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The Bachelor

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Promising start for the romance between Lady Gwyn and Major Wolfe. There’s secrets and blackmail which helps move the plot along especially since these two are obviously attracted to one another since the first book in the series. It would be interesting how the romance will progress and what obstacles are in place to prevent it from happening.

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What a tantalizing look into The Bachelor. I’ve been caught hook, line and sinker. I cannot wait for more!

Although just a chapter excerpt, this view gave me all the feels. Lady Gwyn’s blatant lies and the way Major Joshua Wolf saw through them all had me smirking. Oh and the intrigue surrounding the blackmail has me all kinds of excited to see what happens next!

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Teaser first chapter!

I must admit to being quite titilated by this 2020 release teaser, for the second title in the Duke Dynasty series by Sabrina Jeffries.
I always thought the brooding Major Joshua Wolfe, injured in naval action and now the estate’s gamekeeper, together with Thorn's sister Lady Gwn Drake, would have a tale to tell. If this first chapter is any indication I can hardly wait for the rest. Lady Gwyn and Joshua were certainly "aware" of each other, when Bea first introduced them in the beginning story of the series, Project Duchess. Consider Bea's reflections,
"To Beatrice’s surprise—and delight—Gwyn gazed at Joshua with more curiosity than anything else. And perhaps a little attraction? Beatrice had always considered her brother relatively handsome, despite his limp and the straight black hair he kept unfashionably long. Gwyn’s reaction to him proved her right. Nor was there any mistaking the blatant survey he made of Gwyn’s figure. Her brother never looked at any woman that way . . . or at least he hadn’t since before the war. How very interesting.. "
Mmmm! Where will this go?
I did not realize that Gwyn is a person holding deep secrets. Add to this the malevolency of her blackmailer and the truculency of Joshua, and fireworks are in the offing.
This first chapter displays all the mystery, energy and frustration that promises to lead into a cracking good five star tale!

A Kensington Books chapter preview via NetGalley

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This was only the first chapter of the book and not the entire book so it is hard to give a review for it. From the first book in the series and the little of this book that I've read, I do think that it will be a good book but I don't have enough to go on for an accurate review.

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I could only read the first chapter, but seemed interesting so far. There were already a number of references to other books in the series, that I’m assuming would be helpful to read, particularly to explain how the heroine is related to so many dukes.

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I was just able to read the pre-review of the novel yet the novel seems very intriguing. A lady who is being blackmailed and the knight in shining armour. Ah, cannot wait for read the whole book.

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Pre-Read/preview thoughts: I'll be honest; the main reason I gave the prequel Project Duchess 3 stars instead of 2 (or possibly less?) was Major Joshua Wolfe. The second very close runner up? Major Joshua Wolfe and Lady Gwyn Drake interacting in any way. "omg Major Joshua Wolfe and Lady Gwyn Drake" was basically my review for the first book.

Upon reading the taunting tease of a first chapter Netgalley previewed, I'm even more into it now, which I didn't think was possible. Just all the yes, please.

[P.S. This review was edited when I realized I never posted a Goodreads review, and I wanted to make it clearer on Goodreads that I was discussing a preview than it would be here.]

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I absolutely adore Sabrina JEffries books and this is no exception. The Bachelor is a good solid historical romance. Very well witten story with interesting characters.

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This is just a teaser chapter, so I cannot really review the "book" - I hope the entire book will be available later to review, as this chapter certainly whet my appetite for more!! My five star rating is for the chapter I read and it's ability to make me want to continue reading.

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Guess I should read the book description more carefully—I didn’t realize it was only an excerpt, but you are getting a true reaction. I kept pushing and pushing the page on the kindle to find out what was going to happen with the standoff between Major Wolfe and Lady Gwen. My frustration grew as I looked down to the percentage and saw I had read it all. Quickly going to Net Galley to see if I had downloaded incorrectly, I saw “excerpt.”
So purpose accomplished—I am well and truly hooked!

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I got to read the first chapter of this as a free preview and I was so happy. I love Sabrina Jeffries and when I see her name on a book I just buy it because I know I’m going to love it. This was a lovely teaser that just reiterated how good she is. Now I’m dying to get my hands on the rest of the novel.

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I've only been able to read the short preview of Th Bachelor. It has me very excited! I've been following this series from the beginning and can't wait to read the rest.

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A fantastic romance, just what you would expect from the amazing Sabrina Jeffries. I savored every word of this delicious love story. You won't be disappointed!

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Yikes. Just when I'm ready to cancel my schedule for today to read this's only an excerpt...but its SO GOOD!!!

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I was unaware this was a single chapter....looks like an intriguing read, thanks. Looking forward to the entire bok.

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Sometimes it's a terrible idea to read a book preview when it's a long wait until the book comes out. This is one of those instances. Gwyn and Joshua had fantastic chemistry in Project Duchess and I couldn't resist even a peek into their story. A gruff hero, a bold heroine with a secret, and a villain I already want to punch? Sign me up. I can't wait to see how Gwyn and Joshua will thwart her blackmailer in The Bachelor. More importantly, I can't wait to see how those two will find their happily ever after. They promise to be an absolutely delicious couple.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a preview chapter of "The Bachelor." I really enjoyed this intro chapter and it seems like our heroine is going to be a force to be reckoned with! I can't wait to read more!

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Thank you for NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a chance to read a chapter from "The Bachelor" by Sabrina Jeffries. I am very much looking forward to this book and all that will happen! The first chapter was strong and made me excited to learn more about their story and what the future will hold.

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#TheBachelor #NetGalley

This was a first chapter teaser... to give you a glimpse of what to expect. To be honest it did leave me wanting more.

They say you should never judge a book by its cover and this case I’d say the same for the first chapter.

Lady Gwyn Drake appears a flawed character at the advanced age of thirty she also appears to lack the common sense of her years and by that I mean her meeting up with her blackmailer and it nearly ended badly if not for the hero Joshua Wolfe. I see a lot of promise in the story. I just hope that there is some character growth for Lady Gwyn Drake.

<b>**Thanks to the author and netgalley for the advanced copy of this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.** </b>

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A really strong opening chapter and did it's job, I'm desperate to read more! Joshua seems like exactly my type of hero - stoic and gruff but with heart beneath all that. I love Gwyn's determination in the face of grim odds as well.

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