Member Reviews

Discretion is the first book in Karina Halle’s new The Dumonts series and color me intrigued. This had all the elements of a great romantic suspense. It was scandalous, sexy, romantic, and had Karina’s insanely talented writing.

When Sadie finds herself alone backpacking through Europe, the last thing she expects is to be mugged. And even more surprising is the man that saves her. Oliver Dumont. Oliver and Sadie couldn’t be more different. Oliver is rich, french, and from an influential family. Sadie is a broke college student from Seattle who just went through a breakup. They shouldn’t work. But the heart wants what the heart wants.

What starts out as Oliver helping Sadie get back on her feet (quite literally) turns into Oliver and Sadie having loads of hot sex to Oliver and Sadie having true and real feelings for one another.

If only love could be so simple. But Oliver’s family isn’t simple. There are people in his family he loves and truly cares about, and there are others. Those that are deceitful, manipulative, and have something big they’re holding over his head. Something he wants no one to know about.

The only thing I didn’t necessarily love about this one was the original reason Oliver had been blackmailed… I felt it a little weak, like that’s something that wouldn’t have been taken quite so seriously with his family if he had just came clean all those years ago. But I also understood his pride and how he wanted his father to see him in a certain light so I got it to an extent I was just expecting something bigger.

This is one of those books that hooked me from the start. I loved the dynamic of Sadie and Oliver’s relationship and enjoyed this book a lot. If you’re looking for a romantic suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat, pick this one up. I can’t wait to read more of these books. So many of the secondary characters piqued my interest and I can’t wait to read more about them and Sadie and Oliver as well!

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I love Karina Halle and will read any book that she writes. But to be honest, this wasn’t my favourite book from her. It is still worth reading, but it wasn’t a must read for me.

I loved the couple at the centre of the book, Olivier and Sadie, they were HOT. And if the book was just about their relationship, I think I would have liked it more. But I think my problem was that the conflicts in the story were frustrating instead of suspenseful, the characters just needed to talk to each other.

This book doesn’t end in a cliffhanger, the next book is Olivier’s sister’s story. I would recommend not reading the second book’s synopsis because it contains spoilers for the first book (I made that mistake!).

Again, if you’re a Karina Halle fan, I would still read Discretion, especially since it is the first in the series about the three Dumont siblings. And I will still be reading the next book in the series!

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sadie is a 23yr old American student backpacking across Europe. On her way to catch a train she finds herself in a scary situation and is rescued by Olivier Dumant, who, as one of the heirs to a fashion empire and a billionaire hotelier is practically French Royalty. But Sadie doesn't know any of this and Olivier finds that he likes that. But what should have been a light holiday romance turns into something deeper and secrets that had been buried for ten years are about to be exposed. This was an enjoyable read I liked Olivier and Sadie. Despite the short time frame their romance was believable. This book is definitely a good start to the series and it has me very curious to what will happen next. It does not have a cliff hanger ending, but there are plenty of questions that I need answers to. This did not leave me frustrated rather, it left me excited to see what happens next. I want to know more about Olivier's siblings and I hope his sister Seraphine gets a book too. It will be great to see how certain people get their comeuppenace, though I am intrigued over one that maybe redeemed? I think? I hope?! @karinhalle has written an engaging romance full of intrigue, greed and possible foulplay with wonderful characters. The author has done an amazing job with the start of this series I can't wait to see where she takes us from here!
A Solid 4⭐/5!!! 💚
Discretion by Karina Halle comes out 6th August 2019. 💚

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I have a new appreciation for French dudes named Oliver. Damn he’s hot! This was a super twisty journey with lots of ups and downs. I liked the flow of the book and was very easily sucked into it. Karina’s books are always good! This story I had a harder time connecting to the heroine. For some reason I didn’t click with her but it didn’t make me like the book any less. Overall the book was great and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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I have loved many books by Karina Halle and I will continue to pick her books without hesitation, but I have decided to put this one down at 70%. The writing itself was fine, and I wouldn't expect anything less from this author, but it came down to character development for me. The main characters and the antagonists felt one-dimensional to me. As a couple, I didn't feel the chemistry between Sadie and Olivier, It was too fast, too soon, overwrought. Individually, Sadie also fell flat. There wasn't anything about her that I particularly disliked, nor was there anything about her that I particularly liked. She seemed to float about wherever the plot took her; reacting about as incredible (literally, not credible) things happen around her, but she could have been more interesting if were the driver of the plot at times. Then, there was Olivier. I could see where his character was supposed to go: sexy, charming, rich guy with a mysterious past; but I didn't feel it. What I saw was a character who made a mistake a long time ago, and allowed the super-villains in his life to manipulate and control his life from that point forward.

