Member Reviews

I love all gardening books and this guide filled my need. Easy to read, good tips and tricks and solid advice. Pictures well done. Three stars, recommend.

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I enjoy gardening and am always looking for new ways to fit in extra plants. Sometimes it is plants for the garden, sometimes it is for the greenhouse or the house itself. This lovely book gave me so many ideas I hardly knew where to start.

Every time I pick up this book I am filled with enthusiasm and can hardly wait to start creating new displays. I highly recommend this book to any enthusiastic gardener.

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A fabulously useful reference for the small spaces that may modern house gardens have. I especially loved the edible section and am hoping to implement some of those ideas in next years growing.

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Schritt für Schritt zum eigenen, kleinen Paradies. Sehr durchdacht aufgebaut und gestaltet, mit vielen Fotos.
Eine prima Anleitung für den heutigen, modernen Gärtner. Für Einsteiger und alle grüne Daumen.

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Well written, informative book which aids in the construction and maintenance of a compact garden. not completely relevant as it's an US title.

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Very thorough guide to small plants, covering everything from sourcing to care to design and ideas. Enjoyed the big pictures a lot.

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I love plants and gardening and Compact Plants helped me to learn how to care for them in a small space. Living in a suburban area you have little back yards giving you a small space to grow herbs, shrubs, fruit trees etc. I'm glad that I was able to read this book and get ideas on what needed to be changed in my routine in growing plants.

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Useful gardening book for smaller garden spaces which is aimed at American gardens, though the garden plans can be used anywhere in the world.

I've got lots of different areas in my garden, so I'd certainly use this to turn one area into a more compact style, especially the shady design.

There are lots of plants, fruit and vegetables explained throughout the book in the six chapters. Plus there is a lust if American suppliers at the back of the book.

I received this book from netgalley in return for a honest review.

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Need some great garden designs for your small space? No matter if you want to have a fruit, vegetable, herb or just to add a few pollinators flowers to your small yard this book will help you not only design but to also buy plants ideal for small spaces.

For some reason, we have it in our heads that gardening in any form no matter if its flowers, vegetables or just some simple herds that we need tons of space in order to have these things, but that is not the case whatsoever. You can use containers to grow tons of different vegetables and even perennial flowers. Herbs are really great for containers, so get to researching with books like this and get out and plant and this book will help you achieve your goals in any form of gardening in small spaces.

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I have a small back garden and slowly overtime have been landscaping but I am foraging into gardening and small container type plantings so thought this would be a perfect addition to my book collection.

I found the book to be a great resource for someone wanting to fill a small space with colourful flowers and/or garden plants. There are options for containers that would be suitable for an Condo or Apartment balcony, but most of the design plans included are more suited to someone with a small yard like myself.

I liked that advice was given for the entire process as that is where I needed the help. Like what to look for, planting and lastly caring for your new compact plants. Also included is information about specific plants, both ornamental and edibles, to aid in designing your own space using compact plants.

I requested and received an Advance Readers Copy from Quarto Publishing Group - Cool Springs Press and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Being a new gardener, I enjoy reading this book. It was very helpful in giving me tips on the plants that I was adding to my garden as well as the uses of edible plants. Very informative.

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There are many reasons why we want to grow compact plans. We smaller gardens, lack of free time and smaller families, the need to produce food, and maintain large garden spaces are shrinking, yet we still like to have some input into what surround us in the way of green space.
This book helps with that dream with plans, information on compact plants available and their care. The photos are lovely and the information is very relevant to having gardens in a small way. there are information on pot plants and growing tall rather than wide, as well as low to mention just a few ways.
An excellent book with good information.

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A fantastic book on gardening focusing on compact plants. With the aid of pictures and tips, anyone with a big love for plants with a small lot of space to put them should read this book. While we're lucky enough to have a backyard, the oak trees in the back shade a lot of it so we have limited room to plant things we actually want to grow. This book is immensely helpful and I can't wait to put what I've learned to good use.

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This beautiful book is more than the title says. First are general tips on gardening, with weight on compact plants. Then there's a great section about garden design for compacts, and there are lots of useful and beautiful layouts. The last part is about individual compact plants, and I'm amazed by the variety of vegetables, fruit and berries in a small format. Great book!

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I found this book interesting and full of useful ideas. The pictures are wonderful and the style of writing was pleasant.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Do you have a balcony or small garden and are looking for evergreens, perennials, or food plants that do not need a lot of room? Read this book. It offers information on how to select and care for compact plants, as well as explaining what exactly compact plants are.

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Gardener's Guide to Compact Plants is a great book for people with a small garden. This is really helpful for people who do not know what plant to choose if they want to vegetalize small areas, balconies,...

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Very informative gardening book. Great information that the average gardener can use as a tool when deciding on creating or adding to their garden. Not everyone can afford to have a horticulturist design their garden, but can design their own by reading this book then taking their ideas to a local garden store and ask questions. It’s important that you just don’t pick up any plant based on likes but take time to study up so that you will have years to enjoy the natural beauty of your garden.
I received an arc from NetGalley in exchange for my volunteer review.

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I live on three acres, so one might wonder why I would be interested in reading a book about compact plants. My main draw to this book was the edibles. I have a defined vegetable garden along with an area designated for strawberries and another for blueberries. When it comes to gardening, my desires are bigger than my defined space – so I jumped at the chance to read this book because I am always looking for ways to grow more stuff. If everything I grow is of the compact variety, seems like I should be able to grow more types of food!

Don’t be dismayed. This book is about more than fruits and vegetables. I actually found it helpful in approaching my three acres because I have carved out areas that I want to create as intimate settings – and compact plants will help me achieve that. For gardeners with homes in more urban areas (that’s you, my Seattle friends!), you’ll find a ton of great ideas for creating a lush environment in a smaller footprint.

Walliser’s book starts with an overview of the ‘compact’ category of plants in general – trees, shrubs, perennials, where to find them, what to look for. This topic continues with sections on how to select, plant, and maintain.

There is a chapter devoted to designing with compact plants. Walliser provides specific plant lists and diagrams for spaces such as a pollinator garden, patio garden, garden for dry climates, shady nooks, and more. She also dives into using compact plants in trouble areas – such as enhancing a boring winter landscape, a sloped area, and too much shade.

Walliser provides 40 profiles of the plants for the yard and landscape, divided into shrubs, trees, and perennials. If you thought your small yard would have to do without a Crape Myrtle, Japanese Maple, or sunflowers – think again. Each profile contains plant zone, dimensions, care requirements, and helpful tidbits.

The last chapter is a detailed listing of 50 profiles of compact fruit and vegetable plants. Yes, there are Walliser’s picks for raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries. There’s also okra, corn, and pumpkins. In addition, she’s also included an array of herbs. Please note: She does not provide a hardiness factor for this section. Each profile does include dimensions, planting tips, care requirements and harvest information.

At the end of the book, Walliser provides three pages of sources for compact plants. This resource is fantastic to have at your fingertips!

While there is not an immediate post to highlight this insightful book, I imagine that I will at some point blog on my compact planting efforts at

I received an advance digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

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This book would be a great resource for someone wanting to fill a small space with color and/or garden plants. While there are options for containers that would be suitable for an apartment balcony, most of the plans included are more suited to someone with a small yard. Advice is given for the entire process, from what to look for to planting and care of your new compact plants. Several design plans are given to fit a variety of spaces. Information is given about specific plants, both ornamental and edibles, to aid the reader in designing their own space using compact plants.

Thank you to Quarto Publishing Group - Cool Springs Press and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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