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The Dating Charade

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THE DATING CHARADE -- I am going to admit to cheating. I read a two star review before reading the book and thought "No sexual tension? No romance? No fun!" But that said, that review was mostly wrong. There is no sexual tension, but there is romance of the lets be friends and have fun together type, and oh, there IS fun. Laugh out loud, subject your holiday guests to readings fun. I *loved* this book.

Okay, there are some soft swear words. There is lying - a lot of it. There are some gross things. And part of the ending felt so contrived. But that aside, this book is FUN. Murphy's Law fun. Take two singles who neither want kids, add three kids each, two elderly matchmakers, and a whole lot of inner-city teen girls and you have trouble to the tenth power fun.

If you like family drama, low-key friends-romance, and lots of laughs you will love THE DATING CHARADE. Grab your copy today. I will be looking for more by this author.

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own.

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Reflections From My Bookshelves
The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson
The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson
Cassie Everson is an expert at escaping bad first dates. And, after years of meeting, greeting, and running from the men who try to woo her, Cassie is almost ready to retire her hopes for a husband—and children—altogether. But fate has other plans, and Cassie’s online dating profile catches the eye of firefighter Jett Bentley. In Jett’s memory, Cassie Everson is the unreachable girl-of-legend from their high school days. Nervously, he messages her, setting off a chain of events that forces a reluctant Cassie back into the dating game.No one is more surprised than Cassie when her first date with Jett is a knockout. But when they both go home and find three children dropped in their laps—each—they independently decide to do the right and mature thing: hide the kids from each other while sorting it all out. What could go wrong?

Melissa Ferguson’s hilarious and warmhearted debut reminds us that love can come in very small packages—and that sometimes our best-laid plans aren’t nearly as rewarding and fun as the surprises that come our way.

Purchase your copy here:
My Review
When I picked up this book, I expected something silly and fun and light-hearted. What I didn’t expect was the deep and heart-wrenching aspect of this story. A story of kids dealing with a whole lot of family issues. It’s also a story of two people meeting and things seem to go well. The combination makes for a deep but also funny story. I liked how there was humor in the story. I giggled at several scenes.
Cassie and Jett were so fun to get to know. I wish they were real.
Although it wasnt quite what the story I expected, I was immediately drawn in and couldn’t put it down.

Melissa Ferguson weaved a story that will touch your heart and bring a smile to your face.

I recommend this book to my family and friends.

I received this book from the publisher to read and give my honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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Looking at the cover of the book, I was expecting a fun lighthearted romance. What I didn't expect was the real life issues that children face everyday. The book is a look at two people trying to find their perfect mate. Cassie and Jett are both good characters but I found it funny that they didn't seem to really fit as a match.

Cassie has her doubts about using an online dating service but her profile does catch someones attention. Their first date is fun but will there be another one? There are a few funny moments in the story that I liked. However for me, the real story is about the children. I know first hand what it is like to know that your parents don't want you. For these children they go through such am emotional journey that my heart broke for them. It was hard to believe that Cassie and Jet find themselves with children at the same time. I couldn't figure out why they felt the need to hide the children from each other.

Star picked up right away that Cassie acted like she was ashamed to be seen with her. As a teenager what do you think that will do for her self esteem or rejection issues? The story just didn't flow well for me and it was difficult to connect with Jett and Cassie. I began the book with high hopes, but was quickly disappointed in the story because it was more about hiding children from each other than being honest with someone you wanted a relationship with. The ending was very predictable and the little conflict there was seemed to be skimmed over with an expected fix it solution. I didn't find hardly any faith element in the which disappointed me. I will be looking for more books from this author with expectations of more quality characters and a story that holds my attention.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

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This book was so much more than I had expected. Yes, it is a romantic comedy that deals with being single in your thirties, and the online dating storyline was a hoot. As Cassie describes some of her "dates" I had to laugh. I am so glad I did not have to do this to find my perfect match. The humour and banter that Cassie and Jett have is heartwarming and fun. These two both wanted to find that "right one", and it seemed they were on the right track, until, the children. This was a well-written, heartbreaking storyline. It was extremely realistic, parents giving up their children for various reason, a major one being drugs and addictions. This could have been a very sad story, if not for two people who wanted to do the right thing. Both Cassie and Jett had strong feelings about abandoning the children they have taken under their wing, and they stepped up for their sake. Throw in children to a relatively new romance, secrets being kept, and two adults who are suddenly parenting three children each, neither of them with any experience raising children, and you know there will be humour along with heartbreak. I enjoyed this story a lot. Melissa Ferguson has an easy writing style, that flowed well, had fun dialogue and was totally relatable. This story was well balanced with humour, romance, love, and seriousness. A great debut novel, and an author I will watch in the future.

