Cover Image: The Sheikh's Pregnant Love

The Sheikh's Pregnant Love

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I would like to thank Leslie North for writing a terrific ending to the Karawi Sheikhs series, throughly enjoyed them all.

Riyad Karawi has just saved his family from another threat from the rebels, but as he is just dropping something off to an informant, he sees this gorgeous woman. He is intrigued and wants to get to know her more. Danielle Greenski is pregnant and sat at the table staring at her wine glass when Riyad comes over and starts talking to her, she wonders who this gorgeous dark haired man is. She wants 1 night to forget all her worries and he will do nicely. What happens next is a girl's dream, she's whisked off to a hotel and for the next 2 nights it's all passion until all hell breaks loose when she is kidnapped by the rebels whilst buying a teddy for her unborn child. What lengths will Riyad go to, to protect Danielle and his family from the rebels when he finds out she is pregnant? Will it a happy ending for Danielle and Riyad or will it be the end of the Karawi dynasty?

You need to read the final installment of the Karawi Sheikhs saga to find out.

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A very sexy read. I rate it 5 eggplants LOL! Definitely one of those books that you would get through quickly. Perfect if looking for some angst and heat.

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Danielle was really trying to make sense of her life that suddenly became everything she never wanted. Trying to take the next step forward she meets Riyad and feels a connection and knows only she must keep her unborn child safe. Full of action and intrigue.

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Leslie North is a must read for me and Danielle and Sheikh Riyad's story is a perfect example of why. Fantastic drama and adventure and what an incredible Sheikh. Interestingly Danielle is already pregnant which added to the story. Loved the military and rebels theme and the actionpackedness this story offers. This is the last of the trilogy about the Karawi brothers and just as good. Super wonderful read.

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Another great book about the Karawi Sheikhs and it closes out the series. This one is about the last remaining single brother and has a more spy spin to it - and culminates the side plot about the threat to the family.
This one was steamier than the other two, and I always forget that these are short. You can definitely finish this in an evening.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is the third and final book in this series. This is a quick read it you have a couple of hours to kill. I liked it ok. But found some really odd things in it. The brothers treated Danielle poorly I thought, and that was not how I read them to be previously. Anne their wives were worse...buying friends?? What the heck?? I didn't think there was that much chemistry between Danielle and Sheikh Riyad. I give this a 3.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is the end of the trilogy about the Karawi brothers. In essence, it is very similar to the previous books, but I haven’t enjoyed it as much. I have committed the mistake of having greater expectations for it and I should have known better. These stories are just to kill some time during a summer day dedicated to the bliss of laziness.

This time we travel to Haamas to meet Riyad, the third brother who has always been described as a party boy and womanizer. The truth is he is a secret agent of the kingdom, whose main mission is to keep his family safe from the rebels. During one of those missions, she met Danielle, an American who was running from her previous life. When she becomes a target of the rebels, Riyad must protect her and the child she is carrying. Will danger allow them to develop as a couple or break them apart?

Even though the setting of this thrid story is very similar to the previous books, I must admit I haven’t enjoyed it as much. It is actually somehow disappointing. In the first book, Riyad ewas described as a womanizer and rather immature guy. In the second book, on the contrary, we get to see a surprising side of him when he is leading a team to take down some rebels. So, the mystery around him was pretty interesting and the third book was meant to be special. And it starts that way, actually. The first chapters are great, with the presentation of the two characters and the initial danger. But after that… it is pretty dull. I won’t say boring, but with the other brothers we had much more action than with the brother who is the “action man”.

You could think that with the reduction of action scenes, the romance should be better written. I’m afraid, this time is not the case. Even though it has much more weight than in the other books, the relationship between Riyad and Danielle is a disaster. There is zero chemistry. The love they claim to feel is so unrealistic that I don’t think they are going to last long. The weak foundations of their relationship can’t barely hold that epic love the author describes. It’s just absurd.

This time the child involved in the story doesn’t come from a previous relationship or “accident” between strangers. Sadly, that doesn’t stop the author from once again make light of the serious problem of unsafe sex. But in this case goes even further with some horrible comments by Riyad. It seems that the Sheikh always use protection like a good boy, but with Danielle he ignores it because he thought of her as the mother of his kids??? OK. Two things you piece of shit: first, protection is not only to avoid pregnancies. Why none of these so-called adults mention the risk of STDs? And second: don’t you think, mate, that the woman should have a saying about having your kids? Do you even care about her or she is just your breeding machine? That comment of Riyad was simply insulting.

