Member Reviews

Sarah has the most descriptive style of writing. You can easily picture everything she's describing and wishing you were there yourself. Her characters are people that you would like to know personally. I love her books!

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Fantastic holiday read! I really enjoy Sarah Morgan's books and this one did not disappoint. I like the way the story switches to different points of views. The family drama was relatable and well done. The descriptions of Colorado in December just sounded amazing. Highly recommended.

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A lovely holiday story and a great novel that involves family, sacrifice and communication.
It's the first book I read by this author and won't surely be the last.
I loved how the writer developed the characters: they're realistic, likeable, fleshed out and you cannot help rooting for them.
The plot is full of twists and turns and I found it engrossing and entertaining.
I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Sarah Morgan will sweep you off your feet with A Wedding in December, a breathing holiday romance. A heart-warming, charming, and relatable story that is sure to tug at your heartstrings and leave you with all warm and fuzzy. A Wedding in December is not just or romance lovers but anyone who loves a bittersweet story full of holiday spirit. The characters are well-written, relatable, and full of secrets. Morgan takes readers to a magical winter wonderland in the beautiful Colorado Mountains. A place that is sure to make you fall in love. I highly recommend A Wedding in December to anyone who loves a heartwarming romance that is sure to stay with you long after you read the last page. A story that will leave you wanting more!

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Rosie is getting married! Everyone has always been protective of Rosie since she has asthma and had some pretty severe attacks when she was young. They're all worried that she's rushing into this but they all head over to Aspen from their homes in England to celebrate.

Rosie starts to doubt herself when her family shows up, but convinces herself that since her parents have had a successful thirty year marriage after a whirlwind romance everything will be great. Except she doesn't know that her parents have actually been leading separate lives for six months.

Rosie's sister Katie is trying her best to make sure Rosie knows what she's doing and isn't rushing into something she'll regret (and that her fiancé is good enough for her), but Jordan (the best man) keeps trying to throw a wrench in her plans.

Will the wedding take place, and will anything else happen in the meantime?

This was an enjoyable romance with wonderful settings and relationships.

#AweddingInDecember #NetGalley

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A Wedding In December
Sarah Morgan

A Wedding in December, Sarah Morgan’s latest women’s fiction stand-alone is fabulous. A holiday themed tale about secrets second chances family bonds and the unconditional love of a mother. It takes place at a luxury resort in the shadows of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains all dressed up winter finery with an unforgettable cast of characters who are equally endearing, irritating and entertaining plus giving fans not one, not two but three interconnecting stories featuring one fractured family who doesn’t even know they’re dysfunctional. Top it all off with Sarah’s mastery in storytelling putting all the pieces back together and you’ve got a bestseller bound win-win-win!!!

If you love women’s fiction contemporary romance or just a great love story Sarah Morgan’s A Wedding in December should be on your holiday must read list.

When Rosie White wakes up her family on Thanksgiving from the US half way around the world to across the pond in the UK informing them that she’s getting married at Christmas in Colorado, that the groom-to-be’s mother is handling all the preparations and that all they need to do is to get on a plane it causes quite a stir. How is her family supposed to drop everything and come to her winter Colorado wedding when her big sister an ER doctor is having a life/career crisis, her mom and dad have separated, are contemplating a divorce and don’t know how to tell the girls. Fa La La La La La La La La

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Actual Rating: 4.5 stars

Sarah Morgan delivers yet another heart-warming family drama with characters who are well-drawn and relatable. Rosie's whirlwind romance and quick engagement is bringing her family from the UK to snowy Aspen, Colorado. Yes, it has been quick, but Rosie convinces herself that if her parent long-time marriage resulted from a rapid courtship, she will be fine as well.

Kate is a protective older sister struggling with a recent trauma and questioning her chosen profession. She also isn't sure she believes in love and is determined to stop her sister's wedding before she makes a terrible mistake.

Meanwhile, Maggie has been struggling with how to tell her daughters that she and their father have been living together for months. Now her daughters upcoming wedding has them deciding to fake a healthy marriage.

All of this comes together at Christmas in Aspen with moments that are humorous, melancholy, and hearth-warming. The perfect Christmas romance proving that love can win the day and nothing is ever lost. I find Sarah Morgan's books to be wonderfully relatable and deeply human, with this being no exception. Thank you to Harlequin for sending me a copy for review. All opinions are my own.

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What a fun holiday romance! Morgan spun a story that keeps you intrigued, and invested in each character. It was a fun, witty, feel good story !

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Review featured at

This story is about romance but I think it is more about the love of family. Rosie doesn’t always make the best decisions and is a bit impulsive so when she tells her family she is getting married to get boyfriend of only a few months the family worries.

Her older sister, Katie, is protective of Rosie since she has medical issues. Katie has even gone into medicine because of her baby sister. But the best man has her mind heading where it shouldn’t.

