Member Reviews

I love the drama, the high society and insta passion of Discretion. I love the world Olivier comes from and all that twisty family drama that comes with it. He such a swoony frenchman it's no wonder Sadie is immediately smitten. He is a good man and such an interesting one. I love how far apart him and Sadie are yet thet have this instant connection. Sadie is cute and enjoyable and I love how she fits with Olivier.
The storyline was fantastic, I love that high society drama! It fit well with all the romance and heat of Sadie and Olivier. I am really excited to see more from the Dumont world!

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Release Date: August 6, 2019
Montlake Romance
The Dumonts #1
Romantic Suspense
Review copy provided by publisher

Nikki's Review:

Nothing says romance and sexy times like a whirlwind romance in Europe. I was so excited that this book took place in France!

I really liked both of the characters. Olivier and Sadie were both likeable people. Their characters were thoroughly developed, and the dialogue between them was always entertaining.

The two things that made my eye twitch in this book really stole something from the story. The reasons behind Olivier being blackmailed by his uncle were ridiculous. I couldn’t figure out why he thought the information his uncle was lording over his head was all that destructive.

The other thing that bothered me was the fact that there was zero conflict between the hero and heroine. There wasn’t any tension that was building to that climatic moment. They just fell in lust and then love, and then they lived happily ever after. Honestly, it was disappointing. I liked these two so much, but I wanted them to have to work for it. Don’t get me wrong, I need a definite HEA in my romance, but I also like the road to their happiness to be a bit bumpy.

This was an ok read, but because of those two things mentioned above, it just fell a bit short for me.

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A stunning and exciting new series from an author that captures emotions and human nature like few others and paints a vivid picture of a family fraught with lies, deception and hate and even a touch of evil at its core, where one side will stop at nothing to have it all. Against all odds, the other half inspires goodness and at its core wants to keep the family business as its always been, wholesome, family oriented and of the highest standards one would expect to see in a French designer company. Olivier has unbeknownst to his father and siblings been keeping a secret, one that will cost him, them everything if he does not do what his evil uncle says. As his time to make.a decision draws nearer he stumbles upon a woman being robbed, and everything changes. Sadie oozes goodness and charm and all that is good in the world. He can't help but want to soak in every minute of it. Sadie is taken by this charming Frenchman that shows her a world of opulence she never could have imagined. But time is running out, danger lurking at every corner, and things will never be the same for any of them. A new family full of lovable characters and even a few you want to hate so bad, full of potential and everything you've cone to expect with a Karina Halle book. I cannot wait for the next one and all the deliciousness it's sure to bring.

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It is just about impossible not to get lost in a story of Karina Halle's, and Discretion was no different. From the South of France to Paris, these characters and settings took my breath away at times.

I will say that it took me a bit to really get into the story of Sadie, a broken-hearted college-age backpacker in Europe, and Olivier, a French billionaire. At first I thought their relationship/attraction was too contrived - too instant; but then you get to know both of their stories and backgrounds, and you will fall for these characters!

Sadie is your typical college girl who was swept up in the idea of traveling Europe with her boyfriend. I admired her tenacity and bravery for continuing on her trip solo when events happened to separate them. Her travels took me back to a time when I, too, traveled across Europe backpacking with my college friends. K Halle paints the picture and scenes so well that you feel you are a part of them! When Sadie meets Olivier, their connection is instant but does not seem that it is ever-lasting. But as their story unfolds, and different characters come into play they begin to rely on each other for more than a hot fling.

I was captivated by Olivier and the life he led - the Gala balls, billion dollar company deals, and of course, his family. The secrets and twists that played out kept me glued to the pages, and falling for Olivier more and more. I felt almost protective of him at times, and desperately wanted him to set the truth free and end up with the girl of his dreams, Sadie.

The side characters in this book play a big part in keeping this story moving, and will keep you guessing who is loyal and who is not. I was swept up in Sadie & Olivier's love story and how it bloomed - the circumstances that drew them closer together, and how their initial attraction eventually turned into true love.

