Member Reviews

If you're a fan of winter romances, you better add this book to your reading list.

This book was multi-layered and focused on more than just a falling in love story. I liked the focus of family that was prevalent in this book. There were similarities in mannerisms between family members that helps instill connection between the characters.

Sarah Morgan always makes her characters flawed, which I love! It makes them easy to relate and empathize with.

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Perfect holiday read with just the perfect amount of romance mixed with the magic of Christmas. Loved reading this one; it is sure to be a new holiday favorite!

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This was a lifetime-y Christmas story with stereotypical characters - romantic sister, skeptic about love sister, and a couple who has lost the romance. I don't mean that in a negative manner; sometimes that is exactly what you need during the holidays! It was a family drama in a cheesy Christmas location (Colorado mountains in wintertime). Could be exactly what you need to escape your own family drama during the holidays!

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The women of the White family are all struggling with something as their family comes together to celebrate Rosie's whirlwind wedding. Rosie is having some second thoughts, her sister Katie is dealing with her own issues and is determined to show Rosie the wedding is a mistake, and their mother Maggie is close to a divorce from the girls' father.

Their stories are told in alternating points of view as they spend time together in Aspen leading up to the Christmas Eve wedding. While there are certainly romantic aspects of each of their plot lines, the story is truly about each of the women coming into their own and learning more about what they want from life. Each of the women felt realistic and relatable and their growth over the course of the book was well done.

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Maggie White has received a call from her daughter, Rosie, in the middle of the night announcing that she is in love and is going to get married on Christmas Eve in Aspen, Colorado. Maggie lives in Oxford England and Rosie is working on her PhD in the U.S. She has met a young man named Dan and they are in love. Maggie is rather taken aback because they have only been dating for a few months, yet she knows that since Rosie is impulsive at times, she hopes she is not making a mistake.

Maggie works in academic publishing and has loved spending her life raising her children and making a home for her family. Maggie is married to Nick, an Egyptologist. They are currently separated. He has spent a lot of time during their marriage on long trips. Now, they realize that their marriage has become stale and perhaps they would be happier apart.

Their second daughter, Katie, is a physician working in the emergency department in Oxford. She works many long hours as they are short staffed. She loves her work and takes it very seriously. Right now, she seems to be hiding something frightening that happened to her that has made her very nervous. When she hears Rosie’s news, she is against her baby sister marrying this man that she hardly knows. She has always worried about Rosie who has asthma that has resulted in many emergencies during her childhood.

The wedding is being planned by Dan’s widowed mother who is a renowned professional wedding planner. She owns a large resort in Aspen where the wedding will take place. Therefore, Maggie and Nick will pretend that their marriage is fine and fly to Aspen. Katie is going to fly over as well.

When they all come together in Aspen, they begin to face their individual difficulties in this beautiful and serene place. Truths emerge and they examine their hearts. What will they find? Can each one find the happiness and contentment that they seek?

This is a feel good story with some laughs and some common sense. The characters are very well created and I think the reader will either connect or be angry with them. Such is the talent of a good author. For instance, Katie grated on me but then again, she is created as Cactus Katie, so well done, Sarah Morgan. Come enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh, clean air of Aspen. Although I’m not a personal fan of snow, I think even I would enjoy being there.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Sarah Morgan's A Wedding in December follows the story of a family coming together to celebrate the wedding of impetuous youngest daughter, Rosie, who is marrying after knowing the man for three months. Secrets abound, doubts surface, and will anyone live happily-ever-after?

Morgan has created very believable, though not always likable, characters in A Wedding in December. All the female characters seem to keep secrets under the guise of protecting family members, and each discovers that protecting is a form of trying to control; we all know that's impossible.

While in past novels, I've not minded Morgan's use of multiple POVs, here I think it tends to make the story untidy and fosters repetition. Much of the novel is told in dialogue wtih characters offering long explanations for behavior. By the time I neared the end, I was tired of "hearing" them talk. I wished that there had been more immediate action.

However, A Wedding in December was a solid read with some funny moments. The romance between Kate and Jordan, though predictable, added a little steam while Maggie and Nick rediscovering each other was earnest and fulfilling.

