes to light that not only Scarlet had been drunk but that it appears she targeted the officer deliberately, Molly's world becomes a tangled and dangerous web. The further down the rabbit hole she chases answers, the more questions she uncovers. Questions that people do not want answered.

I was impressed by the relentless pace and the constant guessing in the story. Every single character comes across as just a little shady and its difficult to find someone to identify with. At times I wanted Molly to just let it go because I was scared at what she was going to uncover and what it would mean for her and her family.

Engrossing and edge of your seat writing, if you're a fan of thrillers and complex plots, this is the book for you.

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The premise of this book admittedly was an interesting one. Who receives your honesty? Who are you willing to overlook half truths from? What are the family dynamics of a lie?

All of these premises find holds in E.V. Seymour's 'Her Sister's Secret'. When Molly's sister is part of a horrific and fatal car accident everything that the family thought they knew gets turned on its head. I found the plot line involving the sister to be such an intriguing part of a story that only got more and more muddled as you flipped through further pages.

The introduction of secondary and even tertiary characters muddy the waters of what is a really promising premise on page one.

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