This is an easy read that will allow you to escape to France and experience family drama, love and loyalty. Well done once again K Halle!!

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I’m always eager for a new Karina Halle read, and was eager to dive into Discretion. I was more than ready for a new series from the author, one to devour, and The Dumonts sounded like something I would adore.

Although I had a lot of fun with this one, I’m going to be honest and say it’s not my favourite Karina Halle read. There is no denying I was hooked on it – I devoured it in a single sitting, unable to put it down – but it didn’t wow me in quite the same way as some of the author’s other books.

With this one, even though I enjoyed the relationship between the main characters I never felt the intense connection between them that they seemed to. A lot of it felt like it was surface level stuff, rather than the intense connection I’ve felt in other books by the author. Another thing that got me was the ending. It felt a bit too quick, with things coming together too easily. The story didn’t quite go in the way I’d expected, which was great, but I felt the payoff wasn’t quite there. I’m hoping this is due to this book being the first in the series, and that answers and explanations will come with the future books.

Without a doubt, I’m eager to see what book two brings.

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I have read a few Karina Halle books prior to this one and was intrigued by the cover (lets face it, covers draw us in and this one did it job well) and had high hopes. Unfortunately this book fell short for me. I had trouble connecting with the characters, the characters love story fell short, and the big secret was a little weak.

I feel this story had great potential but for me fell short.

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Olivier is French and part of the book is set in France.

So, sign me up.


Olivier meets Sadie when he rescues her from an attacker and finds it appealing that she does not know who he, he is a Dumont and one of the most well-known and richest men in France. This allows for her to experience the most expensive parts of France, the best hotels, cars and experiences...which was also fun for the reader.

Ignoring that he is French (ok, I can't, I admit it) he is also incredibly appealing, and you like him, and you believe in the attraction between them, even though they are from very different worlds.

There is a bit of a suspense element, some secrets that he has with his family and some things that happen that, possibly, need some explanation and leave you with questions, although as this is the 1st in the series, I am guessing that this will all be dealt with by the last story in the series.

I also liked that, while this is the 1st in the series, you didn't feel like it spent too much time introducing other characters who will be the focus of future books.

I enjoyed and recommend this title.

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I had no idea what to expect going into Discretion but it was just delicious. And dark and twisted and dangerous and romantic. Karina Halle roped me in right from the start. And while there were a few bumps along the way, I didn't want to put it down.

I liked Sadie and her sense of adventure. Her cautious free spirit but soft heart. Her first meeting with Oliver was unexpected in the worst kind of way, but thank goodness he was there. Holy hot Frenchman! Oliver was a force. A good guy under all the expensive clothes and fancy one-liners. There was no denying the attraction between these two. They were flirty and funny and trying so hard not to give into what their bodies and hearts were telling them.

But, and I hate to say this, about two thirds of the way through, things started to fall apart for me. As the mystery started to unravel a bit, the danger kicked up and things became a tad predictable. And the connection that Oliver and Sadie had been building came to a stalemate.

Overall, I found Discretion a decent start to an interesting series. There was betrayal and alliances and blackmail and possibly murder...The Dumont family has a lot of issues (and that is putting it very mildly). There were still a lot of unknowns when this one ended and I hope Karina Halle will answer them going forward.

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I adored Karina Halle's "Discretion." The love story between Sadie and Olivier was romantic, sweet, and oh-so-sexy, and there was plenty of intrigue and family drama to keep me turning the pages quickly. I hated to put the book down when real life intruded!

What I love the most about Karina Halle's books is the emotion that is present on every single page. The characters are so real and relatable, and I can go from laughing with them one minute to crying with them the next. That was particularly true of this book and its main characters, Olivier and Sadie. I found both of them to be well-developed and incredibly likeable, and I couldn't help but root for them to find a way to outsmart Olivier's uncle and end up together.

