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All Roads Lead to You

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Wow I'm just stunned with how good this title was. I just had so much fun reading this title and getting to along for the ride with these amazing characters. I'm so excited to see what's next from this author.

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5 star!I love a hard-won happily ever after and “All Roads Lead to You” is a perfect one! This is one of those stories where you just feel good after reading it.

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All Roads Lead to You by Jennifer Probst

All Roads Lead to You by Jennifer Probst is the third book in a series by Jennifer Probst called Stay. The story focuses on a family of three siblings who live in New York’s Hudson Valley. They run a B and B and a rescue farm for horses. Book one was all about the brother Ethan and Mia. Book two was about Ophelia and Kyle. This book is going to focus on Harper, the last sister and her rescue farm. While all books were great, they can be read as standalones.

Harper has always felt different. She is tall and does not look like her siblings. She finds solace with the horses she saves and her work with animals. Harper is smart, compassionate and caring, but she is also a straight talker with no ability to conceal her thoughts. She has a horse that has really has some interesting skills. The amount of work to get Phoenix to even be calm around them and be ridden was tremendous, but Harper thinks he was and is a racer.

Aiden came to the B and B to rest. He was looking for what was next, a horse to train, a past to conceal. It was then he saw Phoenix and met Harper. He is hooked and works hard to get the family to accept him and training Phoenix.

The story is another great love story. I love the openness and up front person that is Harper. I understand how Harper could love Aiden’s voice with his Irish lilt. All the animals seem to fall for Aiden which makes him even more a part of the family. I enjoy how Jennifer Probst always has a moral dilemma for each character and how they grow from their experiences. It doesn’t hurt that the books are HOT. All Roads Lead to You by Jennifer Probst was a great read with lots of romance.

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While the writing is very good and keeps you invested in the story, I couldn’t get into the female character at all. I mean, she’s a strong woman and wants to do everything on her way, she doesn’t want to rely on anyone for anything in her life especially with their B&B but it feels like she could have loosened up a bit. Nobody is that cold strong headed and everyone has insecurities even if they don’t want to acknowledge them.
I’m a city girl and was like this all my life, maybe that’s why I couldn’t get into all this obsession with the horses and races and everything else regarding this story.
Everyone deserves love even if it takes more for some people to find or feel it.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC for a review. This is the 3rd book in the series, but can be read as a stand alone. Harper is partners with her sister and brother in a bed and breakfast her mother started. Harper rescues animals and is in charge of horses and stables the guests ride. She is a loner and standoffish after being bullied in school. Aiden is an Irish, out of work horse trainer, on vacation, and lands up as a guest and the Bishop's B&B and finds something in both Harper and Harper's latest rescue, an abused thoroughbred named Phoenix. As soon as you mention horses/horse racing/Ireland, I was caught. I totally loved this book. I didn't even mind I hadn't read the first two books! All roads lead to you had me both laughing and crying; the antics of the rescued animals especially a certain polish chicken named Hei Hei, and a baby goat with a certain security blanket (I wont give this away!), to finding out Harper's story of being bullied. This is a great summer read with plenty of romance, lots of sizzle, but also a good social message as well.

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Yessss, finally Harper's story! After reading The Start of Something Good and A Brand New Ending, I was happy to see that Harper also got her happy ending. We also see Ethan and Mia, Ophelia and Kyle and of course also Chloe in this book! Yay, one happy reunion. Sigh.
And still, the stories of the Stay series about the Bishop siblings are all very different. That is probably why Jennifer Probst is one of my favorite authors! She keeps us on our toes, because we really want to see what is happening between Harper and Aiden. I was rooting for Aiden to win Harper over, but she wasn't convinced easily. When you read about her past and her story, you can't help but fall in love with them. So, of course, five out of five stars from me and a thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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4 <b> Captain Hoof </b> Stars
This series is about healing, love and never being alone no matter what your loves and passions are. It shows us that each one of us has “fallen from grace” and maybe our lives are not where we expected them to be but our lives and our struggles have made us to be the person we are. We may question who we are but as long as we never change that there will always be a person, an animal and a dream out there for us. This story is about Aiden and Harper figuring that our but its also about Captain Hoof and Phoenix finding that too… success is not only measured in wins and trophies. I thank the publisher a million times for giving me this book early and I apologize for the late review

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I really enjoyed this book. At first it was a little frustrating how long it took for them to even kiss(more than 50% of the book). But the relationship building was so sexy and so core to each of their personalities that I came to find it refreshing. So many novels jump right into the sex and assume that's the intimacy people are looking for. The setting of this book was perfect-i love the animal rescue and horses. Not only were the main characters awesome, the support characters were as well. This is probably the heroine I could relate to the most. She was so well written and her character never wavered or compromised as the book progressed. And the Irish hero was just so dreamy and respectful.