A Wedding in December is definitely a novel for Sarah Morgan fans who will appreciate the style and charm. It's will have you longing to drink hot chocolate and start decking the halls.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.25 stars

A Wedding in December is a perfect holiday read! It's like a Hallmark Christmas movie, set in a beautiful winter wonderland. It's funny, sweet, and heartwarming; it has everything you'd want in a holiday read. I don't often read Christmas books, but I adored A Wedding in December. Make sure to pick it up to warm your soul on a chilly winter night.

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Yes, it’s only September and I’m already reading Christmas books and I’m totally ok with that! I do want to point out that while this is set right before and during Christmas, it’s not overly holiday heavy if that makes sense. You can easily read it right now like I did or wait until closer to the holiday season, honestly it would be perfect at any time of year!

Sarah Morgan is one of my go to authors, but I have to say that she has a magic touch when it comes to writing seasonal books. This had such a gorgeous setting, it made me want to book a trip to Colorado for Christmas myself, it was beautifully described and also gave me so many warm and cozy feelings. You hear from all three women in the family, mom Maggie, and daughters Katie and Rosie and I just adored all three of them for various reasons. I connected to Maggie as a wife and mom and both daughters were relatable for me as well, although Katie was prickly and it took me some time to warm up to her. This doesn’t fit solely under a romance umbrella or a straight up WF novel either because it has both romance between all the main characters and it also explores the dynamics between mother and daughter and sisters.

I absolutely loved this one, it was charming and warm, a little emotional and overall just a totally satisfying read for me. I highly recommend adding this one to your holiday reading list, it was wonderful l and if it doesn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside I don’t’ know what will!

A Wedding in December in three words: Charming, Cozy and Delightful

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A Wedding in December by Sarah Morgan

Alternating POV from Maggie, Rosie, and Katie. The mother and two daughters.
Three very different women yet related. Three very different phases of life and love.
Each must deal with the own love issues as they come together for Rosie’s wedding.

Contemporary romance. Lots of emotional variables, life issues and love. Lots of happy tears.
I loved the writing flow, even as the chapters changed perspective between the three women.
Smart and fulfilling.

Excerpt of ER Doctor Katie:

“Was this why she found it so hard to have a lasting relationship with someone? Subconsciously had she held back from experiencing that intense, terrifying depth of feeling? She moved through life with such purpose, she rarely stopped to reflect. Had she, somewhere along the way, rejected love?
Maybe not love, but vulnerability. She’d rejected vulnerability. She witnessed it constantly in her work. The fear in the face of a relative, the panic in the face of a patient who felt life sliding out of control.
Her experiences in her job had reinforced those same feelings of helplessness she’d experienced as a young child and she’d unconsciously wrapped her heart in layers of protection so that she felt the blows less.
She didn’t like feeling vulnerable, but she felt it now as she looked at her sister.
Excerpt from A Wedding in December by Sarah Morgan

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. I will also purchase a copy to share.

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Rosie and Dan are getting married! It's Christmas, it's Colorado, it's romantic, and it's filled with secret angst! Told from the viewpoints of various members of the White family, this is the story of how we find happiness even when we don't expect to. Rosie's parents Maggie and Nick have been separated for 6 months but is there still a spark? Her sister Katie isn't sure that Rosie's made the right decision but is her opinion clouded by her own uncertainty her professional life as a physician. Then there's Jordan, the best man. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A light, fun read that would be just as nice in the heat of summer. You know there's going to be a happy ending - this is a Christmas wedding, after all!

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Although Rosie and Dan’s relationship may seem rushed to her family she knows that he is the one for her and doesn’t want to wait. Her mother in-law has planned a beautiful Christmas wedding in Colorado and her family is determined to support her and ensure that it is the right decision for her.

Maggie and Nick, her parents, have a secret of their own as they find themselves floundering now that their children are no longer there. Things have progressed to the state where they are no longer living together but are prepared to pretend to be a happy couple, so they don’t ruin Rosie’s special day.

Her older sister Kate is at a crossroads in her life as well. She has focused all her attention on her career as a doctor, but she is feeling burnt out and reflecting on what her future should hold. She has doubts about Rosie’s upcoming wedding and is determined to change her mind which is further complicated by the feelings that Jordan, the best man is raising in her.

This is a heartwarming story about three woman who are all facing life changing decisions and find out that the only thing that truly makes you happy is love and family.