And the cherry on top was the fact that the characters that we met in the previous books are ruined. The weird bahaviour of Iman and Bahir toward Danielle is so out of character that I could barely believe what I was reading. And Natalie buying friends for Danielle was shameful… That is not being loving and caring… that is being creepy and akward. And there are plenty of other examples that make this book a much worse experience.

I think this review is way more bitter than I expected. The story is not so bad. There is a good but barely used mystery plot that makes the whole deal bearable. Not enough to compensate the rest, though.

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I enjoyed this book. Leslie North has an enjoyable way of telling a story. With her collection of intrigue, romance & heartache we watch her weave a wonderful story. Riyad & Danielle were great together right from the start & it was fun watching the playboy fall hard.

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Riyad and Danielle have a wild ride ahead of them. I love the way Riyad steps up to the plate and vows to love not only Danielle, but also the child she carries, that is not his biologically, but is in every other way. This is the third book in a trilogy but is enjoyable even if you haven’t read the first two.

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Short but fun and sweet to read! I enjoyed this one. Plot had a few holes but nevertheless a win. A favrite author of mine indeed!

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Danielle is about to have some big changes in her life, mainly being pregnant by her boss. She decided to travel to put them out of her mind. She also decided to have a final fling before everything changes. Unbeknownst to her the person she chose to have that fling with is Sheikh Riyad Karawi. Danielle is mistakenly believed to be pregnant by the Sheikh and kidnapped, rescued by the Sheikh, who has his own secret, he is a part of the country’s elite military squad.

Riyad uses his playboy persona to infiltrate places without being noticed. He can’t figure out why he feels the need to protect a woman he’s just met, why he can’t seem to get her out of his system. Can he make Danielle believe that he’s not just the playboy she met, but a man she could love forever?

This is the third book in the series but can be read as a stand alone.

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*scroll to the bottom for content warnings*

Trope: tourist and Sheikh
Cover rating: generic, typical Harlequin style cover
Book description accuracy:
General review: I enjoyed this much more than I thought I was going to. I honestly wasn’t expecting much from this publisher and an author I hadn’t heard of before. Plus, the pregnancy before H & h meet was a new concept and I didn’t know how I would like it- I really don’t like stories where there are other men or women with any sort of romantic/sexual connection to the main characters. I’m just picky that way! But that was handled nicely IMO, with the sperm donor being a complete ass and never really in the picture. I think that’s they only way I could be okay with that trope.
But between that surprising me and the surprising quality of writing and overall story line, this ends up being a 3 star read and I will be keeping an eye out for more by North. The side characters were slightly funny (the women) and annoying (the men) and they each got their own stories prior to this one. Because of how the men come across in this story, if you want to like everyone then I think you need to read these in order. I have no desire to go back, as I really did not like the brothers and how they treated the h.
I liked the h and connected with how she wasn’t sure how she felt about the pregnancy- understandable for many reasons, least of all how the sperm donor treated her. I liked the H for most of the story, until the angst happened. They fight, h leaves, H doesn’t try to fight until months later. He isn’t even the one keeping tabs on the h & her pregnancy, that’s the brothers I didn’t like! It seemed atypical for the character and I wasn’t a fan. He makes up for it in the end but I just wish he had been the one with the spies…
This was a quick 2 hour read for me and while there were some things that detracted (the brothers, some plot holes, the H’s hesitancy) it holds up overall as an enjoyable story that I would recommend to others. 3 stars.
Angst style: misunderstanding, separation for several months
POV: 3rd person, both H & h
Relationship stage reached: engagement
Epilogue? no

Content warnings: cheating (not by H or h!), affair with boss resulting in pregnancy, kidnapping

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. #TheSheikhsPregnantLove #NetGalley