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All Roads Lead to You features Harper is the youngest of the Bishop siblings. While her sister Ophelia runs the B&B and Ethan help where he can with the Inn and farm, Harper works the barns and horses through the rescue part of the property.

Working with animals is the best fit for Harper since she prefers them to people. She learned about horses at a young age through her mom who started the rescue. Harper has been working with her newest horse Phoenix, who is a natural racer but has some issues to work through.

That’s where the sexy Irish trainer, Aidan comes in. Aidan is on vacation at the B&B to get his head on straight from a suggestion that happened in Ireland with his ex-partner and once best friend. He hopes to find his next horse to train so he can get back into the world of racing and make a name for himself again.

Aidan nosey around the farm after being bored out of his mind on vacation and sees Harper with Phoenix. He gets a gut feeling he has found his next horse and the owner is sexy so he has some other feelings about Harper.

Aidan has to work hard at gaining trust with both Phoenix and Harper but once he does, Phoenix is not the only one doing the racing. The chemistry between Aidan and Harper set my heart racing during those very sexy times. It does take them a while to give in to the attraction since they agreed to not go there while working together as business partners.

The romance is All Roads Lead to You is a slow burn at first. Aidan, Harper, and Phoenix work through their issues and it was funny, heartbreaking and satisfying to see them all happy and healthy at the end of the story. (Oh one more thing that was satisfying for me was Aidan being almost 40! There was no reference to Harper’s age but since there was not a big deal made about an age difference I assumed they were close in age. I love seeing at least one of the MCs not be in their early 20s.)

Hei Hei the crazy chicken from the previous books in the Stay series is back plus a baby goat. Oh my gosh, the animals are so cute and funny. I don’t want to give anything away because you need to experience meeting the goat first hand but just know there are some really funny scenes.

I am not sure if there are more books planned in the Stay series since we’ve seen all three Bishops get their HEA, but I hope we get one more. I think there could be one with Chole and Owen, the two teens who meet on the farm. Maybe even a novella featuring them a couple of years down the road.

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In “All Roads Lead to You” (Stay #3) by Jennifer Probst we are brought into the world of horse racing with a little “chicken” goat thrown in. A fun quick read about trust, taking chances and falling in love in the most unexpected places.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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OMG this book will rip your heart out and put it all back together again in the best possible way. With lovable and relatable characters (human and fur-baby) and a plot that twists and turns I had a hard time putting this story down. Sleep became irrelevant. Harper and Aidan are insanely adorable together and are a beautiful story of overcoming challenges. Then there is the baby goat. Hands down the Captain is my favorite animal character!
In a world that can be so cruel Jennifer Probst gives us stories of hope, happiness and humanity.

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3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
What a refreshing story! This is my first Probst book so I was not sure what to expect. I felt she did a great job! I can relate to Harper and her love of animals and the desire to be surrounded by animals instead of people. I loved how she was passionate about her work. Harper rescues animals and nurses them back to life but she also sees their potential.
Aidan is in need a break so he head to the states to regroup. He happens to land at the B&B attached to Harpers farm. He feels an instant sparks with Harper. Once he finds out Harper has a horse she is attempting to get race ready he knows he landed at the right place at the right time.
I enjoyed how it took Aidan and Harper to act on the connection they felt. I like how they allowed the relationship time to blossom. I felt that Aidan and Harper’s loneliness spoke to each other. I thought the story was so sweet. I loved the characters and curious to read the other books in the series.

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What a unique, wonderful story! I know nothing about horses so I was a little worried I would be bored, but the integration of horses and how the love for these animals brought the two main characters together was perfect. Great read!

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All Roads Lead to You is a slow burn, heartwarming, and incredibly intense romance and I loved every single minute of it. Jennifer Probst knows how to write a book that will touch her readers soul and make them smile. I absolutely love this series but I think this is my favorite of the three! Highly recommended.

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I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. And all opinions expressed are my own.

I really enjoyed the previous books in the Stay series so I had high hopes for this one too.

