Member Reviews

Felicity hadn't been born to riches or title after her parents died all she had was her older brother Cole and they survived together doing what they must to stay alive. Which how she became an expert on carriage design. When Cole became a Duke everything changed she had to become a lady and marry well. She had two more weeks to be herself after getting her brothers carriage in the perfect racing form she would hang up her tools for the last time. Then her brother arranged for Giles Langford to aid them in getting ready for the race, Can the Lady remain a lady or can she keep her trousers and become a partner

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I haven’t read a book by Ms Ridley and this one is no different. I love the way she makes her characters different and very non complaint with the times. Her books always flow beautifully and have you cheering for the characters. This one was a little different to the usual historical romance with the heroine lovely a lowly blacksmith and I loved it. The story was romantic and a real pleasure to read. I found it hard to put down, with the excitement of a race and the relationship of the two main characters. I also liked how the parents were brought into the story. There was a small sex scene that this reviewer skipped and it didn’t affect my enjoyment of this book. I received this book as an ARC and freely gave my review.

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The best book in the series yet! Each book has been enjoyable, but this addition was on a whole other level. It took me back in time and dropped me right into the ton during the season. The romance was sigh worthy. Book provided by NetGalley.

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I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review

Sweet short story, not very realistic timeperiod wise but very winsome. I really enjoyed having a working man protagonist for a change.

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Suspend Disbelief.
If you can look past Giles’ modern outlook to women and the unlikelihood of the entire story, then you will adore this romance. Felicity disliked the poverty and uncertainty of her childhood but being of a mechanical bent, loved the smithy work she did, disguised as a boy. On her brother’s elevation to the peerage she had to learn to be a lady and knows that once she marries, her time spent tinkering with carriages must come to an end. Her goal is to marry someone of wealth and influence, preferably someone of high rank and with a charitable nature so that he will support her wish to start a foundation for impoverished children. So that man is so NOT Giles Langford, Curricle King and coach smith. I found this book delightful.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Light-hearted and fun to read, this story features a Lady mechanic and her working-man beau. It’s refreshing to find a hero in a Regency story that’s not an aristocrat. This book boasts an enjoyable plot, likable characters and one steamy scene.

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I love this series and this was a great addition. It's got one issues and I'd have preferred to read a full novel because I was left wishing more details about the characters.
An engrossing and entertaining read.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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One Night to Remember is the fifth book in the Wicked Duke Club series. Each book is incredible and fun to read. This book is Giles and Felicity’s story. Lady Felicity’s brother, who is the Duke of Colehaven (from the first book), has entered a wager that his curricle would win in a race. The Duke of Colehaven hires Giles Langford, who is known as the “Curricle King,” to drive his curricle in the race and to work with Felicity to ensure he wins. Felicity hides her talents of being a smithy by dressing as a boy and working at Giles workshop. She is ready to give up her smithy work in order to marry a wealthy lord who will help her with her goal of creating charities to help children. Giles helps the neighborhood children by apprenticing them in his shop. He is impressed with Felicity’s talent and her charity goals but can’t help wanting to make Felicity a part of his life. Both characters are great but Giles was so sincere and sure of himself it was hard not to fall in love with his character. The book was well written, face paced and hard to put down. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series, but am said it will be the last! It’s been such a fun series to read and I have enjoyed every book. I definitely recommend reading this book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received an advance reader’s copy of this book.

I adored this book. The story is well-written and the pacing was maintained throughout.

This was a fun read. Felicity is caught between expectations placed on her and who she is at her core. To further complicate things, based on her poor upbringing, she also has a desire for a secure future. Giles owns a smithy and while surprised to discover Felicity is a blacksmith, he is open minded and accepts her expertise. He falls in love with Felicity but aware of his lack of a title and wealth, knows he has little if anything to offer Felicity.

There were some cute scenes that made me smile. I did feel there wasn’t much angst during the black moment and the ending came together quickly.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters and the setup for this story.

