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The (Secret) Baby

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Kelsey is a successful businesswoman who owns a business that stages properties for sale. Unfortunately, her love life is less successful. A prior relationship with a married man has turned her off of men.

Aaron is a successful neuropsychologist with his own private practice, yet he doesn’t seem to have any luck with women. They either focus on the fact that he is a doctor or are disappointed that he isn’t a medical doctor.

Kelsey and Aaron meet at a bachelorette party. The male stripper fails to show up, and Aaron has been set up to fill in. He and Kelsey have what they believe to be a one-night stand. That is when the craziness truly begins. It turns out that Aaron is the best man in the wedding between Kelsey’s cousin and her best friend. Then Kelsey finds out that she is pregnant with Aaron’s baby. A series of adventures highlighted by witty dialogue will keep readers highly entertained as Aaron and Kelsey attempt to find their happily ever after.

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When the pieces start coming together as a reader and you know what is going to happen you just sit back and watch the fireworks! Kelsey and Aaron had a one night stand, without names which left Kelsey pregnant. She didn’t know who he was and then she realised he was closer than she thought. What followed was humour,, miscommunication, angst and a satisfying HEA.

Thank you to NetGalley for the copy.

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This is a fun romance with some lol moments. It features a families and friends and was very heart warming. Kelsey and Aaron meet at a bachelorette party where she has sex with him and believes he is a stripper. She ends up pregnant and believes it is by the stripper but she doesn't even know his name and when she calls the company they say they never sent a stripper so she has no clue who got her pregnant....

What she doesn't know is that the baby daddy is Aaron who ended up as a stripper to help a friend who was hosting the party and that he is connected to her cousin. I am not spoiling anything else because this was such a fun story and you have to experience it to really see how great it is.

It is well written and fun and will make you laugh. Kelsey is afraid of relationships but Aaron is the one who wants a family in this story so it was very reverse roles type of story.

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Leddy Harper is one of my must-read category book author,( The roommate disagreement is a kind of book that's been staying in my memory till date,one of my favs). The secret baby was a light-hearted romance story.It also speaks of an issue that is often overlooked. I personally couldn't agree more with Aaron about being judged straight away from people's own assumption regarding who the person truly is(This book really brought it out in a more practical and painfully true way) . Its was nice of the author to take up a problem that isn't mentioned in most of the rom-com books being published recently.Kelsey's struggle about being not able to finding the right moment for revealing the secret with a time limit on it, is sympathizable and figuring out whether to trust Aaron was a tireless classic. The love story was adorable, going from friends to relationship stage. Family involvement was on point. Overall,I give a huge thumbs up.4.5 stars.

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The story of Kelsey and Aaron.
They meet one night, both pretending to be someone they are not, and then are surprised when they are thrown back together again.
Then Kelsey finds out she is pregnant but is keeping it a secret from Aaron, so what will happen when he finds out what she has been keeping from him?

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This is for sure not a fave from this author. Read thru the whole thing but couldn’t tell you anything about it. Since it really wasn’t memorable. Sorry but I tried.

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This one was a cute, easy read rom com. Surprise baby with a funny meet cute with a fake bride to be and a fake stripper.

Kelsey is definitely out of luck in the love stakes and her one night with Aaron doesn't go as planned resulting in an oopsy daisy baby... Reconnecting at a wedding results in more laughs and also some emotions as they navigate a path to happiness together. I enjoyed this one.

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3.5 stars

The book was cute. While this type of book is not typically my bag per se, I did enjoy it.

Ok, so let's get to it. I originally picked up the book due to the blurb. Maid of honor, Kelsey, after having a shake-up of a bad day ends up taking home "the stripper' Dr. Phil-Me-Up from her BFF's bachelorette party. Aaron an actual Ph.D. doctor, is mistaken for the 'stripper' goes home with bachelorette under the pretense of an agreed upon pretend night together and the promise of anonymity.

Kelsey is a known man-hater as a result of a past relationship gone very bad. Aaron is a pretend ladies man who is commonly the victim of assumptions made about his degree, title, and living arrangements and feels ambivalent about correcting them. An -ish type of rom-com happens as a result of Kelsey helping out her cousin's BFF, who she vaguely remembers from growing up, by renting him a room at her place while he is in transition in buying a house. She then realized the man she's agreed to help out and Best Man to her Maid of Honor is none other than the person she knows as her one-night stripper.

I could have loved the book more. For Arron being a neuropsychologist, he did NOT act or talk like it. There were many instances where the conversations felt wrong for the amount of education Aaron was supposed to have. I also felt a bit of duality to the type of person Aaron was supposed to be and some of the things he said (macho dude type talk vs the innately easy-going person he was). Psychologists go through a lot of training and it just felt out of place with the verbiage and actions of the character towards himself and in treating and speaking to others. That being said, I did not expect him to be a book worm or demure in speaking, I just didn't feel the character matched his titles. Along the same vein, Kelsey was a supposed 'man-hater' but she often 'warmed' by something Aaron did right off the bat rather than being combative as expected. I also hate books where continuous deception is a constant thread. I understand it was part of the premise, but I just personally don't like it.

The book is a fade to black when it came to romantic (bow-chicka-bow) times. And while I find it a bit of a letdown, it's ok with me. I did, however, have a problem with the references to things during the 'blackout' period with no further explanation that left me confused or inquisitive. I feel that certain 'flash-backs' could have tastefully cleared up this issue if the author felt reluctant to 'go there'.

All in all, the book was cute, had some funny parts, some pop-culture references, and ended with a HEA. I would recommend for those that like HEA baby books.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for this generously provided ARC.

