Member Reviews

I've been excited to read Karina Halle's first book with Montlake Romance ever since it was announced. Discretion, which kicks off Halle's Dumonts duet, sounded like it had that romantic suspense feel to it that hearkened back to the some of the author's older releases, i.e. The Artists and Dirty Angels trilogies, but maybe with a far more swanky and sophisticated air to it compared to the grittier backdrop of the two aforementioned series. So, this was definitely one of my most anticipated reads for the latter half of this year, what with Halle being a go-to author ever since I first read her Experiment in Terror series.

My absolute favorite thing about this book was the suspense element to it, not that I was all that surprised since this is Karina Halle we're talking about and she's already proven just how good she is when it comes to that. Where the book falters, however, is with the actual romance aspect of it. I liked Sadie; I liked Olivier. Unfortunately, these two simply didn't click with me as a couple, making it near impossible for me to be emotionally invested in their romance, which is, well, a necessary thing for me as a reader. That pains me to even say since Halle is an author whose work I've enjoyed from the get-go. While it did fall short of my expectations, Discretion still gets three stars. ♥

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Down on your luck in Europe and being rescued by a handsome stranger. It almost sounds like a fairytale… Discretion tells the story of Sadie and Olivier, who come from very different worlds. I love them, and their amazing story.

Sadie had big plans for her summer trip to Europe, but the break-up with her boyfriend wasn’t part of those plans. Now Sadie is traveling all alone, on a way tighter budget but still enjoying herself. Olivier is a rich man, working for the company his family has built. With being rich and good-looking Olivier has no problems with finding women, but there’s something different about Sadie. Olivier and Sadie start out as knight and damsel in distress, but soon they’re much more.

Sadie and Olivier can’t be more different; she’s an American student, he’s a French businessman. But for some reason, they just work. Not that Sadie makes it easy for Olivier, it takes a lot of convincing from his side to make her accept his help. I love this! I would be wary as well; alone in a strange city and somebody you don’t know offering you his help. I love Olivier and Sadie together, they’re an amazing couple who deserve everything.

Discretion is the first book in the ‘Dumont Series’, and introduces Sadie and Olivier, as well as the other members of the Dumont family. It’s a world of luxury where money plays no role. Well, kind of, because money can bring out the worst in people. The romance between Olivier and Sadie is a sweet whirlwind, but there’s much more going on. And not all is sweet… I can’t wait for the future books in this series, I need to know more about the Dumont’s and their intrigues.

4.5 stars

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OMG! How can you not fall in love with this book! I have loved so many of Karina’s books , but this one has made it to the top! Oliver and Sadie’s story is one you can submerge yourself in from page 1 .

This book has it all romance, heartache suspense and family drama! I can’t wait for the second book in the dumont series!

Thank you netgalley for my ARC

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I haven’t read too many Karina Halle Books but I really enjoyed this one. The characters were great. I loved Oliver. He was sexy and protective, sweet and loyal. Super rich from the Dumont family. The chemistry he has with Sadie is super intense. I loved her character as well.

The atmosphere of this book makes me want to leave and travel to France! I love books that take place in a foreign country! I’m looking forward to the next book that’s in the series.

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Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I’ve been a fan of Karina Halle since The Swedish Prince. I don’t recall what drew me to her originally (I believe it was the recommendation of another beloved author), but, from the start, I have been drawn to her books. She has this way of writing flawed heroes who aren’t too dark, but they carry some type of secret or worry that inherently derails their journey with the heroine. Inevitably, they work through the hero’s issue and find their happily-ever-after, but there are times when the reader is never quite sure. I’m fairly certain that The Wild Heir is still my favorite Halle book, but I’m currently intrigued by her newest series The Dumonts, starting with Discretion.

Set initially in the chic French Riviera, we meet Sadie. A student from the US who has been living and traveling through Europe in the shadow of a break-up with her boyfriend. She is low on money and coming to end of her journey. As she prepares to leave the French Riviera for Spain, the final jaunt on her journey, she is attacked. In the midst of the attack, a man stops and saves her from her attacker. He is instantly drawn to her and transports her to the hospital for treatment. From that moment, Olivier, the rescuer, and Sadie are connected. He is drawn to her inexplicably at first, and she finds protection with him.

What Sadie doesn’t realize is Olivier hails from one of the richest, most storied French fashion families akin to Chanel. Having branched into the life of a hotelier, Olivier has distanced himself from his famous family. However, this is intentional as he carries a secret, one that potentially dooms their burgeoning relationship. Will Olivier reveal his secret, and will it end his relationship with Sadie? That is the turmoil of this book.