And then there is Maggie, the girls mom. She is separated from her husband but hasn’t told the girls yet and of course the happy occasion of a wedding doesn’t need to be spoiled by the news of divorce. But Maggie is finding she needs to figure out what her next chapter of life is. Her girls are grown and don’t need her the same way anymore, so what now?

I found myself wanting to attend the wedding and help the family out as if I was one of them. When you want to crawl into a book I think that says a lot about it. There is so much to this story about finding love but also finding yourself.

What a great book to put you into the Christmas spirit. Perfect to light a fire and enjoy a glass of egg nog.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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A WEDDING IN DECEMBER is a lovely holiday-centered women's fiction that celebrates family, romance, and self-discovery. Told in separate parts from the perspective of the mother (Maggie) and two sisters (Rosie and Katie), the book encounters romance at different stages and at the heart of it all is the love amongst family. The family has always had Christmases at their parents' house in the UK, but this year is different- Rosie has just announced that she will be wedding her boyfriend of a few months in Colorado on Christmas Eve.

Rosie is 22 and working on her doctorate at Harvard. She has a history of terrible asthma attacks, which often leads to the family babying her. She also tends to be impulsive, which gives them pause with the wedding. However, she knows she loves her fiance and adores his mother, Catherine, who is planning the wedding for them (since she is a wedding planner).

Katie is an emergency department doctor who has been questioning her life choices. She knows she has wanted to become a doctor ever since Rosie's asthma attacks that landed them in the hospital. However, after a traumatic event, her emotional healing has been slow-going and she has been questioning her life and goals. When she hears Rosie is getting married, Katie knows she needs to protect Rosie from her impulsiveness and so decides to weed out her fiance. This determination is what has gotten her into her current job and means she will not go easily with her sister's plans. However, the best man has thrown a wrench in her plans, even as she interrogates him.

Maggie, the mother, was a fascinating character. She has dedicated her life to her daughters and now finds herself on the precipice of divorce (amicable, mutual). She never wants to rock the boat too much and so has been hiding their separation from the girls until they can sit down together. However, with the wedding, the time is definitely not right, and so, she and her husband decide to pretend to be married. Maggie had taken a career that allowed her flexibility with her children, as her husband's offered none, and now, she finds herself wanting a new path. As she considers her future, her marriage, and her children, she will find herself and some of the old spark she has lost.

Combining beautifully into an arching story across generations, this book is almost like three in one, each with a lovely story to tell. The Christmas setting is absolutely perfect, and even the side characters are people who you wish could be your friends. Morgan has a wonderful way with words and heart-warming feelings, and this book shines beautifully in her typical style. Anyone who is looking for an uplifting and satisfying holiday-centered read will be delighted by this lovely book. Highly recommend for fall reads to get you into the spirit!

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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I'm generally a huge Sarah Morgan fan, but I just couldn't relate to any of these characters. I kept reading to see where it was going, but I gave up when the guy whose supposed to be a romantic hero basically told his love interest that he would only save her from a mountain lion if she asked nicely.

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Just like her last book, this author has written a novel surrounding multiple characters - all sharing the light as the main players, this time they are in the same family. A mother and her two daughters are all individually facing some personal challenges, but not together. Without telling each other what they are going through, and after being separated since the Summer - they are being brought together for the Christmas wedding of the youngest daughter in Aspen, CO.

Well put together - though at times a little unbelievable- this story is charming and very descriptive. One thing I’ve appreciated about this author is she knows how to tell a story and describe well the surroundings.

This is not a clean romance, and should be noted.

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This was an entertaining story that is set in a beautiful Colorado location, just right for a Christmas wedding. The characters have an adorable amount of quirkiness. This storyline is kind of a variation on a familiar theme, but the Christmas wedding makes it work. I liked the snappy dialogue between the characters. I’m more of a dedicated “ Love Inspired fiction” reader, and this book has a little more heat than those books have, so reader be aware of that. This book would make a cute movie.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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A wonderful holiday romance! As the book opens, Rosie has surprised her British family by announcing that even though she's only been in the United States for a few months, studying for a graduate degree at Harvard, she's managed to meet the love of her life, AND she's getting married at Christmas, which is just a month away. Her fiance's mother is a very successful wedding planner in Colorado ski country, and she's planning the whole thing at the incredibly romantic and picturesque family ski lodge. All Rosie's parents and sister (Katie) have to do is get on a plane and join the festivities. There are a few problems -- Katie is determined to stop her little sister from going through with a hastily planned wedding, and she uses all her over-protective, bossy big-sister tricks to try to split them up. Worse yet, Rosie's parents have been living apart for the last few months. They are about to divorce, but they haven't shared that news with their daughters and they don't want to ruin the wedding. So they decide to pretend that everything is OK between them. In fact, they agree to act as if this whole trip is a sort of second honeymoon for them. Lots of twists and turns on the way to some very satisfying resolutions at the end.