You wouldn't expect Olivier, with his wealthy, privileged background, to be such a genuinely good, nice guy, but he is, and he's exactly what Sadie needs after what she went through with her mom in her childhood and later with the terrible way her ex-boyfriend Tom treated her. But Olivier needs Sadie too. She's like a breath of fresh air for someone in his position, because he is used to being surrounded by models and socialites who just want to use him for his money and position. Sadie doesn't want any of the trappings of Olivier's wealth; she just wants HIM.

Sadie and Olivier certainly faced their share of challenges in this book, but I appreciated that they never doubted each other or their love. They just kept moving forward, adjusting to things as they happened, until they finally found a way to make their relationship work.

I am very much looking forward to the second book in this series to see what happens next with the Dumont family. Surely this can't be how things end with Olivier's uncle and cousin Pascal! Somebody really needs to bring those guys down...

*ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really, really wanted to like this story but there were just too many holes and things that defied rational logic. The biggest problem is there was absolutely no reason found for Olivier and Sadie's love. What did he see in her? What was the attraction? All the reader gets is he rescues her, sets her up in a hotel, lots and lots of sex, undying love. Somewhere there needs to be some understanding of where the actual feelings came from!

There are also so many situations and decisions that make absolutely NO sense whatsoever that I can't even begin to list them all. From the absolutely absurd blackmail device (seriously? A 20 year old who has a very close relationship with his loving family would rather destroy everything than go to his father over a mistake... huh?) to Sadie's decision never to say anything about the threats, to Olivier hiding her and making her show up to events by herself and pretend they don't know each other, to refusing an autopsy when every single thing points to foul-play. And, the really big one at the end where NOTHING is resolved and his decision makes him look like a complete and utter wimp who hides his head in the sand while Rome burns.

Since this is only the second Karina Halle book I have read and I really liked the first, I'm hoping she just had a freakishly bad run so I won't give up completely.... just with this series.

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I’ll spare the recap of the blurb. Discretion was another great read from Karina Halle. She definitely has a way with building characters, flaws and all. One aspect I also thoroughly enjoy in her books are the sub-plots, which Discretion has nailed. I can’t wait for more of this series.

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My Thoughts:

I have read a few books by Karina Halle and really enjoyed them, so when I saw that she was coming out with a new series, I was so excited!!! Needless to say, Discretion moved to the top of my TBR and was featured on my Waiting on Wednesday Post.

Sadie Reynolds is down on her luck. While traveling through The French Riviera, her boyfriend Chuck dumps her. Then when she is running to catch her train to Barcelona, Spain, she gets injured when a thief is trying to steal her pack and purse. A gorgeous, sexy, and sophisticated frenchman rescues her, and just like that, her luck changes!

Olivier Dumont comes from wealth, privilege, and power. His family dynasty owns some of the most luxurious hotels and high-end fashion house's synonymous with Chanel. Unfortunately, there is a lot of family drama, feuding, and a major power struggle taking place in his life. On one end of the battle line, there is Olivier, his adopted sister, Seraphine, and their father. On the other end we have Olivier's Uncle Gautier, and his cousins, Pascal, and Blaise.

Uncle Gautier made a "bargain" with Olivier, for an indiscretion he made ten years ago, when he was twenty; and now Olivier is backed in to a corner. Unfortunately, time is running out for Olivier on his deal/blackmail bargain. When he see's Sadie, he feels an instant attraction, and offers her a place to stay, food to eat, and luxury at her fingertips while she recovers.

Sadie begins her adventure with Olivier by staying in a beautiful villa in one of his family's luxury hotels. She is in awe, as she has lived in a small trailer with her mom all her life, and money has always been a struggle. Sadie is only on vacation for a few more weeks, and then must return to the states to attend college and take care of her mom, but what happens when she falls head over heels in love?

I enjoy stories with travel, where I get to "visit" places that I've never been before. I was excited to "explore" France. Sadie was a likable character, and Olivier was sexy, sophisticated, debonaire, and very attentive. He treated Sadie like a queen, and I swooned every time he spoke French to her. My one conundrum with the story is that I enjoy a slow-burn romance, and Sadie and Olivier had a whirlwind insta-love type relationship. I would have liked more substance and believability to their love.