I was reading this book shortly after spending time in Paris, one of the locations in the book, and I found myself walking along Olivier and Sadie. There is something about Paris that underscores the magic of this couple. Olivier is really a dreamy hero. He’s attentive, handsome, rich, and a magician in the bedroom. He recognizes that Sadie is different, and he is drawn to her difference. It changes him in this story, and it’s my favorite part of this book. What may frustrate some readers, me included, is his insistence on holding fast to his secret. He doesn’t tell his father, his siblings, and even Sadie for much of the book. And, of course, that’s the impetus for the drama in Discretion.

As a heroine, Sadie is every woman. I’d love to say that she’s exceptional, but, as a heroine, she really isn’t. She is exceptional in loving and challenging Olivier’s perception of himself. She doesn’t do this consciously, by the way. Olivier’s realization of her power over him comes to him gradually. But this story isn’t about powerful heroines. Instead, it’s a story of intrigue, of power, of debauchery.

The story itself is the driving force behind this book. Yes, Olivier’s journey is my favorite part of Discretion. However, the story pulls you through. It keeps you reading because Discretion is actually more romantic suspense than contemporary romance. There is no resolution to the overarching story in this book, which leads the reader into Disarm, the second book of the series: more intrigue, more struggles for power, more secrets to reveal.

In general, I liked Halle’s Discretion. Like I said at the beginning of this review, Karina Halle is a “go-to” writer for me. Whatever she writes I will read. However, there was some sparkle missing from this book. I felt like the characters weren’t as developed as previous characters in her other books. There was something a bit flat with their development. After reading her acknowledgments, however, I realized that this book was a turning point for her, and it made me love her just a bit more. Do I recommend you read Discretion? Absolutely. My quibble is nothing, really. I simply have an expectation of Halle that is probably unreasonable. You will fall in love with Olivier and Sadie’s story. You will love the intrigue of the story and its supporting characters. And you will remember that Karina Halle has a magical way of telling stories, even with a struggle.

In love and romance,

Professor A

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This book sucked me in right away. I fell in love with the setting, the characters, the drama, and the suspense.

Sadie, an American backpacking alone through Europe after her boyfriend leaves her, is saved by Olivier Dumont. What she doesn’t know is that Olivier is part of one of the most famous fashion families in France. She’s alone and he quickly offers his help. After a lot of convincing, she agrees to take it knowing she doesn’t have much of a choice. Olivier is a very swoony book boyfriend. He’s a little alpha, a lot protective, and extremely sweet.

I absolutely loved the setting for this story. This author does such a good job at setting her books all over the world and brings them to life. I’ve never been to Europe but I felt like I was there right along with these characters.

There are two things I didn’t absolutely love about this book. The first was how insta-lovey the relationship felt. Usually, I can get on board with insta-love, if it’s done well. This felt too rushed and not as realistic as some I’ve read in the past. I wish the timeline had been expanded a little more to make it a little more believable. The second thing was how much was left open at the end of the story. There was so much drama and nothing was really resolved by the end; it just… ended.

There are so many questions I still have about the Dumont family and I am very interested to see how the second book plays out. I’ve read the synopsis of, Disarm, already so I know that Seraphine, Olivier’s sister is the main character. I had a feeling while finishing this book that her hero would be Blaise, their cousin. Now, we know that Seraphine was adopted so she and Blaise aren’t actually related but this will be a bit of a forbidden romance and I can’t wait.

Grateful to have received a complimentary ARC copy to honestly review.

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I love Karina Halle's writing but this story was not able to hold my attention. I chose not to finish reading this book but may try again at another time.

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Dear readers, meet your new Book Boyfriend: Olivier Dumont.

Tall, dark, handsome, successful, and loyal to his family. Well, loyal to his father and siblings, anyway. Uncles and cousins … perhaps not as loyal.

When we meet Olivier, he is twenty and has just made a mistake that causes him to sign a contract with an uncle. As the book unfolds, we learn what prompted this contract as well as its contents. Part of me couldn’t figure out why Olivier signed it because it doesn’t seem like the instigating factor is all that terrible, but to Olivier, it is.

Into his life comes Sadie, an American ostensibly touring Europe with her now ex-boyfriend. Like Olivier, Sadie is loyal to her family. She has an exit date not so much because she needs to get back to her college classes as because she believes she needs to get back to her mother.