Thanks NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4+ stars

A story of sex, intrigue, scandal and family secrets. How could I not like this book? And set in France? Bonus. It had all the good bones of a story that would capture so much of what I enjoy and in a setting that is rich and full of history.

The story starts with a prologue that sheds a little light on Olivier in his past. Just a small clue of what's to come with the Dumont family and I was interested.

Then it's about Olivier and Sadie. These two characters meet under some bad circumstances, but we get a feel for who Olivier is and what he stands for right from the beginning. And Sadie? She's a backpacking American girl traveling through Europe. I could've been her (20 plus years ago and minus the rich Frenchman ;) ). Obviously they were two different people from two entirely different worlds. How would their story fit in with the Dumont life we already got a taste of?

I liked the premise and where it started. I loved the setting in France (I've been to most of the places mentioned, so it was like I got to return there...Antibes!). But then I felt like the story got lost a little in the sex and romance. Don't get me wrong. Sadie and Olivier had some chemistry and I liked their romantic scenes, I just wanted more of the mystery surrounding the Dumont family at the beginning half. I wanted more of the secrets and lies and how that played all into Olivier and his history with his family. We got that, but it almost seemed anticlimatic. Plus, it wasn't until the last quarter of the story. AND call me a glutton for punishment, but I wanted more of the mystery. More of the suspense. Just something MORE. It seems like we got a taste of it in book one and we will get more in the next books. I can only hope for that.

As for the characters, Olivier and Sadie have an instant chemistry and are hot almost from the get go. They just fit in a way that is comfortable. It was an automatic feeling for both of them and not sure what exactly set those feelings aflame, but it was fun watching it grow. Then there is his family. They already have given us a taste of their lives and I can't wait to hear more from them. The men/his cousins and uncle, along with his sister are absolutely intriguing. I don't know how to feel about any of them right now, but THAT is what is going to set this series on fire if we can get more of them and more danger (ahem, that car chase) and mystery.

We got a taste of mystery and intrigue and I hope we get more in the books that follow. The story still left a good beginning for a series and I really enjoyed watching Olivier and Sadie set the ground for more. They were hot and sexy and I loved being brought back to France. A well told story with characters that have a history and are fleshed out just enough to get us set for more in this world. I can't wait!

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I wanted to like this. It's been a minute since I indulged in a Karina Halle book, but she's an author I have quite enjoyed in the past. This one just wasn't clicking for me. Something about the dialogue and the pacing was off for me, and I wasn't particularly drawn to, or curious about either of the main characters.. I found myself putting it down and not feeling very motivated to pick it back up. I'm not sure if it's the storyline or the storytelling, but in the end, it was a DNF for me at 20%.

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review!

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Another hit from Karina Halle. This one brings a woman traveling through Europe who has been stranded by her cheating ex-boyfriend, and the hotel mogul with a family full of status and drama.

Olivier Dumont, part of the Dumont designer house, stumbled on Sadie as she was attacked while making her way to the train station. He swoops in to help her, and ends up keeping her with him in one of his hotels so that she can recover. The two give in to their attraction, but as with any good story, they will face some obstacles along the way.

His family secrets come to haunt them, and this first in this new series is without a doubt a must read!

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Ohhhh this book was good! So so good! But, really anything by Karina Halle is always good to read!

The characters pull you in immediately and take you on a wonderful (sometimes a little suspenseful) adventure. The dialogue is well written and the imagery makes you want to hop on a plane to France! Definitely looking forward to more from this series!

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Discretion is everything the blurb promises it will be: a fun, angsty, soap opera-ish escape. This fast paced novel features the perfect concoction of love and sex and intrigue--there are good guys and bad guys and a promise of several more book that will explore who is guilty of what. In this first stand alone novel we meet Sadie and Olivier--a couple whose story seems part fairy tale and part nightmare.

Sadie is the doing what many college kids dream about doing--backpacking through Europe--when a series of unfortunate events puts her in the path of Olivier. Olivier is living what to the outside world appears to be his best life when he happens upon Sadie...and thank goodness for him showing up right when she needed him. He saves her from a very bad situation and from that point on, their love story begins. It's a love story that's fast and feisty and filled with a lot of swoony romance from Olivier and sass from Sadie (I really liked her) and lots of mysterious and nefarious happenings with his sketchy family. France is our backdrop which just seems to elevate the mystery and romance of it all...and man does Karina Halle have a way with describing places she obviously loves--she makes me want to visit every place she writes about.