The passion these two shared was intense, and beyond scorching hot! The love scenes were amazing!!! There was no doubt in my mind that these two couldn't get enough of one another. I loved the way that Olivier attended to Sophie during her injury, the way he wined and dined her, and dazzled her.

The family dynamics kept my eyes glued to the story, and I want more! Seraphine was a wonderful secondary character, and I can't wait to get her story next in Disarm! If you enjoy a story full of steamy sexiness, family drama/feuding, and power plays, you should check out, Discretion!

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A great start to a new series by an author I love. Karina Halle is one of my go to authors.

Oliver is a sexy French man who is a Dumont and most people know him. Sadie is back packing through Europe alone and never expects to get mugged. Thanks to her sexy hero Oliver she gets out of the situation only a little hurt. She is a college student fresh off a breakup. Oliver helps take care of her until she is back on her feet.

Things shouldn’t work between these two because they are so different and come from different worlds. I really enjoyed these characters and their story. I can’t wait for more in this series.

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Olivier was living the typical playboy lifestyle. The heir apparent to a fashion house that rivals Chanel, he's a leading hotelier who happens to have a lot of secrets. Secrets that prevent him from fulfilling his dreams. Secrets that hold him back from true happiness. But something about Sadie has him willing to take a chance, risking it all for the potential for more. Sadie is a college student backpacking through Europe. On the night she's leaving to catch a train to Spain, she's about to be mugged (or worse) when a gorgeous stranger saves her. He even steps it up a notch by taking her to the hospital and then putting her up in a hotel. She's moving up since all she's known for months is the hostel life. But who is this guy? Hot or not, what does he want from her?

For me, this story was all about Olivier. Sadie was just a supporting character and I wasn't all that interested in anything to do with her unless it directly related to something about him. Sorry, not sorry. It's just that Olivier was larger than life and yet ever so humble. He was family-oriented, warm, generous, loving, and extremely hot. From the first moment between him and Sadie, he stole the show. My heart went out to him when it became apparent that he was struggling with something from his past. Although I personally think his secret was lame AF, I don't know what it is to be in the spotlight or have to live up to not only my loved ones expectations, but to have what I do effect a brand's reputation. While I think the secret should have been something more fatalistic, other than that bit of a let down, everything else about this story fed my soul.

As the first book of a new series, I can honestly say I'm sold on continuing with it. I love the idea of the good Dumonts versus the bad ones. I'm a greedy girl for wanting the next book to be Olivier's as well and I'm hoping to have this wish fulfilled. The author did a fantastic job of bringing the romance of France to life and making me fall in love with this hero and I want more!

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Karina Halle has done it again. A beautiful, passionate love story set on the French Rivera that delivered the mystery and intrigue it promised. Sadie is a down on her luck American and Olivier is a billionnaire hotelier. Together they are just adorable. I really loved their interactions together and although I didn't love how part of it felt so rushed I could understand how Olivier and Sadie got so attached to each other. Olivier has been hiding this monumental secret and can't tell anyone he would actually trust, and here comes Sadie. She has nothing to do with that world, and she genuinely likes him for who he is. She has no idea of his family or what it means, but even once she finds out it doesn't matter. It's all very romantic.

The writing is solid, and it's meant to feel a little soap opera-y I think so I won't knock any stars off for that. I think it's a great introduction to the series, I'm pretty excited for the next book because Serafina is one of my favorite side characters of all time. 4 out of 5 stars.

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Received an Advanced Reader’s Copy from publishers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Discretion, as the synopsis suggests, starts off like most poor-girl-in-an-unknown-country meeting-the-rich-play/bad-boy-and-getting-drawn-into-his-world stories. For most of the first half the book reads very typically, there is a lot of steam and not too much story building as such. 