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The (Secret) Baby is a story with drama, family, surprises and best friends. I didn't realize this was the second book in this series, it could be read as a standalone, but at times I felt like I was missing something. I like the way this author writes her stories, and her characters are likeable. I enjoy the banter between the characters if was fun, and sacrastic that you can't help but laugh.

I received this book from Netgalley!

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I really liked this book. What started out as a one night stand became so much more. I thought this book was written so well, I wanted it to keep going. Great read.

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Kelsey has been unlucky in love to say the least. Wanting to forget her cheating ex for just a night, she plans the ultimate bachelorette party for her best friend Tatum. When Tatum gets sick and can't attend Kelsey doesn't cancel the party, why let a perfectly good stripper go to waste? Aaron is definitely not a stripper, in fact, he's not even sure why he's at the bar other than a favor for a friend. Not wanting to disappoint a room full of tipsy, single ladies, he goes with the act in hopes of getting at least a phone number. A few weeks later, Kelsey's pregnant and doesn't know the name of her baby's father, or how to contact him. In a crazy twist of fate, they're in same wedding together, now she just needs to find the courage to tell him.

Initially, I didn't like Kelsey very much, her bitterness really got on my nerves, granted, I've never been cheated on during a serious relationship, so I'm sure her feelings were warranted. Every missed opportunity to tell Aaron about her pregnancy made me cringe and broke my heart at the same time. However, I can't imagine how stressful and scary it would be to have to tell, essentially a complete stranger, you're carrying his baby. Kelsey's sarcasm, wit, and dry humor were perfect. Aaron was such a lovable, misunderstood nerd. His feelings for Kelsey from the beginning were so sweet, wanting to tell her how he felt but not wanting to scare her. I did like that in this case, the h had to grovel and fix things with the H. A lot of the books I've read are the other way, which is fine, but in real life both make mistakes and need to apologize. Overall, I really enjoyed this book, it was sweet with some humor and feelings mixed in.

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I enjoyed reading this book. Kelsey and Aaron make a lovely couple, not a perfect one.
Since the very beginning, assumptions will get in their way, but they learn to leave them aside and really get to know each other.
I didn't care much for the baby, though, perhaps because I've been reading one too many books with characters that get pregnant without wanting to, but I get that it's what moves Kelsey to give Aaron a chance.
It's a funny,light read that made me smile a lot.
Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC of this book!

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The (secret) Baby by Leddy Harper a five-star read you won’t want to keep a secret. I have read the (half) Truth before this so had met some of the characters previously but you don’t need to have read it first. I loved Leddy Harpers writing style, its witty and honest and will definitely make you smile. Well Kelsey certainly has her hands full in this story, and not just with Dr Phil me up, her favourite stripper. I mean if you had one going to waste you wouldn’t want to miss out would you, waste not want not and all that. But this story isn’t about just the stripper, or the one-night stand, or great friendship, its about so much more. It’s about a great story and great writing, a story you would be sorry to miss.

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This it the second book in the series and I really hope your read the first book the Half Truth with Tatum and Jason or you will be missing out on some info and thing that they say will not make sense. Kelsey is hilarious and I enjoyed her inner musing and her interaction with Tatum those two are true friend and I love reading books like that. We have Kelsey mistakenly having a one night stand with Aaron, Jasons best friend but unfortunately for both of them they did not give each other names and agreed to never see each other again, but that will never stay that way! Loved reading of this crazy clan again.

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I'm a sucker for a romance with a baby surprise and this did not disappoint. Lots of feelings and assumptions have to be overcome before Kelsey and Aaron can have their happily ever after.

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Although not exactly a meet-cute , the main characters first meeting was interesting and their actions from that first meet became the nucleus and subsequent misunderstanding that slowly propelled the book forward. Kelsey and Aaron's relationship was built on a case of mistaken identity and while the pace was slow and bland to begin with, it galloped to a beautiful finish, once they realized what had happened.Aaron, whose character may have initially led me to believe he was self-emasculating and lacking confidence, turned the tables around with his hilarious take on meanness and his assertiveness and firm stance with Kelsey's revelation.Kelsey on the other hand came across as unlikable and self-important for most of the story but eventually she had a change of heart.Nice story which could have been great with some editing in the first half of the book.Thanks for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for this book but I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. I liked it it was okay I wasn’t feeling Kelsea as a character she was mean and I don’t like how she was treating Aaron. Aaron I liked him a little bit as a character plus he is a doctor my favorite a smart guy and a doctor that is cute to me. I am happy that I got this Arc and it was a quick read

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As always Leddy Harper has written a book that will suck you in from the first page. This is a story that will have you hanging onto the edge of your seat to get to the end.

Kelsey has been burned and therefore she is pretty much a man hater. So when she has a chance to forget about everything for one night she does. No names, no contact. But sometimes life throws you a curve ball.

Aaron hates when people assume things. Yes he has a PhD after his name but he isn’t a surgeon or a general practitioner. So when he has the chance to forget everything for one night, he jumps on it.

Then a surprise happens, the night of no names become new roommates but there is a secret between them. We follow as these two try and trust each other and once the truth comes out we follow as these two fall and they fall hard.

Recommended for any romance lover.

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2.5 stars
Here is the deal with Leddy Harper's books for me. I either love them or don't. This one was more of a don't for me. I didn't care for Kelsey at all. She was annoying and selfish, immature and was not every nice to Aaron.

Secret baby's are one whole plot line, but when you mix in roommate, one night stand and surprise baby all in one story, it is overkill.

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This book was just ok for me. Very cliche. I was excited forna secret baby romance but again this was just ok. Thanks Netgalley for the Arc

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