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Riyad was glad to be out of the palace. He was also looking for his target ad he scanned the Rooftop Lounge. Normally clean shaven, he had let his hair grow out and had a beard, making him less recognizable as the youngest Karaivi sheikh. Which was perfect as he was an agent for the small kingdom.s intelligence agency. Riyad had spent the last three years using his playboy lifestyle as a cover to help keep his family safe. There was now a rebel fraction targeting the royal family. After his work to bring down the cell that had targeted Bahir- his brother- and Amy his new sister-in-law, his brothers had intense inquiries but now was not the time to come forward with the truth. His target sat at a table with the telltale newspaper resting on the corner of the table. From the tilt of his chin it was obvious the man was aware of everything going on around him. Riyad could feel the flash drive in his pocket. The man was waiting for the flash drive to be delivered but first he must make sure no one was paying attention. Than he saw her, the woman opposite the man’s table Riyad had been watching. His body immediately responded to her. This was the type of woman who turned heads wherever she went, but tonight she seem to be trying to hide. Was she a plant hoping to get information off him? He needed to kill time to make the drop more casual. Riyad strolled over to her table. He mentioned that her hair was showing from her hijab. He told her she didn’t have to fix it as this kingdom was a little more relaxed when it came to tourists. She told him she had arrived last week. A friend had passed through and told her about it and she figured it was time to visit. Than Riyad told he was Riyad. She said she was Danielle. When she asked if all the men in Haamas were that forward Riyad answered that he didn’t believe in wasting time when he sees something he liked. When Riyad returned from throwing away the paper he had dropped purposely, he had dropped the flash drive behind the centerpiece on his contacts table. He never looked at the man and the man didn’t react. Danielle was going for her purse and said she thought it best if she walked away from temptation. As she didn’t know him. Riyad said give him a chance to get to know him. He suggested a stroll, he’d give her a tour of his beautiful city than they could have breakfast. Danielle’s vacation had two purposes - decide on a new path for her life, and immerse herself in a hot romance. Riyad was the kind of man she never would have touched back in the states. He had an edge of danger to him. Than he told the hotel she was in was a dump and took her to the Gardens -Downtown. He said to consider it a welcome present from his village to her. He also said he planned on more than one night with her. He offered her a kiss but made her say yes first and she knew that this was what she wanted. It had been the most incredible sex of her life and yet the ,am was a complete stranger to her. Riyad was normally happy after one night with a woman but there was something special about Danielle. Than just before dawn hois phone started vibrating and there were only two reasons for that to happen at this time of the morning - family ot the agency. He couldn’t afford to ignore either. It was his handler who was his cousin Atif with a time and place and he had to go but he left Danielle a note saying she could stay in the suite as long as she needed it. Atif showed him a picture of Miksa Antar and said he believed Miksa not only founded the rebellion but was the leader. He added riyad neede dot get hard intel. Danielle was about to look for somewhere else to stay. Danielle was two months pregnant. Her lover had been her boss and she hadn’t known he was married. When she told him she was pregnant he told her to get an abortion and she quit. Than Danielle went to the market place and bought the baby a teddy bear and was abducted.
Another excellent book by Ms. North. I loved Riyad and Danielle together and how they interacted. I loved that Riyad’s mother and sister-in-laws immediately toke to Danielle and wanted to help her. I loved Riyad and how he rescued her and brought her to safety. I also loved how riyad believed he was helping to keep his family safe and felt horrible when he found out he was being used. This was a great read and I loved the danger, intrigue, betrayal, and danger. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Poor Danielle just seemed to make such wrong decisions but even when she thought her fling with Riyan was wrong, it finally did work out.

Iman and Bahir were a little annoying but I guess they were just being over-protective older brothers.

Thrown in with the romance is the intrigue of Riyan being a spy and trying to take down the rebellion. Kind of figured out the person behind the rebellion so wasn't too much of a surprise but still kept me reading through the drama!

Sorry that this is the end for the Kawari's romances.

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Leslie North is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, she has a way with her writing, that just grabs you, pulls you into the story and your right there with the characters.

Danielle is an American tourist who is trying to figure out/ run away? from her problems when she met Riyad.
The sexy stranger was suppose to be a one night stand, something she never did before. Danielle was trying to forget her past, if even for a night. But a one night stand, turns into something so much more. This book takes us on a journey of finding love in all the unexpected places. I love the perfect mix of suspense and romance...not to mention the sexy hot moments.

This is the third and final book in this series. The book can easily be read as a stand alone, but it is such a great series, I would recommend reading all of them.

ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Sheikh's Pregnant Love is the third book in Leslie North’s The Karawi Sheikhs and somehow I missed book two. I did like these characters and found the plot of an already pregnant heroine intriguing and was eager to see where this storyline went. Naturally as with all Ms North’s stories, these individuals didn’t have a smooth path to happiness, and there’s always some form of drama and family angst when royalty is involved, but overall it was a decent story and a read it easily in one sitting.

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Want a fast read that will keep your interest? Look no further!! This book hits most of the highlights. Sexy man, independent woman, glamour and danger. You will not want to put it down.

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Riyad is a spy. That's my favorite thing about this book. In the beginning I was thinking, Bond, James Bond. The connection that Riyad and Danielle have is just frosting on the cake.

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I love a Leslie North read, you get great chemistry, amazing romance and a fun, sweet story. A fast read that you don’t want to put down, great angst and a happy read. Recommended for those who need a smile.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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