Honestly I'm not a huge fan of this book. Harper... she was kind of a bitch the majority of the time and always thinking the worst of people - don't get me wrong I know she went through crap in school but still that doesn't really excuse her for her behaviour - so I found her hard to like...

I didn't like Aidan either, he felt like he was using Harper just to get to the horse... Which I disliked... Yeh he's hot but that really doesn't excuse his behaviour either...

I enjoyed the animal scenes with the horses and the new goat and the blossoming animal friendships throughout the book... But I didn't enjoy the racing scenes... However this has more to do with my distaste of the 'sport' as opposed to the actual storyline...

Overall it was decent but not as good as the previous books but I can't wait to read more from Jennifer 😊

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I truly enjoyed this new book by Jennifer Probst. I had missed the first two books in the series, but you don't need to read those to enjoy "All Roads Lead to You". Harper is an amazing women and her dedication to rescuing and rehabilitating animals was believable and endearing. Aidan was a great hero, capable and someone who loves animals as much as Harper. The romance was steamy and satisfying. Harper and Aidan's relationship was a slow burn, but definitely worth it! This book as become not only one of my favourite Jennifer Prosbst books but one of my favourite romance books.

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The “Stay” series has always been a fun, sweet, steamy set of stories with wonderful side characters and lots of humor. “All roads lead to you” is no exception. In this book we follow Harper and Adian.. both strong, misunderstood characters. I have to say it took me some time to warm up to Harper. I loved her passion for animals and wanted to see that kindness and warmth directed towards her family and Adian. It took some time but she got there. Harper and Adian were a slower burn which is always my favorite. I loved the back story of Phoenix and the horse rescue. It seemed really well thought out and was a subject matter I found fascinating to read about. As always there was a lot of great humor and the animals stole the show! (CAPTAIN HOOF!!). I’m going to miss this family and want to book a night at thr B&B Inn! Def check it out!

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Love that you can read this as a stand-alone! Unlike most of the reviewers, I did not read the stories of Harper’s siblings, but I didn’t feel that it took away from my reading of the book at all and I love when an author is able to do that! After a rough childhood while in school, Harper is making up for it by following her dreams as an adult and not caring what anyone thinks. Her passion is rescuing animals, and she spends her days rehabilitating the animals she rescues. Aidan has traveled to the US as a way to run away from his problems and provide somewhat of a fresh start in his career. After staying at Harper’s family’s inn and stumbling upon Harper and one of her rescues, he is drawn to both her and the horse, thus starting the push and pull between the two. With both of them hesitant to give into their feelings, they fight them until they can’t any longer, but previous dating experiences play into their relationship, almost costing them theirs. I really enjoyed Harper’s personality and really felt the emotion of her story coming off the page. Now to go back and read Ethan and Ophelia’s stories!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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The thrill of the race, the tension of a romantic affair, the compassion and heart of a winner, all drive this story to the Triple Crown of trilogies! The last Bishop sibling isn’t ready to fall in love but when an Irish stranger finds himself at the family inn, the race for her heart begins.

Another win for Jennifer Probst. As with all her stories, Jennifer’s passion for words, love of animals, and family, balance together creating an unforgettable read. Harper’s story has been building since the start of the series. She was guarded and in many ways broken. It took the love of a man, family, and a ragtag group of misfit animals to piece her back together. I’m absolutely in love with this series and strongly encourage you to read not only this book but Jennifer’s complete library!

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Wow, just loved this one! Jennifer won the triple crown with this one! 5 stars, grab this asap!
Meet Harper, devotes all her time to her horses, and other rescue animals! Of course we get more of Hei Hei, just love that chicken, and of course her family at the Inn! When a new guest at the Inn, Aidan, and Irish horse trainer catches a glimpse in the eyes of Phoenix the horse, he knows this is his next calling, he see's the fire in his eyes, and tells Harper, he wants to help train this horse to race. Of course this is Harper's dream for Phoenix, but can she really let Aidan in and let him help her horse?
Follow their story in this amazing book, Jennifer gives you all the feels in this one! I love this series, if you haven't read the others grab them now and catch up! Also, you will meet a certain rescue in this story, a goat, Captain Hoof, Jennifer makes you fall in love with him! Please follow @goatsofanarcy on Instagram, and check out some of the rescue goats there! I love this one, I also have a fascination with goats so this one hit the mark!

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