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3.5 stars
"A hilarious and warmhearted rom-com debut..." That's the line that won me over and made me want to read this book because I do love a good rom-com. That said, this did not have that feel, not at all. Oh, it does have its funny moments, and I loved Jett's adjustments to dealing with toddlers and a baby, but rom-com? Nope. There is entirely too much serious here for that lighthearted, romantic comedy feel. I also didn't get much in the way of romance. This is a Christian romance, so I wasn't looking for steam or any of that, and I don't need that to enjoy a love story. After all, it's about love, not lust, but Jett and Cassie are overshadowed by the children in this story, and there's little room for romance. Which brings us to what I did like about this story. The kiddos. It's hard not to let these kids tug at the heartstrings, and some pretty serious issues are addressed throughout this story. In fact, some of those issues brought out my momma bear side, and I really wanted a few minutes alone with some parents. So, what it all boils down to is this - Christian fiction? Absolutely. Family drama? Yes, that too. Romance? Not so much, and the conclusion was a little farfetched in my opinion. The story kind of felt like a balance needed to be found between the drama and the romance, so that the reader could get some of both. Regardless, the story did hold my interest, and I'll be interested to see what this author does next.

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I’m blown away that The Dating Charade is a debut novel because it reads like one penned by an expert, well-published author. I thoroughly loved every minute spent reading this book. The plot is highly engaging. One minute I was laughing hysterically, the next I was bawling like a blubbering baby. The characters are superb. I 1000% related to Cassie — to her ideals, to her naivety, to her well-meaning intentions, and to her insecurities and total fails. Jett is a swoony heartthrob who made me laugh so hard. I was rooting for him from the first moment he appears in the story. And, the themes in this novel are so thoughtful and timely. The Dating Charade is a true #MustRead story that I cannot recommend enough!

As I mentioned above, I really related to Cassie’s character. Cassie works with teen girls and has wanted to be a mother for as long as she can remember. Because Cassie loves kids, and because she is so naturally good with her girls from Girls Haven, she foolishly believes she is natural parent material. To Cassie’s way of thinking because she loves kids and is good with them parenting for her will be easy. I had to chuckle several times. Not at Cassie, but because once upon a time I was Cassie. Eight years ago I was pregnant with my one and only child. I knew with every fiber of my being that I was prime parent material. You see, in my family, I was called the baby whisperer. I adored children and had the canny ability to calm any child down. As a high school teacher who was really good at her job, I also knew how to speak teen. And, like Cassie, I had wanted to be a mom since I was a toddler. Naturally, all of this meant I was destined to be an excellent mom. Then I had my daughter and realized that I knew NOTHING and that I stunk real bad at the mom thing. It did not come naturally to me at all. It became very clear to me very quickly after my child was born that parenting is no joke and should never be entered into willy nilly. Like me, Cassie learns this lesson in spades and it was hilarious and heartbreaking to watch her receive her education.

The Dating Charade is a superb debut jam-packed with so much goodness I could not put this book down. I could go on and on in this review about the wonderfulness of this book, but I don’t want to spoil a thing. Suffice to say, The Dating Charade is a novel you need to get ASAP. Purchase your copy today. You will not be disappointed that you did!

I received a review copy of this novel in eBook form from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, via Celebrate Lit and NetGalley. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I really enjoyed THE DATING CHARADE! Are you sure that this is Melissa Ferguson’s debut? I am going to be putting her on my auto buy list after reading this wonderful story! THE DATING CHARADE will have you giggling out loud, at the same time holding your breath. Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop. Melissa Ferguson’s writing held me captive from the very first page until the last page. I can’t wait to read more of her stories. The characters are so real and believable, they feel as if they are people you know and really care about.

Jett and Cassie are both such wonderful and selfless characters. I was emotionally invested in Jett and Cassie, both of them work in jobs in THE DATING CHARADE that require sacrifice and they both care passionately about the people they take care of. Melissa Ferguson has written a contemporary story that takes place in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and is filled with strong, caring characters that everyone will be able to relate to and care about. Soon, you will feel as if you are right there with all these fun characters, struggling to figure out where their lives are going.