It's only as the story moves further into the second half that the real plot begins to unravel itself, and the world of family, drama, betrayal and politics begin to arise. I was surprised to be taken unawares at one point of the story, staring agape at what I was reading. What made me like the protagonists is what they chase in each other; they find and sense a unique connection and familiarity that they are--to the end--unwilling to give up or let go of. 

However, it is the secondary characters that have me intrigued unlike no other. Namely, Oliver's sister and a certain other character (hehe read and find out) and if it's her book that's coming out next then there's nothing stopping me from buying it. COME TO ME, BOOK NUMERO DUOS!

The ending was simple and pretty congruent to the personality of the protagonist; it was almost too simple and that's why I hadn't guessed it would happen. But it made sense that the protagonist chose to resolve their issues that way because that was the easiest and most consistent-to-them way to do so. It was also one of the most unique endings I have read and it was what elevated the rating for me. 

Four stars simply for the surprises I didn't guess and definitely for the creep factor that one of the characters gave off *shudders*. You can feel the love of the family of the protagonists; there is even a mild mention of mental health and you can pick this up as an easy read, perhaps while on a drive to somewhere.

All you KU subscribers, get on this. <3 

Happy reading!

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|Thank you to @netgalley @amazonpublishing for the digital ARC #partner|

Discretion is the first book in The Dumonts, a new series by author Karina Halle. This series is all about family drama, hidden secrets, and wealthy lifestyles -- and did I mention the book is set in the French Riviera? Talk about an escape for this suburban housewife and mama.

Sadie is traveling in Europe alone (as in she broke up with her cheating boyfriend during their European vacation). He was providing the funds for their trip so she's basically slumming her way through Europe until her return flight to the US. Unfortunately, low funds mean sketchier parts of town and she falls victim to an attempted mugging. Olivier Dumont is a wealthy hotel mogul who's never short of money or women. He happens to be in the right place at the right time, rescues Sadie from her attacker, and then insists on taking care of her. Their attraction and chemistry is apparent instantly but their love story quickly becomes tainted with blackmail, backstabbing family members, deceit, and danger -- all of which threaten to ruin Sadie and Olivier's relationship. 

Discretion is filled with emotion, passionate romance, suspense, intrigue, and lies. This book captured my heart and my attention and wouldn't let go until I'd finished the last page. I still have some secrets to figure out, which is just one of the many reasons I'm already looking forward to the next book in the Dumont series.

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Sometimes I read books that I know will guarantee me an easy HEA and lots and lots of good feels and then there are the times I know a book is going to tear me up inside while taking me down the road towards a tortured happily ever after and that is exactly what Karina’s books do to me. “Discretion” is just one of those books. It is a beautiful love story, but it is a torturous journey towards love and understanding. A journey that takes you, the reader, on a string of highs and lows that reek havoc on your emotions. I love Olivier even though I don’t fully understand him or what motivates him to be how he is because he is such a multifaceted character whose layers peel away slowly as the story progresses. Sadie on the other hand is honest, raw, genuine and you feel every emotion alongside her as the story unfolds. Yet another phenomenal read. I look forward to more books in the Dumont series.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is more romantic suspense with emphasis on the suspense than Karina normal stories and I must say that I loved it.

Sadie Reynolds is a student back packing her way through Europe and she has finally made her way to the Riviera. When she is attacked in a dark alley a man comes to her rescue. That man is Olivier Dumont, billionaire hotelier, and heir to the Dumont fashion fortune. They start an affair after Olivier decides he is willing to risk his secrets coming out to keep her. Will they have a chance at a future or will they be destroyed by all the family secrets he has been keeping

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This is a beautiful second chance love story which is one of my favourite genres. The road for Jolie and Griffin to get a happy ending is not easy. I always prefer when the reader learns about their past and it's not just assumed. When they meet again years later they are not the same people. Jolie is a widow drowning in guilt who has a somewhat dysfunctional family. I admired Jolie so much, she takes hit after hit but doesn't let it take her under. Griffin was determined not to let her get away again and I enjoyed reading his efforts to win her over. A story about love forgiveness and family.

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