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A story of family and expectations and how what you think your family expects is far from reality. Set in Aspen at Christmas this story of love and finding your way in life and being true to yourself.

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Maggie has been a mom and wife almost her entire adult life. Ever since her youngest daughter, Rosie, left the house 4-years earlier, she has felt an emptiness left behind by her two girls. And now her marriage of over thirty years to her husband, Nick, appears to be over. Since the summer, Nick and Maggie have been living separately, but they haven’t yet broken the news to Rosie and Katie.

Unexpectedly, Maggie gets a call in the middle of the night from Rosie all the way in the United States. She’s getting married to Dan, a man she’s only been dating a couple months, and they are due to be married on Christmas Eve, only a few weeks away. Maggie is happy for Rosie, but isn’t a few weeks just too soon? And how is she going to tell her about the separation?

Katie has been a doctor for the last 10-years and has a love-hate relationship with her job as an ER trauma physician. She is constantly tired, has no personal time, but Katie always felt a sense of pride in regard to her career. But 2-months ago, something happened that changed everything for her and she doesn’t know where to go from here. When she learns of her baby sister’s engagement, Katie knows she needs to stop the wedding at all costs in order to save her sister from herself. And it just so happens she’s been put on medical leave for a month, giving her plenty of time to accomplish her goal.

Maggie and Nick decide to keep their separation a secret from their kids for the sake of the wedding, and so they travel to Aspen, Colorado pretending that they are still as happy as can be. Maggie is nervous to meet Dan’s mom, who seems to have her life all figured out. And she worries that Catherine is railroading Rosie’s wedding plans.

And Katie is on their coattails, ready to make her big move. Katie wasn’t expecting to get stuck with the best man, Jordan, for a 5-hour car ride to the lodge. From the get-go, the two of them just can’t seem to get along, but oddly enough, there’s something about Jordan that Katie finds herself attracted to.

Rosie didn’t think she had any doubts about her impending marriage to Dan, but when her family arrives in Colorado, she starts to question her own decision. And when the White family gets all back together under one roof, they learn that life is full of surprises—and this Christmas is one they won’t soon forget.

A Wedding in December is Sarah Morgan’s latest warm and cozy contemporary holiday read. Last year I read The Christmas Sisters and fell in love with the four women in that story; I’m happy to say I’ve fallen just as hard for the three White ladies. They’re all complex, multi-layered characters that aren’t all good (or bad). Some took longer to grow on me, but by the end I found myself tearing up over their stories. I love books about family dynamics with a hint of romance and this did it for me. A must read for this holiday season! 4/5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley, HQN and Sarah Morgan for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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When I picked this up I wasn’t expecting for it to become one of my top reads of 2019, largely because no matter how much I love Sarah Morgan’s writing her women’s fiction and I haven’t got along particularly well, but also because 5-star reads are like hen’s teeth for me the moment. My dry spell is officially over.

“We’re getting married on Christmas Eve.”

Rosie is marrying Dan, her older sister, Katie is determined to halt proceedings whilst rubbing the best man, Jordan up the wrong way and harbouring her own secrets, and their parents, Nick and Maggie are secretly separated yet acting like love’s young dream in front of their daughters. Unsurprisingly, this is a family who have lost their way a little and between them have an entire luggage store of emotional baggage to unpack, but there’s no better place to do that the beautiful snowy backdrop of the Colorado mountains at Christmastime.

“...sometimes it’s nice not to have to fight your way through life alone.”

Heartwarming, uplifting and with moments of hilarity, A Wedding in December has reignited my love of Sarah Morgan’s work and with a more contemporary feel for me it hit all the high notes with down-to-earth, relatable, at times frustrating but loveable characters and a story which brought lighter angst and drama yet no shortage of romance and feeling. And whether the men are in their twenties, thirties or fifties, they make you melt with their charm, heart and wit.

“I never read a romance novel. Maybe if I had, I might have learned a thing or two.

I can’t tell you how happy I am that I gave this a chance and whether you’re a lover of Sarah Morgan or new to her writing, you’ll have no regrets in curling up with this, Christmas or not.

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As temperatures soared to 85 even though Autumn starts tomorrow, it was fun to be transported to a winter wonderland for this Christmas story.