When they meet, attraction is immediate. As Sadie tries to put the brakes on, she meets with resistance, both hers and Olivier’s. Meanwhile, his family is up to NO GOOD. Those uncles and cousins? TROUBLE.

Karina Halle plays with the notion of family loyalty and what it means. If your focus is being loyal to your family, when are you loyal to yourself? Sadie’s and Olivier’s families react differently to their struggles, yet even with those differences, Sadie and Olivier place an emphasis on fidelity.

Fear not, this is a Hot Romance Novel with one heck of a Hot Hero. I love Olivier. LOVE HIM. I’m curious as to what future Dumont books mean. This is the first in a series, and while the ending isn’t necessarily a cliffhanger in that the plot you’re most concerned about is resolved, nevertheless Karina Halle leaves you wanting more from Olivier, his brother, and his sister. And Sadie, too.

So strap on your vibrators, girls, and enjoy Olivier Dumont.

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I’m a big fan of this author. If you’ve seen any of our “best of” lists, you already know that. I’m happy to report that her latest release didn’t let me down in any way.

Plot overview: Down-on-her-luck student Sadie Reynolds lucks out in a BIG way when Olivier Dumont saves her from an attacker on the street, then takes it upon himself to take care of her while she recovers from an injury. But everything isn’t exactly rosy in Olivier’s family, and drama and intrigue ensue. It’s a forced proximity, opposites attract romance with a side of romantic suspense.

First of all, I was a big fan of both Sadie and Olivier. They come from two different worlds, but in their hearts, they aren’t that different. They’re both kind, giving, and fiercely protective of their families and loved ones. Sadie is generous with her heart, and Olivier is generous with his money. They were a perfect match for each other and I had no trouble believing that they could build a long, happy life together.

The sexy times in the book are of the oh-holy-hell-that’s-hot variety. There were also plenty of sexy times in the book. This is definitely NOT a chaste, closed door kind of romance. But even so, there weren’t so many sexy times that they got in the way of the character development or plot. There was a nice balance here.

Things really got interesting and suspense-y towards the end of the book. There’s plenty of action and intrigue, and while there are no cliffhangers, there are a few unanswered questions that I imagine will be addressed later in the series. (And I’ll definitely be sticking around to read more of these books, I can promise you that.)

If I was going to nitpick, I guess I wish that Olivier would have told certain members of his family to take a flying leap sooner. (Yes, I’m intentionally being vague so as not to give out any spoilers) But I forgave him because his heart was in the right place. And extra points to Sadie for being nothing but supportive when the truth came out.

So, long-story-short, if you like hot and spicy contemporary romance with a side of action and suspense (not to mention a sexy hero with a hot French accent), Discretion might just be your next 5-star read.

Full disclosure: We received an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley free of charge.

And don't forget to check out the Romance Rehab blog for more rants, raves, book lists, and other fun romance-y stuff:

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I seem to have a love/sorta like relationship with Karina Halle's work. I like the writing, but sometimes the story drags or I'm not feeling the chemistry. This one falls into the not feeling the chemistry category. I just didn't get any depth to their relationship and the "drama" was melodramatic. Now Seraphine's book, however, is something I'm very much looking forward to!

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Discretion is another one of my first read from the author. I have had her other works on my TBR list and finally got to read her. I was telling myself, why didn't I do it sooner. Well, guys, this book just freaking smack me in the face with its awesomeness!

First off and I will try to give little details so not to spoil, the story lulls you into thinking, oh this is romance with some secrets, lies that the hero is hiding from the heroine. Okay, I'm down with that. So there I was, reading, enjoying the passionate, sexy, steamy scenes. Boy, was Olivier hot! May I just say, that I think I'm developing a soft spot for French guys? Olivier is the second French man that I'm seriously crushing on, and I think I will be in for more of these hot guys from this series.

But I digress. So again, I was sitting there and plowing through the story, when I was smacked with a heart stopping twist. I was like, what the what? The story just elevated to romantic suspense-ish and I was drawned in. I couldn't stopped reading. I was flipping through pages because man, the intrigue of this level of family dynasty, riches and fame is something you couldn't run away from. It will pull you in with its drama, suspense, lust for power, money, fame or love, take your pick. This book have it and more. You will ask for more, that one is for sure. Also, can we talk about Pascal, that devious cousin of Olivier? I'm torn between hating him and liking him. He obviously hates his cousins and painted as the bad guy, but was he? I really don't know what to think. This book is driving me crazy with its twists, turns, murder plots and suspense.

