Member Reviews

Absolutely beautiful little book. The illustrations were so cute and engaging. I believe this will easily hold the attention of a child. I loved all of the content about Dolly, and it was written really well. I admire this series and can’t wait for more about interesting and inspiring people.

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Well, I'm writing this review while listening to Dolly Parton. I knew her name, but not much about her. Again, another Little People, Big Dreams book that makes me want to find out more about the protagonist! I found this book a great way to introduce country music to my European children.
The story of a little girl who followed her dream, who found love on the way and worked continuously on becoming better, without forgetting to give back, what a story to share with my children!
I just became a Dolly Parton fan!
Thank you to Net Galley and Frances Lincoln Children's Books for providing me with an e-book copy in exchange for my honest review!

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One might wonder why Dolly Parton is part of this series of biographies for children. Why should kids know this 70+ country singer (and part-time actress, and business women)? Well, because although I personally know only two songs by her (actually it is 3 now - I just read that "Jolene" is originally by her as well), she released more than 80 albums throughout her career and holds several records in the music industry.

But most of all, because she initiated a library project for underpriviliged children so that they have the opportunity to get their little hands on books. For this alone she probably has earned her right to be included in this series.

Well-done concise biography with cute illustrations. The text could have been a bit more (it's only 1-2 sentences per double page). Nevertheless, the message for the children comes across very well here: hold on to your dreams, even if you are poor, or if people not always like how you look and dress up. Sometimes they do come true!

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

Another fabulous edition of Little People, Big Dreams. I enjoyed the beautiful illustrations and short, but important information about Dolly Parton. I think it highlighted the wonderful person she is and the joy
she has.

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Another beautiful addition to this series which I love to read. Gorgeous illustrations accompany Dolly's story at the perfect level for readers of all ages. I loved the inclusion of her philanthropic activities relating to children and reading in this. I wonder if some children might even receive this book through that venture.

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This wholesome story of Dolly Parton is beautiful. The story shows her life from her humble upbringing in a family of 12 siblings, to meeting the love of her life Carl, to becoming a world renowned singer. Learning about her love of literacy and how she would send books to children who couldn’t afford them makes me love her more.

I love the illustrations and how they are coloured. A little tougher with the marker lines, but beautiful none the less. It is a great style.

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I love this series and have read most of them. I've found way more hits than flops - but unfortunately this was one of the flops.

I was really looking forward to it as I'm a Dolly fan (I mean, who isn't - she's an angel on earth), and as I just read a biography of her that mentioned her boobs on every other page, I wanted to read something less pervy. I do like the focus on all she's achieved, and particularly her Imagination Library. But I think these books - and all books - work best when we see people's struggles rather than just their success. The most inspiring success is one that's hard-won, and I think kids in particular need to see that many different hardships can be overcome. There would have been plenty of opportunity to show Dolly's struggles on her way to success, but the way it's written it's as if everything just magically happened.

I also didn't find the artwork appealing at all, though I haven't run it by any kids yet so maybe they'll like it more. There are some lovely and inspiring books in this series, but I'd advise skipping this one.

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I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is sweet biography of one of my most favorite people, Dolly Parton. The pictures are bright and cheerful, just like Dolly. I enjoyed searching for the butterfly on each page as well.

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I just wish this series had been around when I was teaching. These beginning biographies of famous people have just enough information not to overwhelm young people, yet give a basic overview of their lives. This wonderful addition to the series features country music star, Dolly Parton. It touches on the major points of her life, how her dreams and the support of her family helped her launch her career, and adds what she did to give back. It also shows that making it big does not mean you should forget where you came from. I also like that it emphasized how she did not let people's opinions change what she enjoyed, such as wearing her wigs and makeup. Children are very important to Dolly Parton, so I think this book is an especially good fit for this series about following your dreams. One thing I did not know about Dolly, was that she started the Imagination Library, where children receive books in the mail from the time they are born until they begin school. Another way she shows how important children are as well as reading and education. These books have just a few sentences of text per page, complemented by quirky illustrations that will attract children to these books. I normally enjoy the illustrations, but I am a big Dolly Parton fan and this time, they did not appeal to me as much, but that is my personal preference. I can't praise this series enough. If you have the opportunity, check out this book, better yet, check out the series and recommend it to your local library or school library or buy them for the children in your life.

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Another excellent addition to the Little People, Big Dream series. Dolly Parton is a huge star not only for her music, charisma and the extravagances (like owning her own theme park) but also because of things like her charitable efforts in spreading literature and a love of books to children all over the world. If you are not already familiar with Dolly Parton's work in gifting books to children all over the world I strongly recommend looking into it.

This book itself is a nice short and oddly illustrated look at her life. A good introduction for young readers and possibly a useful way to introduce the concept of her 'Imagination Library' too.

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Another great addition to the Little people, Big Dreams series, simple, yet informative and fun.

I didn't know much about Dolly Parton's life and career, so I was delighted to pick up this book and learn about this talented singer. I learnt about her origins, the beginnings of her career, moving to Nashville , singing with Porter Wagoner and later going solo. I also enjoyed reading about her Imagination library for children in need. I think it is important to give children concrete examples of how celebrities and successful people can give back to society and help those less fortunate around them.

Thank you to NetGaleey and Frances Lincoln Children's Books (Quarto Publishing Group) for the ARC provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Part of the Little People, Big Dreams Series. This is the perfect book to introduce younger kids to Dolly Parton. The illustrations are engaging and the writing is appealing. The book runs from her roots to her present, keeping things at the right level for the age group. The end talks about her influence beyond the music world and what makes her an inspiration to people around the world. The inclusion of further reading is a good choice for those who look for more information.

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

My kids and I absolutely LOVE the little people, big dreams line of book. We make a point to read EVERY book that's released... adn this was no different. My kids had no idea who Dolly Parton was before this book. But we made it a point to read this and then listen to her music together!

Another great book @

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2019; Quarto Publishing Group/Frances Lincoln Childrens
(Review Not on Blog)

(General series review) These are fabulous stories about great women and men in history (for the most part). The illustrations are cute for kids. There is a brief history on the person that explains how this person contributed to history and matters.

***I received an eARC from NETGALLEY***

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I absolutely love this series of books, they are so well written and illustrated. The facts about Dolly were fascinating and very interesting to read!

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I love me some Dolly Parton and this is a great way to get tiny humans interested in her life and music!
Thank you NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group - Frances Lincoln Childrens for my DRC.

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This is a great biography of a great lady for the youngest readers. The illustrations capture the essence of the text with lots of color but not enough to distract from the story. The story captures many accomplishments in the singer's life while keeping it simple. There is not a lot of depth but that is to be expected for a the target audience. I could see this book being used with older readers to act as a presearch tool to give the student an idea about a person and different avenues that could be looked at with more depth.

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A great start for kids to learn about how important Dolly Parton is and how she became as successful as she is.

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My son and I loved reading this about young Dolly and how she helped people. I was not taken with the art style compared to others in the series, but it grew on me by the end. We will now be watching her on YouTube for some time to come I’m sure!

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***Thanks to the publisher and #NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

I love this series of books. The illustrations are appealing and it is a great way for children to learn about important people in history.

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