Melissa has a way of grabbing her readers and never letting them go! Such a fun and captivating story! There are some serious and sad parts to THE DATING CHARADE as well which really brought out just how giving they both are. And there is so much humor. I laughed out loud so many times while reading this refreshing story! Cassie has a great way of getting out of a bad date and it is so funny. When Jeff is at the church with the toddlers is hysterical. Make yourself a yummy hot drink, get your favorite blanket and get on the couch. THE DATING CHARADE is an awesome way to spend the afternoon or evening. Once you start, you won’t be able to put it down and will find yourself cheering for these amazing characters as they try to navigate their way through a very different and unique situation.

I received a review copy of this novel in from the publisher, Thomas Nelson, via Celebrate Lit and NetGalley. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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My Thoughts on The Dating Charade:
The Dating Charade is a great debut novel! I can’t wait to see what else Melissa Ferguson has up her sleeve. I didn’t want to put it down! The writing was great and kept me reading. Characters had their own voices and were delightfully unique. I mean who has a super tall best friend who works in an aquarium?! Umm not me but now I think I should!

While this book leaves you with warm fuzzies it also tackles some hard topics. Cassie herself can’t have children due to surgical issues and doctors not knowing quite what they were doing it sounds like. Jett just doesn’t want kids, but not for the reasons you might think. They both LOVE kids though! That’s how all the fun gets started!

Cassie takes in three little girls. She works at a place that helps at-risk children(particularly teens). When one of her girls goes off the radar and won’t reply to text messages she knows something is up. This also happens to be one of the girls she’s particularly close to. As she drives past her house last minute she sees things going down. Stopping to find out what’s going on she ends up going home with the three girls.

Jett gets three kids of his own when his sister(who he hotlined previously) shows up on his door. She’s got an extra little one from the last time he saw her. He loves these kids and will do anything he can to protect them.

As a mom of four siblings that I didn’t give birth to, I can really understand and feel for Jett. I know what it’s like to all of a sudden go from having none(well three in my case) to six kids overnight. I also know the heartbreak when you see someone not doing what is in the kids benefit or really taking care of them but you can’t do anything about it. This book tackles that and I love how well she does.

Hilarity ensues when Cassie and Jett keep dating but are determined not to tell the other about their new little kids. I laughed so hard! This book would not let me put it down. You’re going to love it! Highly recommend you read this book!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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I went in fully expecting a fluffy rom-com. What I walked away with at the end was a heartfelt drama with a lighthearted flare.

I knew both Cassie and Jett would have kids dropped on them, it’s there in the blurb. What I didn’t expect was the emotional toil that ran through each scene. That is in no way a bad thing. I appreciated the dose of reality amid all the fun and hilarity. Those moments helped ground the book and give it depth.

Cassie’s escape artist antics drew me into the story from the get-go. And thank goodness Bree has the good sense to know when enough is enough.

I’ll be honest and admit that miscommunication – or lack of communication – is one of my pet peeves. But I knew it was coming, again, it’s right there in the blurb. So, that helped me prepare for the disasters and I also thought Melissa Ferguson wrote the scenes in such a way that it felt natural. Would the truth have been easier…probably…but the end result might not have been the same and I loved how the story developed.

Can we get a novella just for Edie and Donna Gene? Pretty please? I feel these two have so much more to give and deserve their own story.

My favorite scene was the first basketball game between Cassie and Jett. Maybe because it touched on something personal between them while bringing back memories of my own dating experiences with my husband.

I requested a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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The Dating Charade
By Melissa Ferguson
Rating: 4/5

This story was a lot of fun to read. I don’t think the title of the book is a good description of the story but I did enjoy it.

Cassie is fed up with the online world of dating but the girls at the youth center she runs have other ideas. Cassie longs to find a partner who wants to adopt but she is hesitant to put that on her dating profile.

Jett is a local fireman who signs up for online dating and notices that Cassie, his high school crush, is on the same site. When he sets up a date for them, he realizes that Cassie was completely blindsided and someone else had been sending messages on her behalf. Cassie refuses the date and doesn’t recognize him.

What happens when they finally start dating and falling in love and both of their lives jump head first into chaos and parental responsibilities?

The author alternates between Cassie and Jett’s point of view. The characters are flawed and fearful of sharing their messy lives with each other. Can anyone relate? They have huge hearts of gold and find themselves thrust into the craziness that is foster parenthood without warning. As someone who hopes to adopt some day, I loved this story. I liked how they talked about both sides of the story and how fostering is hopefully only temporary.