I devoured this novel and am so very eager for the next book in the series; it looks to be equally fun, sexy, and will give us more clues as to what in the actual world is going on in the Dumont family. Pick up Discretion for a fun escape from the dog days of summer; we don't think you'll regret it (except that you'll want the next novel in your hands immediately).

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Karina Halle whisks readers away to beautiful French locations where love, sex, and intrigue take center stage. Having never been to France myself, I loved getting a taste of it through Halle's writing. Olivier Dumont is as sexy of a Frenchman as you can possibly get. Romantic, adventurous and wealthy beyond imagination. When he stumbles upon destitute American Sadie Reynolds, he rescues her and whisks her into the center of his crazy, exciting world. The story is full of steam and swoon coupled with angst and emotion. The story progresses at a quick pace and danger and intrigue takes hold for the second half of the book. It's a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end, there's an HEA that's worth the wait. I can't wait to see what's next in the second book!

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I really enjoyed this one... great characters with a good storyline. The ending was perfect! Could not have asked for a better one! Wouldn’t change a thing about it. (Is Oliver’s sister getting her own story next? I sure hope so. )
However, I did feel the story was a little slow at times. I’m not sure what the issue was. Usually I love how long this author’s stories are... long romance novels are better then short one. Just saying. This one just lost my attention twice and I had to skip a few pages to get back into it. (Could have something to do with what she says in her acknowledgements.)

Sadie and Oliver meet when he saves her. Literally saves her by removing (and beating) her attacker. What a hero, right?!?! This story is almost insta-love. My favorite!

I really do recommend this one! Despite my one complaint, this story was actually pretty great!

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I adore Karina Halle's magical storytelling ability as with each of her stories I get swept away by the romance, passion between her characters and the absolutey gorgeous emotional connection between them. The feels alone always have me addicted by the first chapter. I felt this exact way when reading Discretion as Olivier and Sadie have a whirlwind romance filled with steamy sex and secrets that had me addicted from their first glimpse of one another!

Without giving away any spoilers when the mysterious Olivier Dumont meets Sadie Reynolds in a dangerous situation, he is completely taken with the young American traveler. But as they get closer and spend more time with one another, Sadie figures out who Olivier Dumont really is and the dark secrets in his past and the family skeletons some members of his family are hiding. 

Overall, I enjoyed this story a lot. I enjoyed the chemistry and passion between Olivier and Sadie but did feel that their connection was almost insta-esque. I would have liked to see a little more build up in emotions and back and forth between them. To really feel it.But all in all, this was a great read and I look forward to the second book in the Dumont family saga! 

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula

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I am a huge fan of Karina Halle so was very excited to read this new book. It did not disappoint! She has a way of creating characters and stories that immediately draw readers in and keeps them reading. This book, the first in a new series, delivers plenty of chemistry, humor, romance and even suspense. The characters are likable and the story flows perfectly. I am excited to see what her next book brings!

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Romance and chemistry-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Suspense and drama-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Will I recommend it?- absolutely.
Firstly I have to thanks Netgalley and the Montlake publishers for giving me a chance to review this wonderful book and also Karina Halle for penning this Romance. I have read almost all of her books but never came across something like this!
This books starts with an American college girl Sadie who was in paris with her boyfriend Tom, when her friend informed her that Tom had been cheating on her the whole time and predictibly they broke up. Now alone in Paris, Sadie was on her way to a train bound for spain when she was followed and attacked by a man but was fortunately saved by a Handsome Frenchman. Oliver,bless his heart, saved Sadie from the vegabond but sadie's leg was injured none the less. After a trip to the hospital where sadie came to know that Oliver is actually "The Oliver Durmont" Heir apparent to the Durmont fashion Industry which is better known as "the French equivalent of Chanel". Oliver and Sadie both were initially drawn to each other and their chemistry magnifies as he takes her to his hotel a little away from Paris and gives her shelter in his room,takes cares of her injuries,feeds her,clothes her,woos her with his charm but never lays a finger on her. He even insists that she stays there as long as she wants to. *perfect prince charming material* But eventually chemistry wins and since neither can ignore the physical lust between them, they succumb to it. Thus begins their Holiday affair. It sounds like a perfectly normal meet-cute doesn't it? Well its not that simple. Dumont is a powerfull empire having both good and bad side. The good side consists of Oliver's father, Ludovic,his adoptive sister Saraphine and his Elder brother Renault. And his Uncle Gautier, his cousin psycho Pascal and even Blaise represents all that is wrong not only in the family but also in this world. His Uncle and Pascal trapped Oliver 10 years ago in a affair with Pascal's wife and in lieu of their silence,Gautier demanded Oliver sign away his shares of the company. Eventually chaos begins after Oliver's father dies out of the blue and Gautier tries not only to kill Oliver but also create a rift between him and Sadie by forcing Sadie to leave France and Oliver behing. This book also gives a hint of romance between Saraphine and Blaise!( very excited about it!) And Oliver, always the gentleman(french and sexy) chases after Sadie*swoon*. This book is very well ritten and also very engaging. No flaw at all(neither in storyline nor in writing) and have to say its Miss Halle's best work in romance till date!( for me😀). The drama and suspence will keep you rooted to the edge of you seat. The romance will kepp you rooting for Sadie and Oliver the whole time. Loved the hint of romance between Saraphine and Blaise too! And I wish each of the Durmont brothers get their Happily ever after even Pascal( okay thats a stretch). And I am waiting to see what happens to Gautier( they say karma is a bitch and the pounding he got from from Oliver is not enough. He deserves much worse!).
Happy reading...xoxo