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Lady Felicity Sutton grew up poor with her brother, Cole, the new Duke of Colehaven. Having to work to survive, the pair worked in a smithy, Felicity disguised as a lad.
Now into her sixth season, she is determined to find a husband that will help her in her goal to aid as many poor children as she can and had a man in mind, older, rich and a viscount.
A wager brings her into Giles' smithy and she feels more comfortable than she has felt in years...but he is uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because Felicity/Felix is the perfect woman for him, but he's sure she doesn't feel the same and her brother would never approve.
Circumstances prove him wrong....after she decides he is what she wants.
Sweet historical with a sensual scene between the pair, an exciting race with a different ending than the crowd expects and a loving brother, who does the right thing by his sister.
I requested and received a NetGalley ARC to peruse and highly recommend this series written by Erica Ridley and Darcy Burke...interwoven tales that are all enjoyable reads.

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Yay, the last of Erica Ridley in the Wicked Duke Series (and fortunately still one of Darcy Burke to go). And this time it is about Giles Langley, one of the customers of the Wicked Duke. He is no noblemen, but he gains a lot of customers (dukes and marquesses) from his trips to the Wicked Duke. And one of his best customers is one of the owners of the Wicked Duke, namely the Duke of Colehaven (you know, from One Night for Seduction). The Duke of Colehaven has a special request for Giles, who is also known as the Curricle King: to enhance his carriage and race with it against some other dukes. The Duke of Colehaven, however, has one condition: his blacksmith will be there to help Giles to upgrade the carriage. After agreeing, Giles is shocked to find out, this blacksmith is a girl! No less than Felicity Sutton, the Duke's sister.
Felicity was born in poverty and after becoming the sister of a duke, she has set a goal to help as many poor children as possible. If this means forfeiting her possibility of a marriage for love, then so be it. To be an eligible bride, she has to stop being a blacksmith. So her days with Giles will be the last of her tinkering with carriages. When working together, Felicity can't help but feel attracted to the kind and attractive Giles. But Giles has no title and not enough funds to aid her goal, so she tells him she is in the market for a duke or marquess. Giles thought that Felicity was different, but when he hears of her goal to find a husband with deep enough pockets, he is appalled. But when he finds out the reason of her goal: can he convince her that a no-title husband can aid her as well? A wonderful read, five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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This is a thrilling, romantic and intriguing story that is full of action and drama. Felicity is trying to find a husband, but the man must agree to her demand about giving to charities, with the hope of starting a foundation for children, but as yet she hasn't found one. She has one last man that interested her, Lord Raymore, a wealthy, older man whom she likes. But that's her night job, her day job is the design and maintenance of her brother Cole's racing carriage. She's the reason he wins, but he's given her one last race to ready for before she must give it up and be a lady full time. Giles is the best carriage driver, he never loses, so Cole hires him for the race, and then tells him that he must work with Felicity on the carriage. At first he isn't pleased, but the longer he's around her, the more he likes and respects her. He also earns her admiration, he's the only person besides her brother who likes her as her, and he's a kind, generous and caring man. It's the perfect match for both of them, but Cole wants Felicity to marry well, and she wants wealth to spread. The end of the story is unexpected, and the best part is when she walks into Wicked Duke. This whole series belongs on everyone's TBR list.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. This is my honest and voluntary opinion of it.

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One Night to Remember is a novella in the Wicked Dukes Club series. A strong willed tomboy, Felicity Sutton is the sister of the Duke of Colehaven who has not forgot what it was to be poor and common. She loves to work on carriages but pretends to be a proper lady in society. Wanting to lift up the poor, she plans to marry a titled gentleman who will share her calling. Giles Langford is the Curricle King, the go to guy to fix your racing curricle and one heck of a racer. When the Duke makes a wager on a race, Giles and Felicity begin a partnership to make the Duke's curricle the best it can be. Love is quick to follow as Felicity must decide between a man who loves her as she is and the expectations of society.The characters charm the reader and the story entertains. Like a little ray of sunshine, this book brings happiness and lifted spirits for a delightful read. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy form Netgalley.