I highly recommend this story for those that love a heartwarming rom-com.

My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of the book. All opinions expressed here are entirely my own. No positive review was expected and no compensation received.

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The Dating Charade is a very sweet contemporary Christian novel, it was a breath of fresh air! I loved the characters Cassie and Jett, they were likeable but not perfect! I was smiling a lot while reading the novel and excited to see how things between them and in their own lives would play out. I'm excited to see what this author comes out with next!

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This was an absolutely charming read. I read it in one sitting and loved every minute. Bonus points for the absolutely spot-on depiction of the chaos of life with little people!

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The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson is a enjoyable read. With scenes that will make you laugh out loud. Cassie has had many bad first dates and is about done with it and has decided that she will never find love. Jet sees her online dating profile and decides to give it a try, as he remembers her from high school. She was the unreachable girl. They have a great first date and then things get crazy for both their lives. A fun read. Looking forward to reading more from Melissa Ferguson.

I received this e-book from NetGalley. I was not required to leave a positive review and all opinions are my own.

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The Dating Charade by Melissa Ferguson, 336 pages.
Thomas Nelson, 2019. $16.
Language: PG (3 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG
Since an accident that left her with injuries ensuring that Cassie would never have children of her own, she tries to make the most of her job with supporting girls who come from difficult homes. Jett, on the other hand, is a firefighter who wants to date and skip the having-kids part of life. When both Cassie and Jett find themselves caring for three children a piece, they learn more about kids, fixing mistakes, and love than they ever imagined.
While advertised as a Christian romance, I didn’t feel like The Dating Charade stuck out in either of those categories. I appreciate that this book is clean like Christian books are, but there are no strong Christian themes exhibited beyond going to church once. As for the romance, the complications of a new relationship are only a piece of the problems that the main characters are dealing with. My perspective is that the story is about two people with similar struggles who happen to cross paths during those struggles; the focus is more on their individual growth than on any blossoming romance. Overall, I enjoyed reading this book as I laughed aloud several times and even groaned at the inevitable misunderstandings. The mature content rating is for mentions of drug use.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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This debut novel by Melissa Ferguson leads me to believe she has a long, successful career in front on her.. This book was an easy, quick read with fun banter between the characters. I liked the main characters quite a bit, and there was a depth to the story due to the challenges they faced with their unexpected fosters.

What I didn't like: each character in this new relationship was hiding a major secret yet everything wrapped up so quickly. That didn't sit well with me due to the lack of trust in their relationship.

Overall, a fun read and I look forward to additional works from this author.

I was provided an advance copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book is from a new-to-me author, and I was excited to have the opportunity to read and review it. It's a fun, easy to read, romantic comedy type of story.

This story grabbed my attention from the very beginning. It's fast paced and fun. I love the author's style, the book is very well written, and the voice is one that demands to be read!

Cassie's given up on dates. Then she gets to know Jett, who is determined to catch her eye. He's gone way out of the way several times. When they finally go on a date, they hit off. And then.

Like it says in the book blurb...they each have three children dropped into their laps. Circumstances that are out of their control, kids that desperately need them.

How will this affect their relationship? Can they keep on dating? How long can they keep this a secret?

If you enjoy Christian romance stories, you won't want to miss this one!

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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An interesting premise but it fell flat for me, especially when thinking this was supposed to be a Christian novel. It was clean, but except for a small mention of attending church, Christian beliefs were NEVER mentioned. While I appreciated Cassie’s direct approach to dating, it was clear she wasn’t really ready to date either if that’s how one goes about dating. All the subterfuge between the characters about keeping their new circumstances under wraps was bizarre. I also never found chemistry between them. They spend 15-20 minutes together a handful of times and they’re supposed to become a blended family with the snap of a finger? Don’t even get me started on the ease of fostering that Cassie was granted. It wasn’t remotely realistic!

I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Typically I’m more of a mystery reader. But lately, I’ve branched out with some romances. As I noted in some of those reviews, I’m not a fan of all the sex scenes and especially when treated so matter of factly.

The Dating Charade is a story where I actually got to know the characters. Smile with them. And even laugh out loud a few times. I was delighted that it was more in-depth and didn’t feel predictable from the first chapter to the last.