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I really enjoyed this book (France set romances are AWESOME and so is Karina Halle) but the ending was not that great. I will be continuing because I am hopeful that there will be some resolution but 3 stars from me this time.

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This book was fun, sexy and I thoroughly enjoyed the OTT action. Give me a car chase and I am all for it LOL. I am eager for book 2 as this seductive and mysterious family has me eager for more.

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Sexy? Check! Instalove? Check? Family feud? Check? Romantic Hero? Check, check, check!
I have read some of this author's books and they are all pretty good. This one was no exception. It was slightly different from her other books but she did not disappoint. If your a fan of instalove, don't miss this book because it has loads of it. The life of the very rich and very famous come together with a girl that has nothing but herself to count on and by then you discover, as she did, that life isn't always about the material safety that you might have. The other characters in the book kept me on my toes and I'm sure great stories will come through them. Can't wait to see what happens.

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WOW. Just complete and utter wow. This book has it all: wealth, power, scandal, a crazy family, and oh yeah, LOVE. Like crazy, sexy, can't put this book down, LOVE. Sadie is exactly what Olivier needs, and never thought he could have. This story took me on one wild ride, and I am DYING for the next book, because I need to see justice served!

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Discretion, The Dumonts Book 1, Karina Halle

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: romance, general fiction (adult)

Karina is one of my must-read authors, ever since I stumbled upon the wonderful experiment in terror series, and then of course her contemporary romances. Lately though, I seem to be on a different wavelength, I started but abandoned Maverick, and if this hadn't been a review book I'd have done the same.

I wasn't convinced in the insta-love Olivier had for Sadie, though its the kind of start I usually love. Then there's the way she throws all caution to the wind and stays with him. Would you? I know some folk would, I just didn't get that vibe from Sadie though, that she'd risk all on a stranger. Gorgeous, seems kind and filthy rich but a stranger non-the-less.
Throw in Olivier's family, the sort of nasty characters I usually adore, and this should have been perfect for me. I just didn't really understand why his mistake, his big secret, still affected him so much. Its played that letting it out would hurt his father and his sister, but his actions in abandoning that side of the family business seem to be hurting them more. Plus, he's rolling in cash, folk like that are usually rolling in lawyers too ;-) and I'm sure one of them could have found a way out of the Big Secret. Frankly, I didn't think it was something that would particularly shock his family anyway....Throw in that towards the end the drama, the secrets, the whole story line goes a bit OTT, and this just wasn't a book for me.

The romance between Olivier and Sadie does wrap up, sort of, though it takes til nearly the end. However I still didn't really think the dangers had gone, it was a bit call-my-bluff, OK bluff-called, but the threats and risks were still there IMO, folk like his family don't just give up.
I guess that's for the later books, I'm not sure if the next book(s) detail more of their story, or go on to another family member. I don't like the kind of ambiguous ending of this one, so think there's more to come from them, but I could be wrong and their story finished.

Stars: Two and a half, there were bits I enjoyed, Karina's writing style works well for me but this book seemed a little OTT and choppy somehow. Much depends I guess on the next book, that may make me feel differently about this one, depending on what it contains.

Arc via Netgalley and publishers

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