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Delightful Lady Felicity just wants to be herself – a mechanic! A little different for women of her time, r4eally a lot different, but she was Felix most of the time growing up with her brother just trying to stay alive and fed. So, she dressed as a boy for protection and food. Her brother, now a peer, wants her to marry well which means a duke. Her brother enjoys racing and pairs her with a smithy, Giles, to prepare his curricle for a race.

In the meantime, Felicity is trying to make a match to keep her brother happy and assist in preparing for the race. Quick connections have Felicity and Giles fighting their attraction.

I love her brother’s response when she enters the Wicked Duke’s Club following the race. He is the real thing as we know from his book earlier in the series. Yet, Felicity has met her match in Giles.

This book is different from Erica’s typical romances, but you will love it just the same.

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Lady Felicity or Lord Felix? What’s a girl to go? Be herself or pretend to be someone else? Felicity is on a mission to land a wealthy peer so she can start a foundation to help the poor children of London. What she didn’t foresee was meeting Giles Langford, smithy and the king if racing. Their mutual love for mechanics and racing brings them together and Felicity can be herself and be accepted by Giles as an equal.
I received an ARC of this book.

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This was a fascinating perspective on a mechanically minded young woman in the Regency era. Obviously there was an aptitude for the work, but the reasons for Felicity's devotion to the craft were tender and complex. Ultimately all the characters were likeable and the plot resolved with just a slight excess of angst. I skipped over the graphic intimacy, which detracts from the overall story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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This is a cheesy, unrealistic novel but I didn't care at all. It was a fun read to escape the chores of life for a while - this is the fifth book in The Wicked Dukes series; it seems more of a novella size and was swift to read. This does have advantages of being pacey but the disadvantage of lacking development and detail. But it really works well as a quick fun read to pass a couple of hours and I enjoyed it. I liked both our two principal characters: Giles Langford, also known as the Curricle King for unbroken record during races and his skills. Our female lead is Lady Felicity Sutton, who at the start of the novel is husband hunting to achieve a social standard to appease her brother's wishes and to use her wealth to help children. Her love however is for mechanics and she truly desires freedom to follow her love of racing and curricle design.
However, complications ensue when Giles and Felicity are thrown together to prepare her brother's curricle for an upcoming race. This leads very quickly into strong feelings for each other and then the twists and turns towards their final path to a HEA.

All in all, I enjoyed this romance. A splendidly sweet love story between two social opposites.

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There’s probably nothing remotely historically accurate in the relationship between our hero and heroine, but that didn’t stop me from loving every minute of it. The chemistry between Giles and Felicity is explosive from the very first moment we see them together. It’s easy to see why this pairing should never work, and why they’re perfect for one another. In fact, they broke my heart a couple times through the course of this book when they kept refusing to see just how perfect they are for one another. I'm so glad they were able to finally able to get their heads (and hearts) on straight.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book from the author.

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What a unique Regency romance. The sister of a well respected Duke is secretly a smithy. Felicity and Cole were orphaned as children and to survive she became Cole's younger brother Felix. But when her brother became a Duke her life was changed. Determined to marry well and be able to provide for children her and her brother is her drive and focus. Until she meet Giles the. Curricle King and her brother let's her have 2 weeks to bring his curricle to racing standards. Torn between Lord Felix and Lady Felicity her life has just become more complicated because now her heart is involved. Great story and I simply loved Felicity!

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This is the fifth book in the series but can be read as a standalone. Giles is surprised to learn that his blacksmith is a girl and even more surprised that she is the sister of a duke. Giles falls for her but has nothing to offer her, no money or title. Felicity wants to marry for money to protect herself and her brother but will she follow her heart instead? Fast-paced historical read with plenty of drama and great chemistry. I really liked it.

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