Now, on to the Christian aspect. Though I’m Christian, in the past I haven’t been fond of the few Christian novels that read. It’s been a while since I’ve read any since they didn’t work for me. I felt the religious aspect was shoveled into the story, and it felt forced.

Not so with this book. Not even close. It all works! This is a story that everything works together for good.

I laughed, I cringed, I felt the emotions that the characters were experiencing. My hat’s off to Melissa Ferguson and her debut novel.

My thanks to #NetGalley #ThomasNelson and #MelissaFerguson for this ARC. I appreciate the freedom to write this review according to my likes and concerns.

What Concerned Me
For me, absolutely nothing at all. But for the avid romance reader, there might be a concern. This is more about life and family issues. Less about romance.

What I Liked Most
This was a fun, clean book. It had some great lines that made me chuckle. But even more, it demonstrated the loving and caring attitudes of each character.

I hope I haven’t oversold the book. Just tellin’ it like it is. I did a little happy dance after reading it! I’ll be watching for more books by this debut author!

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There's theoretically nothing wrong with The Dating Charade - it's a sweet book about two people falling in love. That being said, I think the title and cover are pretty misleading. When I hear "The Dating Charade," I imagine two people going through the trials and tribulations of modern-day dating, pretending not to be interested in each other, playing the field, etc. etc. That is not what this story is about at all. This story is about two people who happen to go on a couple of dates with each other at the same time that other factors made their lives change irrevocably. If you're looking for a rom-com - this is not the book for you.

Amongst all the drama Cassie and Jett face individually, any romance between the two of them was totally lost. I kept waiting for a deeper connection - or even just a kiss! There are so many serious elements within the individual lives of the MCs - and so little actual interaction between the two of them, that you feel like you're reading two different books about separate individuals facing eerily similar new ‘norms’ that came suddenly into their lives, not a romance from two perspectives.

Beyond that, the ending of this book is quite trivial. Maybe if there was a more developed romance between Cassie and Jett I would believe that things would just work themselves out, but without that work and connection, I just don't buy that these people end up as one big happy family.

If you’re not hoping for a romance novel you’ll probably enjoy this book. It's an interesting story if you ignore the romantic elements. But with a title like that I think you’ll be expecting to feel the love.

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The Dating Charade is a delightful surprise of a novel. It’s quirky, funny and delivers a whole heap of enjoyment. It is both light hearted and yet touches on some serious topics, from child neglect to the importance of families. My only criticism is that I wanted more of Cassie and Jett. I wouldn’t mind a whole extra book to fill in the time between the last chapter and the epilogue, just because it’s so lovely to hang out with them and their families. If you love humorous romance novels, The Dating Charade is for you.

Cassie has almost given up on love and her dream of a family. She’s an expert at escaping from terrible dates. When firefighter Jett Bentley sees Cassie’s online profile, he is intrigued. She seems different from the girl he knew—and crushed on—in high school. No one is more surprised than Cassie when the date goes well. But when one of the girls from Cassie’s work at Girls Haven, a refuge for young girls, needs a safe place to stay, Cassie doesn’t hesitate to take in the teenager and her two younger sisters. And when Jett’s sister arrives and unceremoniously leaves him with her three small children, he knows he must do the right thing and look after them, even if he has no idea what to do with babies and toddlers. Uncertain of their future, Jett and Cassie hide their new young charges from each other, while trying to learn to balance, work, life, and dating with a new family.

I really enjoyed The Dating Charade. Far more than I expected, actually. The deception isn’t quite as bad as what is hinted at in the official summary. When Jett and Cassie first meet and start dating, neither has a family. Yet just a few dates in, through various circumstances, both must become the carers of three children. It’s totally understandable that neither feels comfortable disclosing their uncertain futures with the other and they don’t deliberately hide them from each other (until Cassie has an incident with a cat, a Christmas tree and a certain young lady calling the fire department.)

Jett and Cassie both have different reasons for taking in their children and different reactions. Cassie doesn’t hesitate and fights to keep Star and her sisters. Jett would rather get his sister the help she needs and just visit his niece and nephews. But they grow on him, and as Cassie and Jett weave the children into their lives, it’s hard for them to imagine a future without them.

The writing style in The Dating Charade is fresh and funny. It’s a clean romance and a Christian novel, though while Jett and Cassie attend church and believe in God, their faith isn’t really a focus of the story. I look forward to reading future novels by Melissa Ferguson and highly recommend this delightful book.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

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