A UK family at crossroads gathers in Colorado for a family wedding. Mom and Dad are on the brink of a divorce, Dr. Katie is questioning her future, and the bride and groom have cold feet.

The family dynamics are great and the author has a unique ability to make the reader and involved with the story. I laughed and cried along with the White family and you will too!

I received a free ARC eBook from Net Galley and the publisher for my honest opinions.

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Sarah Morgan’s A Wedding in December has me wishing for winter coziness and dreaming of taking a trip to the snowy mountains of Colorado. In her latest, Morgan proves once again how expertly she writes relationships—the joy, the heartache, the awkwardness, and the unconditional love of family.

Rosie and Dan’s whirlwind courtship results in an engagement for the happy couple. Rosie’s parents, Maggie and Nick, aren’t so keen on their youngest daughter taking such a huge step this quickly. But they see how happy Rosie is, so they can only be happy for her. There’s just one thing: unbeknownst to Rosie, Maggie and Nick have been separated for months and are on the verge of divorce.

Maggie and Nick’s oldest daughter, Katie, is also in the dark about her parents’ marital trouble. A busy emergency room doctor, Katie’s plate is always full at work; even more so in light of a recent traumatic event that she hasn’t fully come to terms with. When Katie learns of her baby sister’s impending nuptials, she believes that Rosie is about to make the biggest mistake of her life. Katie has protected Rosie all her life, and she’s not stopping now. What is she stopping? This wedding. Complicated by her traumatic secret and the best man she can’t stop butting heads with, Katie begins to wonder if there’s more to life than doing what’s always been expected of you.

As the family comes together for Rosie and Dan’s wedding (and Katie tries her hardest to stop the wedding), they each must come to terms with how they choose to define true happiness. Along the way, they’re met with tears, a lot of laughter, and the realization that ultimately, family is everything.

I love this book so much! I flew through it, thanks to Morgan’s adept storytelling and characters who I fell in love with. There’s a lovely balance of the family story combined with steamy romance. If you enjoy romances with feisty enemies-to-lovers banter, you’ll adore Katie and Jordan’s scenes.

Sarah Morgan is one of my favorite contemporary romance authors and A Wedding in December is on my favorite reads list for 2019. Highly recommended!

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a digital archive of this book!
I loved the cover and the book was a quick read for me. It's about the love of family and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I always feel like the Sarah Morgan book I’m reading at the time is my all time favorite but then the next one is even better. A Wedding in December is no exception to this. You are completely absorbed with the emotions of the characters so that it drags you into the story.
Maggie has always worried about her little sister Rosie as she was sick from her childhood growing up. When her sister announces she is getting married quickly she is convinced she needs to do everything she can to stop the wedding. Maggie had a bad experience at work and is now questioning if she should continue her job and doubting her own abilities. While getting ready for the wedding Maggie discovers her parents have been been hiding their separation from the girls until after the ceremony. While faking their relationship their parents fall back in love but not before Maggie finds out and tries to use the information to convince Rosie to stop the wedding . This heartwarming story is the perfect read to get in the mood for the holiday season.

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Maggie, Katie, and Rosie are all hiding things from each other. Maggie doesn't want to let her daughters know that she and their father are divorcing. Though grown (maybe especially because they're grown), Katie and Rosie have no idea that their parents' marriage is anything but stable. But it could also be that they are so involved in their own lives.
Katie is an ER doctor in an ER that is perpetually understaffed. A month ago, something happened. We don't know what it is for most of the book but it is causing her some severe issues with PTSD.
Rosie is the pivot around which the story revolves. She's twenty-three with a history of making impulsive (not always good) decisions. This time, it's to get married to Dan, a man from Colorado after dating him for three months. Her family, mostly looking forward to one last Christmas in their cottage in England, are aghast.
But, as will happen, on this trip the secrets will start to come out. And maybe, just maybe, that's not such a bad thing.
Another good book from Sarah Morgan. It did take me awhile to get into it and I never really connected with any of the characters but the story moves and the ending seemed realistic.

Three stars
This book comes out September 24th
ARC kindly provided by Harlequin and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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I couldn't really get into this book. So I skipped to two thirds gone and then I really enjoyed it. Sometimes Morgan writes a book you can't put down and others not so much.

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