And of course, the title Discretion made more sense to me after reading it. And although this is a stand alone and end of course with HEA, I have a feeling that these characters will be seen on the next installment, Disarm. I couldn't wait what will happens next to this Dumont family. I freaking love this!

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So, there’s a reason I should never wait too long to post a review for a book. I read this one a little more than a week ago and the details are already fuzzy in my head. But in my defense, this one has less to do with my memory and more to do with the story. The book wasn’t half as interesting as the blurb made it out to be.

First things first. I didn’t feel the romance at all. It was a case of insta-love. But I could forgive insta-love if the build-up from there is written well. Sure, there’s a lot of sex between the main characters. But there was more sex than actual talking and connecting. I’d have loved something simmering within before they actually started doing the dirty. But nothing like that. It goes from zero to hundred pretty fast.

There’s a part where the heroine decides at the last moment to stay back and spend some more time with the hero, a big effing decision. But the way she goes ahead with it, and the way the hero reacts? They might as well have decided to stay back at home instead of going to a party. I did not feel any excitement. If you want to sell the story of a girl being taken on the ride of her life and make some big decisions for the sake of a guy within a few days of meeting him, you don’t rush it like that. You gotta make every moment between the couple count. But it was too rushed.

The whole premise kind of felt stupid to me. How the hero is forced to give up everything because of one ‘discretion’. The prologue made it out to be a momentous thing. But when the whole thing came out, I just found the whole reason stupid. I felt incredulous at the series of things that kept happening. The plot was predictable, suspense element was dull, and villains unconvincing. And that ending just came off as a cop-out. There was no real resolution or closure.

I think ultimately, the story lacked any real meat. There was nothing new about the setup. So it all had to come down to the writing. But the author let me down. I’ve read her books before and I know she can do much better. That’s a big reason I requested the ARC. But this was a forgettable fare by her. Another series I don’t think I’ll continue with.

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Discretion est le nouveau roman VO de Karina Halle et le héros est un célibataire français riche et héritier d'un énorme empire . Quand il va rencontrer notre héroïne , elle va chambouler sa vie et y apporter une fraîcheur et une sincérité qu'il n'a pas connu depuis très longtemps .

Olivier Dumont a tout pour être heureux : il est beau , les femmes se jettent à ses pieds et sa fortune est intarissable. Pourtant dès le prologue , on sent que sa vie n'est pas aussi idyllique qu'il n'y paraît . C'est d'ailleurs pour cette raison qu'il a fui la capitale pour le sud de la France . Dans cette ruelle , il va venir sauver cette jeune femme qui ne parle pas français et qui s'est blessée . J'ai aimé découvrir ce personnage car il est plein de surprises et il saura nous charmer au fil des pages . Il a ses failles et il va payer un lourd tribut le piteux choix qu'il a fait . Pourtant quand Sadie va entrer dans sa vie, il va devenir un autre homme et son entourage en aura très vite conscience . Son père Ludovic a beau lui mettre la pression pour reprendre les rênes de l'entreprise , il sentira que son fils pourrait être enfin heureux. Sa sœur Seraphine est aussi un sacré numéro et elle saura pointer du doigt les évidences . Pourra t il affronter ses cousins et son oncle pour enfin laisser le passé derrière lui ?

Sadie Reynolds est une jeune femme de 23 ans qui a décidé de faire le tour de l'Europe avec seulement un sac à dos . Le plan de départ était de le faire avec son petit ami Tom mais quand elle découvrira que son honnêteté à son égard n'a pas été à la hauteur de ses espoirs , elle va tout de même continuer seule . Elle va faire face au danger mais telle une princesse en détresse elle sera aidée par un preux chevalier qui va mettre sa vie sans dessus dessous . Elle va découvrir un univers qui est à des années lumières du sien et pourtant elle saura trouver sa place. L'alchimie entre elle et Olivier est évidente et elle prendra des risques en restant à ses côtes . Non seulement sa vie est pleine de danger mais son cœur pourrait lui aussi connaître des rebondissements incroyables. Pourra t elle tout laisser de côté et sa vie à Seattle pour vivre son conte de fées ?

Bref , j'ai passé un bon moment de lecture avec ce premier tome de la saga des Dumont . Le prochain tome se focalisera sur Blaise et Seraphine et je suis donc sûre que nous passerons un excellent moment au cœur d'une intrigue aussi palpitante que celle ci .

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Hot, sexy, and scandalous with a dash of suspense, Discretion by Karina Halle is the first book in her new series The Dumomts.