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I discovered Sarah Morgan's books last year and fell in love with her quirky characters and genuine love stories, so when I was A Wedding in December pop up in my NetGalley, I knew I needed it my life ASAP. This is such a cute and lovely read for winter, so you're definitely going to want to pick this up for some cozy Christmas reading this year. The book releases on September 24, 2019.

The White family is getting ready for a wedding. Rosie, the younger sister, is getting married in Aspen after a whirlwind romance and has just called her family across the pond to invite them to the wedding in a mere three weeks. A flurry of activity follows as her family gets ready to make the trek to Colorado. Rosie's parents have been going through a rough time in their marriage and in fact, now that their girls are both grown and moved out, they have decided to divorce. But how awful would it be to tell your daughter you're getting a divorce on the eve of her marriage, particularly when she uses you as an example of how to keep a marriage alive? No, they must fake it for a bit, instead.

Rosie's parents was one of the absolute highlights of this book. Her mother's frantic antics to keep up appearances were over the top and laugh-inducing. I could picture this perfectly like a movie in my head. In addition to that, the setting of Aspen in the early winter was romantic, with the treetop hotel rooms and snow, the beautiful lodge and cute town to shop in. Anyway, I loved watching her parents grow throughout the book and come to terms with their new status of married (soon to be divorced?) empty-nesters.

Speaking of growth, Rosie's older sister Katie is an emergency room physician and she is the definition of stress and burned out. She works, eats, and sleeps and is very suspicious of love. How could they even know each other well enough to decide on marriage? When Katie's therapist demands she take sabbatical, she has no excuse to miss the wedding and goes to Colorado with the intention of interrogating her sister's fiance.

I really felt for Katie. Her short career has not been easy and she doesn't deal with stress well. In addition to that, she is keeping a secret from her family that keeps her on edge. Watching her leave work and let loose (well, as loose as she can muster) in Aspen was a relief. Two weeks in the mountains was great for Katie's personal growth and helped her make some big realizations of her life... and maybe fall a little in love? It IS a romance novel, after all.

And an epic romance at that, as it encompasses three love stories over multiple generations. Each story was unique and the wove together spectacularly. If you love winter and Christmas romances, this is the book for you this year. You can pre-order a copy on Harlequin's website, Amazon, or your favorite bookstore. Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for allowing me the chance to review this book. The free e-copy did not affect my review and these opinions are all mine.

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This book was excellent! Totally kept my attention and I wanted to find out what would become of the main characters. Highly reccomended.

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This a story about family and emotions. Very touching love story. There were a lot of characters but every one had a major part in this story. I really enjoy reading all of Sarah Morgan's books

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A Wedding in December is one of Morgan's better outings. Fans of Morgan will embrace all of the characters in this story as we see two sisters, best friends, parents, one widowed and one on the verge of divorce.While it may seem the cast of characters is too large, all of them are given strong story lines and it leads to a very satisfying conclusion that does not seem rushed at all.

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My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed, A Wedding in December by Sarah Morgan. It's not a fast-paced story, but rather the kind of story that you take your time with, enjoy, and savor. While the beginning had a slower start, things started to really pick up at the half way point.

This is a story about family, self-discovery, and the continuous journey of learning about oneself and growing. I loved that Ms. Mogan gave us three different points of view. We get Maggie, who is an empty-nester and has been separated from her husband Nick for months; Katie, who is the eldest daughter, has suffered from a traumatic experience, and started to doubt her career choice as an E.R. doctor, and Rosie, the youngest daughter, who has had a whirlwind romance, and is now engaged to get married at Christmas time.

All three of these women have secrets that they are keeping from each other, and are battling self-doubt, and emotional distress for different reasons. When the whole family comes together a few weeks before Rosie's wedding day they will each face their individual challenges, as well as challenges as a family. Romance is in the air, as well as Rosie's wedding serving as a catalyst for growth and change.

If you enjoy Women's Fiction, stories about family, self-discovery, growth, romance, and the holidays, you need to check out, A Wedding in December! I enjoy Sarah Morgan's writing style and this story is sure to make you laugh, smile, and see a bit of yourself and your own family in it, due to the authenticity and relatability of the main characters.

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Relatable, charming, heart warming and a read that will leave you with all the warm and fuzzies. A novel perfect not only for romance lovers out there but those looking for a story that is full of Christmas spirit. With a beautiful Colorado setting that almost makes me wish it was Christmas time here as well, this truly was an uplifting story that not only felt real but ended with a happy note that will leave you with a smile on your face and sad that the story is over.

A Wedding in December was my first Sarah Morgan novel and I can say with certainty that it won't be my last. I definitely have a new romance author to fall in love with and be excited about.

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