The chemistry between Sadie and Olivier is off the charts and these two fell in love fairly quickly, but can love conquer all of the secrets and lies that are hiding in the Dumont family's closet?

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QueenZany 4 Star Review
by Karina Halle

Discretion is a tangled web of twist turns and oh the Parisien delights,
OMG! just delightful and full of deliciousness that will make you quiver with joy.
Then leave your jaw hanging wide open with all the sinfulness and drama that takes place.

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I will always love anything Karina Halle writes!!! Love and adore her writing and this read didn't disappoint. Not my favorite from her, but I throughly enjoyed this one. Who wouldn't love falling in love in Paris!!! Oliver and Sadie take us on a ride of finding happiness. Definitely grab this if you are looking for a sweet, easy, and enjoyable read!!!

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This was so good! This his was my first book by this author and I have to say I was really impressed. The story is addictive and I didn't want to stop. Features a yummy hero and a spunky heroine. I really enjoyed their story. It was very steamy as well. Not enough to burn the pages, that's for sure. I highly recommend this book!

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Karina Halle’s signature brooding alpha male with a rich family pedigree of secrets and lies and a past that always seems to threaten to wreak havoc on his present holds true for Halle’s most recent hero, Olivier Dumont. Olivier is definitely the quintessential eligible bachelor: he’s a playboy who is beholden to his family name, and that comes with a price - one that he has seemingly paid for, for almost a decade due to an indiscretion that he won’t allow to reflect poorly on the rest of his family.

Sadie Reynolds is unfamiliar with the inner workings of the infamous Dumont name and the fortune that comes along with it, and that’s partly because her life is in direct contrast to Olivier’s and the fact that their initial meeting occurred when Olivier saved Sadie from being mugged, so there was already a bit of hero worshipping in place and well as an instant spark between them that refused to lessen even when Sadie finds out her savior’s last name and everything that comes with being a Dumont. And while that knowledge becomes quite overwhelming for Sadie, Olivier refuses to allow their differences or the obstacles that seem to be rallying against them.

I really liked how Halle characterized Sadie. Her personality is refreshing to Olivier simply because there are no pretenses when it comes to who she is or what she wants for him. Her humbleness and her passion are two things that draw him to her, endear her to him, and it’s her nature that keeps him pushing forward, attempting to deal with his mistakes while also ensuring that Sadie’s protected, which, at times, doesn't seem possible.

The story line is filled with deceit, manipulation, and ulterior motives, which all factor into the obstacles and struggles that Olivier and Sadie face throughout the course of their romance, and while things seemed to happen instantly between them and some of the drama driving the plot line forward was not as dense or as fleshed out as I thought it needed to be, I enjoyed Discretion. I’m a huge fan of Karina Halle’s writing and the way she constructs the worlds where her stories take place, and I look forward to the other stories in the series and how the Dumonts handle everything that is undoubtedly headed their way.

4 Poison Apples

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Sadie is a broke college student backpacking around Europe. Olivier is a rich hotelier who has secrets that keep him from living his life. These two together turn their somewhat boring, going through the motions life into a whirl wind romance full of suspense and surprises.

At first, I thought this story was a little flat. The connection was insta-love, and it didn’t seem realistic. Once I made it past the “vacation” part of the romance, I was hooked. I am so glad I stuck with this book, because the second half is what we have all grown to love about Karina’s writing.

The characters were so in love and you could tell they loved each other by the way they reacted in certain situations. Even the communication about their true feelings was great. They never left anything up for interpretation and were up front about everything.

The suspense had me flipping pages as fast as I could. I knew something was up, but I needed answers. Some of these questions were answered and hopefully some will be answered in the next book because they deal more with Olivier’s sister. I can’t wait for her book and I feel like the twists are going to keep on coming.

-An Arc was generously provided in exchange for an honest review.-

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Discretion by Karina Halle is the start of new series, The Dumonts, and tells the story of Sadie Reynolds and Oliver Dumont. They meet when Oliver comes to the Sadie’s rescue. Oliver is immediately drawn to Sadie and the sparks fly. But mix in his family dynamics (not always good) and their budding romance and things are not so easy for them right from the start.

Sadie is a bit lost but determined. Oliver struggles with a past decision but is finding his way. Now they are pulled together and Sadie suddenly finds herself mixed up in Oliver’s world, not necessarily a good thing. Discretion by Karina Halle was intriguing read with a bit of suspense.

Happy reading!

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